
unusual facts about Prince Felix of Bourbon-Parma

Prince Felix of Bourbon-Parma

Despite loss of his throne, Duke Robert and his family enjoyed considerable wealth, traveling in a private train of more than a dozen cars among his castles at Schwarzau am Steinfeld near Vienna, Villa Pianore in northwest Italy, and the magnificent Château de Chambord in France.

1992 Coppa Italia Final

The match was played over two legs on 7 May and 14 May 1992 between Juventus and Parma.

2000–01 Juventus F.C. season

It was also Zinedine Zidane's last season with Juventus as he was sold for a world record fee to Real Madrid, but the Italian club compensated his loss with four new players during the summer, with Gianluigi Buffon and Lilian Thuram coming from Parma, whilst Pavel Nedvěd and Marcelo Salas came from Lazio.

2001 Coppa Italia Final

The match was played over two legs on 24 May and 13 June 2001 between Parma and Fiorentina.

Acqua di Parma

It later became popular in the USA, where Hollywood stars, particularly those of British heritage such as Audrey Hepburn, David Niven, and Cary Grant, wore Acqua di Parma's sophisticated scent.

Adalberto Libera

He graduated from Parma's Institute of Art in 1925 and then in 1928 from Rome's Scuola Superiore di Architettura he became acquainted with Futurism through his fellow Trentino Fortunato Depero.

Albert Wolfgang of Brandenburg-Bayreuth

He and field marshal Claude Florimond de Mercy were killed during an attack on Crocetta castle in Parma.

Andrew Dawes

He was first violinist of the Orford String Quartet from 1965 to 1995 and plays a J.B.Guadagnini violin crafted in Parma in 1770.

Angelo Ribossi

an oil canvas, depicting Filippo Maria Visconti con Beatrice di Tenda (exhibited in 1870 at Parma); La vigilia del Natale(exhibited in 1872 at Milan); Il cuoco mal pratico, L' Ammaliatrice, and Il vino del padrone (exhibited in 1880 at Turin); Cuoco mal pratico, Passatempo istruttivo, and Momento di buon umore (exhibited in 1881 at Milan); Momento opportuno (exhibited in 1883 at Milan); Il Babau and Prete artista (exhibited in 1886 at Milan).

Antisemitism in 21st-century Italy

November 19, 2012 - Parma - Red paint was thrown against the entryway of the synagogue in Parma.

Antonio Vallisneri

He studied at Bologna, Venice, Padua and Parma and held the chairs of Practical Medicine first and Theoretical Medicine later at the University of Padua between 1700 and his death.

Bernardo de' Rossi

The son of a feudal family of the area of Parma, at a young age he received the archdiaconate of Padua and the Abbey of St. Crisogonus in Zadar.

Cadet branch

Also, marriage to cadet males of the Houses of Oldenburg (Holstein-Gottorp), Polignac, and Bourbon-Parma brought those dynasties patrilineally to the thrones of Russia, Monaco, and Luxembourg, respectively.

Carlo Farina

From 1629 to 1631, he was a prominent member of the electoral court orchestra in Bonn, until he returned to Italy, where he worked in Parma and later in Lucca until 1635.

Carlos Hugo, Duke of Parma

Carlos Hugo was pretender to the defunct throne of Parma, and a Carlist pretender to the throne of Spain under the name Carlos Hugo I.

Domenico Battaglia

Other paintings include Inside the choir of San Severino in Naples; Interior of Sacristy of San Martino in Naples, awarded a prize in Parma; and another Interior of Choir of San Severino, Un coretto ; Carmine Giordano, exhibited in Paris; Pergolesi and the Stabat Mater exhibited in London, and a Winter Forest.

Elvish Linguistic Fellowship

Parma Eldalamberon (Broken Quenya for 'The Book of Elven-tongues') was founded in 1971 as a fanzine devoted to a variety of invented literary languages, published under the auspices of the Mythopoeic Society.

Emilio Diena

In addition to writing numerous articles in philatelic journals, Diena wrote in great detail on stamps of Modena, Romagna, Sicily, Parma, and Naples during the 1920s and 1930s.

Gherardo III da Camino

A guelph exponent, in 1278 he signed an alliance with Padua, Cremona, Brescia, Parma, Modena and Ferrara against the Ghibelline Verona.

Giovanni Battista Conforti

Giovanni Battista Conforti (fl. 1550–1570) was an Italian composer, born either in Bologna or Parma.

Giuseppe De Cristoforis

1832 with G Jan and Georges Cuvier, baron Il regno animale distribuito secondo la sua organizzazione opera del Baron Cuvier ; compendiata e recata in lingua italiana per servir di base alla Storia naturale degli animali e d'introduzione al prodromo della Fauna dell'Italia superiore, compreso nei cataloghi sistematici e descrittivi della raccolte zoologiche. Parte IIa., I molluschi Parma : Stamperia Carmignani, 1832.

Jean Thierry du Mont, comte de Gages

Meanwhile, "Juan de Gages" as he was usually called by his Spanish-Neapolitan soldiers, fought against the Austrians in the Milanese and Piedmont, Parma and Piacenza supported by the Genoese.

Joseph, Duke of Parma

Joseph, Duke of Parma and Piacenza (Italian: Giuseppe Maria Pietro Paolo Francesco Roberto Tomaso-d'Aquino Andrea-Avellino Biagio Mauro Carlo Stanislao Luigi Filippo-Neri Leone Bernardo Antonio Ferdinando di Borbone-Parma e Piacenza; 30 June 1875 Biarritz – 7 January 1950 Pianore, Lucca, Italy) was the head of the House of Bourbon-Parma and the pretender to the defunct throne of Parma from 1939 to 1950.

Knyaginya Maria Luiza Metro Station

Afterwards, the official name was chosen to be in honour of Maria Luiza, Princess consort of Bulgaria, as one of four stations constructed under Maria Luiza Blvd. in Sofia, the other three being Central Railway Station, Lavov most, and Serdika II.

Lombard League

Formed at Pontida on 1 December 1167, the Lombard League included—beside Verona, Padua, Vicenza and Venice—cities like Crema, Cremona, Mantua, Piacenza, Bergamo, Brescia, Milan, Genoa, Bologna, Modena, Reggio Emilia, Treviso, Vercelli, Lodi, Parma and even some lords, such as the Marquis Malaspina and Ezzelino da Romano.

Macedonio Melloni

Born at Parma, in 1824 he was appointed professor at the local University but was compelled to escape to France after taking part in the revolution of 1831.

Marcello Castellini

As Parma faced financial difficulty as their sponsor Parmalat was facing scandal, Matteo Ferrari and Castellini, one of the backbone of the defensive line, were turn to cash and washed out to decrease wage expense.

Margherita de' Medici

To welcome the couple back to Parma, Mercury and Mars, with music by Claudio Monteverdi and text Claudio Achillini was performed in the Teatro Farnese.

Mario Lamberto

He also attended a master class given by Vladimir Delman in Parma and a master class given by Aldo Ceccato at the “Scuola di Alto Perfezionamento Professionale” in Saluzzo.

Master of 1302

His works were basically Gothic in style, with modernized touches; his name comes from a set of votive frescos painted for bishop Gerardo de' Bianchi, who died in 1302; among these is a Madonna and Child Enthroned with an Angel and John the Baptist, including a portrait of the donor, located in the Baptistry of Parma.


Nwankwo Obiora (born 1991), Nigerian football player, he currently plays for Parma

Parma violet

The d'Udine Parma violet features large, bluish-lavender flowers and a strong perfume.

The delicate purple flowers of the parma violet plant also give their name to a delicate, violet-scented sweet Parma Violets, manufactured by Swizzels Matlow.

Perceval Doria

Between 1228 and 1243 he assumed the character of a podestà in several Provençal and north Italian cities, such as Arles, Avignon, Asti, and Parma.

Prince Charles of Luxembourg

Born as Prince of Luxembourg, Prince of Nassau, Prince of Bourbon-Parma, he married at St. Edward's, in Sutton Park, Guildford, Surrey, on 1 March 1967 Joan Douglas Dillon (born New York City, New York, 31 January 1935), daughter of U.S. Treasury Secretary C. Douglas Dillon and wife Phyllis Chess Ellsworth.

Princess Maria Antonia of Parma

Maria Antonia grew up with her brother and sisters in the ducal court of Parma, where she was affectionately known as Tognina.

She was a gifted painter and received her training from Giuseppe Baldrighi and Domenico Muzzi, both court painters and professors of the Academy of Fine Arts of Parma.

Residence organ

Several such purpose-built residence organs survive from centuries past, including Claudio Merulo's organ in the Conservatory of Music in Parma, and the residence organ of Marie Antoinette that is preserved at Versailles.

Sebastiano Galeotti

Sebastiano Galeotti (1656–1746) was a peripatetic Italian painter of the late-Baroque period, active in Florence, Genoa, Parma, Piacenza, Codogno, Lodi, Cremona, Milan, Vicenza, Bergamo, and Turin.

Secondotto, Marquess of Montferrat

He died at Langhirano in the vicinity of Parma in obscure circumstances: he may simply have been the loser in a brawl (he was famously ill-tempered and violent), or he may have been assassinated by an agent of the Visconti.

Simone Barone

He was loaned back to Parma in 2002–03 season, then bought back permanently in 2003, with Amauri moved to Chievo.


Stadio Ennio Tardini, the stadium of Parma F.C. named after Ennio Tardini

The Bashful Lover

In his new magnanimity, Lorenzo allows Matilda a free choice among her three suitors — himself, Hortensio, and a prince of Parma named Uberti; but in eavesdropping on a conversation between Hortensio and Matilda, Lorenzo and Gonzaga come to recognize Hortensio as her worthiest choice.

The Choice of Hercules

In 1662 it was moved to the Farnese ducal seat in Parma.

Venezuela national baseball team

Italy (Bollate, Bologna, Codogno, Florence, Macerata, Milano, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, San Marino, Torino, Trieste, Verona & Vicenza) and Netherlands (Rotterdam, Haarlem & Amsterdam) serve as hosts of the sixteen teams of the second round (September 14–20), and therefore receive first round byes.

Vincent Malo

Works of Vincenzo Malo are held in the collections of the Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti (Genoa), Palazzo Bianco (Genoa), Palazzo Colonna (Rome), Galleria nazionale di Parma (Parma), Vatican Museums (Rome), Pinacoteca di Brera (Milan), the Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam), Indiana University of Pennsylvania Art Gallery (Indianapolis) .

Zenón de Somodevilla, 1st Marqués de la Ensenada

Somodevilla was also involved in the endeavors by the Spanish government to elevate the king's sons by his marriage to Elizabeth Farnese, Charles and Philip, on the thrones of Naples and Parma respectively.

see also