
unusual facts about Montane


Montane ecology |

Agathis macrophylla

Agathis macrophylla, known as Pacific kauri, is a coniferous tree native to the islands of the southwestern Pacific Ocean in tropical humid lowlands and lower montane regions, notably in Fiji, Vanuatu, the Santa Cruz Islands, and the Solomon Islands.

Aloeides stevensoni

It is found in South Africa, where it is restricted to montane sourveld Grassland on the Wolkberg near Haenertsburg.

Bill Gates' flower fly

Bill Gates' flower fly (Eristalis gatesi) is a flower fly found only in Costa Rican high montane cloud forests and named after Bill Gates.

Buddleja ibarrensis

Buddleja ibarrensis is an endangered species endemic to a small area of Ecuador in the vicinity of Ibarra in subtropical or tropical moist montane forest at an elevation of 2,200 m threatened by deforestation.

Buddleja longifolia

Buddleja longifolia is a species now restricted to remnants of montane forest in Loja, Ecuador, and northern Peru at altitudes of 2100 – 2600 m.

Bulbophyllum nigericum

It is native to Cameroon (Enyandong, Mt Kupe and the Bakossi Mountains), and Nigeria, where it is found growing habitually in submontane and montane, tropical or subtropical, moist forest, at elevations roughly between 800 and 2,050 meters.

Calodendrum eickii

The tree is endemic to montane Juniperus forest in the West Usambara Mountains where it is under threat from expansion of commercial pine plantations and agricultural development.

Cameroonian forest shrew

It is found in the Montane forests of Western Cameroon around Mount Oku and Lake Manengouba, and in Southeastern Nigeria in the Gotel Mountains or Adamawa Plateau.

Central America bioregion

The montane vegetation of the region is distinct from the lowland vegetation, and includes species with origins in temperate North America, including oaks (Quercus), Pines (Pinus) and alders (Alnus), as well as a some species with origins in temperate South America, including Weinmannia and Drimys.

Collared brown lemur

Found in tropical moist lowland and montane forests in southeastern Madagascar, the collared brown lemur occurs west to the forests of Kalambatritra and in the south from Tôlanaro north to the Mananara River.

Corsican painted frog

It shares its range with the Tyrrhenian painted frog ((Discoglossus sardus)) but is a more montane species, adept at leaping from rock to rock.

Epidendrum dendrobii

Epidendrum dendrobii is a terrestrial species of reed-stemmed Epidendrum of the Orchidaceae which grows on steep slopes in tropical montane cloud forests of Cochabamba, Bolivia and Venezuela at altitudes near 2.6 km.

Greater glider

Distribution levels are higher in regions of montane forest containing Manna Gum (E. viminalis) and Mountain Gum (E. dalrympleana, E. obliqua).

Kerinci Seblat National Park

This mainly montane park includes hot springs, rivers with rapids, caves, scenic waterfalls and the highest caldera lake in Southeast Asia - Lake Gunung Tujuhwhile the Great Sumatra Fault runs through the national park making the area of great interest to geologists.

M. minutus

Microryzomys minutus, the montane colilargo or forest small rice rat, a rodent species found in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela

Maraba coffee

The area is very hilly, due to its proximity to the Western Rift Valley and the montane Nyungwe Forest, and features rich volcanic soils.

Masafuera Rayadito

The species' natural habitat is humid montane scrub, dominated by tree ferns (Dicksonia externa) and ferns (Lophosoria quadripinnata) between 800–1300 m above sea level (though they will descend lower during the austral winter).

Montane vole

Montane voles have also been used in the laboratory in studies of African sleeping sickness, since they suffer similar symptoms to humans when infected with the parasite.

Ngel Nyaki Forest Reserve

The reserve contains a stand of rare dry type montane to sub-montane forest and is the only forest of its type left on the heavily populated Mambilla plateau.


The Oleaceae are important components of tropical forests ranging from low-lying dry forest to montane Cloud forest.

Paramillo Tapaculo

It is restricted to a narrow swath of treeline vegetation (scrub, stunted trees and Polylepis woodland) situated between montane forest and Páramo grasslands that is often just hundreds of meters wide.

Phyllonorycter acanthus

It is found in scattered riparian habitats in otherwise generally arid, montane regions of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt of Jalisco and Michoacán in Mexico.

Platanthera yosemitensis

Platanthera yosemitensis (Yosemite Bog-orchid) is a species of orchid that is endemic to nine wet montane meadows between the main stem and the South Fork of the Merced River in Yosemite National Park.

Pleurocybella ohiae

Endemic to Hawaii, Pleurocybella ohiae is known only from a single collection, where it was found growing solitarily on the bark of Metrosideros polymorpha in the Ohia montane wet forests.


Plushcaps prefer to live in montane forest or secondary woodland by Chusquea bamboo which they use to find food.

Its natural habitat is humid montane forests and it is always found in close association with Chusquea bamboo.

Quercus humboldtii

The acorns provide important food for wildlife; two parrots - the Rusty-faced Parrot and Fuertes's Parrot - are endemic to the threatened montane ecosystems of the Colombian Andes and are particularly dependent on the Andean oak forests as a home.

Royal Cinclodes

It is confined to tiny, humid patches of Polylepis woodland and montane scrub, and the major threat to its survival is the use of fire and heavy grazing which restrict the regeneration of Polylepis.


The "palms" in the grounds are actually Cordyline australis, a native New Zealand tree which is found in lowland and montane areas.


Shimukappu is the location of a new nature reserve, called the Horoka Tomamu Montane Forest, established in 2010, the United Nations International Year of Biodiversity.

Siberian Jay

It is one of three members of the genus Perisoreus, the others being the Sichuan Jay, P. internigrans, restricted to the mountains of eastern Tibet and northwestern Sichuan, and the Gray Jay, P. canadensis, restricted to the boreal forest and western montane regions of North America.

Sichuan Jay

It is one of three members of the genus Perisoreus, the others being the Siberian Jay, P. infaustus, found from Norway to eastern Russia and the Gray Jay, P. canadensis, restricted to the boreal forest and western montane regions of North America.

Soochipara Falls

Soochipara Falls also known as Sentinel Rock Waterfalls is a three-tiered waterfall in Vellarimala, Wayanad, surrounded by Deciduous, Evergreen and Montane forests.

Teardrop White-eye

Its habitat is montane rainforest dominated by the endemic Chuuk Poisontree.

Ulex europaeus

Common gorse is also an invasive species in the montane grasslands of Horton Plains National Park in Sri Lanka.

see also