
unusual facts about letters-patent

Anthony Hollander

In 2009, Biddy Baxter, the editor of the children's television programme Blue Peter published a selection of children's letters received by the Blue Peter team.

Apotex Inc. v. Wellcome Foundation Ltd.

The Court rejected a challenge by the generic drug manufacturers Novopharm and Apotex to declare Glaxo Wellcome's patent for AZT, an AIDS-fighting drug, invalid.

Bali White

"Letters to the Editors RE: Butch/Femme, F2M, Pregnant Man, TrannyBoi: Gender Issues in the Lesbian Community." Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 14.3 (2010): 257-58.

Big Two-Hearted River

In January 1925, while wintering in Schruns, Austria, waiting for a response from query letters written to friends and publishers in America, Hemingway submitted the story to be published in his friend Ernest Walsh's newly established literary magazine This Quarter.

Cary Sherman

He is an officer of the board of the Levine School of Music in Washington, D.C., and has also served in advisory roles for the Anti-Defamation League, BNA’s Patent, Trademark and Copyright Journal, the Washington Area Lawyers for the Arts, The Computer Law Association, the Copyright Society, and The Computer Lawyer.

Castle Mill

Oxford University donors, such as Michael Moritz, and the University's Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Andrew Hamilton, have also been targeted with letters by the protesters, warning that the buildings "blot out the unique view of Oxford's Dreaming Spires from Port Meadow".

Charles Stuart, Duke of Kendal

He was designated Duke of Kendal and was to have been created Duke of Kendal, Earl of Wigmore and Baron of Holdenby, but no patent was ever enrolled.

Dimissorial letters

Dimissorial letters (in Latin, litterae dimissoriae) are testimonial letters given by a bishop or by a competent religious superior to his subjects in order that they may be ordained by another bishop.

Ethel MacDonald

In the crackdown following the events of May 1937 she assisted the escape of anarchists wanted by the Communist secret police and smuggled into prison letters and food for fellow anarchists held by regional authorities.

Gerard de Ridefort

This provoked a complaint from the city's defender, Conrad of Montferrat, in letters of 20 September 1188 to Baldwin of Exeter and Frederick Barbarossa: "...graver still, the Master of the Temple has made off with the King of England's alms".

Giovanni Antoniano

He also published (Cologne, 1560) the writings of Paulinus of Nola, and the letters of St. Jerome in Antwerp, in 1568.

Harmonic drive

The basic concept of strain wave gearing (SWG) was introduced by C.W. Musser in his 1957 patent.

Henry Ellsworth

Henry Leavitt Ellsworth (1791–1858), Commissioner of the U.S. Patent Office

Henry Howard, 1st Earl of Northampton

He tried by frequent letters to Burghley and to Christopher Hatton to keep himself in favour with the queen's ministers, and managed to offer satisfactory explanations when it was reported in 1574 that he was exchanging tokens with Mary, Queen of Scots.


He sent letters and poetry to Adela of Normandy advising her on clemency, and praised her regency of Blois.

History of the Puritans in North America

In 1620, after receiving a patent from the London Company, the Pilgrims left for New England on board the Mayflower, landing at Plymouth Rock.

Java Champions

In 2006, the Java Champions supported Michael Kölling in his attempts to get Microsoft to withdraw their patent application that would have stopped BlueJ.


The Jean Chrétien Pledge to Africa Act, a piece of Canadian patent legislation allowing the manufacture and export of medicines to countries without local manufacturing capacity

John Seddon of Warrington

A selection from his letters and papers was edited by Robert Brook Aspland, in the Christian Reformer (1854 pp. 224 sq., 358 sq., 613 sq., 1855 pp. 365 sq.).

John T. Parsons

(Bendix Corporation was an initial license taker of the patent, in 1955, and eventually bought all the rights to it.)

Joseph Severn

While in Rome during the winter of 1820-21, Severn wrote numerous letters about Keats to their mutual friends in England, in particular William Haslam and Charles Armitage Brown, who then shared them with other members of the Keats circle, including the poet's fiancée, Fanny Brawne.

Kenneth W. Rendell

Another of Rendell's interests is the American West, and in 2004–5 the Museum of Our National Heritage in Lexington, Massachusetts, mounted an exhibition of letters, diaries, artifacts and art from his collection, acquired over decades.


In 1969, former Montana Governor Tim M. Babcock bought the station and changed the station's call letters to KTCM (Television for the Capitol of Montana).


On June 24, 2008, KKTU-LP changed its call letters to KDEV-LP, after KDEV changed its call sign to KQCK.

Lewis Benson

T. Canby Jones, onetime Professor of Religion and Philosophy at Wilmington College, and author of George Fox's Attitude Toward War and "The Power of the Lord Is Over All": The Pastoral Letters of George Fox, said,

Louise DeSalvo

She has edited editions of Woolf's first novel Melymbrosia, as well as The Letters of Vita Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf, which documents the controversial lesbian affair between these two novelists.

Love Comes Quickly

The cover, featuring Chris Lowe in a baseball cap emblazoned with "BOY" in block letters, has become an iconic Pet Shop Boys image.

Miller cycle

The Miller cycle was patented by Ralph Miller, an American engineer, US patent 2817322 dated Dec 24, 1957.

Mitchell Campbell King

Bismarck's letters to him are preserved in the U.S. Library of Congress, while some of King's letters are kept by the Otto-von-Bismarck-Stiftung in Friedrichsruh near Hamburg (Germany), which is a commemorative German Government Foundation in memory of the Chancellor of the German Empire (similar to the Presidential libraries in the United States).


The United States Patent and Trademark Office launched a reexamination of the patent covering Singulair on May 28, 2009.

P. M. Forni

Forni received his undergraduate degree in Letters and Philosophy from the University of Pavia and his Ph.D. in Italian literature from UCLA.

Peter Elbow

Elbow cites diaries, letters, stories, poems, and so forth as ways that students write for themselves with no teachers involved.

Phil Graham

The following year the Post/CBS joint venture bought the CBS-affiliated television station in Washington, and changed the call letters to WTOP-TV, and in 1953 the company bought WMBR radio and WMBR-TV in Jacksonville, Florida.

Pizza saver

In 1985, Carmela Vitale of Dix Hills, New York, was issued a patent for a plastic 3-legged tripod stool that would sit in the middle of the box and keep the top from sagging into pizza, cakes or other foods kept in a box.

Pope Dionysius of Alexandria

Only one original letter survives to this day; the remaining letters are excerpted in the works of Eusebius.

Provisional application

The provisional application was introduced to U.S. patent law with a 1994 amendment of the Patent Act of 1952.

Richard Gwinnett

Their letters were subsequently published in two volumes entitled 'Pylades and Corinna; or memoirs of the lives, amours, and writings of R. G. and Mrs. E. Thomas, jun.… containing the letters and other miscellaneous pieces in prose and verse, which passed between them during a Courtship of above sixteen years … Published from their original manuscripts (by Philalethes) … To which is prefixed the life of Corinna, written by herself.'

Savage Messiah

Much of the content of Ede's book came from letters sent between Henri Gaudier-Brzeska and his lover Sophie Brzeska.

Seal of Connecticut

The meaning of the motto was explained on April 23, 1775 in a letter stamped in Wethersfield, Connecticut: "We fix on our Standards and Drums the Colony arms, with the motto, Qui Transtulit Sustinet, round it in letters of gold, which we construe thus: God, who transplanted us hither, will support us".

Silvian Iosifescu

Silvian Iosifescu (21 January 1917 - May 2006) was a literary critic, educator, translator and Romanian literature professor at the Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest.

Smiley Face Killer

Keith Hunter Jesperson - A serial killer who used the smiley face symbol on his letters to the police and prosecutors

Sudanese Arabic

The pronunciation of certain letters was like Syrian, and not Egyptian, such as g being the pronunciation for Qaf and J being the pronunciation for Jim.

Teva Canada Ltd. v. Pfizer Canada Inc.

Nowhere does Justice Hughes state that those cases stand for the broad proposition that each claim in a patent represents a separate invention.

The Truth About De-Evolution

A series of rapid-fire cuts of the letters in "DEVO" appears (with the music of "Mechanical Man" found on Hardcore Devo: Volume One), and then we cut to Mark Mothersbaugh in a Kent State classroom (actually the Governance Chambers), delivering a lecture.

To Pay the Price

To Pay the Price is a 2009 play by Peter-Adrian Cohen based in part on the letters of Israeli hero Yonatan Netanyahu, who was killed in action during Operation Entebbe at Entebbe airport, by Ugandan soldiers, when the Israeli military rescued hostages after an aircraft hijacking by Palestinian terrorists.

Tomiko Satō

Satō was sharing Guo's grief over the death of his friend, and once Guo returned to Okayama, they started regularly exchange letters.

Tone letter

Until the spread of OpenType computer fonts starting in 2000–2001, tone letters were not practical for many applications.


In 1975, Beasley Broadcast Group purchased the station from Multicom for $550,000, and changed the call letters to WDMT ("Dyno-mite", which happened to be a well known catch phrase on the popular sitcom Good Times).


WWCK-FM, an AM radio station in Flint, Michigan that held the WMRP call letters from 1964 until 1971.

Wright v. Warner Books

Wright v. Warner Books (1991) was a case in which the widow of the author Richard Wright (1908-1960) claimed that his biographer, the poet and writer Margaret Walker (1915-1998), had infringed copyright by using content from some of Wright's unpublished letters and journals.

see also

1490s in England

5 March - King Henry VII issues letters patent to Italian-born adventurer John Cabot and his sons, authorising them to discover unknown lands.

Apostolic Majesty

Maria Theresia used (the female version of) the title, "Apostolic Queen", for the first time in the letters patent granted to the imperial plenipotentiary sent to the College of Cardinals after the death of Pope Benedict XIV.

Chantilly porcelain

Potters from Chantilly were induced to move to Vincennes, initiating the porcelain manufacture that would receive royal patronage at Sèvres and absorb the French market for porcelain of the highest refinement; letters patent of 1752 granting a monopoly to Vincennes of polychrome decors further reduced Chantilly's scope.

Charles III de Créquy

Louis XIV of France promoted the comte de Créquy to a duchy-peerage in his favour, by letters patent at Melun in June 1662, registered with the Parliament of Paris on 15 December 1663, in virtue of letters of surannation on 11 December that year, and in the chambre des comptes on 12 April 1677.

Continental Bank of Canada

On December 8, 2013 the Honourable Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance, signed Letters Patent of Continuance for Continental Bank of Canada (“Continental”), thereby chartering Canada’s newest bank.

Earl Fife

The title Earl Fife was created in the Peerage of Ireland by letters patent dated 26 April 1759 for William Duff (1696–1763) after proving his descent from Macduff, Earl of Fife.

Henry Nevill, 6th Baron Bergavenny

Lady Fane claimed the barony of Abergavenny against Edward Nevill, the heir male upon whom the castle of Bergavenny was settled as aforesaid, and as a compromise, she was by letters patent, 25 May 1604, confirmed in the name, style, and dignity of Baroness le Despencer, to the heirs of her body, with the ancient seat, place, and precedence of her ancestors.

Jacob van Heeckeren tot Enghuizen

The old Baron d'Anthès accepted the offer, and, after the agreement of the King of the Netherlands by letters patent dated May 5, 1836, Georges-Charles d'Anthès took the name of Georges-Charles de Heeckeren d'Anthès.

John Meldrum

In 1636, Meldrum was granted by letters-patent from the king licence to continue and renew the lighthouses erected by Charles I on the North and South Forelands.

John Peachell

In the course of 1686 James II discovered that John Lightfoot had not taken the oaths when he was admitted to his master's degree at Cambridge, and he furnished with royal letters patent a Roman Catholic candidate for the degree, the Benedictine monk Alban Francis .

John Samuel Rowell

In Rowell v. Lindsay, 113 US 97 (1885), JS and his brother Ira filed with the court to restrain the infringement of reissued letters patent No. 2,909, dated March 31, 1868, one of only 5 or 6 patent cases ever heard by the court.

Lord Balvaird

The latter's great-grandson, the seventh Viscount, succeeded his uncle as second Earl of Mansfield in 1793, also according to a special remainder in the letters patent.

Queens Council

Queen's Counsel - are jurists appointed by letters patent to be one of Her Majesty's Counsel learned in the law

Viscounts and Dukes of Uzès

The viscounty of Uzès became a duchy by letters patent of Charles IX issued at Mont-de-Marsan in May 1565.

William Duff, 1st Earl Fife

He was Member of Parliament for Banffshire from 1727–34, and was created Lord Braco of Kilbryde in the Peerage of Ireland on 28 July 1735, and Earl Fife and Viscount Macduff, also in the peerage of Ireland, by letters patent dated 26 April 1759, after proving his descent from Macduff, Earl of Fife.