
29 unusual facts about psalms

Authorship of the Petrine epistles

1 Peter is essentially traditional, drawing on key Psalms, key chapters of Isaiah, and wisdom sayings some of which are found elsewhere in the New Testament.

Avot of Rabbi Natan

The world was created only by charity mercy, as is said (Ps. lxxxix. 3), 'Mercy shall be built up for ever' (or, as the rabbis translate this passage, 'The world is built on mercy').

Barton Bouchier

In 1852 Bouchier commenced the publication of his 'Manna in the House,' being expositions of the gospels and the Acts, lasting, with intervals, down to 1858; in 1854 he wrote his 'The Ark in the House,' being family prayers for a month; and in 1855 he wrote his 'Manna in the Heart,' being comments on the Psalms.

Christian meditation

The Bible mentions meditate or meditation about twenty times, fifteen times in the Book of Psalms alone.


At times this repentance includes exterior acts of satisfaction (Psalms 6:7 sqq.); it always implies a recognition of wrong done to God, a detestation of the evil wrought, and a desire to turn from evil and do good.

Feldheim Publishers

The Feldheim library includes the complete works of Samson Raphael Hirsch, including his collected writings and commentaries on the Chumash, siddur, Haggadah of Pesach, and Tehillim.

Ivan Panin

In 1890, Panin claimed to have discovered numerical patterns in the Hebrew text of the Psalms, and soon afterwards in the Greek text of the New Testament.

Jacob Ludwig Döhne

The British Bible Society contributed some paper and the translation of the Psalms soon appeared in print.

Johannes Brenz

In addition to this he continued his exposition of the Psalms and other Biblical books, which he had commenced at Stuttgart.

Juan Azor

There are extant in manuscript other works by Azor; in Rome, in the Jesuit archives, a commentary on the Canticle of Canticles; at Würzburg, an exposition of the Psalms and at Alcalá, several theological treatises on parts of the Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas.

Kairos Document

The Bible is commonly understood as a message of hope in the face of oppression; Yahweh will liberate the people (e.g. Ps 74, Ex 3, Ps 12).

The KD observes that the term violence is used in the Bible to denote the violence of the oppressor (e.g. Psalm 72, Isaiah 59 etc.).

Kosuke Koyama

He later moved to New Jersey in the United States, where he completed his B.D. at Drew Theological Seminary and his Ph.D., on the interpretation of the Psalms of Martin Luther, at Princeton Theological Seminary, completing his Ph.D. in 1959.

Louis d'Orléans, Duke of Orléans

As he retired into private life, Louis spent his time translating the Psalms and the Pauline epistles, protecting men of science and managing his wealth.

Menahem Mendel Auerbach

He also left in manuscript Akeret ha-Bayit (The Barren One of the House; compare Psalms cxiii. 9), a commentary on another division of the Shulḥan Aruk; namely, Ḥoshen Mishpaṭ.

Music history of France

In strictly Calvinist areas, the only musical expression allowed was singing of French translations of the Psalms, for instance those written by Goudimel (who was killed in the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in 1572).


George Joye (born c. 1492)- Publisher of the first English Primer (1529) and the first English translation of Psalms (1530)

Righteous indignation

The Forerunner Commentary on Psalms 137:2 argues that these psalms are about the "bitterness of exile into which God forced Judah", purportedly with the goal of turning grief into zeal, so that the "anger can be used to scour away sin" by becoming "righteously indignant".

Robert Ashfield

He also edited and compiled the "Southwell Psalter", a setting of each of the 150 Psalms to Anglican chant, which is still used at both Southwell and New College, Oxford.

Roman Catholicism in Mongolia

John of Montecorvino was a key missionary to Mongol-controlled China during the Yuan Dynasty, translating the New Testament and the Psalms into the Mongol tongue, founding the first Roman Catholic mission in Beijing and becoming its first bishop.

Rupert Lonsdale

The book includes a simple but eloquent tribute from him to his ship's company and the authors prefaced his foreword with the first seven verses of Psalm XLVI from which they drew their title.

Stanley Hollingsworth

"A Song of David" (text from the Book of Psalms) (c. 1960s) for tenor, mixed chorus and orchestra

Syrian jackal

Although the AV translates the word as fox, the behaviour described is more consistent with jackals, as shown in the books of Lamentations and Psalms in which references are made to the shu'al's habit of eating corpses in battlefields.

T. J. Jemison

Attorney General Buddy Caldwell at the ceremony quoted Psalms 37:27: "the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord."

Tanhuma bar Abba

He received instruction also from Judah ben Shalom (Midr. Teh. to Ps. cxix. 2) and R. Phinehas (Yer. Sheḳ. 49d).

Tears of Rage

A strong Biblical theme runs through the song, according to Sid Griffin, who also notes that "life is brief" is a recurrent message in the Old Testament books Psalms and Isaiah.

Tikkun HaKlali

The Tikkun HaKlali consists of the following ten Psalms said in this order: 16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137, and 150.

, "The General (or Comprehensive) Rectification"), also known as The General Remedy, is a set of ten Psalms whose recital serves as teshuvah (repentance) for all sins — in particular the sin of wasted seed through involuntary nocturnal emission or masturbation.


Eventually it also came to denote songs of praise-to lift up the voice in thanksgiving-to tell forth and confess his greatness(e.g. Psalms 43:4).

Abraham ben Elijah of Vilna

Of his numerous manuscripts which contained glosses to the Talmud, Midrash, Shulkan 'Aruk, and explanatory notes to his father's works, a commentary on the introduction to the Tikkune Zohar (Vilna, 1867), a commentary on Psalms I-C באר אברהם (Warsaw, 1887), Sa'arat Eliyahu, exegetical notes and biographical data about his father (Jerusalem, 1889), and Targum Abraham, notes on Targum Onkelos (Jerusalem, 1896), have been published.


The Ashtead Psalms were commissioned by Ashtead Choral Society to mark their fiftieth anniversary in the year 2000 from composer Robert Steadman.

Bible translations into English

Aldhelm (c. 639–709) translated the complete Book of Psalms and large portions of other scriptures into Old English.

Bible translations into Spanish

It is possible that Reina also used the New Testament versions that had been translated first by Francisco de Enzinas (printed in Antwerp 1543) and by Juan Pérez de Pineda (published in Geneva 1556, followed by the Psalms 1562).

Clément Marot

After living and working on the Psalms in Geneva, where Calvin became more and more influential, he left this city and made his way into Piedmont.

Elizabeth Timothy

She also sold the books Reflections on Courtship and Marriage, Armstrong's Poem on Health, The Westminster Confession of Faith, Watts' Psalms and Hymns, the Pocket Almanack, and Franklin's works including Poor Richard's Almanack.

Ellen Frankel

Dr. Frankel has also written libretti for two oratorios composed by Andrea Clearfield, Women of Valor and The Golem Psalms. The first was premiered in Los Angeles in 2002; the second in Philadelphia in 2006.

Erfurt Enchiridion

Translations began with Goostly psalms and spiritual songes drawen out of the holy Scripture by Myles Coverdale, the so-called "first English hymn book", which was printed in London in 1555 and contained 16 of the songs from the Enchiridion (1–5, 8, 10, 12–19, 22).

Faà di Bruno

Giovanni Matteo Faà di Bruno a musician of some importance from Casale who published two books of madrigals as well as vespers, psalms, motets and settings of the Magnificat.


Composer/performer Sam Glaser has also set the Psalms on his new CD Hallel.

Henry Ainsworth

His publication of Psalms, The Book of Psalmes: Englished both in Prose and Metre with Annotations (Amsterdam, 1612), which includes thirty-nine separate monophonic psalm tunes, constituted the Ainsworth Psalter, the only book of music brought to New England in 1620 by the Pilgrim settlers.

History of Eastern Christianity

The church has the rest of the liturgical ritual being rooted in the Jewish Passover, Siddur, Seder, and synagogue services, including the singing of hymns (especially the Psalms) and reading from the Scriptures (Old and New Testament).

Ira F. Stone

Among his other books are Reading Levinas/Reading Talmud (JPS, 1998), Seeking the Path of Life: Theological Meditations on the Nature of God, Life, Love and Death (Jewish Lights, 1993), Sketches for a Book of Psalms (Xlibris, 2000), and a commentary on Rabbi Moshe Hayyim Luzzatto's Mesillat Yesharim (Jewish Publication Society, 2010).

John David Jenkins

After his appointment to Aberdare, a town where Dissenters were strong, Jenkins organised choral services with psalms being sung to Anglican chants and the canticles to Gregorian chants.

John van Campen

He also commented on Psalms in a manner to earn the praises of Hupfeld ("Psalmen," iv. 474), and attached the commentary to a paraphrase which appeared at Paris, 1533; Leyden, 1534; Basle, 1548, etc.

Joseph Séguy

A royal preacher, he wrote Panégyriques de saints, Sermons pour les principaux jours du carême, and a Nouvel essai de poésies sacrées, in which he made a French verse translation of Psalms and the songs of the Bible.

Judah Leon Templo

Jacob Judah Aryeh Leon Templo (born 1603 in Buarcos, Portugal, died after 1675) was a ḥakam, translator of the Psalms, and expert on heraldry, of Marano descent.

Messiah Part II

The libretto by Charles Jennens is entirely drawn from the Bible, mostly from the King James Bible, whereas several psalms are taken from the Book of Common Prayer.

Midrash Tehillim

Of the interesting myths may be mentioned that of Remus and Romulus, to whom God sends a she-wolf to suckle (Midr. Teh. to Ps. x. 6; Buber, l.c. p. 45a), and the legend of Emperor Hadrian, who wished to measure the depth of the Adriatic Sea (Midr. Teh. to Ps. xciii. 6; Buber, l.c. p. 208a, b).

Pahlavi scripts

Psalter Pahlavi derives its name from the so-called "Pahlavi Psalter", a 6th- or 7th-century translation of a Syriac book of psalms.

Paschal Triduum

At least three of these readings and associated psalms must be read, which must include the account of the first Passover from the Book of Exodus.

Penitential Psalms

The Penitential Psalms or Psalms of Confession, so named in Cassiodorus's commentary of the 6th century AD, are the Psalms 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, and 143 (6, 31, 37, 50, 101, 129, and 142 in the Septuagint numbering).


The entire office, or series of prayers and psalms said (or chanted) in the Roman Catholic ChurchVespers, Matins, Lauds and Mass — is called plenarium.

Psalm 91

Tommie Harris writes PSALMS 91 on his Breathe Right nose strip.

Robert of Newminster

He studied at the University of Paris, where he is said to have composed a commentary - since lost - on the Psalms.

Saint David

It is a seven-movement work best known for the classical crossover series Adiemus, which intersperses movements reflecting the themes of David's last sermon with those drawing from three Psalms.

Seligman Baer

Baer's collaboration with Delitzsch began with an edition of the Psalms in 1861 (Leipsic, Doerfling und Franke).

Serge Noskov

After the graduation, he returned to Syktyvkar, where he wrote the 1st String Quartet, “Psalms” for a choir a'capella on texts of a poem by Victor Savin in Komi language, and the Bible, musical “Ogorod”, numerous songs with lyrics by Komi poets of 19th century, also, a few songs for a pop-group “Aski”.

Thomas Briscoe

He translated a theological work by Ellendorff from German into Welsh in 1851 and four books of the Old Testament (Isaiah, Job, Psalms and Proverbs) from Hebrew into Welsh between 1853 and 1855.

Thomas Drant

Drant's unpublished works included a translation of the Iliad, as far as the fifth book, a translation of the Psalms, and the Book of Solomons Prouerbs, Epigrames, and Sentences spirituall, licensed for press in 1567.

Thomas Jefferson Conant

He translated and edited Gesenius's Hebrew Grammar (1839; 1877)—and criticized a competing translation by Moses Stuart—and published revised versions with notes of Job (1856), Genesis (1868), Psalms (1871), Proverbs (1872), Isaiah i.xiii.