
unusual facts about Morphology

Afrasia djijidae

The largest eosimiid, Bahinia, is from the Pondaung Formation, the same stratum as Afrasia, and the morphology of its molars bridges the gap between the more primitive molars of Eosimias and the more derived molars of the later Eocene African simians.

Alf Bayrle

In 1934 the Institute of Morphology, run by Leo Frobenius of the University of Frankfurt offered him a position as an artist.

Anacamptis pyramidalis

To ensure the fertilization, their morphology is well adapted to the proboscis of Lepidoptera, especially Euphydryas, Melanargia, Melitaea, Pieris and Zygaena species.


Because of its unique morphology, it is believed to have had a terrestrial and quite possibly fossorial lifestyle.

Australopithecus sediba

Because of the wide range of mosaic features exhibited in both cranial and post-cranial morphology, the authors suggest that A. sediba may be a transitional species between the southern African A. africanus (the Taung Child, Mrs. Ples) and either Homo habilis or even the later H. erectus (Turkana boy, Java man, Peking man).


It is derived from the Arabic Semitic root (ي م ن) for right, and literally means righteous or he who is on the right, similar to the Latin name Dexter.

Banksia 'Waite Orange'

A hybrid between B. hookeriana (Hooker's Banksia) and B. prionotes (Acorn Banksia), it is generally intermediate in morphology between those two species.

Bautz-Morgan classification

The Bautz-Morgan classification was developed in 1970 by Laura P. Bautz and William Wilson Morgan to categorize galaxy clusters based on their morphology.

Blue-winged Leafbird

It commonly includes Jerdon's Leafbird (C. jerdoni) from the Indian Subcontinent, and the Bornean Leafbird (C. kinabaluensis) from northern Borneo as subspecies, but differs from both in measurements and morphology, with Jerdon's lacking any blue to the flight feathers, and Bornean having a distinctive male-like female plumage.

Bolivia maize varieties

These were studied by environment, morphology, and cytological analysis of the chromosomes, resulting in the classification of 7 racial complexes, 45 races and hundreds of agro-ecotypes.

Boris Schwanwitsch

Among his other important contributions are a textbook in entomology with a large morphology section heavily based on Snodgrass and Weber (1949, still in use in Russian Universities), and a book on practical apiculture (1945).

Bradley Moore Davis

Besides special articles on the morphology and cytology of algæ, fungi, and liverworts, and studies in the Œnothera, he was coauthor with J. Y. Bergen of Principles of Botany (1906) and Laboratory and Field Manual of Botany (1907).

Cephalic index

The usefulness of the cephalic index was questioned by Giuseppe Sergi, who argued that cranial morphology provided a better means to model racial ancestry.


They physically couple force-generating sarcomeres with the sarcolemma in striated muscle cells and are thus considered one of several "Achilles' heels" of skeletal muscle, a critical component of striated muscle morphology which, when compromised, is thought to directly contribute to the development of several distinct myopathies.

Dendritic spine

The actin cytoskeleton directly determines the morphology of the spine, and actin regulators, small GTPases such as Rac, RhoA, and CDC42, rapidly modify this cytoskeleton.

Donald E. Williams

During the mission the crew successfully deployed the Galileo spacecraft, starting its journey to explore Jupiter, operated the Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Instrument (SSBUV) to map atmospheric ozone, and performed numerous secondary experiments involving radiation measurements, polymer morphology, lightning research, microgravity effects on plants, and a student experiment on ice crystal growth in space.

Edward Loranus Rice

The development of the skull of the skink, Eumeces quinquelineatus L. Journal of Morphology 34(1):120-243.


has raised the tribe Eocypraeini to the status of the family Eocypraeidae, based on morphological research of the radulae, shell and animal morphology and molecular phylogeny research of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene.


Firmisternal morphology is generally considered a unique trait of the broad clade "Ranoidea", including Ranidae, Rhacophoridae and other families.

Golden-fronted Leafbird

It often includes the Sumatran Leafbird (C. media) from Sumatra as a subspecies, but the two differ extensively in, among others, morphology.

Gunshot residue

In the latest ASTM Standard Guide for GSR analysis by Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (SEM-EDX) particles containing lead, antimony and barium, and respecting some rules related to the morphology and to the presence of other elements are considered characteristic of GSR.

Harald Bjorvand

His fields of specialty are general comparative language history, general Indo-Germanic linguistics, all archaic Germanic languages (Old West Norse, Gothic, Old High German etc.), and Germanic linguistics in general, including runes, morphology and etymology.

Hymenaea protera

Both morphology and DNA studies have revealed that H. protera was more closely related to the only species of Hymenaea remaining in East Africa than to the more numerous American species.

Isthmus of Catanzaro

The Isthmus of Catanzaro (or Isthmus of Marcellinara, also called Saddle of Catanzaro or Saddle of Marcellinara due to its morphology) is the narrow strip of land separating the Ionian Sea from the Tyrrhenian Sea, and is also the narrowest part of the Italian Peninsula.

Jean-Marie Derscheid

From 1919 to 1922 Derscheid was enrolled in the Science Faculty of the Université libre de Bruxelles, studying under Professor Auguste Lameere and earning a doctorate in Zoology based on his dissertation on the morphology of bird skulls (Morphologie du squelette céphalique des oiseaux).

John Henry Comstock

He also did work in insect morphology and is best known as the co-proposer of the Comstock-Needham system with James George Needham.

Kimmo Koskenniemi

This application of finite-state transducers to phonology and morphology was initially implemented for Finnish, but it soon proved to be useful for other languages with complex morphology such as Basque.


Davidse and Martínez suggested that L. schismatica could be one of Richard Goldschmidt's "hopeful monsters", meaning that the inverted floral morphology could have arisen from a macromutation in the genes that control floral development.

Lari language

There are ergative structure in Lari verbal morphology, which is distinct from Persian.

Lille Vildmose

In 2003 the back-breeding project Projekt Urokse ('Project Aurochs') was initiated in Lille Vildmose, in which a crossbred population of Heck cattle, Chianina and Sayaguesa was released under controlled conditions and is being bred and selected for heightened similarity to the extinct aurochs in both morphology (looks) and instincts (behaviour).

Limb bud

#When Shh normally secreted from the ZPA is inhibited (either through use of tamoxifen or Shh-null mutants) the AER morphology, particularly its anterior extent, is perturbed and its FGF8 signaling decreased.

Medny Aleut language

Mednyj Aleut is characterised by a blending of Russian and Aleut (primarily Attu) elements in most components of the grammar, but most profoundly in the verbal morphology.

Mother tongue mirroring

In “The awful German language” Mark Twain humorously explained the difficulties of German syntax and morphology by mirroring long sentences in English.

Nepenthes micramphora

Nepenthes micramphora is very similar to N. bellii of northern Mindanao in terms of the morphology of its stem, lamina, and inflorescence.


Recent cladistic analysis of mtDNA cytochrome b, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2, as well as nuclear β-fibrinogen intron 7 sequence data, combined with a distinct morphology and behaviour, suggest that the genus is valid but not monotypic.


Ernst Haeckel coined the name in 1866 and included in the group all "true birds" with the "characteristic tail morphology of all extant birds" (translation by Jacques Gauthier).


There are 17 species of Patagioenas, which can be assigned to 4 groups based on mtDNA cytochrome b, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2, as well as the nuclear β-fibrinogen intron 7 data combined with analyses of vocalizations and morphology.

Philip Carpenter

Philip Herbert Carpenter (1852–1891), expert on the morphology of the echinoderms

Pleurocybella ohiae

They considered the fruit body morphology similar to those produced by species in the genera Campanella and Cheimonophyllum, but used microscopic morphology for placement in Pleurocybella.

Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid

Annals of the Botanical Garden of Madrid: This is the magazine published by the Botanical Garden, which publishes papers on plant taxonomy and systematics and fungi and related fields such as biogeography, bioinformatics, conservation, ecophysiology, phylogeny, phylogeography, floral, functional morphology, nomenclature or plant relationships -animal, including works of synthesis and review.

Rhombic lip

Through studies of human embryos performed in the late 1890s, Swiss anatomist Wilhelm His identified a portion of hindbrain neuroepithelium that was distinct from the rest of the hindbrain neuroepithelium in its morphology, sustained chromosomal division into late stages of embryogenesis, and deployment of streams of neurons through the hindbrain periphery.

Sadao Takagi

Among other things, he demonstrated the polyphyletic nature of the now-obsolete Rugaspidiotini using morphology.

Standard French

The syntax, morphology, and orthography of Standard French is explained in various works on grammar and style such as the Bescherelle, a reference summary of verb conjugations first compiled in the 19th century by the Bescherelle brothers from France, and Le Bon Usage written in the 20th century by Belgian grammarian Maurice Grevisse.

Tumor reversion

Robert Pollack, later in 1968, made the observation that some of the cells infected with SV40 or polyoma viruses no longer showed the typical oncogenic phenotype, but instead, acquired a flat morphology (Pollack et al., 1968).

Urban morphology

The scientist Christopher Alexander and the mathematician Nikos Salingaros have created a new school of urban morphology based on morphogenesis and emergence.


A relationship with Caryophyllales, was formerly suggested; but morphology (S-plastids) and chemistry are close to Geraniales.

William H. Baxter

He is currently collaborating with Laurent Sagart at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris on an improved reconstruction of the pronunciation, vocabulary, and morphology of Old Chinese.

William McGinnis

He also studies how Hox transcription functions control morphogenesis, and how changes in the Hox proteins, cofactors, and DNA targets affect morphology.

see also