Muhammad | Muhammad Ali | Muhammad Yunus | Muhammad Ali Jinnah | Muhammad Iqbal | Muhammad Ali of Egypt | Hussain Muhammad Ershad | prophet | Muhammad Shah | Chuck Prophet | Prophet | Raja Muhammad Fayyaz Ahmad | Muhammad al-Mahdi | Muhammad Ahmad | Muhammad Abdul Qadeer Siddiqi Qadri | Nur Muhammad Taraki | Muhammad Saleh Kamboh | Muhammad al-Baqir | Idris Muhammad | Atta Muhammad Nur | Shafi Muhammad Burfat | Muhammad Siddique Dar | Muhammad Shahidullah | Muhammad Shafiq Jamal | Muhammad Ibrahim Habsade | Muhammad al-Tawil of Huesca | Muhammad al-Idrisi | Muhammad Abduh | Mir Sher Muhammad Talpur | Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar Khan |
Religious innovation means inventing a new way of worshipping God that was not originally included in the message revealed to and propagated by Prophet Muhammad, and that opposes established forms.
On December 27, 2009, more than thousand members of the Caferi community gathered for the 1370th anniversary of the events in which Prophet Muhammad's grandson Hüseyin bin Ali and 72 others became a martyr in Karbala.
(632 -633 AD) Soon after the death of Prophet Muhammad, a rebellion broke out at Dibba, and a faction of the Azd, led by Laqit bin Malik, nicknamed "Thu at-Taj ذو التاج" ("The Crowned"), rejected Islam by refusing to pay the Zakat — the Islamic principle of giving a percentage of one's income to charity.
The Prophet Muhammad is said to have spent a great deal of time in the cave meditating and it is believed that he had received his first revelation from the archangel Gabriel, inside this cave from God.
This is supported by the words of Prophet Muhammad: “The difference between what is halaal and what is haraam is beating the daff and raising the voice at weddings.”
Nursing in Islam is a healthcare services related to caring patient, individual, family and community as manifestation of love for Allah and the Prophet Muhammad.
Rafiq Tağı, born Rafig Nazir oglu Taghiyev (5 August 1950, Khoshchobanly, Masally District, Azerbaijan — 23 November 2011, Baku, Azerbaijan) was an Azerbaijani journalist who worked for Sanat newspaper until police arrested him and Sanat editor Samir Sadagatoglu for "Europe and Us", an article that was deemed to be critical of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad.
Although these Shias are few in number, Shia observance commemorating the martyrdom of Prophet Muhammad's grandson, Husain ibn Ali, is widely observed by the nation's Sunnis.
On the day of Maulidur Rasul(birth of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad), all regular programmes were subsequently changed to Religious programme.
Sunni Syed of Wasa Dargah are descendents of Prophet Mohammed Sallalahu alaihi wasallam through Hazrat Syed Makhdoom Hisammuddin kenani Auliya Allah Rahamtullah aleh.
When he reached Medina and stopped at Quba, a man came rushing into the city, calling out to people and announcing the arrival of Prophet Muhammad.
He was a staunch opponent of the Islamic prophet Muhammad before accepting Islam and becoming a Muslim warrior later in his life.
Sunnis state that the adhan was not written or said by the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, but by one of his Sahabah (his companions).
In a documentary published by French television channel France 2 on 23 March 2006, Akkari was recorded - using a hidden camera - in conversation with Sheikh Raed Hlayhel (who was the head of the delegation to disseminate the "Dossier about championing the cause of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him").
Much of it consisted of an integration of medicine as understood from the revelations of the Muslim prophet Muhammad and the practices of Pre-Islamic Arabia with Ancient Greek medicine, quoting heavily from the ideas and terminologies of Hippocrates and Ibn Sina.
Aril Edvardsen was a proponent of reconciliation between Christians and Muslims, and in 2004 directed heavy criticism against Carl I. Hagen, then leader of the Progress Party, for Hagen's derisive comments against the prophet Muhammad.
Wahdan is the grandfather of Ayasrah in Sakib, who belongs to the thirty-second generation descendant of the Prophet Muhammad.
The chain of ijazah of spiritual Sufi transmission from al-Faqih Muqaddam Sayyid Muhammad traces back to the Islamic prophet Muhammad via his cousin Ali and from him, his son Husain.
Juste was embroiled in the controversy following the paper's September 2005 publication of several cartoons depicting the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
When an anti-Islamic movie trailer titled "Innocence of Muslims" was uploaded to YouTube, it was perceived as denigration of the prophet Muhammad and it culminated in demonstrations and violent protests against the video.
Shaiba ibn Hashim was the grandfather of Prophet Muhammad, who was the cousin and father-in-law of Ali ibn Abi Talib, who was the fourth and last of the Rightly Guided Caliphs according to Sunni Muslims and the first Imam according to Shia Muslims.
The origin of this act goes back to the birth of Prophet Muhammad's grandson, Hasan ibn Ali when the prophet's daughter Fatimah gave out colored sugar cubes to the people in celebration of her new born child on the 15th of Ramadan.
The Islamic Center of America asked him to join them the following year as their guest speaker during the holy month of Ramadhan and the first ten days of Muharram, commemorating the martyrdom of the beloved grandson of Prophet Muhammad, Imam Hussein.
Hatib bin Abi Balta'ah delivered the prophet Muhammad's letter to the Ruler of Egypt, Maqauqos the Copt.
Among the members who agreed to the terms of the pact was the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
Muslim historical writings first began to develop in the 7th century, with the reconstruction of the Prophet Muhammad's life in the centuries following his death.
Colleen LaRose, aka 'Jihad Jane,' Fatima LaRose: arrested October 2009, & Jamie Paulin-Ramirez: arrested March 2010, for recruiting individuals for violent jihad in the West and plotting to murder Swedish artist Lars Vilks, for having made a drawing depicting the Prophet Muhammad's head on the body of a dog.
The Abbasi branch claims their lineage to Al-Abbas, an uncle of the prophet Muhammad.
At least until recently, some Kargilis, especially those of the Agha families descendants of Syed preachers who were in a direct line descent from the Prophet Muhammad, were sent to Iraq for their education.
In 1983, Minister Farrakhan named him Khalid after the Islamic general Khalid ibn al-Walid, a follower of the prophet Muhammad, calling him the Sword of Allah.
His writings included an explanation of the verses of the Quran in his book Taj Al-Tafaseer, a concise and immaculate description of the story of the birth of the prophet Muhammad Al-Asrar Al-Rabaniya and over 112 literary poems on the description of the attributes and praise of the prophet Muhammad.
Lake Zamkaft is the ocean of light that Islamic prophet Muhammad is said to have flown over while on the Barak, during the Isra and Mi'raj (Arabic: الإسراء والمعراج).
Local Muslim tradition holds that the prophet Muhammad had sat on or leaned against a stone at Mahajjah and that the stone would ease the pain of childbirth.
The Mahdavi regard Jaunpuri as the Imam Mahdi, the Caliph of Allah and the second-most important figure after the prophet Muhammad.
The convictions stemmed from the two men posting images online of the Prophet Muhammad having sex with one of his wives, Aisha.
The customs of the Arabs before Prophet Muhammad are pretty accurately known to us; we have also a mass of information about the affairs of Mecca at the time when the Prophet arose; but no trace of this or anything like it is found in really good and ancient authorities.
In an interview with the Israeli Channel 10 television Abu Tir stated that he had decided to dye his beard with henna because the prophet Muhammad had done so and also because it was a remedy for headaches and dandruff.
Isra and Mi'raj, a Night Journey taken by the Prophet Muhammad in 621, an event of major importance in Islam
The album features themes of praising Allah, hardships of being a Muslim, being steadfast in practicing Islam, fearing Allah, value of life, importance of prayer, about Prophet Muhammad, Dawah (calling others to Islam), Hajj (largest Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca), having trust in Allah and being proud of being a Muslim.
The grave of Ukkashah (Radiallahu anho), companion of the prophet Muhammad is thought by many inhabitants to be located in Porto Novo.
Malik Dinar, a scholar during the times of the Islamic prophet Muhammad arrived here to set up a mosque, making it one of the first places that Islam was introduced in India.
During this month, Muslims around the world celebrate Mawlid - the birthday of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad.
According to his book (تنوير الحلك في إمكان رؤية النبي والملك), or The Possibility of Seeing the Prophet and the Angels, Suyuti claims to have seen the Prophet Muhammad over 70 times while he was awake.
Afghani also spent ten years composing a biography of Aisha, the Muslim prophet Muhammad's second or third wife; the book was noted for Afghani's views on women in Islam, which Moroccan feminist writer Fatema Mernissi described as representative of all the Muslim world's most conservative views.
Sidi ('Lord'): the title used as a substitute for Mulay by those male members of the ruling Alawi dynasty sharing the first name of the Muslim Prophet, Muhammad
For Muslims, the Chain of Authenticity is an important way to ascertain the validity of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad (also known as a Hadith).
The weeping Date palm tree: The Prophet Muhammad, when delivering his sermons used to stand by or lean on a date palm tree.
11 April:- Over 50 people, including Sunni (Barelvi) scholars, were killed in a bomb explosion at a religious gathering celebrating the birthday of Prophet Muhammad in Nishtar Park, Karachi.
This music video serves as a tribute to the Islamic Prophet Muhammad.
In May 1973 riots occurred in Jammu and Kashmir, India, in an area where Jamaat-e-Islami was gaining influence, sparked by the discovery that an illustration contained in The Book of Knowledge, which had been stored in a local library for decades, portrayed the Archangel Gabriel dictating portions of the Quran to the Moslem Prophet Muhammad.
The Hundred-word Eulogy (百字讃 bǎizìzàn) is a 100-character praise of Islam, Allah, and the prophet Muhammad written by the Hongwu Emperor of China (r. 1368-1398).
Umm Waraqah was a contemporary of Islamic prophet Muhammad.
The speaker is required to have 'the weapon of the day' by his side, according to the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad, who carried a sword in this capacity.
Among Muslims, "Mir" became a synonym of "sayyid" as meaning a "relative of prophet Muhammad".