
2 unusual facts about Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems

Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems

Nitobe Symposia on language policy are organized (often with local or international partners), as are other specialist conferences and seminars, for example at the United Nations.

Writers and researchers who have collaborated with the Center include: William Auld, Detlev Blanke, Marjorie Boulton, W. Collinson, Probal Dasgupta, Isaj Dratwer, Mark Fettes, Rudolf Haferkorn, Ulrich Lins, François Lo Jacomo, G. F. Makkink, Paul Neergaard, Robert Phillipson, Claude Piron, Juan Regulo Perez, R. Rokicki, Victor Sadler, Klaus Schubert, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, Gaston Waringhien, and R. Wood.

see also