
unusual facts about macro-moth

Acrolepiopsis betulella

The Durham tinea (Acrolepiopsis betulella) is a moth of the Acrolepiidae family.

Ascalapha odorata

In the movie adaptation the moth was changed to a Death's-head Hawkmoth.

Bembecia megillaeformis

Bembecia megillaeformis is a moth of the Sesiidae family.


Caddisfly cases resemble bagworm cases, which are constructed by various terrestrial moth species.

Calliteara pudibunda

The Dutch common name for the moth (Meriansborstel) is named for famous butterfly and insect painter Anna Maria Sibylla Merian.

Carpinus betulus

The leaves provide food for some animals, including Lepidoptera such as the case-bearer moth Coleophora anatipennella.

Catocala lacrymosa

This moth has achieved some fame in popular culture by being figured in several works of the American rock band Evanescence, most notably their album The Open Door.

Centaurea maculosa

Thirteen biological pest control agents have been used against this plant and its cogener, diffuse knapweed, including the moths Agapeta zoegana and Metzneria paucipunctella, the weevils Bangasternus fausti, Larinus obtusus, and Larinus minutus and Cyphocleonus achates, and the fruit flies Chaetorellia acrolophi, Urophora affinis and Urophora quadrifasciata.

Centaurea nigra

Important for Gatekeeper butterfly, Goldfinch, Honey bee, Large skipper, Lime-speck pug moth, Meadow Brown, Painted lady, Peacock, Red admiral, Small copper, Small skipper


In some areas, including its northernmost native location, it is seriously threatened by an introduced South American moth Paysandisia archon.

Chamaesphecia alysoniformis

Chamaesphecia alysoniformis is a moth of the Sesiidae family.

Chamaesphecia maurusia

Chamaesphecia maurusia is a moth of the Sesiidae family.

Chamaesphecia ruficoronata

Chamaesphecia ruficoronata is a moth of the Sesiidae family.

Chamaesphecia staudingeri

Chamaesphecia staudingeri is a moth of the Sesiidae family.


:The junior homonym Coenobita Gistl, 1848 is now the moth genus Ectropis.


Coffee is used as a food plant by the larvae of some Lepidoptera (butterfly and moth) species, Dalcera abrasa, turnip moth and some members of the genus Endoclita, including E. damor and E. malabaricus.

Crematogaster scutellaris

These ants are natural predators of Thaumetopoea pityocampa, a moth that is a devastating pest of Mediterranean pines (especially Pinus halepensis).

Delta11-fatty-acid desaturase

The enzyme from the marine microalga Thalassiosira pseudonana desaturates palmitic acid 16:0 to 16:1Delta11, whereas that from the leafroller moth Choristoneura rosaceana desaturates myristic acid 14:0 to 14:1Delta11.

Dipchasphecia sertavula

Dipchasphecia sertavula is a moth of the Sesiidae family.

Epipompilus insularis

insularis females hunt, usually in sunshine for retreat-making spiders in the concealed places where female spiders retreat to, such as rolled dead leaves; hollow plant stems; flax bushes; dead rolled fronds of tree-ferns; the abandoned cocoons of the bag-moth Liothula omnivora; deserted galleries of wood-boring beetles; and even the empty hatched galls of the moth Morova subfasciata in Muehlenbeckia australis and beneath loose bark on tree trunks.

Estigmene acrea

The moth does not seem to be affected by any type of pyrrolizidine alkaloid present in many plant families, including the borage, legume, dogbane, and orchid families, and the tribes Senecioneae and Eupatorieae of the aster family.

Ethnic conflict

John McGarry and Brendan O'Leary have developed a taxonomy of eight macro-political ethnic conflict regulation methods, which they note are often employed by states in combination with each other.

Evolutionarily Significant Unit

For example, Cryan's buckmoth (Hemileuca maia subsp.) feeds only on the herb Menyanthes trifoliata, commonly known as buckbean, and while indistinguishable morphologically from related buckmoths, and not differentiated at the genetic markers tested, the moth is highly adapted to its host plant, having 100% survivorship on Menyanthes, while close genetic relatives all died when reared on the plant.

Folkestone Downs

Several rare species of moth have been recorded including the Straw Belle (Aspitates gilvaria) and the Annulet Moth (Charissa obscurata).

Genesis I

Bigelow also placed a life-sciences experiment on board, which contains four Madagascar hissing cockroaches (Gromphadorhina portentosa) and approximately 20 so-called Mexican jumping beans, which are seeds containing the live larva of the moth Cydia deshaisiana.


Glaphyrarcha is a genus of moths of the Carposinidae family, containing only one species, Glaphyrarcha euthrepta.

Googie Withers

Withers starred in a number of stage plays, including Rattigan's The Deep Blue Sea, Desire of the Moth, The First 400 Years (with Keith Michell), Beekman Place (for which she also designed the set), The Kingfisher, Stardust, Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard and Wilde's An Ideal Husband for the Melbourne Theatre Company; both productions toured Australia.


Hordeum species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including The Flame, Rustic Shoulder-knot and Setaceous Hebrew Character.

Hypolimnas dinarcha

The light morph may be a mimic of a day-flying moth, while the dark morph appears to be a mimic of Amauris vashti.


Kamakã languages, a small family of extinct Macro-Jê languages of Bahía near Brazil's Atlantic coast

Leek moth

The leek moth or onion leaf miner (Acrolepiopsis assectella) is a species of moths of family Acrolepiidae, genus Acrolepiopsis, a pest of leek crops.

Leonard Doncaster

Early Mendelian geneticist who discovered sex linkage, while writing up the results of the Reverend G.H. Raynor on the magpie moth Abraxas grossulariata.

Melittia oedipus

The African Vine Borer (Melittia oedipus) is a moth of the Sesiidae family.

Microsphecia brosiformis

Microsphecia brosiformis is a moth of the Sesiidae family.

Paul Bernd Spahn

After retirement in 2005 he served as Macro Fiscal Advisor to the Minister of Finance and Treasury of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and became the founding Executive Director of the House of Finance of Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main.

Philip Sheppard

In 1961 Sheppard started a colony of scarlet tiger moths by the Wirral Way, West Kirby, Merseyside, which were rediscovered in 1988 by Cyril Clarke, who continued to observe them in his retirement to study changes in the moth population.


These include the case-bearer Coleophora pulmonariella which feeds exclusively on P. saccharata, and the moth Ethmia pusiella which has been recorded on P. offininale.


The discoverers of Rahonavis initially named it Rahona but changed the name after discovering that the name Rahona was already assigned to a genus of lymantriid moths.

Rhus dentata

The ripe fruits are eaten by birds, while the foliage is food for the larvae of the Pepper Tree Moth Bombycomorpha bifascia.

S. typica

Similipepsis typica, a moth species known from Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe

Synanthedon culiciformis

Synanthedon culiciformis, known as the Large Red-belted Clearwing, is a moth of the family Sesiidae.

Synanthedon martjanovi

Synanthedon martjanovi is a moth of the Sesiidae family.

Synemon theresa

The Cryptic Sun Moth (Synemon theresa) is a moth in the Castniidae family.


Talitha, a gelechoid moth genus in subfamily Depressariinae, invalidly named by Clarke in 1978 and later renamed Hozbeka

The Gem

:For the moth species, see Orthonama obstipata.


The "Bumelia Webworm Moth" Urodus parvula is recorded on Lauraceae: (avocado=Persea), Fagaceae (Quercus), Sapotaceae (Sideroxylon) and Erythroxylaceae: Erythroxylum.

Winter Moth

:In North America, "Winter Moth" usually denotes the closely related Operophtera bruceata, but may also mean the less close relative Erannis tiliaria (Linden Looper).

Yanomaman languages

Joseph Greenberg has suggested a relationship between Yanomaman and Macro-Chibchan.

Ypsolopha scabrella

The Wainscot Hooktip or Wainscot Smudge (Ypsolopha scabrella) is a moth of the family Ypsolophidae.

Zygaena laeta

Zygaena laeta, the Bloodword Burnet, is a moth of the Zygaenidae family.

see also

The Colour Identification Guide to Moths of the British Isles

The Colour Identification Guide to Moths of the British Isles (Macrolepidoptera) by Bernard Skinner is a single volume identification guide to the macro-moths of Britain and Ireland published by Viking Books, often referred by moth recorders simply as "Skinner".