
5 unusual facts about Erich von Stroheim

Caesar and Me

The Great Gabbo, a 1928 film about a mad ventriliquist, starring Erich von Stroheim

Hunt Emerson

For the DC Comics imprint Factoid Books, in the 1990s, he did biographical comics on everything from Erich von Stroheim to Prince Charles and Princess Diana.

Olga de Meyer

One of de Meyer's short stories, Clothes and Treachery, was made into The Devil's Pass Key, a 1919 silent movie by director Erich von Stroheim.

The Dummy

The Great Gabbo (1929) feature film about a mad ventriloquist, starring Erich von Stroheim

The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World

The final stage of each area pits Bart against a boss — all of which are members of the Burns clan: third cousin Fu Manchu Burns, second cousin's grand-nephew The Abominable Snow Burns, maternal grand-uncle Ramses Burns and unspecified relation Eric von Burns.

Cinema 1: The Movement Image

The cinema covered in the book ranges from the silent era to the 1970s, and includes the work of D. W. Griffith, Abel Gance, Erich von Stroheim, Charlie Chaplin, Sergei Eisenstein, Luis Buñuel, Howard Hawks, Robert Bresson, Jean-Luc Godard, Sidney Lumet and Robert Altman.

Gustav Brock

During his professional career, Brock hand-colored scenes from a number of motion pictures, including Erich von Stroheim's Foolish Wives (1922), The Death Kiss (1932) with Bela Lugosi, and the independently-made feature film Adventure Girl (1934).

Scotland Yard Investigator

Scotland Yard Investigator is a 1945 American crime film directed by George Blair and starring C. Aubrey Smith, Erich von Stroheim and Stephanie Bachelor.

The Frozen North

He discovers a pretty but married neighbor (Bonnie Hill), quickly wears good clothes and takes flowers to her where she imagines him as Erich von Stroheim's character from the film Foolish Wives.

see also