He joined the Union Army in St. Louis in 1864 (Company H, 2nd Colorado Cavalry) as a private, and was honorably discharged the following year.
Lyndon B. Johnson | Samuel Johnson | Johnson & Johnson | Dwayne Johnson | Boris Johnson | Johnson | Andrew Johnson | Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center | Magic Johnson | Robert Johnson | James Weldon Johnson | Jack Johnson | Kevin Johnson | Jimmie Johnson | Don Johnson | Randy Johnson | liver | Betsey Johnson | Lionel Johnson | Holly Johnson | Van Johnson | Molly Johnson | Amy Johnson | Glen Johnson | Gary Johnson | Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson | David Johnson | Robert Johnson (musician) | Rida Johnson Young | Philip Johnson |
Jaundice yellowing of the skin, eyes and mucous membranes due to an impaired ability of the body to clear the by product of haem breakdown, bilirubin, most often the result of liver damage as it is the liver's responsibility to clear bilirubin.
On 16 March 2011, Fontàs was promoted to the senior team on a permanent basis after Éric Abidal was diagnosed with a tumour in his liver, thus becoming unavailable for the rest of the campaign.
Hepatitis B: Since 2006, APAMSA has contributed to help raise awareness about Hepatitis B and liver disease in the APA community by Hepatitis B, APAMSA Fights to Break the Hepatitis B Cycle.
The Colombo Judicial Medical Officer Dr. L.B. De Alwis, held a post mortem and recorded the cause of the death of Athulathmudali as fatal firearm wounds to the liver, heart and lungs and cause of the death of slain Tamil youth identified as Appiah Balakrishnan alias Ragunathan as cyanide poisoning.
They were named by the UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee for Claude Bernard, French physiologist who made important contributions to the understanding of digestion, function of the liver and the methods of experimental medicine.
Treatment with melatonin in old mice with age related liver inflammation decreased the mRNA expression of TNF-α, IL-1β, HO (HO-1 and HO-2), iNOS, CCL2, NF-κB1, NF-κB2 and NKAP in old male mice.
Items observed in the diets of Ceuthophilus species include jelly, tuna, rancid liver, American cheese, pet food, oatmeal, wheat germ, peanut butter, molasses, wild fungi, persimmon, bread, dead and living insects, insect eggs, arachnids, dead bats, dead ring-tailed cats, and human feces.
Liver disease: Lecithin—cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) activity may be decreased in obstructive liver disease.
Creatine is synthesized primarily in the liver from the methylation of glycocyamine (guanidino acetate, synthesized in the kidney from the amino acids arginine and glycine) by S-adenosyl methionine.
Dr. Henry Pryde (Bernie Casey) is a noteworthy scientist who is working on an experimental remedy for liver damage.
Other causes of ductopenia include failing Liver transplant, Hodgkin's disease, Graft versus Host Disease (GVHD), Sarcoid, Cytomegalovirus infection, HIV and medication toxocity.
Final Exam: A Surgeon's Reflections on Mortality is a 2007 book written by surgeon and liver specialist Pauline Chen.
Natural dietary flavones, found in parsley, celery, and citrus peels, reactivate DLC1 (Deleted in Liver Cancer 1) expression in breast cancer cell lines which have decreased DLC1 expression due to promoter hypermethylation, and may potentially be used as an anti-cancer agent for prevention and therapy of breast and other DLC1 downregulated cancers.
On July 10, 2005, Moores lost his battle with liver cancer in Perth, Ontario.
The surgeon (John Cleese), upon failing to persuade Mrs Brown (Terry Jones) to donate her liver, opens the refrigerator doors to reveal a man wearing a pink tuxedo (Idle) who accompanies her through outer space singing about the universe.
Often the only organ that is visible through the transparent tissues is a cigar-shaped digestive gland, which is the cephalopod equivalent of a mammalian liver.
A deficiency in glucose 6-phosphatase that disrupts the liver glucose cycle, can lead to von Gierke's disease.
Glyoxylate Reductase/Hydroxypyruvate Reductase (GRHPR) is the glycerate dehydrogenase found, predominantly in the liver, of humans encoded by the gene GRHPR.
An association has been demonstrated between long chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA-dehydrogenase (LCHAD) deficiency and maternal HELLP and AFLP (acute fatty liver of pregnancy).
In 2005, Adelstein found online evidence that an alleged crime boss named Tadamasa Goto had received a liver transplant in the United States.
Elizabeth Jane "Jenny" Heathcote is a professor of medicine at the University of Toronto and a gastroenterologist and scientist at University Health Network in Toronto specializing in liver disease.
He died from the effects of chronic cirrhosis of the liver while sitting in a chair at a pharmacist's in Speightstown, Barbados in 1996.
This may be a clinical sign of hypoalbuminaemia (low albumin), which can be seen in nephrotic syndrome (a form of kidney failure), liver failure, protein malabsorption and protein-losing enteropathies.
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is an enzyme found in many body tissues, including the liver.
The story is also presented in smaller sections; Introitus, Kyrie, Sequentia, offertorium, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei and Communio.
Christian de Duve, then chairman of the Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, had been studying the mechanism of action of a pancreatic hormone insulin in liver cells.
On the other side the archangel Raphael is presenting at the foot of the throne the young Tobias, whom he formerly guided to the River Tigris, and who bears the miraculous fish whose heart, liver and gall were to restore his father's sight, and drive the demons from his bride.
The dish is mentioned in the 1974 Pluto Shervington song "Ram Goat Liver" which was reissued in 1976 (following the success of "Dat") and made it to #43 in the UK singles chart.
Examples include the use of high doses of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) in some patients with homocystinuria to boost the activity of the residual cystathione synthase enzyme, administration of biotin to restore activity of several enzymes affected by deficiency of biotinidase, treatment with NTBC in Tyrosinemia to inhibit the production of succinylacetone which causes liver toxicity, and the use of sodium benzoate to decrease ammonia build-up in urea cycle disorders.
Large doses of menadione have been reported to cause adverse outcomes including hemolytic anemia due to G6PD deficiency, neonatal brain or liver damage, or neonatal death in some rare cases.
In an unsuccessful revival of The Liver Birds (1996), Sugden reprised her role as Mrs Hutchinson, despite being on steroids at the time owing to her suffering from polymyalgia.
On the debut episode, Phan defeated Mike Budnik via TKO after a liver shot and follow-up punches.
Some recent research on the olive leaf has shown its antioxidants to be effective in treating some tumors and cancers such as liver, prostate, colon, skin and breast cancer, clinical studies lacking; Olive leaf is especially potent when used in combination with other antioxidants.
In fish, the highest levels detected were in the liver of Norway Pike (91 parts per billion) and homogenates of slimy sculpin (150 parts per billion) from Lake Ontario.
Long suffering from diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and liver, Baltes was unable to attend the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore in 1884 due to ill health.
He died in a Munich hospital on 5 September 1953 of cancer of the liver.
These may include serum BSL if olanzapine has previously been prescribed, thyroid function if lithium has previously been taken to rule out hypothyroidism, liver function tests if chlorpromazine has been prescribed, CPK levels to exclude neuroleptic malignant syndrome, and a urinalysis and serum toxicology screening if substance use is suspected.
He died at 30 years of age on 8 June 1886 of cirrhosis of the liver and was buried at Loughgall in Ireland.
The lipoprotein enhanced the ability of HDL, or “good” cholesterol to usher fat out of the arteries and into the liver for excretion leading to the purchase of Esperion Therapeutics, the tiny company that had produced recombinant Apo-A1 Milano, by Pfizer for $1.3 billion.
Chloramphenicol is an alternative medication recommended under circumstances that render tetracycline derivates usage undesirable (such as severe liver malfunction, kidney deficiency, in children under nine years and pregnant women).
Ms. Irvine, who had liver and kidney disease, had 95 organs offered for transplant by the United Network for Organ Sharing during her stay at UCI.
Together with UGT2B4, UGT2B7 is capable of glucosidation of hyodesoxycholic acid in the liver, but, unlike the 2B4 isoform, 2B7 is also able to glucuronidate various steroid hormones (androsterone, epitestosterone) and fatty acids.
Through sheer obstinacy, though, the Vogons survived (partly by adapting a misplaced, badly malformed, and dyspeptic liver into a brain).
Because voriconazole is metabolized by the liver, the dose should be halved in patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh score A or B).
CMV infection (CMV retinitis or infection of organs other than liver, spleen or lymph nodes; onset at age one month or more)
A well-known cosmopolite and high liver, Travers was a member of 27 private clubs, according to Cleveland Amory in his book Who Killed Society?
Modifying mate in this fashion is potentially toxic, as these alkaloids can cause a rare condition of the liver, veno-occlusive disease, which produces liver failure due to progressive occlusion of the small venous channels in the liver.