
unusual facts about Data analysis

Item tree analysis

Item tree analysis (ITA) is a data analytical method which allows constructing a


The CEREMADE is a research center where applications of mathematics to areas of scientific activity as diverse as economics, finance, image and signal processing, data analysis and classification theory, mathematical physics, mechanics, epidemiology and astronomy are studied.

Data warehouse

In computing, a data warehouse (DW, DWH), or an enterprise data warehouse (EDW), is a database used for reporting (1) and data analysis (2).

see also


Around the turn of the millennium the Space Telescope Science Institute started development of Python-based utilities to extend or substitute existing astronomical data analysis tools on a modern, object-oriented platform.

Bernard F. Schutz

He is principal investigator in charge of data analysis for the GEO600 collaboration (which, in turn, is part of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the largest concerted effort to directly detect gravitational waves).

Business Intelligence Development Studio

Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) is the former IDE from Microsoft, and was used to develop data analysis and Business Intelligence solutions utilizing the Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services, Reporting Services and Integration Services.


DataDetective does this by offering a broad spectrum of data analysis techniques, such as associative memory prediction, clustering, decision trees, fuzzy matching, but also basic statistics, graphs and geographical visualization.

Human Rights Data Analysis Group

The Human Rights Data Analysis Group was founded in September 2002 by Patrick Ball as a part of the Science and Human Rights Program within the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Java GUI for R

Although unlike Rcmdr, RKWard, Rattle or PMG, JGR provides no statistical menu-driven facilities, recently a GUI on top of JGR has been developed: Deducer aims to be an intuitive graphical data analysis system in some respects similar to SPSS or Minitab.

Jute genome

For data analysis, different computational resources, ranging from a high-performance Cluster Server to Dell servers to Silicon Graphics SGI Altix-350 and 450, were used.

Oracle Discoverer

Oracle Discoverer is a tool-set for ad hoc querying, reporting, data analysis, and Web-publishing for the Oracle Database environment.


In 2007, the company focused on supercomputer development for life sciences researchers and announced its technological solution for full-genome data analysis, including assembly, read mapping, and analysis of large amounts of high-throughput DNA and RNA sequencing data.

Pupil Achievement Tracker

As part of the New Relationship with Schools, Ofsted and DfES are streamlining data analysis in schools by merging PANDA with PAT to produce new online product called RAISEOnline.

SpaceX reusable launch system development program

Following the successful December 3 launch of Falcon 9 Flight 7 with the SES-8 payload, CEO Musk stated that depending on the data analysis from the SES-8 mission, SpaceX may try to recover the spent booster of the Thaicom 6 flight from the ocean.

Warren Gish

This was also the first time any BLAST package introduced a new database format in a manner transparent to existing users and without abandoning support for prior formats, as a result of abstracting the database I/O functions completely separately from the data analysis functions.