
98 unusual facts about Black

Black Bishop

A study of the molecular phylogeny of bishops and widowbirds published in 2008 found that it formed part of a clade along with the Fire-fronted Bishop (E. diadematus), Black-winged Red Bishop (E. hordeaceus), Northern Red Bishop (E. franciscanus), Southern Red Bishop (E. orix), Zanzibar Red Bishop (E. nigroventris) and Red-collared Widowbird (E. ardens).

Black-and-white ruffed lemur

Of the general plants they eat, the most common types are Canarium (Burseracea), Cryptocarya, Ocotea, Ravensara (Lauraceae), Ficus (Moraceae), Eugenia/Syzygium (Myrtaceae), and Grewia (Tiliaceae).

Black-appeal stations

This influence was in large part to Cleveland disc jockey Alan Freed, who developed a new term for the upbeat music that combined elements for rhythm and blues, gospel, and country.

Edward R. Murrow and a young collaborator, Fred W. Friendly, had transformed their documentary radio series Hear It Now into See It Now.

Black-backed Woodpecker

The most important wood boring beetles taken are in the families Cerambycidae and Buprestidae, along with engraver beetles and Mountain pine beetle.

Black-billed Magpie

If this view is correct, the Korean subspecies of the European Magpie, Pica pica sericea, should also be considered a separate species.

Black-bridged leaf turtle

Eastern black-bridged leaf turtle (Cyclemys pulchristiata), an Asian leaf turtle found in Eastern Cambodia and Vietnam.

Black-capped Donacobius

More recently, listing organizations and authors follow Van Remsen and Keith Barker's conclusion that it is not a wren either, but instead most closely related to an Old World (probably African) lineage.

Black-capped Hemispingus

The Black-capped Hemispingus (Hemispingus atropileus) is a species of bird in the Thraupidae family.

Black-capped Piprites

It is known from a number of protected areas, including the Itatiaia National Park in Rio de Janeiro, and the Horto Florestal State Park near Campos do Jordão in São Paulo.

Black-chinned Honeyeater

Molecular markers show the Black-chinned Honeyeater is most closely related to the Brown-headed, while the similarly plumaged Strong-billed Honeyeater was actually an earlier offshoot between 6.7 and 3.4 million years ago.

It is a member of the genus Melithreptus with several species, of similar size and (apart from the Brown-headed Honeyeater) black-headed appearance, in the honeyeater family Meliphagidae.

Black-chinned Laughingthrush

The Black-chinned Laughingthrush (Trochalopteron cachinnans) is a species of Laughingthrush endemic to the high elevation areas of the Nilgiris and adjoining hill ranges in Peninsular India.

Black-chinned Weaver

The Black-chinned Weaver (Ploceus nigrimentus) is a species of bird in the Ploceidae family.

Black-chinned Whistler

The Black-chinned Whistler is the northernmost member of the Golden Whistler group, being bordered to the south by the Yellow-throated Whistler.

Black-crowned Central American squirrel monkey

Its range is restricted to the Pacific coast of western Panama to the western portion of the Chiriquí Province and of southern Costa Rica, south of the Rio Grande de Terraba, including the Osa Peninsula.

Black-crowned Night Heron

In the Falkland Islands, the bird is called "quark", which is an onomatopoeia similar to its name in many other languages, like "kwak" in Dutch and Frisian, "kvakoš noční" in Czech, "квак" in Ukrainian, "кваква" in Russian, "Vạc" in Vietnamese, "Kowak-malam" in Indonesian, and "Waqwa" in Quechua.

Black-crowned White-eye

The Sangihe White-eye (Z. nehrkorni) and the Seram White-eye (Z. stalkeri) were formerly included in Z. atrifrons, as is still, on occasion, the Black-fronted White-eye (Z. minor).

Black-eared Ground Thrush

The subspecies G. c. kibalensis of the Kibale Forest in western Uganda is sometimes regarded as a separate species, the Kibale Ground-thrush.

Black-eared Hemispingus

The Black-eared Hemispingus (Hemispingus melanotis) is a species of bird in the Thraupidae family.

Black-eared Miner

It is closely related to the much more widely distributed Yellow-throated Miner M. flavigula and the taxonomic status of the Black-eared Miner is the subject of some controversy, with some researchers considering it a subspecies of M. flavigula.

Black-faced Spoonbill

In Hong Kong, it is a protected species under Wild Animals Protection Ordinance Cap 170.

Black-footed cat

Wuppertal Zoo acquired black-footed cats as long ago as 1957, and succeeded in breeding them in 1963.

Black-fronted Bushshrike

It forms a superspecies with the Many-colored Bushshrike (T. multicolor) and the two are sometimes considered to be a single species.

Black-fronted Parakeet

It was discovered on James Cook's first voyage in 1769, on which the two specimens now in Liverpool and the one in the Walter Rothschild Zoological Museum in Tring appear to have been collected.

Black-fronted Tern

Within New Zealand, the Black-fronted Tern is found from the southern tip of the North Island, and along much of the eastern South Island from Marlborough to Southland, and to Stewart Island.

Black-fronted White-eye

Some sources include this species within Z. atrifrons, the Black-crowned White-eye.

Black-headed Bunting

In Bulgaria, the collapse of the drying cotton thistle (Onopordum acanthium) stems on which the birds build their nests has caused high mortality; this is thought to be an example of an ecological trap.

Black-headed Honeyeater

All are members of the genus Melithreptus with several species, of similar size and (apart from the Brown-headed Honeyeater) black-headed appearance, in the honeyeater family Meliphagidae.

Molecular studies show the Black-headed Honeyeater is most closely related to the White-naped Honeyeater, and that their next closest relative is the Swan River Honeyeater.

The next closest relative outside the genus is the much larger but similarly marked Blue-faced Honeyeater.

Black-headed Parrot

It is found in forest (especially, but not exclusively, humid) and nearby wooded habitats in the Amazon north of the Amazon River and west of the Ucayali River in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela.

Black-hole cosmology

In the Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble theory of gravity, however, it forms a regular Einstein-Rosen bridge, or wormhole.

Black-lored Babbler

The population near Nanyuki, Kenya, is darker but can have a pure white chin or entire throat.

Black-lored Waxbill

The Black-lored Waxbill (Estrilda nigriloris) is a species of estrildid finch found around the Lualaba River and Lake Upemba in the southern of The Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Black-lyre Leafroller Moth

The species is primarily known as a pest of Kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa), but the caterpillars feed on various other trees with fleshy fruit, such as Citrus, hawthorns (Crataegus), persimmons and ebonies (Diospyros), gum trees (Eucalyptus), fuchsias (Fuchsia) and grapevines (Vitis).

Black-naped Oriole

Black-naped Orioles have been recorded to feed on a range of berries including Trema orientalis, Ficus and others apart from insects.

Black-necked Grebe

Sadly, the large breeding population in County Roscommon, Ireland discovered about 1915, fell victim to a drainage scheme in the late 1930s; at its peak there were an estimated 250 pairs.

Black-shouldered Kite

Their numbers fluctuate during drought and floods, and can be irruptive in response to sudden increases in mouse populations.

Black-throated Loon

The Black-throated Diver is the current school emblem of Achfary Primary School.

Black-throated Magpie-Jay

This species interbreeds with the White-throated Magpie-Jay in Jalisco and Colima, where intermediate birds are common.

The binomial commemorates the Scottish naturalist Alexander Collie.

Black-throated Mango

-- the redirect to crista-galli is in error --> or Stifftia chrysantha; certain ornamental Bignoniaceae like Fountain Tree (Spathodea campanulata) seem more to this bird's liking.

It appears to be somewhat picky regarding favorite foodplants and often does not visit ornamental plants popular with many other hummingbirds, such as Erythrina speciosa

Black-throated Trogon

They opportunistically catch arthropods that have been startled by other predators, such as coatis (Nasua spp.).

Black-Throated Wind

The song was written by Weir and lyricist John Perry Barlow about the experiences Barlow had on a road trip from New York to San Francisco in 1971.

Black-veined White

Aporia crataegi, a butterfly endemic to Europe, temperate Asia, and Siberia

Dixeia doxo, a butterfly endemic to central and eastern Africa

Black-winged Lory

An Indonesian endemic, the Black-winged Lory is distributed to forests and coastal habitat of Biak, Numfor, Manim and Mios Num islands in Cenderawasih Bay, Papua.

Black, Brown and Beige

The Duke Ellington Carnegie Hall Concerts: January 1943 (Prestige Records, a double CD on Prestige #2PCD-304004-2) - a recording of the January 23, 1943 Carnegie Hall premiere

It received a preview performance at Rye High School in Westchester County, New York, on January 22, 1943, its premiere at Carnegie Hall the following night, and a subsequent performance at Boston's Symphony Hall on January 28.

Blue-wattled Bulbul

The status of this rarely seen bird is not known, primarily because it is not clear whether it is in fact a distinct species, or a natural hybrid between the Black-headed Bulbul (P. atriceps) and the Grey-bellied Bulbul (P. cyaniventris) or other Pycnonotus.

Celulosa Arauco y Constitución

Beginning in 2004, and just months after the opening of CELCO's Valdivia plant, thousands of Black-necked Swans in the internationally protected RAMSAR site and national reserve Carlos Anwandter in Chile died or migrated.

Chestnut-mandibled Toucan

This subspecies is replaced from southern Colombia to eastern Peru by the nominate subspecies Black-mandibled Toucan, R. ambiguus ambiguus.

Collared jay

Black-collared Jay (Cyanolyca armillata) – Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela.

Colombian Grebe

The species has occasionally been considered a subspecies of Black-necked Grebe (P. nigricollis).

Crothers Woods

Black-crowned Night Herons have been spotted near the river and at ponds within Crothers Woods.


The name is spelt Dubwalls on Bartholomew's map and Black's Guide of 1879.


Eavesdropping is the act of secretly listening to the private conversation of others without their consent, as defined by Black's Law Dictionary.

Edible bird's nest

The most heavily harvested nests are from the Edible-nest Swiftlet or White-nest Swiftlet (Aerodramus fuciphagus) and the Black-nest Swiftlet (Aerodramus maximus).

Jesus de Huenuraquí

The Mapudungun name comes from huenu, "above", and from raqui, the Moluche sound for the voice of the bird that in Chile is called the bandurria, the Black-faced Ibis.

Joseph Beal Steere

He is commemorated in the names of a number of birds, including Steere's Liocichla Liochicla steerii, Wattled Broadbill Eurylaimus steerii, Black-hooded Coucal Centropus steerii and Azure-breasted Pitta Pitta steerii.

Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary

For instance, the black-necked storks, which are not found easily anywhere in India, are found here in abundance at Khijadiya.

Lake Wakatipu

The Black-billed Gull is often found around the lake while the most common birds are the Black-billed Gull and the introduced Mallard.

Mill Rock

Since roughly 2008 the island has been home to a nesting colony of Black-crowned Night Herons, Great Egrets, Snowy Egrets, and gulls and cormorants.

Morne Diablotins

Morne Diablotins shares its name with the local term for the rare Black-capped Petrel (Pterodroma hasitata).

Natalia da Rocha

Rainbow Worx is a company she started in the mid-1990s to advance stagecraft among Coloured and Black children.

North Pacific albatross

They are the most tropical of the albatrosses, with two species ( the Laysan Albatross and Black-footed Albatross) nesting in North Western Hawaiian island chain, one on sub-tropical islands south of Japan (the Short-tailed Albatross), and one nesting on the equator (the Waved Albatross).

Ollie Harrington

Oliver "Ollie" Wendell Harrington (February 14, 1912 – November 2, 1995), of multi-ethnic descent, was called by Langston Hughes, "America's greatest African-American cartoonist," an assessment that has stood the test of time.

Qigu District

The Qigu Lagoon is located in this township, and an ecological conservation area for Black-faced Spoonbills is situated on the estuary of the Zengwun River.

R. J. Cutler

Black. White. was a television series on FX television and featured two families—one white, the other black—who traded places and races.


Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), a species in the genus Rissa

Rufous-winged Fulvetta

The Black-crowned Fulvetta (A. klossi) was until recently included here as a subspecies.

Rupert Campbell-Black

Although initially portrayed as a brutish, womanizing, adulterous cad, Campbell-Black's character is later somewhat redeemed through his triumphant winning of an Olympic gold medal for Great Britain.

Rusty-breasted Whistler

It is the westernmost member of the Golden Whistler group, being bordered to the east by the Black-chinned and Yellow-throated Whistlers, and to the south by the Australian Golden Whistler.

Rutshire Chronicles

They are linked by several recurring characters, chiefly Rupert Campbell-Black, and are set in the fictional English county of Rutshire, not to be confused with the real English county of Rutland.

Seram White-eye

It was formerly considered conspecific with Black-fronted White-eye, Zosterops minor, but work by Pamela C. Rasmussen and her colleagues showed that it is a separate species.

Sesarma reticulatum

The explosion in the population of sesarma crabs has provided additional food to night herons.


In Adam and Charles Black's guide book to the area published in 1870, there is a note that Shalfleet is "not too lively".

Shelley Calene-Black

She has also moved into live action roles, playing the lead role of Maria Patterson in the Mariusz Kotowski-directed Holocaust film Esther's Diary (2010).

Sicyopterus stimpsoni

It is preyed upon by Black-crowned Night Herons and during its upstream migration through the estuary by Caranx spp.

Southern Tchagra

This species is similar to the Black-crowned Tchagra, but that species is larger, and the adult, as its name implies, has a black rather than brown crown.

State bird

Black-necked Crane (Grus nigricollis), the state bird of Kashmir


Its members are known by various names, including thunbergias; clockvine on its own usually refers to Thunbergia grandiflora, while Thunbergia alata is often known as Black-eyed Susan vine or just Black-eyed Susan (not to be confused with other flowers called Black-eyed Susan).

Tsushima Island

Migrating birds that make stops on the island include hawks, harriers, eagles, and Black-throated Loons.

Tunstead Milton

It is the location of Tunstead Dickey, a "Screaming Skull", and is mentioned in Highways and Byways in Derbyshire by J B Frith, a guide published in 1905, and in Black's Guide published throughout the 19th century.

Ultra Q: Dark Fantasy

It retains the same swirling effect for the titlecard, but with the words "Dark Fantasy" added underneath, the title also remains black and white.

Valdivia Pulp Mill

In 2004 and 2005 thousands of Black-necked Swans in the Carlos Anwandter Nature Sanctuary in Chile died or migrated away following major contamination by a newly opened CELCO pulp mill located near the city of Mariquina and Cruces River which feeds the wetlands.


Opposite the village is the Vardim Island Natural Reserve which is popular with birdwatchers as the island is a nesting site for the great cormorant, the Black-crowned Night Heron, the Common Spoonbill as well as 21 nationally protected bird species.

Wangdue Phodrang

A second spur departs the Lateral Road near the Pele La pass halfway between Wangdue and Tongsa, traveling south a short distance to Gangteng Gonpa and the Phobjika valley where the rare Black-necked Cranes (grus nigricollis) may be found.

Wellesley, Ontario

To the south, the tall hills beyond the river plain shelters a large gravel pit and in the skies over the hills, the river, the village and the woods, are sure to be found the beautiful Red-tailed Hawk and the common sightings of Cardinals, Blue Jays, Robins, Chickadees, Nuthatch, and numerous Song Sparrow.

Western Black-headed Batis

It was formerly considered to be a subspecies of the Eastern Black-headed Batis.

White-naped Honeyeater

Birds from southwestern Australia have been shown to be a distinct species, the Swan River Honeyeater, and the eastern birds more closely related to the Black-headed Honeyeater of Tasmania.

Woodbury Heights, New Jersey

The racial makeup of the borough is 96.35% White, 1.54% African American or Black, 0.27% Native American, 1.00% Asian, 0.00% Pacific Islander, 0.47% from other races, and 0.37% from two or more races.

Woolston Eyes

It is the premier UK site for breeding Black-necked Grebes, as well as hosting a wide range of other bird species.

Yellow-throated Whistler

Among the members of the Golden Whistler group, the Yellow-throated Whistler is bordered to the north by the Black-chinned Whistler, to the west by the Rusty-breasted Whistler, and to the south by the Australian Golden Whistler.

Zara Wright

Zara Wright was an American Black author based in Chicago.

Zengwun River

The endangered black-faced spoonbills come every winter as migrants and inhabit downstream near the estuary, where many other waterfowls are also found.

1964 Democratic National Convention

Eventually, Hubert Humphrey, Walter Reuther and the black civil rights leaders including Roy Wilkins and Bayard Rustin worked out a compromise: two of the 68 MFDP delegates chosen by Johnson would be made at-large delegates and the remainder would be non-voting guests of the convention; the regular Mississippi delegation was required to pledge to support the party ticket; and no future Democratic convention would accept a delegation chosen by a discriminatory poll.

2012–13 Army Black Knights men's basketball team

The 2012–13 Army Black Knights men's basketball team represented United States Military Academy during the 2012–13 NCAA Division I men's basketball season.

Beacon Fell, Lancashire

The fell features a number of sculptures by local artist Thompson Dagnall, including Black Tiger and Kissing Seat (2006), Walking Snake (1998), Hanging Bat (1998), Spruced up Heron (1996) and Orme Sight (1996).

Bhargavacharitham Moonam Khandam

The plot is inspired from Harold Ramis directed classic black comedy Analyze This (1999) with Robert De Niro playing a mafia don who due to frequent bouts of anxiety attacks gets treated by a famous psychiatrist enacted by the great comedy actor Billy Crystal.

Black brute

In 1980, American Gigolo was released that had the character of a sadistic and violent black pimp who used violence against white people.

Black Market Magazine

Based in San Diego, Black Market Magazine initially featured mostly reviews / interviews of punk rock and other alternative bands such as Samhain, The Cramps, D.O.A., Tex and the Horseheads, G.B.H., New Order, Christian Death, Bad Religion, Ramones, Murphey's Law, Butthole Surfers, Wasted Youth, Danzig, Marilyn Manson, etc..

Black Metal Massacre Live

Black Metal Massacre Live is a live album by Finnish black metal band Satanic Warmaster.

Black Welsh Mountain sheep

The lead singer, Chad Urmston, explains the song is about a man who falls in love with a Black Welsh Mountain Sheep, only to have it taken away from him.

Burma Chronicles

Edith Mirante of The Irrawaddy was more critical of the book, calling Delisle's grasp on Burmese politics "literally sketchy" and saying that Delisle lacked "the black and white bravura of other graphic storytellers such as Marjane Satrapi... or Alison Bechdel...".

Choc ice

On 14 July 2012 the term 'choc ice' became the focus of a racism row when footballer Rio Ferdinand seemingly endorsed a tweet by a Twitter user who had used the term pejoratively in criticising fellow footballer Ashley Cole, suggesting Cole was figuratively "black on the outside, white on the inside".

Dan Kubiak

In 1972, he published a second book, A Monument to a Black Man: The Biography of William Goyens, a study of the African American who served as an aide to Sam Houston and was a negotiator for Indian treaties.

David T. Beito

Black Maverick is a biography of civil rights leader, surgeon, entrepreneur and self-help advocate, T.R.M. Howard, who was a mentor to Medgar Evers and Fannie Lou Hamer, and was reviewed by the Wall Street Journal, Harper's Magazine, and other publications.

Devil's Beef Tub

In his novel Redgauntlet, novelist Walter Scott said, "It looks as if four hills were laying their heads together, to shut out daylight from the dark hollow space between them. A damned deep, black, blackguard-looking abyss of a hole it is".

Edwin Black

Götz Aly and Karl Heinz Roth, The Nazi Census: Identification and Control in the Third Reich. Introduction and translation by Edwin Black.

Ethnography of Argentina

Mestizo population in Argentina, unlike in other Latin American countries, is very low, as is the Black population after being decimated by diseases and wars in the 19th century, though since the 1990s a new wave of Black immigration is arriving.

Falcon Motorcycles

Falcon's third motorcycle, the 'Black', was built around a 1950 Vincent Black Shadow engine unit.

George Tyndale

He recorded with Caribbean singers and appeared extensively at nightclubs, in particular with Joe Appleton's band and for a period as a leader at the Sunset, a rendezvous popular with London's black population.

Goyder Lagoon

Other bird species for which the site is important include the Letter-winged Kite, Inland Dotterel, Grey and Eyrean Grasswrens, Black and Pied Honeyeaters, Gibberbird, Banded Whiteface, Chirruping Wedgebill and Cinnamon Quail-thrush.


Cabbage is the principal crop grown on the rich black valley floor.

Henry Baigent

The principal timber milled was white, red, and black pine, totara, rimu, and birch.

Houghton, Hampshire

Some of the remains of the deer park's boundary embankments (or pale) can still be seen near Black Lake Farm as you cross the valley on foot on the Clarendon Way.

Jack Tramiel

As prices dropped and the market matured, the monochrome (green text on black screen) PET was at a disadvantage in the market when compared to machines like the Apple II and Atari 800, which offered color graphics and could be hooked to a television as an inexpensive display.

Kalisha Buckhanon

She found author Toni Morrison's novel The Bluest Eye at Kankakee Public Library and became empowered to write from a Black female perspective.

Kerosene Hat

Contributing to the song's success was a noir-ish, black-and-white video shot by director Carlos Grasso, which was added to MTV's Buzz Bin.

La mala ordina

The concept of two hitmen teamed up, one black and one white, appears to have been a likely inspiration for the characters played by John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction.

Laurie Cunningham

This was the second time an English top flight team simultaneously fielded three black players (the first being Clyde Best, Clive Charles and Ade Coker for West Ham United against Tottenham Hotspur in April of 1972) and Atkinson collectively referred to Cunningham, Batson and Regis as 'The Three Degrees' after the legendary U.S. soul singing trio.

Lettice Cooper

She met George Orwell's wife at this period and the character of Ann in the novel Black Bethlehem (1947) is thought to be based on Eileen Blair.

Middle-market newspaper

In the United Kingdom, since the demise of Today (1986–95), the only national middle-market papers are the Daily Mail and the Daily Express, distinguishable by their black-top masthead (both use the easy-to-carry tabloid paper size), as opposed to the red-top mastheads of down-market tabloids.

Miniature Lop

Agouti, Black, Blue, Brown, Butterfly, Chinchilla, Fawn, Fox, Opal, Orange, Sable Marten, Sealpoint, Siamese Sable, Siamese Smoke, Sooty Fawn, Steel, White

Otto Piene

In 1968, along with Aldo Tambellini, he produced Black Gate Cologne, which is cited as one of the first television programs produced by experimental visual artists.

Pace Egg play

The line up in 2010 included Billy Painter (Who is also chief Editor of The Painter's Chronicle) as The Fool, Dario Coates as St George, Sam Harris as Bold Slasher, Jack Deighton as The Doctor, Rowan Carter as The black prince of Paradine, Jacob Jones as The king Of Egypt, Joe Cotton as Hector, Desmond as Toss Pott.


Ampelographers believe that along with the Criolla Grande grape of Argentina and Mission grape of California, that the Pais grape is descended by the Spanish "common black grape" brought to Mexico in 1520 by the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés.

Pandulf II

Pandulf II of Capua (aka the Black (Niger) or the Young), son and successor of Landulf VII of Capua in 1007

Peter Rouw

The Victoria & Albert Museum holds a medallion in pink wax on black glass made by him of Prince Lucien Bonaparte (1814), the Duke of Wellington (1822) and posthumously in 1814 of Matthew Boulton, the partner of James Watt.

Polly Thayer Starr

Increasingly aware of the fragility of her vision, she concentrated on lavish pastels of gladiolas with their bees and an increasingly abstract sequence of cyclamen flowers drawn in chalk on black paper with touches of color, as well as delicate series of graphite drawings based on the life cycle of the thistle.

Raymond V. Haysbert

During the time of civil rights activism beginning in the early 1960s, Haysbert worked to elect black politicians, including Harry Cole as Maryland's first African-American state senator.

Remo Ruffini

R. Giacconi e Remo Ruffini, Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes 2nd edition, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, Cambridge (2009)

Richard Erdman

In 1965, he played Colonel Millbank in the episode "The Black Box" of CBS's Petticoat Junction, a rural sitcom starring Bea Benaderet and Edgar Buchanan.


As a music venue, Skrappy's saw the rise of many Tucson native bands such as The Bled, Versus the Mirror, Blues, The American Black Lung, Line of Fire, The Mean Reds, Beyond the Citadel of Coup de Grace and many others.

St. George's Abbey in the Black Forest

The monastery was founded in 1084–85 in the Black Forest, by the source of the Brigach, against the background of the Investiture Controversy, as a result of the community of interests of the Swabian aristocracy and the church reform party, the founders being Hezelo and Hesso of the family of the Vögte of Reichenau, and the politically influential Abbot William of Hirsau.

Sunderland A.F.C. Women

Lucy Bronze gave a superb display at right-back, earning herself the Player of the Match Award for the Black Cats.

The Minister's Black Veil

A clergyman named Joseph Moody of York, Maine, nicknamed "Handkerchief Moody", accidentally killed a friend when he was a young man and wore a black veil from the man's funeral until his own death.

The Negro Digest

The Negro Digest (later renamed Black World) was a popular African-American magazine founded in November 1942 by John H. Johnson.

The Virgin of the Seminole

The film focused on a young black man who joins the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and becomes a hero by rescuing a captive mixed-race woman from a hostile American Indian tribe.

William Greaves

Since then, Greaves has produced numerous works, including From These Roots, Nationtime: Gary, Where Dreams Come True, Booker T.Washington: Life and Legacy, Frederick Douglass: An American Life, Black Power in America: Myth or Reality?, The Deep North, and Ida B. Wells: An American Odyssey, which was narrated by Nobel Prize in Literature and Pulitzer Prize winning author Toni Morrison.