He was appointed as President of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies on 21 February 2012 by the Academic Senate of Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies and by a Decree of the Minister Francesco Profumo of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (Italy).
In 1970 the factory that produced the Trejo pistol, along with three more that manufactured other weapons, were closed by Presidential Decree as a result of social problems that were occurring in Mexico at the time (now known as the Dirty War).
decree | Decree | Alhambra Decree | Ministerial decree | Amiri decree | President Sukarno's 1959 Decree | Nero Decree | Murder by Decree | Moroccan decree (''Moroccan Dahir |
In 1794, at the height of the Terror and after the desertion of forty seven young people from Itxassou, the Committee of Public Safety (Decree of 13 Ventôse Year II - 3 March 1794) arrested and deported some of the inhabitants (men, women and children) of Ainhoa, Ascain, Espelette, Itxassou, Sare, and Souraïde and decreed that these communes like the other communes of the Spanish border were "infamous communes".
Subsequently, a national council was held in Bauria, West Bengal, which reaffirmed the demand of boycotting the Constituent Assembly as well as issuing a decree that Bloc members of state legislatures would resign.
The construction of Avinguda Diagonal is one of the projects it entailed that became reality, when a Royal Decree from Queen Isabella II of Spain and Leopoldo O'Donnell's Spanish government in Madrid allowed him to start the construction of the avenue in 1859.
The Ayrault Cabinet is the present cabinet of France, formed on 16 May 2012 by the presidential decree of President François Hollande.
In April 2010, Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov signed a decree to support the bank's funds from the municipal budget of Moscow.
León de Castro, professor of Oriental languages at Salamanca, to whose translation of the Vulgate Arias had opposed the original Hebrew text, denounced Arias to the Roman, and later to the Spanish Inquisition for having altered the Biblical text, making too liberal use of the rabbinical writings, in disregard of the decree of the Council of Trent concerning the authenticity of the Vulgate, and confirming the Jews in their beliefs by his Chaldaic paraphrases.
This was another record broken by Trout and was later recognized by King Carol II of Romania where a representative gave her the Royal Decree and the aviation cross for pilots who made record flights, a distinction which was only given to two other pilots - Earhart and Charles Lindbergh.
Camair-co was created on 11 September 2006 by decree of Paul Biya, the President of Cameroon, as a company aimed at replacing Cameroon Airlines, the country's national airline at that time.
The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued and published on May 29, 2008, in the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, a decree signed by Cardinal William Levada, on the existing ban on women priests by asserting that women "priests" and the bishops who ordain them would be automatically excommunicated "latae sententiae".
In 1803, the members of the Maryland Mission, consisting of the surviving former Jesuits, learned that, two years earlier, Pope Pius VII had approved the continuation of the Society in Russia, where the decree of suppression had never been implemented by the Empress Catherine the Great.
In 1576 the Savoy family exchanges the Ciriè area with an access to the sea with the Doria Marquis of Genoa: Gian Gerolamo D'Oria establishes his residence in Ciriè, starting the long dynasty (the D'Oria e del Maro di Ciriè) which ruled the city till the last Marquis Emanuele D'Oria, who becomes the first mayor when Ciriè, in force of a royal decree, is established a "city" in 1905.
A decree of 17 September 1921 added all veterans of the war of 1870-1871 that were wounded or maimed in combat, or that particularly distinguished themselves in the face of the enemy, as potential recipients of the Military Medal.
(A member of Detré's future wife's family, it was rumored, served as an "artistic advisor" in the government of Béla Kun) but if so, it was not by official decree.
David Syme Russell notes a number of parallels between the two chapters, including the trials suffered, the jealousy of conspirators, rescue by an angel, accusers meeting the same fate they had intended for the protagonists, and the fact that the king praises God and issues a royal decree protecting Jewish worship.
Tarbé obtained by decree of 13 June 1889 the concession for a tram line between Saint-Germain and Marly-le-Roi, and between Rueil and Courbevoie, where it was connected with the tram from there to the Place de l'Etoile.
This decree was unpopular with learners and teachers alike, particularly in towns like the Johannesburg township of Soweto, where practically no-one spoke Afrikaans.
In September 2007, by a decree of the Principality of Asturias, El Entrego joined the adjacent Sotrondio and Blimea to form a single population center of San Martin del Rey name Aurelio as a homonymous municipality.
Encouraged by this decree, a rump of bishops defiantly continued to meet at Basel even after Pope Eugene IV had transferred the main body of the Council of Basel to Ferrara.
For example, Seldon suggests a decree that erases terrorists' names from records, denying them immortality, discouraging chaotic actions.
In 1998, the then Italian Minister of Justice, Oliviero Diliberto, authored a decree allowing for the displacement of his remains to Savoia di Lucania, but it wasn't acted on until 2007.
This was the decree of the state, and it had the effect of making him a martyr in the eyes of the populace and (along with heavy taxes on Londoners) bringing about the first Sacheverell riots that year in London and the rest of the country, which included attacks on Presbyterian and other Dissenter places of worship, with some being burned down.
A district administrative court in Donetsk, Ukraine cancelled the presidential decree on 2 April 2010, that had granted the Hero of Ukraine title to Bandera.
Its status was changed from university when it was integrated into the polytechnic subsector in 1988 through the decree "Decreto-Lei nº389/88", of 25 of October", and incorporated into the newly created Polytechnical Institute of Coimbra.
The International Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania is a commission appointed by the President of Lithuania, Valdas Adamkus, by presidential decree on 7 September 1998.
He replaced Achille Fould, who had resigned after the decree confiscating the property of the House of Orléans.
According to Southwell, he taught philosophy at Monforte, theology at Salamanca, and was called from there to the Imperial College of Madrid, where, by royal decree, he taught moral theology.
The University of Libya was founded in 1955 by royal decree in Benghazi.
As of December 21, 1884, Louis-François Richer Laflèche sign the decree establishing the parish from a dismembered part of the parishes of Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Carmel, Quebec (Our Lady of Mount Carmel) and Saint-Jacques des Piles.
In a stroke of cruel luck, he was never able to participate in a papal conclave—he was the last cardinal to turn eighty prior to the August 1978 conclave, at which, by Pope Paul's decree, cardinals over eighty were excluded.
1959, 5 July: With armed forces support, Sukarno issues a decree dissolving the Constituent Assembly and reintroducing the Constitution of 1945 with strong presidential powers, and assumes the additional role of Prime Minister, which completes the structure of 'Guided Democracy'.
Upon the decree of King Phillip II, after whom the Philippines was named, they retained the honors and privileges they had before their conversion and subjection to the Spanish crown.
Forced to leave the Palais-Royal by decree in 1806 (the neighbouring Comédiens-Français finding that she kept them in the shade) but still infatigable, she convinced Napoleon to authorise her to build a new theatre on the boulevard Montmartre, despite a decree limiting the number of theatres in Paris to just 8.
The marquisate was bestowed by Juan Carlos I of Spain on Vicente del Bosque, by Royal Decree 135/2011, on 3 February 2011 in recognition of his "great dedication to Spanish sport and the contribution of don Vicente del Bosque González to the promotion of sporting values".
His successor and 20th Mbunda monarch, King Mwene Katavola II Musangu, who was believed to be one of the plotters of his assassination contravened the royal decree of his predecessor by his passion for a Chokwe slave beauty named Nyakoma, who was owned by the Chokwe Chief called Mwa Mushilinjinji whom he allocated land to settle at the Luwe, a tributary of the Nengu river.
The Musée des Augustins de Toulouse was one of fifteen museums founded in provincial centres, by a decree of 13 Fructidor year IX (31 August 1801), which was promulgated by the minister of the interior, Jean-Antoine Chaptal.
Ne Temere (literally meaning "not rashly" in Latin) was a decree (named for its opening words) issued in 1907 of the Roman Catholic Congregation of the Council regulating the canon law of the Church about marriage for practising Roman Catholics.
During the French Mandate, the capital was moved to Yaoundé, with the decree of the 1st March 1921 and the High Commissioner Delegate occupied the building.
Orientalium Ecclesiarum is the Decree on the Eastern Catholic Churches from the Second Vatican Council
In 1990, Prime minister Benazir Bhutto signed an executive decree providing for the Bachelor of Science Degree for the Naval, Military, and Coast Guard Academies.
On 13 September 1941 Arthur Greiser issued a decree in which the German administration rejected the existence of churches as legal entities in that Reichsgau.
The Regional County Municipality of Portneuf was constituted as a regional administrative entity on November 25, 1981 by a Provincial decree creating the supralocal Regional County Municipality administration based on the (...) and therefore replacing the previously existing historic Portneuf County Corporation.
By a Decree of 16 June, 1910, the northern boundary was extended so as to include a portion of the Vicariate Apostolic of the Sudan and now along the River Bomer and the watershed of the Nile and the Congo to where it crosses the 4° Southern latitude.
The Presidential Decree of 5 July 1959 was issued by President Sukarno in the face of the inability of the Constitutional Assembly of Indonesia to achieve the two-thirds majority to reimpose the 1945 Constitution.
On January 17, 2008, Victor Vodolatsky, Ataman of Don Cossacks and a deputy of the United Russia party in the Russian Duma signed a controversial decree regarding creation of a workgroup for rehabilitation of Pyotr Krasnov.
Quam singulari was a decree released by Pope Pius X in 1910, concerning the admittance of Communion to children.
On 8 October 1814 the Supreme Director Gervasio Antonio de Posadas issued a decree saying the jurisdictions of Salta, Jujuy, Oran, Tarija and Santa Maria should be combined into the Salta Province with capital in the town of Salta.
On June 6, 2005 by Decree # 961/2005 of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, he was assigned to be the Chief of the General Staff – Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Nicknamed the "King of Misfortune," he witnessed the death of his father Crown Prince Sado, who was executed by a royal decree ordered by his grandfather, then-King Yeongjo, and was subsequently caught in the midst of fierce party strife between the Noron and Soron factions during his reign.
;May 23: Politburo decree exiling from Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev all persons ever excluded from the Communist Party for the relations with opposition and all family members of persons imprisoned for more than five years.
The school was established as the Imperial Theatrical School by decree of the Empress Anna on 4 May 1738 with the French Ballet Master Jean-Baptiste Lande as its director.