
unusual facts about Ecumenical

Albert Frederick Mutti

From there he moved to Savannah becoming the Founding Pastor of the Crossroads Ecumenical Cooperative Parish.

Annette Groth

From 1981 to 1984, she worked as a research fellow at the European Research Institute of Ecumenical Research Exchange (ERE) in Rotterdam, on migrant workers in the EC.

Archbishop Spyridon of America

In 1985 the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate elected him titular bishop of Apamea, assigning him as an auxiliary bishop to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Austria and Exarchate of Italy, as it was then known.

Arthur Kreinheder

Kreinheder was ordained to the priesthood in 1956 in Lund by Bishop Anders Nygren and Bishop Gustaf Aulen "for ecumenical work in the United States among Lutherans."

B.J. Stiles

He brought such nationally-recognized authors, artists, and ecumenical leaders as David Halberstam, Corita Kent, Ross Terrill, William Stringfellow, Harvey Cox, and Michael Novak to the pages of the magazine.

Benedictine Women of Madison

Other groups involved in Holy Wisdom Monastery include the Oblates and the Community of Benedict, two different groups of single and married people from many religious traditions who follow the Rule of St. Benedict in their daily lives; and Sunday Assembly, which gathers on Sunday mornings for an ecumenical Christian worship service.

Bertrand M. Tipple

He was a delegate to the world convention of the YMCA at Robert College in Constantinople in 1911 and a delegate to the Ecumenical Conference in Edinburgh, 1913.

Branch theory

Although the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission, an organization sponsored by the Anglican Consultative Council and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, seeks to make ecumenical progress between the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion, it has made no statement on the topic, and no support for the branch theory has been expressed anywhere outside Anglicanism itself.

Bruce Wilkinson

Wilkinson has been criticized by Christian Fundamentalist missionary and writer David Cloud because of his ecumenical involvements with Roman Catholics and the Russian Orthodox Church.

Charta Oecumenica

The Charta Oecumenica (Latin for "Ecumenical Charter") is a joint document from the Conference of European Churches (CEC) and the Council of European Episcopal Conferences (CCEE, Consilium Conferentiarum Episcoporum Europae) which contains guidelines for increasing co-operation among the churches in Europe.

Cluster Publications

The Cluster, founded in 1990, is an ecumenical partnership of the Evangelical Seminary of Southern Africa, the School of Religion and Theology of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, and St Joseph’s Theological Institute.


Some writers, including Hans Küng and Francis Christopher Oakley, have argued that the decrees of the Council of Constance remain valid, limiting papal power, despite these decrees being opposed by all subsequent popes and ecumenical councils.

Coptic Orthodox Church in Africa

The jurisdiction of the Church of Alexandria extended, as per Canon law of the First and Second Ecumenical Councils, to the Province of Egypt, Nubia and Pentapolis.

Council Nedd II

Nedd serves as the director of the Ecumenical Institute for Health Policy Research at Valley Forge Christian College, Woodbridge, Virginia Campus, and is a fellow in canon law and liturgics at St. Alcuin House, an unaccredited graduate theological school where he completed a Doctor of Philosophy degree in religion.

Dublin University Magazine

The year 1832 had been one of political and ecumenical upheaval: disturbances in Britain led to the Reform Act of that year, the Tithe War was raging in Ireland and the new Whig government was gaining influential supporters in Trinity College, Dublin.

Emmanuel Milingo

The others were Archbishop Peter Paul Brennan of the African Orthodox Church and the Ecumenical Catholic Diocese of the Americas, who according to one website was first consecrated a bishop on June 10, 1978, and subsequently reconsecrated in October 1979 and twice more in March 1987; Archbishop Patrick E. Trujillo of the Old Catholic Church in America and Archbishop Joseph J. Gouthro of Las Vegas, presiding bishop of the Catholic Apostolic Church International (CACI).

English Churchman

The paper has a reputation for being outspokenly and unashamedly Protestant, Evangelical, Reformed and anti-ecumenical, believing that the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England are good and true and so it does not recognise non-evangelical Churches as being truly Christian because they have erred in doctrine and practice.

Eric W. Gritsch

From 1995 to 2005, he taught at the Ecumenical Institute of St. Mary’s University in Baltimore.

Estonian Orthodox Church

Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church, an autonomous church subordinate to the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople

Fairtrade certification

At the initiative of Mexican coffee farmers, the first fair trade labelling initiative, Stichting Max Havelaar, was launched in the Netherlands on November 15, 1988 by Nico Roozen, Frans van der Hoff and Dutch ecumenical development agency Solidaridad.

First seven Ecumenical Councils

For those who accept it (Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholics, most liturgical Protestants), it is the Fourth Ecumenical Council (calling the Second Council of Ephesus, which was rejected by this council, the "Robber Synod" or "Robber Council").

Foundation for Interreligious and Intercultural Research and Dialogue

Professor Damaskinos Papandreou, former Metropolitan of Switzerland and Director of the Orthodox Center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate (Chambes/Geneva)

Frances Young

Because of this she has worked on the theological and ecumenical dimensions of the L'Arche communities with Jean Vanier, their founder

Frans Haarsma

In the years before, during and after the Second Vatican Council Haarsma was involved in almost everything in the Dutch catholic and ecumenical field.

Frans van der Hoff

Frans van der Hoff (born 1939), or Francisco VanderHoff Boersma as he is called in Latin America, is a Dutch missionary who, in collaboration with Nico Roozen and ecumenical development agency Solidaridad, launched Max Havelaar, the first Fairtrade label in 1988.

Gerhard Forde

He also spent sabbatical years at Harvard (1972–73), Strasbourg (1979–80), and St. John's University Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research, Collegeville, Minnesota (1988).

History of fair trade

A solution was found in 1988, when the first Fairtrade label, Max Havelaar, was launched under the initiative of Nico Roozen, Frans van der Hoff and Dutch ecumenical development agency Solidaridad.

International Christian Maritime Association

The International Christian Maritime Association (ICMA) is an ecumenical association of 28 Christian organisations, representing different churches and Christian communities.

Jesse Moren Bader

From 1937 onwards he attended all the major ecumenical gatherings related to the formation and establishment of the World Council of Churches including Oxford and Edinburgh (1937), Amsterdam (1948), Evanston (1954), New Delhi (1961) and the annual meetings of the World Council of Churches executive committee once it was set up in 1948.

John Mbiti

He taught religion and theology in Makerere University, Uganda from 1964 to 1974 and was subsequently director of the World Council of Churches' Ecumenical Institute in Bogis-Bossey, Switzerland.

Kenneth Mubu

In 1990, he moved to Geneva, Switzerland, working as Editor of the Ecumenical Press Service, a news agency of the World Council of Churches, compiling and distributing news to agencies, publications and electronic media globally.

Kikuyu controversy

In June 1913, William George Peel, the Bishop of Mombasa; and John Jamieson Willis, the Bishop of Uganda attended an ecumenical communion during an interdenominational missionary conference at the Church of Scotland's parish in Kikuyu, British East Africa, in what is now Kenya.

Ligonier Meeting

Five months before, Metropolitan Spyridon Papageorge of Italy gave a speech at the 32nd Biennial Clergy-Laity Conference of the Greek Archdiocese, in which he plainly stated that both he and the Ecumenical Patriarch, Bartholomew, wanted an end to "ethnic ghettoes" which divided Orthodoxy in America.

Patriarch Daniel of Romania

1980 – 1988 – Lector at the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey, Geneva and associate professor in Geneva and Fribourg, Switzerland;

Paul David Devanandan

His address to the Third Assembly of the World Council of Churches at New Delhi in 1961, under the title "Called to Witness," delivered few months before his death caught the attention of the large ecumenical church.

Paul Schenck

The Schenck brothers work side by side on Capitol Hill in Washington where Robert is president of Faith and Action, an ecumenical mission, and Paul is chairman of the National Pro-Life Center.

Pope Adrian II

An Ecumenical Council (Considered the 8th Ecumenical Council by the Catholic Church) was convoked as the Fourth Council of Constantinople to decide this matter.

Raphael I

Patriarch Raphael I of Constantinople, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople from 1475 to 1476

Richard Cartwright Austin

In the 1970s and 1980s, Austin spoke to Protestant, Catholic, Evangelical and Eastern Orthodox groups across the United States, and trained young ministers in environmental awareness through the ecumenical Appalachian Ministries Educational Resource Center in Berea, Kentucky.

Richard Gaillardetz

He has served on the Board of Directors of the Catholic Theological Society of America and on the U.S. Roman Catholic-Methodist Ecumenical Dialogue.

Roswell Parkhurst Barnes

The Rev. Roswell P. Barnes, served as the American leader or U.S. secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), serving with the aid of Charles Phelps Taft II - son of President William Howard Taft - who supported the ecumenical movement and Rev. Barnes belief for a need for a blueprint for the Protestant community to affect the world; and to serve as a counterpoint to Catholicism's increasing popular influence led by Archbishop Fulton Sheen.

St George's Interdenominational Chapel, Heathrow Airport

The three apses were originally intended for each of the contributing denominations, but in 1972 the main altar was rededicated by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, and the Moderator of the Free Church Federal Council for shared ecumenical use.

Stann Creek Ecumenical Junior College

Stann Creek Ecumenical Junior College is a college in Dangriga, Belize.

Studium Biblicum Version

Postulations by modern scholars were deliberately avoided, but the Greek manuscript edited by the Protestant scholars Aland, Black, Metzger, and Allen Wikgren was used as a reference as an ecumenical gesture.

Sunrise service

In 2012, in Washington D.C., thousands of individuals gathered at the Lincoln Memorial for the ecumenical 34th “Sunrise Celebration” Easter service, an Washington tradition for Christians of all denominations.

Taizé, Saône-et-Loire

In Taizé lives the Taizé Community, a monastic, ecumenical, international community founded in 1940 by Frère Roger, which has today just over 100 brothers from many different countries and from different Christian traditions.

World Alliance of Reformed Churches

On 1 February 2006, Clifton Kirkpatrick, president of the WARC, and Douwe Visser, president of the Reformed Ecumenical Council (REC), said in a joint letter, "We rejoice in the work of the Holy Spirit which we believe has led us to recommend that the time has come to bring together the work of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the Reformed Ecumenical Council into one body that will strengthen the unity and witness of Reformed Christians."

see also