
unusual facts about Waste-to-energy


Ernesettle is one of several sites within the wider Plymouth and Devon area, listed for a possible waste incinerator or energy from waste (EfW) facility.

Antipodes Water Company

It has developed a wetland and replanted native kahikatea forest on the land surrounding the bottling facility, and has cut its energy use by installing solar panels that heat water for its laboratory and testing facilities.

Areva Solar

Areva Solar is conducting a 44-MW solar thermal addition with CS Energy to the existing 750-MW Kogan Creek Power Station in Queensland, Australia.

Ashford, New York

West Valley Reprocessing Plant – A Department of Energy nuclear processing station.

Attack Vector: Tactical

Stealth is impossible due to the high energy output of the engines, allowing all players to see the location of the space ships of all other players.


As well as winning the overall Australian title, Beechworth won the Dame Phyllis Frost Litter Prevention award sponsored by Hungry Jack's "Bag it & Bin it" program, the Energy Innovation

Birr, Aargau

In 1771, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi bought a piece of waste land called Neuhof (New Farm), where he attempted the cultivation of madder.

Bob Krueger

Krueger was reelected for a second House term in 1976 along with the election of Jimmy Carter as president, whose term was also marked by the development of an energy policy that included the creation of the Department of Energy as a Cabinet office.

Brian C. Griffin

In January 2004, Griffin was appointed the President and member of the Board for Clean Energy Systems, a private Rancho Cordova, California based energy technology innovations firm.


The ingots, conical cylinders of about 1.5 t are considered as final waste and are sent to the Center of storage l'Aube in Soulaines-Dhuys for a long-term storage.


According to Fonti a manager of Enea paid the clan to get rid of 600 drums of toxic and radioactive waste from Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany, and the US, with Somalia as the destination, where the waste was buried after buying off local politicians.

Chalongphob Sussangkarn

Chalongphob joined several other TDRI-affiliated individuals who had Cabinet-level seats in the junta, including Deputy Prime Minister and Industry Minister Kosit Panpiemras and Energy Minister Piyasvasti Amranand.

Craig L. Hill

Professor Hill’s research encompasses fundamental structural and reactivity studies, Catalysis, functional nanomaterials (Nanotechnology), antiviral chemotherapy and solar energy conversion (Artificial Photosynthesis).

Eddie, Old Bob, Dick and Gary

Ira Robbins of Trouser Press lauded the band's single releases as "classy trash", noting that on the better tracks of the album, Tenpole Tudor's "good humor and rock energy are undeniably infectious".

Electro-kinetic road ramp

The idea was dismissed as Talk of 'kinetic energy plates' is a total waste of energy in the Guardian by David MacKay, the professor of natural philosophy in the department of Physics at the University of Cambridge.

Energy in Austria

According to Austrian Environment Minister Nikolaus Berlakovich Austria has a target of 34% renewable energy by 2020 and 100% self-sufficiency in energy by 2050.

Energy in Ohio

Rolls-Royce North America's Energy Systems Inc., a subsidiary of United Kingdom-based Rolls-Royce plc, is headquartered in Mt. Vernon, specializing in gas compression, power generation, and pipeline technologies.

Fernando Quevedo

He has been awarded The Wolfson Merit Award, Doctorate Honoris Causa from Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala and Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, John Solomon Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship and the 1998 ICTP Prize in High Energy Physics.

Frederick Rossini

In 1932, Frederick Rossini, Edward W. Washburn, and Mikkel Frandsen authored “The Calorimetric Determination of the Intrinsic Energy of Gases as a Function of the Pressure.”

Gas Exporting Countries Forum

In May 2006 Gazprom deputy chairman Alexander Medvedev threatened that Russia would create "an alliance of gas suppliers that will be more influential than OPEC" if Russia did not get its way in energy negotiations with Europe.

Genesis Energy

Genesis Energy Limited, formerly Genesis Power Limited, a New Zealand electricity company, which trades under the name Genesis Energy.

God's utility function

If a savannah had a utility function, cheetahs would have had no need to waste energy running as fast as a Lamborghini and antelopes would have found it unnecessary to waste resources trying to escape a gruesome death.

Henrik Lund-Nielsen

Based on a world record of 80% recycling rate for gypsum waste in Denmark, he grew the company from an initially marginal Danish presence to the world leader in recycling of gypsum plasterboard (drywall) waste with several European subsidiaries and business in the US and Asia.

J. Steven Griles

Donations were made to CREA by both Abramoff's tribal clients and by energy-sector companies with connections to Griles.

Joseph Robert Wright, Jr.

Wright held various positions with W. R. Grace and Company, Grace Energy Company, and Grace Environmental Company from 1989 to 1994 (Director, EVP, President, Vice Chairman, Chairman).

Kinetic Traction Systems

KTS' rail-side device uses a brushless DC motor/generator to spin up the flywheel to store electrical energy (for instance, from regenerative braking on trains) as kinetic energy; later to be converted back to electrical energy on demand.

National Whistleblowers Center

Her testimony included allegations against Halliburton of instances of waste, fraud and other abuses with regards to its operations in the Iraq War.

New Manhattan Project for Energy Independence

On June 12, 2008, Rep. Randy Forbes of Virginia introduced H.R. 6260, New Manhattan Project for Energy Independence.

NRG Energy

is a large American energy company, dual-headquartered in West Windsor Township, New Jersey, near Princeton and Houston, Texas.

NS Savannah

Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, Chairman of the US Atomic Energy Commission was the featured speaker and President Eisenhower was honored for his introduction of the global Atoms for Peace program.

Nuclear electronics

Essential elements of such systems include fast detectors for charged particles, discriminators for separating them by energy, counters for counting the pulses produced by individual particles, fast logic circuits (including coincidence and veto gates), for identification of particular types of complex particle events, and pulse height analyzers (PHAs) for sorting and counting gamma rays or particle interactions by energy, for spectral analysis.


He can will himself into an invisible immaterial state and in said phantom form fire destructive bolts of pure "radiation-free" atomic energy from his hands and fly at the speed of light as well as quickly heal himself of any injuries received in his mortal flesh and blood form.

Race Life of the Aryan Peoples

So of the Aryan folk; not the Vedas, not the Avestas, not the Iliad, or the Nibelungenlied, or Beowulf, but the marvelous tale of what the Aryan man has lived—how he has subdued the wild and waste lands—how he has made the desert to blossom as the rose—how he has built up empire with ax and plow, and has sailed the unknown paths of the seas—these are his true race epic.

Ralph Cavanagh

Cavanagh has won multiple awards, including the Heinz Award for Public Policy, the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ Mary Kilmarx Award, the Yale Law School’s Preiskel-Silverman Fellowship, the NW Energy Coalition’s Headwaters Award, and the Bonneville Power Administration’s Award for Exceptional Public Service.


Ramsauer–Townsend effect, physical phenomenon involving the scattering of low-energy electrons by atoms of a noble gas

Random neural network

A highly energy-efficient implementation of Random Neural Networks was demonstrated by Krishna Palem et al. using the Probabilistic CMOS or PCMOS technology and was shown to be c.

Raya Azebo

The zonal water, mining and energy department announced 15 August 2009 that 84 of the 100 wells planned in Raya Azebo and Alamata woredas have been completed at a cost of 40 million Birr.

Renewable Energy Derivative

This process was first applied to renewable energy by Joseph Brant Arseneau and his team at IBM.

Rutherford backscattering spectrometry

If the energy of the incident particle is increased sufficiently, the Coulomb barrier is exceeded and the wavefunctions of the incident and struck particles overlap.

Sierra Wireless

Sierra Wireless products and technologies are used in a variety of markets and industries, including automotive and transportation, energy, field service, healthcare, industrial and infrastructure, mobile computing and consumers, networking, sales and payment, and security.


The decision to use renewable energy was made with 'Agenda 21' of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit in mind, which has sustainable development at its heart.

Stourbridge Town Branch Line

The Great Western Railway used both autotrains and one of the early railcars on this route, and in December 2005 the route began being used to test the Parry People Mover, a highly energy-efficient railcar, to provide the Sunday service.

The Alchemyst: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel

Dee brings all the dead in a nearby cemetery alive and they start to attack them, Josh hits Dee with a Hummer distracting Dee long enough to escape with Scathach, Sophie and Nicholas Flamel by using a leygate (a teleportation device where two or more lines of energy, ley lines, cross the world) to go to Paris which is Nicholas Flamel's old home.

The Crooked E: The Unshredded Truth About Enron

The film offers the perspective of Cruver, played by Christian Kane, depicted as a brilliant but naïve young energy trader who was seduced by the company's "get rich quick" mantra.

The Peel Group

The Group moved into the energy sector in 2008 with the opening of Scout Moor Wind Farm on the West Pennine Moors in Greater Manchester nearby Edenfield and Rochdale.

Tulsequah River

An Alaska organization, Rivers Without Borders, has been working to gain legislative protection for the Taku River on the Alaska side, an effort driven in part by the mine's waste flowing into the Tulsequah River.

Virginia College

ECA also owns Virginia College Online, which offers distance education academic programs via the Internet; Golf Academy of America; Culinard, the Culinary Institute of Virginia College, offering degrees in the culinary arts; and Ecotech Institute, offering degrees in fields of renewable energy, sustainable design, and energy efficiency.

Waste Watch

Formerly, a registered charity, Waste Watch merged with the environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy in 2011.

William Colglazier

From 1983 to 1991, he was Professor of Physics and Director of the Energy, Environment, and Resources Center at the University of Tennessee where he worked closely with scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

World Nuclear Industry Status Report

The report says that the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster is exacerbating many of the problems that nuclear energy is facing.

see also

Plasma gasification commercialization

In an update to local area residents on 6 December 2008, Plasco president Rod Bryden said delays at its facility were caused by malfunctioning machinery, not problems with the waste-to-energy technology.


Wheelabrator Incinerator, a waste-to-energy plant in Baltimore, Maryland, probably best recognized by its tall white smokestack on nearby Interstate 95.