
unusual facts about Figures of Speech

Figures of Speech

Eve (Ava DuVernay) went on to direct the feature-length documentary about the Good Life open-mic nights titled This Is the Life (2008).

see also

Martianus Capella

Among the wedding gifts are seven maids who will be Philology's servants: they are the seven liberal arts: Grammar (an old woman with a knife for excising children's grammatical errors), Dialectic, Rhetoric (a tall woman with a dress decorated with figures of speech and armed in a fashion to harm adversaries), Geometry, Arithmetic, Astronomy and (musical) Harmony.

The Brand New Monty Python Bok

Examples of the former include an interconnected series of jokes based on figures of speech and an advertisement for the fictional Welsh martial art of Llap Goch, which claims to be able to teach students how to grow taller, stronger, faster, and more deadly in a matter of days.