
unusual facts about electron microscope


x11vnc is known to have been run on the following types of systems: Electron microscope, MRI and Radiology image analysis system, Power plant and Oil platform management consoles, Materials distribution control, Ship self-defense system testing, NMR systems, Silicon wafer analysis microscope, and Theater and concert lighting control.

Eva Nogales

Her lab uses electron microscopy, computational image analysis as well as functional biochemical assays to gain insights into function and regulation of the large biological assemblies.

Lida Holmes Mattman

Her studies have concerned investigating the role of surface tension depressants in immunological systems, the first complement fixation with a bacteria-free virus, the first report of wound botulism, geotrichum mycemia, nasal carriage of Clostridium tetani, antibiotic cure of rhinoscleroma, antibiotic sensitivity testing of Coccidiodes immitis, and electron microscope studies of Peptococci.


The nucleolus ultrastructure can be visualized through an electron microscope, while the organization and dynamics can be studied through fluorescent protein tagging and fluorescent recovery after photobleaching (FRAP).

see also

Crystallographic image processing

Crystallographic image processing (CIP) is a set of methods for determining the atomic structure of crystalline matter from high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM) images obtained in a transmission electron microscope (TEM).

Delbert Philpott

At the University of Illinois Medical School in Chicago he established the first electron microscope facility, before moving to the Marine Biological Lab and Institute for Muscle Research in Woods Hole, MA in 1952, where he was Head of Electron Microscopy, directing research projects under Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi in the winter and for the Marine Biological Lab at Woods Hole during the summer.

James Hillier

(Note: RCA Laboratories, located in Princeton, NJ, became independent of RCA as a result of the corporate take-over by General Electric in 1986 and became Sarnoff Corporation, a subsidiary of SRI International through 2011, when it was absorbed by SRI.) Hillier spent many years refining the electron microscope and marketing it to research laboratories and universities, receiving a total of 41 patents for devices and processes.

Born in Brantford, Ontario, the son of James and Ethel (Cooke) Hillier, he received a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Physics (1937), Master of Arts (1938), and a Ph.D (1941) from the University of Toronto, where, as a graduate student, he completed a prototype of the electron microscope that had been invented by Ernst Ruska.

Scanning confocal electron microscopy

However, practical design and construction of scanning confocal electron microscope is a complex problem first solved by Nestor J. Zaluzec.

University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Houston

"Biology including, but not restricted to, areas of emphasis in radiobiology, biomathematics, genetics, cytology, fine structure-electron microscope-analysis, molecular biology, with biochemistry and biophysics, microbiology and virology.