
unusual facts about SPAD S.XII


The gun chosen for the SPAD 12 was not the old Hotchkiss cannon but a new 37 mm Semi Automatique Moteur Canon (SAMC), built by Puteaux, for which 12 shots were carried.

1960 Caribbean Series

The XII edition of the Caribbean Series (Serie del Caribe) was a baseball tournament held from February 10 through February 15, 1960 featuring the champion teams from Cuba (Cienfuegos), Panama (Marlboro), Puerto Rico (Caguas) and Venezuela (Rapiños).

1985 Winter Universiade

The 1985 Winter Universiade, the XII Winter Universiade, took place in Belluno, Italy.

Alfredo Ottaviani

At the Vatican they encountered Monsignor Alphonso Carinci and Cardinal Augustin Bea, Pope Pius XII's confessor, who advised presenting the typed manuscript directly to Pope Pius XII, through a recommended intermediary, which was accomplished in 1947.

Andreas Moustoxydis

He studied at Pavia, and in 1804 published a treatise on the history of Corfu titled Notizie per servire alla storia Corcirese dai tempi eroici al secolo XII.

Anne O'Hare McCormick

Prior to the outbreak of World War II, McCormick obtained interviews with Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini, German leader Adolf Hitler, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Winston Churchill, President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt, Popes Pius XI and XII, and other world leaders.

Anxiety dream

This anxiety of not being able to escape (or catch up) was borrowed from Homer by Virgil in Book XII of the Aeneid, where Turnus is unable to catch up with Aeneas; subsequently the dream is found (always in simile, never reported directly) in Oppian's Halieutica, in Torquato Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered, and in Phineas Fletcher's Locusts and Purple Island, to be "burlesqued" in Samuel Butler's Hudibras.

Beneventan script

Guglielmo Cavallo: Struttura e articolazione della minuscola beneventana tra i secoli X – XII, in: Studi medievali 3.


In Book XII, Chapter XIV of the Historia, Cadwaladr is given as the last in a line of kings that began with Brutus of Troy.

Caleb Afendopolo

'Asarah Mamarot (Ten Discourses), containing homilies on the Passover lesson (Ex. xii.14); on the Song of Songs as read on the seventh Passover Day; on Psalm cxix, read, according to Karaite custom, on the seven Sabbaths between Passover and Pentecost; and on the Pentecost lesson dealing with the Sinaitic revelation.

Catherine Opalińska

In 1709, her spouse was deposed when the Swedish army lost the military upper hand in Poland, and the family was by Charles XII granted refuge in the Swedish city of Kristianstad in Scania.

Chester Beatty Papyri

The last manuscript in the Chester Beatty Papyri, XII, contains chapters 97-107 of the Book of Enoch and portions of an unknown Christian homily attributed to Melito of Sardis.

Chuck Merriman

In 1995 Merriman was appointed Head Coach for the United States National Karate Team for the Olympic Sanctioned XII Pan American Games in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Comet Wolf

14P/Wolf (a.k.a. 14P/1884 S1, 1884 III, 1884c, 14P/1891 J1, 1891 II, 1891b, 1898 IV, 1898f, 1912 I, 1911a, 1918 V, 1918b, 1925 X, 1925e, 1934 I, 1933e, 1942 VI, 1950 VI, 1950c, 1959 II, 1958c, 1967 XII, 1967j, 1976 II, 1975f, 1984 IX, 1983m, 1992 XXII, 1992m)

David G. Dalin

The Myth of Hitler's Pope: How Pope Pius XII Rescued Jews from the Nazis (2005)


Romanum decet pontificem is a papal bull issued by Pope Innocent XII (1691—1700) on June 22, 1692, banning the office of Cardinal Nephew.


Eucarpia (Eukarpia), mentioned by Strabo (XII, 576) and several other geographers, was situated on a road from Dorylaeum to Eumenia, between the Dorylaeum-Acmonia and Dorylaeum-Synnada roads, probably at the modern Emin Hissar, in the vilayet of Brusa.

Hawker Sea Fury

The first Sea Fury prototype, SR661, first flew at Langley, Berkshire, on 21 February 1945, powered by a Centaurus XII engine.

Heinrich LXII, Prince Reuss Younger Line

Heinrich LXII was born at Schleiz, Reuss, eldest surviving son of Heinrich XLII, Prince Reuss of Schleiz (1752–1818), (son of Count Heinrich XII Reuss of Schleiz, and Countess Christine of Erbach-Schönberg) and his wife, Princess Caroline of Hohenlohe-Kirchberg (1761–1849), (daughter of Christian Friedrich Karl, Prince of Hohenlohe-Kirchberg and Princess Louise Charlotte of Hohenlohe-Langenburg).

Heinrich LXVII, Prince Reuss Younger Line

Heinrich LXVII was born at Schleiz, Reuss, younger surviving son of Heinrich XLII, Prince Reuss of Schleiz (1752–1818), (son of Count Heinrich XII Reuss of Schleiz, and Countess Christine of Erbach-Schönberg) and his wife, Princess Caroline of Hohenlohe-Kirchberg (1761–1849), (daughter of Christian Friedrich Karl, Prince of Hohenlohe-Kirchberg and Princess Louise Charlotte of Hohenlohe-Langenburg).

Hereditary officers of the Roman Curia

This position had been shared jointly by the Princes Orsini and Colonna, but the former was deprived by Pius XII after obtaining a divorce and the title was conferred upon Prince Torlonia, Prince of Fucino, Canino and Musignano of the Torlonia Family.

Hiroshi Minagawa

Director Naoki Yoshida considered the fact that one of the Final Fantasy XII directors was now solely responsible for one aspect of Final Fantasy XIV an indication of how serious Square Enix was about improving the game.

Hitoshi Sakimoto

His music has been played at numerous music concerts by groups such as the Eminence Symphony Orchestra, and his work on Final Fantasy XII was arranged for the piano and published as a book of sheet music.

James Armand Meissner

Now flying a SPAD S.XIII fighter, he scored four more kills, one of which was an observation balloon, and another of which was shared with Ralph O'Neill.

John Tzetzes

For the other works of Tzetzes see J. A. Fabricius, Bibliotheca graeca (ed. Harles), xi.228, and Karl Krumbacher, Geschichte der byz. Litt. (2nd ed., 1897); monograph by G. Hart, "De Tzetzarum nomine, vitis, scriptis," in Jahn's Jahrbucher für classische Philologie. Supplementband xii (Leipzig, 1881).

José Manuel Villa Castillo

In 1986 he was one of the selected artists for the XII Biennale of Graphic Design, Brno, held at the Moravian Gallery, Brno, Czechoslovakia.

Kazimierz Papée

Dr. Dariusz Libionka's analysis of Papée's attempts to get Pius XII to act or speak out against the Holocaust in Poland is bluntly titled "Against a Brick Wall".

Kingdom of XII

Kingdom of XII is the tenth studio album by American southern rock band Molly Hatchet, released in 2000 by the German label SPV.


Definite references do not occur before the 2nd century (Fronto, Ep. ad ~k~. Caes. i. 3; Aulus Gellius, Noct. Att. i~. 24, Xii. 10, XjX. 9 Apuleius, De magic, 30; Porphyrion, Ad Horat. carm. iii. 1, 2).

Little Angels' English Higher Secondary School

The school is the only one in the region following the X-std ICSE and XII-std CISCE's national curriculum.

Lublin R-XII

The Lublin R-XII was the Polish three-seat sports and touring plane, designed in 1930 in the Plage i Laśkiewicz factory in Lublin, that remained a prototype.


He was the nephew (according to Zonaras xii.24) or the cousin (according to Historia Augusta, which lists him among the Thirty Tyrants) of Odaenathus, who had taken control of the Eastern provinces after the defeat and capture of Emperor Valerian by Shapur I of the Sassanid Empire.

Neri Corsini

Neri Maria Corsini (1685–1770), nephew of Pope Clement XII, made cardinal by his uncle 1730

Northwest African Air Forces

The sole reference to the 12th Air Force among the higher tier commands was Brigadier General Edwin House's XII Air Support Command which along with Air Vice Marshal Harry Broadhurst's Western Desert Air Force, Air Commodore Laurence Sinclair's Tactical Bomber Force, and Air Commodore Sir Kenneth Cross' No. 242 Group, became subordinate commands of Coningham's NATAF.

Patrouille de France

Over in Dijon the "Weiser" team, consisting of 18 planes (Morane-Saulnier MS-225 and SPAD 510) gained fame for their team displays in which the planes were tied together.

Pope Innocent XII

Innocent XII appears as one of the narrators in Robert Browning's long poem "The Ring and the Book" (1869), based on the true story of the Pope's intervention in a historical murder trial in Rome during his papacy.

Psycho Soldier

Ever since KOF XIIs release, The King of Fighters XIII default outfit of Kensu was left unchanged, but for Athena however, her Psycho Soldier outfit was changed from default to alternate, leaving her more popular sailor fuku outfit as her default outfit for the game.

Raymond Harries

In June the squadron moved to Westhampnett to form a Mk XII fighter wing with No. 41 Squadron.

Ricardo Llorca

Llorca's opera Las horas vacias (The Empty Hours), which premiered on March 31, 2007 in concert version during the XII Semana de Música Sacra in Benidorm, has since been performed in concert at the Berlin Cathedral in September 2007 and at the UN General Assembly as part of the celebrations for the International Year of Languages in 2008.

Riccardo Galeazzi-Lisi

After the death of Pius XII, Galeazzi-Lisi gave an article and photographs of the dead Pope to a French magazine, Paris Match, and to an Italian magazine.


Anni Sacri (March 12, 1950),is an encyclical of Pope Pius XII issued on the twelfth anniversary of his coronation.


In February 1915, Swiss designer Marc Birkigt had created an overhead cam aviation powerplant based on his Hispano-Suiza V8 automobile engine, resulting in a 330 lb engine capable of producing 140 hp at 1,400 rpm.

Stefan Grogg

On the inline rink, Grogg went to the 2006 XII FIRS Inline Hockey World Championship (Detroit MI) with the Swiss National Team (LNA).

Stojan Novaković

In the early years of his scholarly engagement, Novaković translated into Serbian Leopold von Ranke's monumental work Die Serbische Revolution, as well as its revised and updated edition (1864–1892) as well as the equally famous Histoire de Charles XII by Voltaire (1897) and Joseph Scherr, General History of Literature from German (1872–1874).


Summi Maeroris is one of several peace encyclicals of Pope Pius XII focusing in particular on the dangers to peace during the Holy Year.

Tadek Marek

He raced, but had a serious accident in 1928, still winning with a Chevrolet Master sedan in the XII Rally Poland (1939) before moving to Great Britain in 1940 to join the Polish Army.

Théodore-Adrien Sarr

He received his episcopal consecration on the following 24 November from Archbishop Thiandoum, with Bishops Théophile Cadoux, MSC, and Augustin Sagna serving as co-consecrators, in an open-air ceremony at the grand square of Collège Pie XII in Kaolack.

Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca

Article XII-The Sublime Porte promises to use its power and influence to assist the Court of Russia when the court has the intention of making any commercial treaty with the regencies of Africa (Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers, etc.).

Udo Schütz

Thus, „Container“ was the name of his yacht with which he in 1993, together with Pinta and Rubin XII, won the Admiral's Cup for Germany.

see also