
unusual facts about physiological

Alfred Binet

A job presented itself for Binet in 1891 at the Laboratory of Physiological Psychology at the Sorbonne.

Alphabet für Liège

Johannes Kneutgen, who performed situation 11 at the Liège premiere, was a scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology in Seewiesen, conducting research on the physiological effects of music or rhythm on the body and nervous system.

Andrew Justin Stewart Coats

Coats was educated at Melbourne Grammar School, where he was proxime accessit Head of School and a School Officer; St Catherine's College, Oxford, where he earned a B.A. in Physiological Sciences with First-Class Honours and won the Rose Prize; and Clare College, Cambridge, where he read medicine, earning a M.B. B.Chir.

Antagonistic Coevolution

Female bed bugs have also evolved physiological by the presence of phagocytic cells in the mesospermalege that ingest sperm after mating.

Arthur Robertson Cushny

Aroused by interests of physiological drug interaction, he traveled to the European continent and spent a year of associated study under Oswald Schmiedeberg at Strassburg, Austria and six months in Berne under Hugo Kronecker, from whom he learned elements of physiological technique.


Autonomous sensory meridian response, an uncommon neuro-physiological phenomenon which causes unique "tingling" sensations under very specific circumstances

Augustus Volney Waller

Here he became associated with Professor Julius Ludwig Budge, and published papers in the Comptes Rendus for 1851 and 1852, on physiological subjects.

Beneficial acclimation hypothesis

First formally defined and tested by Armand Marie Leroi, Albert Bennett, and Richard Lenski in 1994, it has however been a central assumption in historical physiological work that acclimation is adaptive.

Bernard L. Oser

Prior to receiving his doctorate, he worked during 1920-21 at Jefferson Medical College as an assistant in physiological chemistry and then worked during 1922-6 as a biochemist at Philadelphia General Hospital (both in Pennsylvania).

Bioresorbable stents

Many researchers prefer to use in vitro corrosion simulations using pseudo-physiological solutions such as EMEM or HBSS.

Central governor

The existence of a central governor over physiology has been questioned since ‘physiological catastrophes’ can and do occur in athletes (important examples in marathons have been Dorando Pietri, Jim Peters and Gabriela Andersen-Schiess).

Cognitive neuroscience of dreams

Eugene Aserinsky and Nathaniel Kleitman observed REM sleep and concluded that it was the physiological manifestation of dreaming.

Dieter Matthaei

Matthaei D, Frahm J, Haase A, Hänicke W. Regional physiological functions depicted by sequences of rapid magnetic resonance images.

Evgeni Babsky

He had contributed much to the study of mediators and the physiology of the heart, and developed a number of physiological methods of studying the human organism.

Expressive Suppression

Expressive suppression has physiological influences such as decreasing heart rate, increasing blood pressure, and increasing sympathetic activation (Dan-Glauser & Gross, 2011).

Faculty psychology

In his Principles of Physiological Psychology, Wilhelm Wundt insisted that faculties were nothing but descriptive class-concepts, meant to denote classes of mental events which could be discerned in introspection, but which never actually appeared in isolation.

George Karreman

Karreman was also a member of several prestigious scientific societies, including the American Physiological Society, the New York Academy of Sciences, the Franklin Institute, the Society for Supramolecular Biology, Sigma Xi, the Physiological Society of Philadelphia, and the Society for Vascular System Dynamics.

Gerald Teschl

with Julian King, Helin Koc, Karl Unterkofler, Pawel Mochalski, Alexander Kupferthaler, Susanne Teschl, Hartmann Hinterhuber, Anton Amann: Physiological modeling of isoprene dynamics in exhaled breath, J. Theoret.

James V. McConnell

Georges Chapouthier, Behavioral studies of the molecular basis of memory, in: The Physiological Basis of Memory (J.A. Deutsch, ed.), 1973, Academic Press, New York and London, Chap.

Judith Arcana

In her review of the collection in Affilia (see references), Merle Hoffman describes Arcana's poems as "maps of interior psychological and physiological journeys" that meet the unnamed experience (abortion) "with bold lyricism, passion, and creative imagery."

Karl Hürthle

Later in his career, he worked at the physiological institute at Tübingen, and also in the department of experimental pathology and therapy at the Kerckhoff Institute in Bad Nauheim (now known as the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research).

Knob Point

The name was adopted by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names on the recommendation of Gerald L. Kooyman, a United States Antarctic Research Program biologist who studied physiological characteristics related to diving in the Weddell seal in this vicinity, 1963–64 and 1964–65.

Kundalini yoga

(2001) The Physiological Correlates of Kundalini Yoga Meditation: A Study of a Yoga Master, Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback, Jun 2001; 26(2): 147 - 53, PubMed Abstract PMID 11480165.


Its physiological substrate has yet to be identified and the molecular mechanisms in which mutated laforin causes Lafora disease is unknown.

Lawrence Joseph Henderson

Then followed two years in chemical research at the University of Strasbourg with advanced scientific training in Franz Hofmeister's physiological laboratory.

Life Interrupted

Diana finds Tom sleeping at the 4400 centre turned art centre and proceeds to sneakily sedate him; he is then taking to a physiological ward.


Christian de Duve, then chairman of the Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, had been studying the mechanism of action of a pancreatic hormone insulin in liver cells.

Merryl Tengesdal

While stationed at Beale, she held the highly esteemed positions of 9th Reconnaissance Wing Chief of Flight Safety and 9th Physiological Support Squadron Director of Operations.

Neural stem cell

Galectin-1 is expressed in adult NSCs and has been shown to have a physiological role in the treatment of neurological disorders in animal models.

Nick Conrad

He regularly talks about the physiological effect of bereavement on his LBC 97.3 broadcasts.

Plant ecology

Starting in the 1870s, Swiss botanist Simon Schwendener, together with his students and colleagues, established the link between plant morphology and physiological adaptations, laying the groundwork for the first ecology textbooks, Eugenius Warming's Plantesamfund (published in 1895) and Andreas Schimper's 1898 Pflanzengeographie auf Physiologischer Grundlage.

Plasma medicine

Direct interaction of active plasma components with biochemical and physiological processes influencing growth and vitality of cells and tissue

Precapillary sphincter

Medical and physiological text-books such as Guyton, Boron and Fulton etc. were quick to claim the existence of said sphincters and metarterioles all over the body, despite lack of evidence.


Psychophysiology, the branch of psychology that is concerned with the physiological bases of psychological processes

Psychophysiological Interaction

Psycho-Physiological Interactions or PPI is a brain imaging method of estimating the effective connectivity, or functional coupling, between a brain region and the rest of the brain with relation to the performance of a particular psychological task.

Puran Bair

Puran Bair has worked with Dr. Herbert Benson and other researchers to document the physiological changes that occur during the different stages of meditation, including metabolism, heart rhythm, brain waves, light emission and electromagnetism.

Robert Tigerstedt

Tigerstedt's work on renin was probably inspired by Brown-Sequard's work examining the effect of organ extracts on physiological function.

Royal Australian Navy School of Underwater Medicine

He visited the Royal Naval Medical School at Alverstoke, the R.N. Physiological Laboratory, the Submarine Training School at HMS Dolphin, Diving School HMS Vernon, and the RN Air Medical School at Seafield Park.


Psychiatry, thus, involves the diagnosis and treatment of what Lilienfeld (1879: 280) termed "physiological social pathology", and may be classed as a subfield of sociophysiology, called "pathological sociophysiology" by Zeliony (1912: 405).

Strictosidine synthase

Originally isolated from the plant Rauvolfia serpentina, a medicinal plant widely used in Indian folk medicine, this enzyme participates in terpenoid biosynthesis and indole and ipecac alkaloid biosynthesis, both of which produce many compounds with significant physiological and medicinal properties.

Swami Abhayananda

I teach four classes of philosophy-the Karma Loga(reporter might have misspelt for Karma Yoga), which is the philosophy of actions; the Bhakti Loga(reporter might have misspelt for Bhakti Yoga, the philosophy of devotion and love; the Rajah Loga(reporter might have misspelt for Raja Yoga), a physiological and psychological man, and the Gnana Loga(reporter might have mispelt for Jnana Yoga, or philosophy.

The Physiological Society

The Physiological Society publishes the academic journals The Journal of Physiology and Experimental Physiology, and with the American Physiological Society publishes the open access journal Physiological Reports.

Theodosius Harnack

His other two sons were also successful scientists, with the pharmacology and physiological chemistry professor Erich Harnack (1853–1914) and the history of literature professor Otto Harnack (1857–1914), father of Arvid Harnack and Falk Harnack.

Tom Rapoport

He worked in the lab of Peter Heitmann, and his father, Samuel Mitja Rapoport, was head of the Institute of Physiological Chemistry.


Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) used to be an alternative measurement, but the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) withdrew these ratings in 2012 as biologically invalid, stating that no physiological proof in vivo existed to support the free-radical theory.

Wallace O. Fenn

He was also the president of the American Physiological Society, the president of the American Institute of Biological Sciences, and the president of the International Union of Physiological Science.

William Alcott

He also founded The American Physiological Society in 1837, the world's first physiological society.

William Kilpatrick Stewart

During the war years Stewart was to conduct original research into the physiological effects of acceleration and deceleration, extreme heat and cold and decompression, and was engaged in the design of the ejector seat, G suits and oxygen systems.


In 2006, Kamakhya Kumar was awarded a PhD by Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam (president of India) for his work "Psycho-physiological Changes as Related to Yoga Nidra".

see also