
unusual facts about rabbinical

Abraham ben Nathan

In Lunel, Abraham may have studied under RABaD III (Abraham ben David of Posquières), but his regular rabbinical studies, were pursued at Dampierre, in northern France, at the academy of R. Isaac ben Samuel, called R. Isaac ha-Zaḳen.

Abraham Hecht

Hecht was featured in a June 23, 1995, article by Larry Yudelson, for his assertion, at a rabbinical gathering, that Jewish Law (Halakha) could permit the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres for their proposal at Oslo to withdraw from parts of Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip.

Akiva ben Joseph

Aquila was a man after Akiva's own heart; under Akiva's guidance he gave the Greek-speaking Jews a rabbinical Bible (Jerome on Isa. viii. 14, Yer. ḳid. i. 59a).

Arthur Waskow

Waskow was ordained a rabbi in 1995 by a transdenominational beth din (rabbinical court) made up of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, with Lubavitch Hasidic lineage; Rabbi Max Ticktin, ordained by the Jewish Theological Seminary (Conservative); Rabbi Laura Geller, ordained by the Hebrew Union College (Reform); and Dr. Judith Plaskow, a leading feminist theologian.

Asher Lopatin

He is the President of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School, the leading modern and open Orthodox rabbinical school in America located in Riverdale, NY.

Barylka Yerahmiel

He studied in yeshivot (rabbinical seminaries) Ateret Chafetz and Chaim Tzvi, and in the Law and Social Sciences faculty of the University of Belgrano, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he served as an assistant professor of public international law.

Benito Arias Montano

León de Castro, professor of Oriental languages at Salamanca, to whose translation of the Vulgate Arias had opposed the original Hebrew text, denounced Arias to the Roman, and later to the Spanish Inquisition for having altered the Biblical text, making too liberal use of the rabbinical writings, in disregard of the decree of the Council of Trent concerning the authenticity of the Vulgate, and confirming the Jews in their beliefs by his Chaldaic paraphrases.

Benjamin Szold

Szold studied under Rabbis Jacob Fischer of Shalgaw, Wolf Kollin of Werbau, and Benjamin Wolf at the Pressburg Yeshiva, and received the rabbinical authorization from Judah Assod of Bur and Simon Sidon of Tyrnau.

Bible translations into Hebrew

1551, 1550 Gospel of Matthew, J. Quinquarboreus (Jean Cinqarbres) and 1550 Jean Mercier (Hebraist), Paris - confused with Sebastian Münster's adaption of a Rabbinical text of Matthew, but prepared from another of the Rabbinical translations of Matthew, purchased in Italy by bishop Jean du Tillet.

Binyamin Shlomo Hamburger

Having originally been educated in Eastern European Jewish and Hasidic institutions, he came to explore his family's heritage after learning more about the traditions observed by his ancestor, Moses Sofer (1762–1839), the rabbinical authority better known as the "Chatam Sofer" after his writings.

Binyomin Luban

While there he learned with Rabbi Avrohom Kenarek and Rabbi Shia Grodzitski, both students of the saintly Rabbi Boruch Ber Leibowitz, the dean of the pre-World War Two rabbinical seminary which was known as Kaminetz.

Chanoch Dov Padwa

The honorary officers of the UOHC announced the appointment of his youngest son, Rabbi Ephraim Padwa, as the new rabbinical head of the community.

Christian headcovering

Although there is no positive command for women to cover their heads in the Old Testament, there are non-canonical rabbinical writings on tzniut, meaning "modesty" (Shulchan Aruch, Rabbi Jacob ben Asher's Stone of Help 115, 4; Orach Chayim 75,2; Even Ha'ezer 21, 2 4).

Franz Rosenthal

After teaching for a year in Florence, Italy, he became instructor at the Lehranstalt (formerly Hochschule) für die Wissenschaft des Judentums, a rabbinical seminary in Berlin.

Groff family

The original German spellings of the family name are Graf as well as Graff and the Zürich line, known in the area since the early 14th century, are a branch of the ancient rabbinical Graff family.

Hanoch Albeck

Albeck, who was a religiously observant Jew, published a number of books in Hebrew and German on rabbinical literature, including "Introduction to the Mishna", "Studies in Baraita and Tosephta", "Introduction to the Talmuds", and others.

Henrik Bródy

Educated in the public schools of his native town and at the rabbinical colleges of Tolcsva and Pressburg, Hungary, Brody also studied at the Hildesheimer Theological Seminary and at the University of Berlin, being an enthusiastic scholar of the Hebrew language and literature.

Henry Malter

He pursued his Jewish studies at the Veitel Heine-Ephraimsche Lehranstalt, Berlin (under Moritz Steinschneider) from 1890 to 1898, and at the Berlin Hochschule from 1894 to 1898, receiving his rabbinical diploma from the latter institution.

Isaac Aboab of Castile

A supercommentary to the commentary of Rashi on the Pentateuch and a number of rabbinical decisions exist in manuscript.

Isaac Lumbroso

Lumbroso was appointed rabbinical judge of the latter; and, being a man of means, he filled at the same time the position of receiver of taxes to the bey as well as that of caid, being the representative official of his community.

Isadore Epstein

For the noted rabbinical scholar of a similar name see: Isidore Epstein

Isaiah Horowitz

Famous descendants of Isaiah Horowitz included Yaakov Yitzchak of Lublin, (Yaakov Yitzchak Horowitz; Hebrew: יעקב יצחק הורוביץ), known as "The Chozeh of Lublin" (Hebrew: החוזה מלובלין, The Seer of Lublin), the prominent Billiczer Rabbinical family of Szerencs, Hungary and the Dym family of Rabbis and communal leaders in Galicia.

Ismar Elbogen

He obtained his rabbinical diploma in 1899 and was appointed lecturer on Biblical exegesis and Jewish history at the Collegio Rabbinico Italiano in Florence.

Jonathan ben David ha-Cohen

He was also known as Jonathan of Lunel, and was one of several Jewish scholars associated with the town, including Meshullam ben Jacob of Lunel, Rabbi Abraham ben David (the "RABaD") who taught in Lunel before moving to Posquières, and Asher ben Meshullam of Lunel, the author of several rabbinical works.

Joshua Zeitlin

On retiring from business in civil rank of Court Counsellor, Zeitlin resided on his estate Ustzia, where he was occasionally consulted by rabbis with regard to rabbinical questions.

Judah Leib Gordon

He received a teaching certificate from the local rabbinical college, and became a school teacher in some of the smaller towns that housed major yeshivas, including Ponivezh and Telz.


Nissim Karelitz, the chairman of the beis din tzedek (rabbinical court) of Bnei Brak

Kaufmann Kohler

He received his rabbinical training at Hassfurt, Höchberg near Würzburg, Mainz, Altona, and at Frankfurt am Main (under Samson Raphael Hirsch), and his university training at Munich, Berlin, Leipsic, and Erlangen (Ph.D. 1868; his thesis, "Der Segen Jacob's", was one of the earliest Jewish essays in the field of the higher Biblical criticism, and its radical character had the effect of closing to him the Jewish pulpit in Germany).

Leo Baeck

The asteroid 100047 Leobaeck is named in his honour, as is Leo Baeck College, the Reform/Progressive rabbinical college in London.


After the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE, Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakai legislated a rabbinical enactment to take the four species for the entire seven days of the holiday in all locations as a commemoration of what was done in the Temple.

Mendy and the Golem

In the second series, the Kleins have created a modern-day Golem with the assistance of the venerable Reb Zushe, an aging Rabbinical scholar.


In addition, many of the specific details of the Biblical mitzvot are only derived via rabbinical application of the Oral Torah (Mishna/Gemarah); for example, the reading of the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-7), the binding of the tefillin and the fixing of the mezuzah (Deuteronomy 6:8-9), and the saying of Grace After Meals (Deuteronomy 8:10).

Moscow Choral Synagogue

The chief Moscow rabbi up to 1938 Shmarya Yehuda Leib Medalia, born in Lithuania in 1872, started his rabbinical service in Tula, then a small provincial town about 100 miles from Moscow, and later moved to serve a much larger and more vibrant Jewish community in the Belorussian city of Vitebsk.

Moses Rintel

The Reverend Moses Rintel, S.J.M., (1823 – 9 May 1880) was a Jewish Rabbi in colonial Victoria (Australia) who established the first Beth din (rabbinical court) in the British empire outside of London.

Moses S. Margolies

Margolies was born in Kroza, Russia in April 1851 and received his rabbinical training at the yeshivas in Kroza and Białystok.

Nathan Adler

Adler attended the rabbinical school of Jacob Joshua, author of Pene Yehoshua, who was at that time rabbi at Frankfurt, but his principal teacher was David Tevele Schiff, afterward chief rabbi of the United Kingdom.

Peter Taylor, Baron Taylor of Gosforth

His father Louis was born in Leeds to where the family had emigrated, and became a doctor; his mother came from the rabbinical Palterovich family who had emigrated to Leeds in 1895 (Taylor was therefore a distant cousin of actress Gwyneth Paltrow).

Riccardo Pacifici

After the "Liceo Classico" (Classical Studies High School) he attended the University of Florence where he graduated summa cum laude in Classics (Lettere Classiche) in 1926, and in 1927 he was awarded by the Rabbinical College of Florence—where he had studied under important scholars such as Elia Samuele Artom, Umberto Cassuto, Shemuel Zvi Margulies—the title of Chachàm ha shalèm (Senior Rabbi).

Saul Lowenstam

His first rabbinical position was in Lokachi, Ukraine (located in the Lokachi Raion and named Lakacz in Yiddish), followed by Dubno, where he succeeded his father-in-law.

Sheldon Beren

Among the beneficiaries of his work are: Yeshiva University, the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, the American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, Boys Town Jerusalem, and several Orthodox rabbinical seminaries on the East Coast.

Susannah Heschel

In 1972 she asked the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York to consider her application to its rabbinical school, though she knew it did not ordain women at that time.

Tzvi Gluckin

He attended the yeshiva Aish HaTorah and received his rabbinical ordination from its founder Rabbi Noah Weinberg.


In the 12th century, the rabbinical school was an important centre of Jewish teaching, recognized across Europe thanks to the contributions of Abraham ben David and Isaac the Blind.

William E. Kaufman

In 1967 he assumed the rabbinical post at Congregation Bnai Israel in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, where he served until 1980.

Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin

Rabbi Ahron Soloveichik, appointed by Rabbi Hutner to give the highest daily lecture in Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin; also taught at Yeshiva University, Hebrew Theological College and Brisk Rabbinical College

Yosef Elboim

Rabbi Yosef Elboim (Heb: הרב יוסף אלבוים) is a rabbinical authority on the issues of the Temple Mount and a leading figure in the movement to rebuild the Temple (heb: התנועה לכינון המקדש).


Rabbinical commentators explain that the continuity of high priesthood is put forth to the descendants of Phineas from this noted verse.

see also