
unusual facts about Einstein–Brillouin–Keller method

Einstein–Brillouin–Keller method

for example, the work of Eric J. Heller and Emmanuel David Tannenbaum using a partial differential equation gradient descent approach.

2001 Einstein

Arthur C. Clarke joked in the postscript of his novel 3001: The Final Odyssey that he was hoping asteroid 2001 would be named after him, but it was named for Einstein first.

3 Magic Words

The movie contains quotes by historical figures such as Gandhi, Buddha, Jesus, John Lennon, Plato, Sai Baba, Einstein, Osho, and others.

Alexander Friedmann

The classic solution of the Einstein field equations that describes a homogeneous and isotropic universe is called the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric, or FLRW, after Friedmann, Georges Lemaître, Howard Percy Robertson and Arthur Geoffrey Walker, who worked on the problem in 1920's and 30's independently of Friedmann.

Amsterdam School

In German Brick Expressionism important expressionist buildings are excluded, such as the famous Einstein Tower in Potsdam by Erich Mendelsohn (white plaster) and the Philharmonie in Berlin by Hans Scharoun (yellow facade).

Bell state

Hence, followed Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen in 1935 in their famous "EPR paper", there is something missing in the description of the qubit pair given above—namely this "agreement", called more formally a hidden variable.

Bergen Davis

Davis's post-graduate work at the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge had prepared him to engage with the new physics which followed the work of scientists such as Einstein, Planck, and Bohr, concepts which he helped to introduce into the Columbia curriculum.

Bob Einstein

In 1987, Einstein got his own variety show named Super Dave, which ran from 1987 to 1991 on the Global Television Network in Canada (where the show was produced at the network's Toronto studio) and Showtime in the U.S..


Brillouin scattering, the scattering of light by density variations in a material

Brillouin zone, a primitive cell of the reciprocal lattice of a crystal

Carl Einstein

Einstein also worked on numerous journals and collective projects, among some of the more important: Die Aktion edited by Franz Pfemfert, Die Pleite and Der Blutige Ernst with George Grosz, and the legendary journal Documents: Doctrines, Archéologie, Beaux-arts, Ethnographie edited with Georges Bataille.

Cartan connection

They have many applications in geometry and physics: see the method of moving frames, Cartan connection applications and Einstein–Cartan theory for some examples.

Chris Gollon

Partially inspired by a lyric in Bob Dylan's ballad 'Desolation Row', Chris Gollon painted 'Einstein & The Jealous Monk'.

Coordinate conditions

If one is going to solve the Einstein field equations using approximate methods such as the Post-Newtonian expansion, then one should try to choose a coordinate condition which will make the expansion converge as quickly as possible (or at least prevent it from diverging).

De Broglie–Bohm theory

Peter R. Holland has pointed out that, earlier in 1927, Einstein had actually submitted a preprint with a similar proposal but, not convinced, had withdrawn it before publication.


The "E" in the title of E-Motion stands for Einstein, and he appears in cover art and advertisements.

Einstein protocol

Einstein protocol is a standard used for precisely measuring the distance between two objects in space.

Einstein–Szilárd letter

The Hungarian physicist Leó Szilárd, who was residing in the United States at the time, realized that the neutron-driven fission of heavy atoms could be used to create a nuclear chain reaction that could yield vast amounts of energy for electric power generation or atomic bombs.

The Einstein–Szilárd letter was a letter written by Leó Szilárd and signed by Albert Einstein that was sent to the United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt on August 2, 1939.

Event symmetry

American philosopher of physics John Stachel has used permutability of spacetime events to generalize Einstein's hole argument.

Exact solutions in general relativity

With sufficiently clever assumptions of this sort, it is often possible to reduce the Einstein field equation to a much simpler system of equations, even a single partial differential equation (as happens in the case of stationary axisymmetric vacuum solutions, which are characterized by the Ernst equation) or a system of ordinary differential equations (as happens in the case of the Schwarzschild vacuum).

Faith branding

Mara Einstein, the author of Brands of Faith and Phil Cooke, the author of Branding Faith both describe the ways that faith branding is used throughout the world and how successful this type of marketing can be when you do the steps correctly and follow the plan.

Frances Cress Welsing

She states that her position is more analogous to the "determinist" model of physicist Albert Einstein, than to the "indeterminacy" theories of Max Born and Werner Heisenberg.

George Barker Jeffery

He is probably best known to the scientifically literate public as the translator of papers by Einstein, Lorentz, and other fathers of relativity theory.

George Van Biesbroeck

In 1952, at age 72, he traveled to Khartoum in Sudan and set up a 20' telescope to confirm Einstein's Theory of Relativity by noting the change in positions of the stars around the Sun during a total eclipse that year.

Harry Einstein

His children include the comedians Albert Brooks and Bob Einstein (a.k.a. Super Dave Osborne), and advertising creative/actor Clifford Einstein.

Herbert Eulenberg

In 1923 he lectured in the United States, where he was invited as the “first German after Einstein” to speak at Columbia University.

Holst action

Variation of the first term of the action with respect to the tetrad e^{\alpha} {\ I} gives the (mixed index) Einstein tensor and variation of the second term with respect to the tetrad gives a quantity that vanishes by symmetries of the Riemann tensor (specifically the first Bianchi identity), together these imply Einstein's vacuum field equations hold.

I'm Interested in Apathy

Among the things the main claims to know or be able to do are: drilling for oil in the Bass Strait, being able to prove Einstein's theory wrong, predicting mankind's fate and knowing what really happened in regards to Marilyn Monroe's death.

Ignazio Ciufolini

International Occhialini Prize and Medal of the UK Institute of Physics (IOP) and Italian Physical Society (SIF) awarded in London by Jocelyn Bell Burnell, president of IOP, for providing further experimental confirmation of Einstein's theory of General Relativity through the use of laser-ranged satellites to study and measure frame-dragging.

Jang Il-soon

In 1954, Jang established the Dae-Sung school in Wonju in order to pass on the teachings of An Chang-ho, and participated in the One World Movement, comparing notes with Albert Einstein.

Jon-Erik Beckjord

Beckjord himself characterized his theories as being "no more bizarre than those of Einstein, Dr. Michio Kaku or Dr. Fred Alan Wolf," and considered many to be continuations or expansions upon Einstein's work.

Left–right symmetry

The rule is absolutely valid in the classical mechanics of Newton and Einstein, but results from quantum mechanical experiments show a difference in the behavior of left-chiral versus right-chiral subatomic particles.

Lewis Einstein

The son of wool magnate David L. Einstein, Lewis Einstein had two sisters: Amy, who married Joel Elias Spingarn, and Florence, who married Sir Charles Waldstein.

Local reference frame

When constructing his general theory of relativity, Einstein made the following observation: a freely falling object in a gravitational field will not be able to detect the existence of the field by making local measurements ("a falling man feels no gravity").

Max Talmey

Talmey published an account of Einstein's early life, "Personal Recollections of Einstein's Boyhood and Youth", in Scripta Mathematica.

Michael Gandolfi

He often looks to the sciences for his subject matter, resulting in pieces such as The Garden of Cosmic Speculation (inspired by Charles Jencks' garden in Scotland that incorporates modern physics into its design, and nominated for Best Contemporary Classical Composition at the 2009 Grammy Awards) and Trivia, written for the Weilerstein Trio, which counts Richard Wolfson's book Simply Einstein as a source.

Michael Maschler

He was a professor in the Einstein Institute of Mathematics and the Center for the Study of Rationality at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel.

Napoleon Einstein

"We don't believe in God. In our family, we're rationalists. Other people are named Krishna and Ram after Gods, so we were named Einstein and Napoleon after great people."

Relativistic dynamics

Einstein rejected the Newtonian concept and identified t as the fourth coordinate of a space-time four-vector.

State of matter

In 1924, Albert Einstein and Satyendra Nath Bose predicted the "Bose–Einstein condensate" (BEC), sometimes referred to as the fifth state of matter.


"Einstein On The Beach" a track from "Wargasm" - became a video clip that got heavy rotation on Videomusic and 3 appearances on MTV's 120 Minutes.

The Infinities

"In the 1980s, Banville challenged his readers to imagine a Nabokov novel based on the life of a Gödel or an Einstein," says Irish literary critic Val Nolan in The Sunday Business Post.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Representation in Cyprus

"A bundle of belongings isn’t the only thing a refugee brings to his new country… Einstein was a refugee”.

Walther Mayer

In 1933, after Hitler's assumption of power, he followed Einstein to the United States and became an associate in mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.

see also