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Aeschynanthus speciosus, also known as the Basket plant, is a species of flowering plant in the family Gesneriaceae.
Ajuga pyramidalis, commonly known as pyramidal bugle, is a flowering plant of the genus Ajuga in the family Lamiaceae.
Asperula cynanchica (squinancywort or squincywort) is a species of flowering plant in the Rubiaceae family.
Asperula orientalis (or Oriental Woodruff) is a species of flowering plant in the Rubiaceae family.
Aucuba is a genus of three to ten species of flowering plants, now placed in the family Garryaceae, although formerly classified in the Aucubaceae or Cornaceae.
Azorella is a genus of about 70 species of flowering plants in the family Araliaceae, native to South America, New Zealand and the islands of the Southern Ocean.
Cardamine pratensis (cuckoo flower or lady's smock), is a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae, native throughout most of Europe and Western Asia.
Caucalis daucoides is a species of flowering plant in the Apiaceae, the only member of the genus Caucalis.
Convolvulus cneorum, also known as silverbush, is a species of flowering plant in the family Convolvulaceae, which contains many plants described as "bindweed".
Cornus florida (flowering dogwood) is a species of flowering plant in the family Cornaceae native to eastern North America, from southern Maine west to southern Ontario, Illinois, and eastern Kansas, and south to northern Florida and eastern Texas, with a disjunct population in Nuevo León and Veracruz in eastern Mexico.
stolonifera, Swida sericea, (red osier dogwood) is a species of flowering plant in the family Cornaceae, native throughout northern and western North America from Alaska east to Newfoundland, south to Durango and Nuevo León in the west, and Illinois and Virginia in the east.
Cotoneaster kaschkarovii is a species of flowering plant in the Rosaceae family that can be found in Kangding and Sichuan provinces of China, and also in Batang, Olunschi and Natschuka.
The word cypress is also used as a descriptor for the angiosperm vine in the bindweed family Convolvulaceae, known as the cypress vine (Ipomoea quamoclit).
Deschampsia antarctica (Antarctic hair grass) is one of two flowering plants native to Antarctica, the other being Colobanthus quitensis (Antarctic pearlwort).
Dodecatheon dentatum is a species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae, known by the common names white shooting star and toothed American cowslip.
Dryas octopetala (common names include mountain avens, white dryas, and white dryad) is an Arctic–alpine flowering plant in the family Rosaceae.
Epigaea is a genus comprising three species of flowering plants in the Ericaceae.
In cool temperate climates, fewer plants are evergreen, with a predominance of conifers, as few evergreen broadleaf plants can tolerate severe cold below about −30 °C.
Fumaria occidentalis, the western ramping-fumitory, is a species of flowering plant in the genus Fumaria that is endemic to Cornwall.
Hornungia alpina (also Hutchinsia alpina or Pritzelago alpina) is a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae.
Impatiens hawkeri (New Guinea impatiens) is a species of flowering plant in the family Balsaminaceae.
With her second husband, John, she created and owned Andromeda Gardens, a scenic park with strikingly attractive flowering plants and tropical trees in the village of Bathsheba, Saint Joseph in Barbados.
Iris macrosiphon (Bowltube Iris) is a flowering plant in the iris family, endemic to California in the Cascade Range Foothills, north and central Sierra Nevada Foothills, Inner North Coast Ranges, and San Francisco Bay Area, where it occurs in sunny grasslands, meadows, and open woodlands.
Lamium maculatum (also known as spotted deadnettle, spotted henbit and purple dragon) is a species of flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae, native throughout Europe and temperate Asia (Lebanon, Syria and Turkey).
Laurence Edgar Skog (born April 9, 1943) is an American botanist who specializes on the flowering plant family Gesneriaceae.
Linum narbonense (perennial flax or blue flax), is a flowering plant in the family Linaceae, native to Europe and similar in appearance to Linum perenne.
Lithops karasmontana (Karas Mountains living stone) is a species of flowering plant in the ice plant family Aizoaceae, native to Namibia and South Africa (the name refers to the Great Karas Mountains of Namibia).
Lupinus apertus, summit lupine, is a species of flowering plant from the order of Lamiales which is native to Nevada and California.
Lupinus kingii, King's Lupine, is a species of flowering plant from the order of Lamiales which can be found in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah.
Lupinus kuschei, Yukon lupine, is a species of flowering plant from the order of Lamiales which can be found in Alaska and Western Canada.
Lupinus lyallii, common names of which are Lobb's Lupine and Lobb's tidy lupine, is a species of flowering plant from the order of Lamiales which can be found in California and everywhere else in the western North America.
Maianthemum trifolium (syn. Smilacina trifolia, Three-leaf Solomon’s-seal, three-leaf Solomon’s-plume, smilacine trifoliée) is a species of flowering plant that is native to Canada and the northeastern United States, from Yukon and British Columbia east to Newfoundland and south to Delaware.
Mimulus rupicola, the Death Valley monkeyflower, is a flowering plant in the family Phrymaceae.
Camas bulbs, coming from a widespread flowering plant in the basin, was their primary staple throughout the year.
; also called magenta plant, or lá cẩm in Vietnamese) is a flowering plant in the family Acanthaceae, native to southeastern Asia from Assam south to Sri Lanka and east to mainland Southeast Asia, Java, southern China, and Taiwan.
Piper lolot (lolot) is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its leaf which is used in Lao and Vietnamese cuisine as a flavoring wrap for grilling meats, namely the thịt bò nướng lá lốt sausages of Vietnam.
Rhododendron crassifolium is a species of tropical rhododendron, a perennial flowering plant belonging to the Ericaceae family.
Scolymus hispanicus (common golden thistle or Spanish oyster thistle) is a flowering plant in the genus Scolymus in the family Asteraceae, native to southern and western Europe, north to northwestern France.
Serissa is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae, containing only one species, Serissa japonica.
The vegetation is classified as wet sclerophyll forest with the dominant tree species the Mountain Ash, Eucalyptus regnans, the tallest flowering plant in the world.
Sladeniaceae is a family of flowering plants containing tree species found in sub-tropical to tropical environments in East Africa (Ficalhoa), Burma, Yunnan and Thailand (Sladenia).
Other ingredients include extracts of chamomile, a daisy-like plant with "a calming agent to fend off stress ... and ease digestion", passiflora, a genus of about 500 species of flowering plants with "anti-depressant and relaxing" properties, valerian, a herb that "relieves symptoms of nervousness", Tilia cordata, a linden tree known for "facilitating sleep", and hops, a "nerve calming" flowering plant.
Smyrnium olusatrum L, common name Alexanders is a cultivated flowering plant, belonging to the family Apiaceae (or Umbelliferae).
Three species of Euphrasia (a semi-parasitic, herbaceous flowering plant commonly known as eyebright) are found only in Tasman National Park.
Tibouchina heteromalla, known by the common names silverleafed princess flower in English and quaresmeira in Brazilian Portuguese, is a species of evergreen flowering plant in the genus Tibouchina of the family Melastomataceae.
Wightia speciosissima is a species of flowering plant in the family Paulowniaceae, and the only species in the genus Wightia.
Yareta (Azorella compacta, also known as "Llareta" in Spanish or Azorella yareta in the past) is a tiny flowering plant in the family Apiaceae native to South America, occurring in the Puna grasslands of the Andes in Peru, Bolivia, the north of Chile and the west of Argentina at between 3,200 and 4,500 metres altitude.
Aristeguietia glutinosa, the matico, a flowering plant species found only in Ecuador
Amaranthus greggii, the Gregg's amaranth or Josiah amaranth, an annual flowering plant species native to Texas, Louisiana and Mexico
Bonamia ovalifolia is a species of flowering plant in the morning glory family known by the common name bigpod lady's nightcap.
Ceanothus cyaneus, the San Diego buckbrush or lakeside ceanothus, a flowering plant species found in California and Baja California
Chlorogalum purpureum, the purple amole, a flowering plant species endemic to California
Calophyllum robustum, a flowering plant species found only in Papua New Guinea
Camelina sativa, the gold-of-pleasure or false flax, a flowering plant species native to Northern Europe and to Central Asia
Cytisus striatus, the Portuguese broom, a flowering plant species native to the Iberian Peninsula
Calochortus superbus, the superb mariposa lily, a flowering plant species
Campanula glomerata, known by the common names clustered bellflower or Dane's blood, is a species of flowering plant in the genus Campanula, belonging to the family Campanulaceae.
Collinsia sparsiflora is a flowering plant in the Plantaginaceae known by the common names spinster's blue-eyed Mary and few-flowered collinsia.
Cryptantha flavoculata is a species of flowering plant in the borage family known by the common name roughseed cryptantha.
Desert-rose or Adenium, a flowering plant in tropical Africa and Arabia
Draba fladnizensis is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family known by the common names arctic draba, Austrian draba, and white arctic whitlow-grass.
Encelia californica, the California brittlebush, a flowering plant species native to southern California and Baja California
Gentiana alba, the pale gentian, white gentian or cream gentian, a herbaceous flowering plant species
Gutierrezia californica, the San Joaquin snakeweed and California matchweed, a flowering plant species native to California and Baja California
Geum macrophyllum, the largeleaf avens, a flowering plant found In Northern America
Grindelia nana, the Idaho gumplant or Idaho gumweed, a flowering plant species
Galium parisiense is a species of flowering plant in the family Rubiaceae known by the common name wall bedstraw.
Heuchera elegans, the urn-flowered alumroot, a flowering plant species endemic to California
Hugueninia tanacetifolia, the Tansy-leaved rocket, is a species of flowering plant in the monotypic genus Hugueninia belonging to the mustard family.
Ipomoea alba, the moonflower or moon vine, a flowering plant species native to tropical and subtropical regions of the New World, from northern Argentina to Mexico and Florida.
Ipomopsis spicata, the spiked ipomopsis, a flowering plant species in the genus Ipomopsis
Serissa: This is a delicate flowering plant with tiny leaves that can grow indoors year round.
Parthenocissus tricuspidata, also known as Japanese creeper, Boston ivy, Grape ivy, Japanese ivy, a flowering plant in the grape family (Vitaceae) native to eastern Asia in Japan, Korea, and northern and eastern China
Kallstroemia californica,the California caltrop, a flowering plant species native to the deserts of the southwestern United States and Mexico
Limnanthes alba, the white meadowfoam, a flowering plant species native to California and Oregon
Lindernia dubia, the yellowseed false pimpernel or moist bank pimpernel, a flowering plant species
Leucanthemum maximum, the max chrysanthemum, a flowering plant species native to France and Spain
Lamium purpureum, the red deadnettle, purple deadnettle or purple archangel, a herbaceous flowering plant species native to Europe and Asia
Leucanthemum vulgare, the oxeye daisy, a widespread flowering plant species
Dictyosperma - A monotypic genus of flowering plant in the palm family
Medicago arabica, the spotted medick, spotted burclover, heart clover, a flowering plant species native to the Mediterranean basin
Madia sativa, the coast tarweed or Chilean tarweed, a flowering plant species native to the Americas
Monardella australis is a species of flowering plant in the mint family known by the common name southern monardella.
Monardella viridis is an uncommon species of flowering plant in the mint family which is endemic to California.
The mushroom was originally found growing on the fallen leaves of Elaeocarpus dentatus, a species of flowering plant in the Elaeocarpaceae family.
Navarretia hamata is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common name hooked pincushionplant.
Oxalis pes-caprae, the Bermuda buttercup, African wood-sorrel, Bermuda sorrel, buttercup oxalis, Cape sorrel, English weed, goat's-foot, sourgrass, soursob or soursop, a flowering plant species
Physaria globosa (syn. Lesquerella globosa), is a species of flowering plant in the mustard family commonly known as globe bladderpod, Short's bladderpod, and Lesquereux's mustard.
Khat or Qat, a flowering plant native to the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula
Ruta graveolens, the common rue or herb-of-grace, a flowering plant species native to the Balkan Peninsula
Lantana camara, also known as Spanish Flag, a species of flowering plant
Saltugilia splendens (syn. Gilia splendens) is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common names Grinnell's gilia and splendid gilia.
The forests around Shingletown are home to the Shasta clarkia a rare subspecies of Clarkia borealis, a flowering plant in the evening primrose family.
Verbena hastata, the blue vervain or swamp verbena, a flowering plant species
Arnica montana, a European flowering plant in European cities on roofs
Xenophyllum roseum, a species of flowering plant found only in Ecuador