
unusual facts about reaction

ReAction! Chemistry in the Movies

Chemistry in the Movies (2009, ISBN 978-0-19-532692-5) is a nonfiction book about movies, chemistry, and chemistry in the movies by Chemistry Professor Mark Griep and Artist Marjorie Mikasen published by Oxford University Press USA.

Adenylosuccinate lyase deficiency

These two succinylpurines are the dephosphorylated derivatives of SAICA ribotide (SAICAR) and adenylosuccinate (S-AMP), the two substrates of adenylosuccinate lyase (ASL), which catalyzes an important reaction in the de novo pathway of purine biosynthesis.

Asinger reaction

The Asinger-reaction was invented in 1956 by Friedrich Asinger.

Autonomous Municipality of San Juan Copala

The Autonomous Municipality of San Juan Copala is an entity made up of Trique Indians who declared their autonomy of the Mexican state in 2006 as a reaction to repression by the Mexican state, especially the Oaxacan government, whose leader Ulises Ruiz was targeted by the APPO movement at the time.

Battle fatigue

Combat stress reaction, a military term for an acute reaction to the stress of battle commonly involving fatigue, slowed reaction time, indecision, and other symptoms

Blackwood Detective Agency

It was presumably founded by Norman Harvey Blackwood Sr. in the beginning of the 20th century as a reaction to the rise of activity around the Cthulhu Mythos in Arkham.

Brock Huard

His decision to attend the UW set off a chain reaction in which West Linn, OR quarterback Cade McNown chose to attend UCLA and Westlake Village, CA wide receiver Billy Miller decided to attend USC (he had said if Huard chose to attend UCLA he would follow).

Car tuning

In a typical chemical reaction, the air-fuel ratio must be a minimum of 14:1 (see Stoichiometry).


The 1,2-closo-dicarbadodecaboranes (usually simply called carboranes), were reported simultaneously by groups at Olin Corporation and the Reaction Motors Division of Thiokol Chemical Corporation working under the U.S. Air Force

Chicago 19

Similar to the reaction to its predecessor, Chicago 19 became a moderate success on the album chart (although it went platinum) yet had major hit singles, including the #1 hit "Look Away", as well as "I Don't Wanna Live Without Your Love" (#3), and "You're Not Alone" (#10).

Cyanogen halide

Rhodanese catalyzes the irreversible reaction forming thiocyanate from cyanide and sulfane which is non-toxic and can be excreted through the urine.

Cytochrome P450 reductase

Five missense mutations (A284P, R454H, V489E, C566Y, and V605F) and a splicing mutation in the POR genes have been found in patients who had hormonal evidence for combined deficiencies of two steroidogenic cytochrome P450 enzymes - P450c17 CYP17A1, which catalyzes steroid 17α-hydroxylation and 17,20 lyase reaction, and P450c21 21-Hydroxylase, which catalyzes steroid 21-hydroxylation.

Eschenmoser fragmentation

In the same year, i.e. 1967, Masato Tanabe et al. of SRI International published an article detailing on the reaction, and thus, some also refer to it as the Eschenmoser–Tanabe fragmentation.


The "dissident bimonthly" Evangelica based in Napa, California was founded in reaction.

Flight from Death

In addition to interviews with a number of contemporary philosophers, psychiatrists and teachers such as Sam Keen, Robert Jay Lifton, Irvin Yalom, Merlyn Mowrey and Daniel Liechty, the film introduces the viewer to a group of social psychologists, who conduct research in support of what they call Terror management theory (terror in this case not being terrorism, but rather emotional and psychological reaction to mortality awareness).

Gambling Lady

She resists marrying him, fearing the reaction of his high society father, but is pleased to learn that she already knows and likes Peter Madison (C. Aubrey Smith), a fellow gambler.

German invasion of Belgium

This started a chain reaction of political events: Serbia's ally Russia joined the war on Austria, Austria's ally Germany joined the war on Russia and Serbia and Russia's ally France declared war on both of the Central Powers.


In direct response to this reaction, Go Compare deliberately subverted the campaign by running a series of adverts where celebrity guests such as Sue Barker, Stuart Pearce, Ray Mears, Louie Spence and Stephen Hawking lined up to "silence" the character of Gio Compario.

Griffith's experiment

A German bacteriologist, Fred Neufeld, had discovered the three pneumococcal types (Types I, II, and III) and discovered the Quellung reaction to identify them in vitro.


Grundmann aldehyde synthesis, chemical reaction that produces an aldehyde from an acyl halide


Hantzsch pyrrole synthesis, the chemical reaction of β-ketoesters with ammonia and α-haloketones to give substituted pyrroles

Hisayasu Nagata

He resigned on March 31, 2006 in reaction to the fallout from using a fake e-mail to suggest that LDP politicians had accepted funds and bribes from former Livedoor CEO Takafumi Horie.

If You Were with Me Now

It was released as the second single in the autumn of 1991 due to a favourable reaction from radio stations and reached number four in the UK and the top ten in Ireland and South Africa as well as the top thirty in Australia.

Influence line

Statics is used to calculate what the value of the function (reaction, shear, or moment) is at point A. Typically an upwards reaction is seen as positive.

Inner sphere

Inner sphere electron transfer, a chemical reaction involving closely associated atoms

Jacob the heretic

On the one hand stand scholars such as Peter Schäfer who sees the Gemara as containing developed reaction to Christianity, on the other scholars such as Daniel J. Lasker who see references to Christianity in the Talmud as "embryonic".

Jeff Gilberthorpe

A reaction to being stuck for hours behind a semi-trailer carrying a house up Tamborine Mountain in Queensland, this tale of a traditional "Queenslander" style house lifted out of the way of a deadly flood by its owner's judicious use of hot-air balloons led to a sequence of pictures detailing the flying house's journey over notable Australian landmarks, both natural and manmade, and illustrate the book Icon Collection.

Jeffrey Harbeson

The Russian actions were described as a reaction to the passage by the US Congress of the Magnitsky Act.

Kolau Nadiradze

In the perestroika years, already in his nineties, the poet regained the freedom of his early years and published what he had suppressed seventy years before, notably 25 February (25 თებერვალი) a short reaction to the Bolshevik takeover in 1921, which he compared to Golgotha set up by a group of Judases.

Lipka Tatars

As a reaction to restrictions on their religious freedoms and the erosion of their ancient rights and privileges, the Lipka Tatar regiments stationed in the Podolia region of south-east Poland abandoned the Commonwealth at the start of the late 17th century Polish–Ottoman Wars that were to last to end of the 17th century with the Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699.

Louise Brown

Shortly before the death of Pope Paul VI, when asked for his reaction to Brown's birth, the patriarch of Venice, Cardinal Albino Luciani (later Pope John Paul I), expressed concerns about the possibility that artificial insemination could lead to women being used as "baby factories", but also refused to condemn the parents of the child.

Mannie Garcia

Garcia's photograph of President George W. Bush surveying the damage from Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 from the high remove of Air Force One became a symbol of his administration's slow and detached reaction to the human suffering and wreckage below.

Margo L. Davidson

In late 2011, she voted for a bill to place more regulations on abortion clinics, she stated this was in reaction to the death of her cousin Semika Shaw, who died as a result of seeking an abortion with Kermit Gosnell, a Philadelphia abortionist who continued to operate in part because of the state not having more stringent regulations on facilities that perform abortions.

Nothing Records

John Bergin was also signed briefly under the name Trust Obey, but the album he recorded ("Hands of Ash") was instead released in 1996 on Fifth Colvmn Records with a sticker that quoted Reznor's reaction to the completed work: "Not a great commercial potential."


Following the House of Blues performance is a 30-minute unplugged benefit concert for the Deborah Heart and Lung Center, recorded at Chain Reaction in Anaheim, California on January 7, 2005.

Orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase

This bifunctional enzyme is named UMP synthase and it also catalyzes the preceding reaction in pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis, the transfer of ribose 5-phosphate from 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate to orotate to form OMP.

Outrun the Sky

The response to her latest album is such that Lalah considers the wait between albums to have been worth it: “I’m so happy about the reaction, it’s a real validation” and it comes towards the end of a year that has included a number of highpoints including her participation in the “Daughters Of Soul” European tour which was created by Sandra St. Victor and involved Lalah, Simone (daughter of Nina Simone), Milini Khan (Chaka’s daughter), Nona Hendryx and Joyce Kennedy.

Philippe Sands

Jane Mayer reported in The New Yorker on Sands' reaction to news that Spanish investigating judge Baltazar Garzon had received motions requesting that six former Bush officials (Alberto Gonzales

Pol Plançon

"The New York critic Huneker disliked his 'mincing gait' and complained of a 'lack of virility in his impersonations.' Whether this was fair comment or merely a Puritan critic's reaction to what was then hot gossip, is hard to know; it was widely rumoured that Plançon had been caught in his dressing room with the composer Herman Bemberg 'in flagrante delicto'." (See Michael Scott, The Record of Singing, published by Duckworth, London, 1978; page 84).

Reaction Records

# Oscar: "Holiday" / "Give Her All She Wants" (Reaction 591 016)

Red Data Book of the Russian Federation

Introduction of regional Red Books sometimes provokes negative reaction, up to "Red book Bacchanalia".


The method focuses attention in the guise of good customer service and allows bank tellers to rattle robbers, who generally try to remain anonymous and may not be expecting an overwhelmingly positive reaction to their robbery attempt, thereby possibly deterring them from going further with their plan.

Scotch-Irish American

In reaction to the proposal by Charles I and Thomas Wentworth to raise an army manned by Irish Catholics to put down the Covenanter movement in Scotland, the Parliament of Scotland had threatened to invade Ireland in order to achieve "the extirpation of Popery out of Ireland" (according to the interpretation of Richard Bellings, a leading Irish politician of the time).

Stopping sight distance

The design standards of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) allow 1.5 seconds for perception time and 1.0 second for reaction time.

Suicide of Jamey Rodemeyer

In response to Quinto's coming out (and in reaction to gay suicides caused by bullying), Dan Kloeffler of ABC News Now also came out.


He said he had asked Third Deputy Prime Minister Johannes Leimena to take a written order to Suharto, and that he would wait to see what Suharto's reaction was – whether he would obey it or not.

The Thirst

and, finally, on 26 May 2008, they released their debut album, On the Brink, to a generally positive critical reaction.

Torque effect

The torque effect experienced in helicopters and single propeller-powered aircraft is a result of Isaac Newton's third law of motion that "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"

Trucking industry in the United States

In September 2013, Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-IN) stated that he sponsored the bill To ensure that any new or revised requirement providing for the screening, testing, or treatment of individuals operating commercial motor vehicles for sleep disorders is adopted pursuant to a rulemaking proceeding (H.R. 3095; 113th Congress) in reaction to the FMCSA's initial intention to avoid industry comment on its proposal to issue guidance that all drivers be tested for sleep apnea.

Wings at the Speed of Sound

This was followed in July with "Let 'Em In", which also scaled the singles charts. Amid all this, Wings finally went to North America for the Wings Over America Tour, playing McCartney's first shows there for ten years (after The Beatles' last tour in 1966) to euphoric reaction; a few selections from Speed of Sound were included.

Zionist political violence

During the 1920 Nebi Musa riots, the 1921 Jaffa riots and the 1929 Palestine riots, Palestinian Arabs manifested hostility against Jewish immigration and settlement, which provoked the reaction of Jewish militias, sometimes supported by British troops.

see also