
unusual facts about grasses

Amblyscirtes vialis

The larvae feed on various grasses including wild oats Avena, Agrostis, Poa, Cynodon dactylon and Chasmanthium latifolia.

Amphipoea oculea

The larvae feed on the stems and roots of various grasses and low plants, including Petasites hybridus.


The washed soil sprouts grasses in the brief rainy season, some small Dun palms (Hyphaene thebaica), Acacia and Calotropis procera, while the sandy bottom land to the west of the town can be thick with palms and is suitable for irrigated agriculture.

Apamea anceps

The larvae feed on the flowers and leaves of various grasses, including Poa annua and Dactylis glomerata.

Archer's Lark

The grasses in their habitat, which they need to survive are being destroyed by the Parthenium hysterophorus weed.

Artemisia pedatifida

It grows with many types of grasses and a few shrubs such as Gardner's saltbush (Atriplex gardneri) and winterfat (Krascheninnikovia lanata).


They largely feed on grasses and aquatic plants, foremost on Saccharum, Imperata cylindrica, Narenga porphyrocoma, Phragmites karka, Oryza rufipogon, Hygroryza and Hydrilla.

Beverley Brook

Beverley Brook creates a water feature used by deer, smaller animals and water grasses and some water lilies in Richmond Park (where it is followed by the Tamsin Trail and Beverley Walk).

Blumeria graminis

Other formae speciales are pathogenic on wild grasses, including agropyri on grasses in the genera Agropyron and Elymus, bromi on Bromus spp.

Calisto israeli

The species seems to be associated with climbing grasses, such as Arthrostylidium pinifolia and Chusquea species.

Charles Edward Hubbard

Hubbard published a long series of scientific articles, chiefly on the grasses of Europe and tropical Africa, but also covering the grasses of the West Indies, Mauritius, Malaya and Fiji.

Costa Rican páramo

The páramo proper lies above the subpáramo, and is dominated by grasses, rushes, herbs, and low shrubs of the families Gramineae, Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Rosaceae and Ericaceae.

Culladia cuneiferellus

The larvae feed on various grasses, including Cynodon dactylon and are considered a pest on lawns and pastures.

Dent corn

It is categorized as a species within the Family Poaceae, subfamily Panicoideae, and tribe Andropogoneae—a tribe of grasses that use the NADP–malic enzyme subtype of C4 photosynthesis in carbon fixation.

Dolichoderus mariae

It was found that the worker ants remove soil from under clumps of wiregrass, other grasses or other fibrous rooted plants such as blackberry (Rubus spp.) or cattails (Typha spp.).

Duffy's Peak

The soils of the area are moderately deep silt loams that support mesquite, yucca, cacti, and grasses.


Epichloë species and their close relatives, the Neotyphodium species, are systemic and constitutive symbionts of cool-season grasses (Poaceae subfamily Pooideae), and belong to the fungal family Clavicipitaceae.

Etosha pan

The salt desert supports very little plant life except for the blue-green algae that gives the Etosha its characteristic colouring, and grasses like Sporobolus spicatus which quickly grow in the wet mud following a rain.

Geography of Namibia

A number of Acacia species are found here, as well as grasses and other shrubby vegetation.

Geronimo Creek

The creek passes through steep to gently sloped terrain that is surfaced by clay and sandy loams that support scrub brush, honey mesquite, huisache and natural grasses including "Texas spur".

Harrington's mountain goat

Their diet seems to have consisted of both grasses and browsing of conifers such as spruce, Douglas fir, limber pine, and water birch.

History of plant systematics

Ray, who listed over 18,000 plant species in his works, is credited with establishing the monocot/dicot division and some of his groups — mustards, mints, legumes and grasses — stand today (though under modern family names).

Juniperus virginiana

Many grasses are C4 plants that concentrate CO2 levels in their bundle sheaths to increase the efficiency of RuBisCO, the enzyme responsible for photosynthesis, while Junipers are C3 plants that rely on (and may benefit from) the natural CO2 concentrations of the environment, although they are less efficient at fixing CO2 in general.


Like all equids, kiangs are herbivores, feeding on grasses and sedges, especially Stipa, but also including other local plants such as bog sedges, Carex, and meadow grass.

Kittitas County, Washington

The genus of ricegrass known as Oryzopsis was one of the earliest grasses classified within the county.

Leucania loreyi

Other recorded food plant include various grasses, such as Oryza, Paspalum, Saccharum, Triticum and Zea species.


Rainfall is erratic and the vegetation is savanna dominated by grasses and Mopane trees.

Malcolm Reed

Reed is allergic to dust mites, oak pollen, tropical grasses, and various plant enzymes, including bromelin, which, ironically, is found in pineapple, his favorite food.

Mesapamea secalis

The larvae feed on the stems of various grasses, including Gramineae, Phleum and Alopecurus species, Triticum aestivum, Secale cereale, Elytrigia repens, Elymus arenarius, Dactylis glomerata and Festuca arundinacea.

Metrosideros polymorpha

Alien grasses such as meadow ricegrass (Ehrharta stipoides) may form an understory that prevents or inhibits natural regeneration of the forests.

Miramella alpina

They feed on grasses, lichens, mosses and various herbaceous plants, with a preference for Vaccinium species.

Mount Kelam

Leptospermum trees form a sparse canopy on the mountain's upper slopes, while grasses and Sphagnum moss cover the ground.

New Guinea Highlands

The alpine habitat above 4,000 metres consists of compact rosette and cushion herbs, such as Ranunculus, Potentilla, Gentiana, and Epilobium, grasses (Poa and Deschampsia), bryophytes, and lichens.

Ochsenheimeria taurella

The larvae feed on various coarse grasses, including Dactylis glomerata and Poa species.

Oligonychus sacchari

The main plant host for O. sacchari is sugar cane, but it also been observed on other grasses, including Bambusa arundinacea, Setaria italica, Sorghum arundinaceum, Sorghum halepense and Sorghum vulgare, and an orchid of the genus Dendrobium.


The herbage and seeds of these grasses are food for herbivores, such as the Chestnut-breasted Mannikin (Lonchura castaneothorax), the caterpillar of the butterfly Melanitis phedima, and the larvae of the fly genus Delia.

Phytoecia virgula

They feed on a wide variety of plants and grasses, including Achillea millefolium, wormwood (Artemisia), carrot (Daucus), tansy (Tanacetum), Inula and hawkweed (Hieracium).


Besides the plant remains that might have been expected, such as cycads and conifers, discoveries published in 2005 revealed an unexpectedly wide range of monocotyledons, including palms and grasses (Poaceae), including ancestors of rice and bamboo, which has given rise to speculation that herbivorous dinosaurs and grasses co-evolved.

South West Wilderness

The exposed and more infertile areas, particularly around the extreme south-west, consist largely of low growing native grasses such as the unusual buttongrass, heaths, and hardy melaleucas.

Southern Alps

Plants adapted to the alpine conditions include woody shrubs like Hebe, Dracophyllum, and Coprosma, the conifer Snow Totara (Podocarpus nivalis) and Carex sedge grasses.

Southern hairy-nosed wombat

Southern hairy-nosed wombats, along with other wombat species, select native perennial grasses and sedges, but do consume introduced pasture species, forbs, and the leaves of woody shrubs if their favoured food is not available.

Splendid Fairywren

The nest is built by the female; it is a round or domed structure made of loosely woven grasses and spider webs, with an entrance in one side close to the ground and well-concealed in thick and often thorny vegetation, such as Acacia pulchella or a species of Hakea.


Examples of food items eaten by springbok are grasses, such as Themeda triandra, and succulent plants, such as Lampranthus.

Swami Keshwanand

By one account: "There was no vegetation left on the ground. There was no drop of water. All the animals died for want of fodder. People survived on grasses and the bark of "Khejri" trees. Even that also became scarce. There was nothing like governance. The ruling Samants were least bothered for the poor people....".

Venustiano Carranza, D.F.

In the parks and other green spaces of the borough, trees such as ash, white cedar, cypress, fig and Indian laurel, various scrubs and grasses can be found.

Whitton Bridge Pasture

Such grasses would allow a build up of dead organic matter, which together with the increased growth, would reduce the growth of less vigorous species.

Wilhelm Normann

From 1917, Normann built a fat hardening factory in Antwerp for the margarine company SAPA Societe anonyme des grasses, huiles et produits africaines, which operated in India.

Zacatecan deer mouse

As it alternative name of "southern rock deermouse" implies, is often found in rocky or broken terrain, where the common vegetation tends to be grasses, acacia, and shrubs such as acuhual.

see also