
unusual facts about ''Bolshevik'' Plant

Active measures

In "Trust Operation" (1921–1926), the State Political Directorate (OGPU) set up a fake anti-Bolshevik underground organization, "Monarchist Union of Central Russia".

Basmachi movement

After the Bolsheviks seized power in 1917 and the Russian Civil War began, Turkestani Muslim political movements attempted to cooperate with the Bolshevik Tashkent Soviet, forming the Kokand Autonomous Government in the Ferghana Valley.

Belgian Expeditionary Corps in Russia

As the route north to Murmansk was blocked, the soldiers destroyed their armoured cars to prevent their capture by Bolshevik forces.

Blood and Oil in the Orient

It concludes with father and son fleeing the Bolshevik takeover of Baku in 1920 via Tiflis and Batumi, Georgia, across the Black Sea to Istanbul.

Charleston and Savannah Railway

It was then sold to Henry B. Plant (June, 1880s), and the railroad's name was changed to the Charleston and Savannah Railway, becoming part of the Plant System of railroads.

Emile St. Godard

Following his victory in the dog derby at Ottawa's first Winter Carnival in February 1930, he was presented with a gold challenge cup and a cheque for one thousand dollars by the Mayor Frank H. Plant at a lavish reception in the Château Laurier.


Michael Atkinson, Attorney-General of South Australia, spoke of those members of the ALP who wished to remove the title Queen's Counsel and other references to the crown as "Fenians and Bolsheviks" in a speech given at the ALP Convention in Adelaide on 15 October 2006.

Fourth All Russian Conference of Trade Unions

The Bolshevik, Mikhail Tomsky, proposed the resolution concerning the Relations between the Trade Unions and the Commissariat for Labour which stated that the October revolution had changed "the meaning and character of state organs and significance of proletarian organs as well".

Franciszek Żwirko

After the corps was disbanded in 1918, he enlisted in Gen. Anton Denikin's Volunteer Army and fought against the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War.

Gleb Bokii

Despite this complicity, historian Alexander Rabinowitch indicates that Bokii was among the more moderate Bolshevik voices on the question of the use of terror in the summer of 1918, siding with Elena Stasova in opposing Grigory Zinoviev's call for a full scale Red Terror at a critical meeting held in the wake of Uritsky's killing.

Grand Prairie Armed Forces Reserve Complex

Vought Aircraft Industries operates a government-owned, contractor-operated (GOCO) plant adjacent to NAS Dallas.

Guram Sharadze

Since then, Sharadze withdrew from politics, but attempted to organize a civic movement against Western influences in Georgia, denouncing the civil society work of philanthropist George Soros as potentially more pernicious to Georgia than the Bolshevik revolution.

Ion I. C. Brătianu

This situation was ended by the October Revolution in Russia and the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk between the Bolshevik government and the Central Powers: Romania saw itself without reinforcements, agreed to an armistice, and then signed the Treaty of Bucharest in May 1918.

Ivan Morozov

After the Bolshevik Revolution his art collection was nationalized and divided between the Pushkin Museum, Moscow, and the Hermitage Museum, Leningrad.

Jason McQuinn

Before the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, McQuinn wrote and edited Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed under the pseudonym "Lev Chernyi" in honor of the Russian anarchist of that name, who was killed in 1921 by the Cheka (the Bolshevik secret police).

Kingdom of Romania

War with the Hungarian Soviet Republic in 1919 resulted in the occupation of Budapest by Romanian troops and the end of Béla Kun's Bolshevik regime.

Kolau Nadiradze

In the perestroika years, already in his nineties, the poet regained the freedom of his early years and published what he had suppressed seventy years before, notably 25 February (25 თებერვალი) a short reaction to the Bolshevik takeover in 1921, which he compared to Golgotha set up by a group of Judases.

Kote Tsintsadze

During the Russian Revolution of 1905, he was closely associated with the famous revolutionary fighter Kamo and served as head of the Bolshevik armed detachments that engaged in expropriation and robbery organised in the Manganese mine of Chiatura.

Language federation

The CPUSA, then named the Workers Party, tried in 1924 to disband the federations and reorganize the party on the cell structure that the Bolsheviks had employed, on directives from the Comintern.

Leonid Krasin

Krasin's funeral procession three days later included 6,000 mourners, many of them Bolshevik sympathizers; he was cremated at Golders Green Crematorium before being buried at the Kremlin Wall Necropolis in Moscow.

Leonid of Georgia

During his tenure he faced several problems such as the lack of international recognition of the Georgian autocephaly and the persecution of the Georgian church by the Bolshevik regime established by the invading Russian army in February 1921.

Lev Chernyi

Twelve Communists were killed and fifty-five others were wounded, including eminent Bolshevik theorist and Pravda editor Nikolai Bukharin.


Limonka (newspaper), a National Bolshevik Party newspaper founded by Eduard Limonov

Malleson mission

The Transcaspian forces retired to Kaakha, while the Bolshevik forces retired with their trains to Dushak, but then pulled back further to Merv.

Nikolai Kolomeitsev

In 1918, he joined the White movement Volunteer Army and the Armed Forces of South Russia and assigned command of the anti-Bolshevik naval forces in the Baltic Sea.

Nobuyoshi Mutō

He returned to administrative positions in Japan from 1919–1921, before being appointed commander of the IJA 3rd Division in 1921 and being dispatched to Russia during the Siberian Expedition against the Bolshevik Red Army.

Oleg Pantyukhov

During the October Revolution he was the leader of the cadets who unsuccessfully defended the Kremlin from Bolsheviks.

Paul Nazaroff

Paul Nazaroff (Pavel Stepanovich Nazarov) (died 1942) was a Russian geologist and writer who was caught up in the Russian Revolution, and became the leader of a plot to overthrow Bolshevik rule in Central Asia.

In August 1918 he was living openly at Tashkent under the local Soviet, while aiding both White and British Forces in Central Asia with information and assistance to help forestall the spread of Bolshevik power in the region.

Proletarian University

Vpered, a grouping within the Bolshevik Party set up a prototype Proletarian University on the Isle of Capri in 1908.

Pyotr Baranovsky

He and two local museum managers collected relics from other temples that were looted by Bolsheviks, and preserved the collection of Yelnya museum that was closed in 1926.

Russian All-Military Union

This organization united all veterans of the Russian White movement, soldiers and officers alike, who were living abroad and desired to stay united for the purpose of purging Russia of the Bolshevik regime.

Russian Revolution

It was these views of Martov that predominated in a manifesto drawn up by Leon Trotsky (a major Bolshevik revolutionary) at a conference in Zimmerwald, attended by thirty-five Socialist leaders in September 1915.

Russian Soviet Government Bureau

A secret mission to Russia in March 1919 conducted by Wilson administration envoy William C. Bullitt to assess the economic and political system there ended in a negative report which accentuated various atrocities committed in the name of the Bolshevik regime, effectively removing any chance of formal recognition of the Martens initiative.


Mykola Skrypnyk, (1872 – 1933), a Bolshevik politician and statesman in interwar Soviet Ukraine


The T-19 8-ton light infantry tank, developed by S. Ginzburg under that programme at the Bolshevik Plant in Leningrad, was a competitor to the British Vickers 6-Ton.

Taurida Governorate

However neither Ukraine nor the Crimea managed to hold on to their territories and were overrun by Bolshevik Red Guards in winter of 1917-18.

The Big Guava

However, Gutierrez was nevertheless impressed by the economic potential of the village of Tampa (pop. about 1000), especially since Henry B. Plant was in the process of connecting the previously isolated town to the nation's railroad network.

The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World

In 1920 the Viscount D'Abernon published The Eighteenth Decisive Battle of the World: Warsaw, 1920, in which he claimed that the next battle on the list was the battle of Warsaw, fought in 1920 by the Polish and Bolshevik forces during the Polish-Bolshevik War.

Titanic: Adventure Out of Time

In addition to The Rubáiyát and the painting, the player learns that Willi is a spy for the Russians and has a notebook with names of top Bolshevik leaders.

Tôn Đức Thắng

In 1919, in the Black Sea when he was with the French Navy, Thắng claimed to participate in a plot with fellow sailors to turn over the French warship Waldeck-Rousseau to the enemy Bolshevik revolutionaries.

Ukrainian–Soviet War

However, on its return west, it was intercepted by a Bolshevik cavalry force under the command of Grigore Kotovski at Bazar and routed in battle near Mali Mynky on November 17.

Ulrich von Brockdorff-Rantzau

Nevertheless when Matthias Erzberger advocated the dispatch of Karl Radek, the captured Bolshevik diplomat, to the waiting hands of the Entente, he was furious about the failure to consider the political consequences.


Moisei Uritsky (1873–1918), Russian Bolshevik revolutionary leader

Valery Bryusov

He supported the Bolshevik government and received a position in the cultural ministry of the new Soviet state.


Varlam Avanesov (1884–1930), Armenian Bolshevik and Soviet communist politician

Viktor Chernov

Following the Bolsheviks' seizure of power, he became a member of an anti-Bolshevik government in Samara, before fleeing to Europe and then the United States.

Vladimir-Georg Karassev-Orgussaar

His trilogy on Soviet history consists of films "Precursor" (Estonian: "Eelkäija", 1967) on Viktor Kingissepp, "Solstice" ("Pööripäev", 1968) on June 1940 'revolution' in Estonia, a central myth of Soviet mythology in Estonia, and "Commander" ("Väejuht", 1968) on August Kork, an Estonian Bolshevik military leader and victim of 1937 Stalinist purges.

Willie Gallacher

The Coalition government greatly overreacted to the strike, thinking that a Bolshevik insurrection was about to begin on Clydeside, and sent British Army troops and tanks onto the streets of Glasgow to control the situation.

see also