
2 unusual facts about dorsal


Dorsal consonant, a consonant articulated with the back of the tongue

Père David's vole

Dorsal pelage is dark brown, often nearly black and the ventral pelage is gray, sometimes brown.

Amiot 143

Nose and dorsal turrets, each carrying a Lewis gun, completed the defensive armament, while the gondola also housed an internal bomb-bay.

Amiot 354

The Amiot 351 was planned to mount one 7.5 mm (.295 in) MAC 1934 machine gun in nose and ventral positions and one 20 mm Hispano-Suiza HS.404 cannon in the dorsal position.

Anthia sexguttata

Adults measure approximately 4 cm (1.5 inches), are black with six relatively large, white, dorsal spots (four over the elytra and two on the thorax).

Antipredator adaptation

Many species of slug caterpillars, Limacodidae, have numerous protuberances and stinging spines along their dorsal surfaces.


Cells clustered on the wall of the dorsal aorta also expressed VE-cadherin as well as CD34, a common hematopoietic and endothelial marker; and CD45, a marker present on hematopoietic cells.


This family of antibacterial peptides are secreted from the granular dorsal glands of Litoria aurea (Green and golden bell frog), Litoria raniformis (Southern bell frog), Litoria citropa (Australian blue mountains tree frog) and frogs from genus Uperoleia.

Bloch MB.131

It was an all-metal, twin-engine, low-wing monoplane with retractable landing gear, and armed with three flexible machine guns, one each in the nose, dorsal turret, and ventral gondola.

Bloch MB.480

Defensive armament was a 7.5 mm Darne machine gun in the nose and a ventral bath, while a 20 mm cannon was fitted in a powered dorsal mounting.

Cannon–Bard theory

The main assertions of the Cannon–Bard theory are that emotional expression results from the function of hypothalamic structures, and emotional feeling results from stimulations of the dorsal thalamus.

Caproni Ca.111

One improvement was the replacement of the single dorsal gun by a turret fitted with two 7.7 mm (.303 in) Bredas.

Caproni Ca.313

Three 7.7 mm (0.303 in) Breda (or Scotti) machine guns were fitted - one in the left wing, one in a dorsal turret and one in the ventral position.

Dophla evelina

Larva: The larva of laudabilis feeds on Diospyros candolleana (Ebenaceae), and is green with a vinaceous dorsal patch on each segment, enclosing a whitish dark-centred ocellus.

Drosophila embryogenesis

At the ventral end of the embryo, blastoderm nuclei exposed to high concentrations of dorsal protein induce the transcription of the transcription factors twist and snail while repressing zerknüllt and decapentaplegic.

Equine coat color

Dun: Yellowish or tan coat with primitive markings, sometimes called "dun factors": a darker-colored mane and tail, a dorsal stripe along the back and occasionally faint horizontal zebra stripings on the upper legs and a possible transverse stripe across the withers.


There is a single foramen on the dorsal side of the tarsometatarsus, with a plantar exit hole between the third and fourth metacarpal's distal ends (presumably for the outer toe's adductor tendon) and another (presumably for nerves and blood vessels) on the plantar surface of the tarsometatarsus.


A rostral plate formed a pointed ‘snout’, several small plates around the mouth, and a dorsal spine pointing backwards.

Extrinsic extensor muscles of the hand

Opposite the metacarpophalangeal joint each tendon is bound by fasciculi to the collateral ligaments and serves as the dorsal ligament of this joint; after having crossed the joint, it spreads out into a broad aponeurosis, which covers the dorsal surface of the first phalanx and is reinforced, in this situation, by the tendons of the Interossei and Lumbricalis.


Fusuconcharium is a genus of lobopodian known only from its biomineralized dorsal plates, which somewhat resemble those of Microdictyon.

Ganges shark

Leading shark expert Leonard Compagno emphasised the need to check the dentition and the dorsal fin proportions in order to confirm the specimen as G.

Hippotion isis

It is extremely similar to Hippotion aurora delicata but differing in the buff colour of the median band of the hindwing upperside and the absence of any dorsal longitudinal lines on the abdomen.

Indian whiting

The interspinous membrane of the first dorsal fin, the individual soft rays and the caudal fin are also spotted, with the caudal fin heavily spotted.

Interphalangeal articulations of hand

The presence of chondroitin and keratan sulfate in the dorsal and volar plates is important in resisting compression forces against the condyles of the proximal phalanx.

These three bands are united by a transverse retinacular ligament, which runs from the palmar border of the lateral band to the flexor sheath at the level of the joint and which prevents dorsal displacement of that lateral band.


Keelbacks are Colubrid snakes of the subfamily Natricinae, so named because their dorsal scales exhibit strong keeling.

Latécoère 611

Although it was intended that the aircraft be armed with a 25 mm cannon in a dorsal turret, this was unavailable, and was replaced by one carrying two 7.5 mm Darne machine guns, with a further four machine guns firing through portholes and two in a retractable tail position.


In The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy, the character Pappachi discovers a new species of lymantriid with "unusually dense dorsal tufts".


In some groups of insects, the mesonotum is hypertrophied, such as in Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera), in which the anterior portion of the mesonotum (called the mesoscutum, or simply "scutum") forms most of the dorsal surface of the thorax.

Midbrain reticular formation

The dorsal and ventral tegmental nuclei receive connections from the mammillo-tegmental bundle of Gudden, a branch of the mammillothalamic tract.

Mutilla europaea

Adults display aposematic coloration, consisting of black overall coloring with an orange-red patch on the dorsal surface of the thorax.


Other consistent features include a dorsal head covering (carapace) that lacks granular ridges (carinae), while the tail's upper coverings (tergites) have only one inconspicuous middle (median) ridge.

Pelamis platura

Colors of the snake are variable, but most often distinctly bicolored, black above, yellow or brown below, with the dorsal and ventral colors sharply demarcated from one another; ventrally, there may be a series of black spots or bars on the yellow or brown background, or the yellow may extend dorsally so there is only a narrow middorsal black stripe, or a series of black crossbars (M.A. Smith, 1943: 476–477, gives more complete descriptions of the color pattern variants).


The prostomium generally has one or two pairs of eyes, a dorsal pair of antennae, a ventral pair of sensory palps and a pair of organs on the neck.

Potez-CAMS 141

It was armed with a dorsal turret carrying two 7.5 mm Darne machine guns, with a further two machine guns in lateral "cheek" barbettes and two in waist positions.

Two 7.5 mm Darne machine guns in dorsal turret, two machine guns in lateral "cheek" barbettes and two machine guns in waist positions

Proper palmar digital arteries

The proper palmar digital arteries travel along the sides of the phalanges (along the contiguous sides of the index, middle, ring, and little fingers), each artery lying just below (dorsal to) its corresponding digital nerve.

Regional specification

The dorsal/ventral axis is defined in chick embryos by the orientation of the cells with respect to the yolk.

Scarff ring

Although a deceptively simple device, later attempts to emulate the Scarff ring as a mounting for the dorsal Vickers K in World War II Handley Page Hampden were failures.

Slender whiting

A row of indistinct spots or blotches runs along the base of the first, spinous dorsal fin, whose anterior most interspinous membranes are dusted with black spots.

Strumigenys lichiaensis

This species can be distinguished from all Taiwanese congeners except Strumigenys liukueiensis by the numerous stout hairs on the dorsal surface of the mesosoma.

Third metacarpal bone

The dorsal aspect of its base presents on its radial side a pyramidal eminence, the styloid process, which extends upward behind the capitate; immediately distal to this is a rough surface for the attachment of the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle.

Tupolev Tu-2

3 × 7.62 mm (0.30 in) rear-firing ShKAS machine guns (later replaced by 12.7 mm (0.50 in) Berezin UB machine guns) in the canopy, dorsal and ventral hatches.

Witches of Anaga

These rituals were held in an area in the mountains of Anaga in the dorsal between San Andrés and Taganana.

Xylophanes guianensis

It is similar to Xylophanes ceratomioides, but the outer margin of the forewing margin is much more strongly scalloped and the dorsal lines of the abdomen are as in Xylophanes xylobotes.

Xylophanes lichyi

It is similar to Xylophanes maculator, but the dorsal lines of the tegulae, thorax and abdomen are fainter.

Xylophanes xylobotes

It is similar to Xylophanes ceratomioides, but paler and all three dorsal abdominal lines are evenly narrow and continuous.

see also