
unusual facts about American Sign Language

1p36 deletion syndrome

American Sign Language: Because few individuals with Monosomy 1p36 develop complex speech, an alternate form of communication is critical to development.

Disability publications in the U.S.

The American Deaf community is unique by being tied together not only by lack of hearing, but also by a linguistic tradition, American Sign Language, which they identify as forging their Deaf culture.

Evangelical School for the Deaf

The types of sign language includes the following: American Sign Language (ASL), Puerto Rican Sign Language (PRSL), signed English, and pidgin signed English (PSE), known as contact signing.

Indiana School for the Deaf

The Bilingual/Bicultural Philosophy provides language acquisition and facilitates proficiency in two languages, American Sign Language (ASL), and English.

Rimma Wilms

At the event, hearing-impaired and deaf children met with an American Sign Language-speaking Santa Claus.

see also


ILY sign, an informal sign in American Sign Language for "I love you"


It is the only system in regular use, used for example to publish college newsletters in American Sign Language, and has been used for captioning of YouTube videos.