
68 unusual facts about genetics


In Season 6, Alti returns reincarnated as the brilliant genetic engineer Alexis Los Alamos.

Antonio Krapovickas

Krapovickas received a degree in 1948 in agronomic engineering from the University of Buenos Aires and began teaching in 1949 as Professor of Genetics and Systems Botany at the University of Córdoba.

Association of Public Health Laboratories

APHL’s Newborn Screening and Genetics in Public Health Program strengthens the role of public health laboratories in genetics testing and designs strategies to address changes in the newborn screening testing field.

Black sheep

The term originated from the occasional black sheep which are born into a flock of white sheep due to a genetic process of recessive traits.

Bornean bearded pig

Genetic evidence suggests this is incorrect, and S. b. oi is better limited to Sumatra, leaving bearded pigs from both Borneo and the Malay Peninsula in the nominate subspecies.

Bruce Lahn

Bruce Lahn is the William B. Graham professor of Human Genetics at the University of Chicago.

Cardiff University School of Medicine

The building includes 4500 square meters of state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment for research into Infection & Immunity, Cancer Biology and Psychiatric Genetics, adjacent to a purpose-built Clinical Research Facility.

Central Cotton Research Institute

The institute has many divisions dedicated to different aspects of cotton research including Agronomy, Breeding and Genetics, Cytogenetics, Physiology, Fiber Technology, Statistics and Agricultural Engineering.


Shakti Haddad was the daughter of Zail Haddad, a powerful and ruthless businessman, whose company performed genetic experiments on poor and destitute citizens.


Minor genetic and epigenetic changes with little or no effect on morphology or anatomy may produce large changes in the chemical phenotype.

Church of Our Saviour, Singapore

To project a scientific basis for its beliefs on homosexuality, Church of Our Saviour, in November 2007, includes in its website a self-prepared document, which is a summation of various documents that speak against homosexuality as being a genetic trait.

David B. Allison

Allison founded the Section of Statistical Genetics (SSG) in the Department of Biostatistics at UAB, he has authored over 475 scientific publications and edited five books.

Derek Wragge Morley

His research included Genetics, Social Behaviour of animals, and the behaviour of agricultural pests.

Drew Endy

Endy is also known for his opposition to limited ownership and support of free access to genetic information.

Ecological goods and services

Biodiversity supports ecological goods and services such as biological control and genetic resources.

Errors of the Human Body

While showing a short film at Berlinale in 2006, Sheean met a scientist from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, the brother of cinematographer Anna Howard, who became director of photography on the film.

European wildcat

Many authorities restrict the subspecies F. s. silvestris to the populations of the European mainland, but in 2007, a genetic study suggested that the European populations, as well as populations in Sicily, Anatolia, and the Caucasus Mountains belong in this subspecies; on the other hand, populations in Corsica, Sardinia, Crete, and Cyprus turned out to be introduced African wildcats.

Federal University of Pará

Among UFPA research teams, there are many nationally recognized groups, particularly in the fields of Genetics, Geosciences, and Neurosciences.


Geneforum was established to ensure that the decisions about genetic research are informed by public values.

As a result, citizens are better able to understand and make informed decisions about the complex social and ethical dimensions of genetic research.


Genetics, in biology, the science of genes, heredity, and the variation of organisms

Genetic Variation Studies: Nitrogen and Phosphorus

Genetics, nutrition, changes in management, and increased per capital consumption of poultry meat are some of the major driving forces behind the increased poultry production.

George Harrison Shull

Shull was the founder of the scientific journal Genetics.

George Radda

Currently, Sir George is the new head of the merged departments of Physiology and Human Anatomy and Genetics at the University of Oxford and Chairman of the Singapore Bioimaging Consortium, a research institute of ASTAR in Singapore.

Golden-fronted Woodpecker

Recent genetic data indicate that the species as currently constructed is paraphyletic.

Habiba Bouhamed Chaabouni

Habiba Bouhamed Chaabouni is Professor of Medical Genetics at Tunis University.


While height variations within a population are largely genetic, height variations between populations are mostly environmental.

Hillel Oppenheimer

From 1933 to 1941, Oppenheimer headed the Department of Physiology and Genetics of the Agricultural Research Station in Rehovot.


Originally considered a subgenus of Axis, genetic evidence indicates that Hyelaphus is closer to the genus Rusa than Axis.

Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

Primary and Secondary HH can also be attributed to a genetic trait inherited from the biologic parents.

International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences

Genetics, which had been a subject of discussion at Stockholm in 1960, did not reappear until the Ottawa Congress of 1996.

Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology

A College of Biotechnology is also planned that would be offering cutting edge programs in Genetics and Biotechnology.

Kári Stefánsson

Dr. Kári Stefánsson, is an Icelandic neurologist, who is the President, Chairman, CEO and co-founder of deCODE Genetics.

Kong Karls Land

The sub-population of Polar bears found here is a genetically distinct set of Polar Bears specifically associated with the Barents Sea region.


In the past, it was treated as the only species in the family Leitneriaceae of the order Leitneriales, but genetic research by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group has recently resulted in its being transferred to the family Simaroubaceae in the Sapindales.

Mahmoud Solh

Solh holds a PhD in Genetics from the University of California, Davis, USA, and has published a number of scientific publication and is experienced in fund raising.

Mahmoud Solh (born Beirut, Lebanon) is a Lebanese agricultural economist and genetic scientist who as of May 8, 2006 is Director General of International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas, ICARDA based in Aleppo, Syria.

Marybeth Tinning

Since Michael was adopted, the long-suspected theory that the deaths in the Tinning family had a genetic origin was discarded.

Mustard plant

An interesting genetic relationship between many species of mustard has been observed, and is described as the Triangle of U.

Oscarella carmela

Analysis of the genome suggests that the last common ancestor of sponges and eumetazoan animals (a clade that contains all the higher animals except the sponges and placozoans) was more complex both genetically and morphologically than had previously been thought.

Pale-winged Trumpeter

Genetic evidence suggests the closest relative of ochroptera is the Grey-winged Trumpeter, leading some to treat it as a separate species, the Ochre-winged Trumpeter (P. ochroptera).

Peruvian Tyrannulet

As traditionally defined, it is endemic to Peru, but recent genetic evidence suggests it should include the taxon flavidifrons as a subspecies, in which case the range of the Peruvian Tyrannulet extends into far southern Ecuador.

Peter Hardwick

He publicly challenged the established belief that native Australian food plants were not suitable for cropping; conceived the commercial strategy of processing strong flavored native food plants; and, developed the use of wild and seedling genetic diversity to overcome the lack of domesticated varieties previously considered a limitation with Australian native food plants.

Pilbara monitor

However, the Pilbara monitor can be distinguished from these other two species by some morphological and genetic differences.

Richard Altmann

He named the granules bioblasts, and explained them as the elementary living units, having metabolic and genetic autonomy, in his 1890 book Die Elementarorganismen (The Elementary Organism).

Salvatore DiMauro

His research focuses on genetic errors of energy metabolism and he defines disease entities using both biochemical and molecular approaches.


The concept of the symplesiomorphy shows the danger of grouping species together purely on the basis of morphologic or genetic similarity without distinguishing primitive from derived traits.


Genetic studies have proven that the three tahrs are not as closely related as previously thought.

The Beginning of Infinity

Deutsch speculates on the process of human-culture development from a genetic basis through to a memetic emergence.

The Day of Revolution

However, one day his doctor tells him and his parents that while Kei may appear to be physically male, he is in fact genetically female.

The Nurture Assumption

She looks at studies which claim to show the influence of the parental environment and claims that most fail to control for genetic influences.

The Sirian Experiments

She sets in motion a series of bio-sociological and genetic experiments where large numbers of primitive indigenous people from Sirian colonised planets are space-lifted to Rohanda and adapted there for work elsewhere in the Empire.

Thorold's deer

Thorold's deer has traditionally been included in the genus Cervus, and genetic evidence suggests this is more appropriate than its present placement in the monotypic genus Przewalskium.

Torus mandibularis

Consequently, it is believed that mandibular tori are the result of local stresses and not solely on genetic influences.

Torus palatinus

It is believed that tori of the lower jaw are the result of local stresses and not solely on genetic influences.

University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test

Genetics has been found to play a significant role in the ability of one's olfactory system as well.

Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick?

After providing evidence against genetic causes for the disparity, the program further explores how exposure to racism might affect health.

The film states that forty years of research have produced no evidence of a genetic cause; the program explores how the tribe’s diet changed dramatically when the diversion of water to white farmers and cities made the reservation residents dependent on government food programs to avoid starvation.

Urza block

One of his geneticists, Gatha, defects, and uses his knowledge to improve the Keldon race.

Vojo Deretic

Vojo Deretic, Ph.D., is Professor of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology and Cell Biology & Physiology at the University of New Mexico He received his undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral education in Belgrade, Paris, and Chicago.


The arctic fox is sometimes included in this genus as Vulpes lagopus based on the definitive mammal taxonomy list, as well as genetic evidence.

Wall-roosting mouse-eared bat

muricola was previously classified as a subspecies of Myotis mystacinus but genetic studies indicate that M. muricola represents a complex of species.

Waterberg Biosphere

This outcome not only benefits large mammal migration, but yields an improved gene pool.

What Is Intelligence?

# the identical twins paradox - past IQ research has shown a close relation between the IQs of identical twins reared separately; a fact used as evidence for a genetic basis for differences in IQ.

What Is Life?

and independently, Francis Crick, co-discoverers of the structure of DNA, credited Schrödinger's book with presenting an early theoretical description of how the storage of genetic information would work, and each respectively acknowledged the book as a source of inspiration for their initial researches.

Yemenite citron

In light of this, there is no reason to question one traditional variety more than another, especially when the above genetic study shows equal purity for all.

Despite its differences from standard varieties, the Yemenite citron was attested by a group of citrus and genetic experts to be a true variety of citron and possessing a close genetic relation with the rest of the types.

Yongchang County

A DNA test was conducted in early 2007 in the attempt to find genetic evidence supporting this claim.

Adoption detective

The biological science of genetics, which began with the work of Gregor Mendel in the mid-nineteenth century, seeks to understand the process of inheritance and the physical basis for heredity in our DNA.

AfaR small RNA

It is an Hfq-dependent RNA which downregulates AfaD-VIII invasin translation by binding to and initiating cleavage of its mRNA.

American College of Medical Genetics

ACMG has an Official Journal of the American College of Medical Genetics, the Genetics in Medicine.

American Society of Human Genetics

On January 2, 2008, the American Society of Human Genetics released a statement on direct-to-consumer sales of genetic tests, calling for improved standards and for oversight by the Federal Trade Commission to insure the accuracy and validity of genetic testing and sales claims.

Andrea Prader

Females are not affected by the condition, however due to linkage of heredity with the X chromosome, they are thought to be genetic carriers.

Andres Metspalu

In 1993 he spent three months at the University of Hamburg's H. Pette Institute for Experimental Immunolog, and then from 1993 to 1994 was a visiting professor at Baylor College of Medicine's Dept. of Molecular and Human Genetics with C. Thomas Caskey.

Arjula Ramachandra Reddy

After obtaining a Ph. D., from Osmania University, he moved on to USA where he did research in genetics both at Iowa State University and Johns Hopkins University.

Charles Chamberlain Hurst

William Bateson was credited as the scientist who first brought Mendel’s theories to the English speaking world, and the coiner of the term 'genetics'.

Cofactor Genomics

Upon graduation, Dr. Glasscock pursued his doctorate in Genetics at Washington University in St. Louis where he studied under Warren Gish, Ph.D., developer of the NCBI BLAST sequence analysis program.

Denis Buican

In his first book, published in Romanian, in 1969, General Biology, Genetics and Improvement, Denis Buican did not hesitate to formally address the Lysenkoism as repressive political and social campaigns undertaken in science and agriculture by the powerful Stalinist director Trofim Lysenko and his followers, starting year 1920.

Elguja Gvazava

Born in Ochamchira, Abkhaz ASSR, Georgian SSR, Gvazava graduated Sukhumi Pedagogical Institute with a degree in biology in 1974 and continued his postgraduate training at the Institute of Medical Genetics in Moscow from 1976 to 1981.

Eliot Slater

In 1934 Slater was awarded a Rockefeller Foundation travelling fellowship, which he used to study psychiatric genetics under Bruno Schulz at the Forschungsanstalt für Psychiatrie (Psychiatric Research Institute) in Munich.

George Davis Snell

Snell was educated in the Brookline, Massachusetts schools and then enrolled at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire where he continued his passion for mathematics and science, focusing on genetics.

Gypsy horse

All of the North American Gypsy Horse and Drum Horse registries employ the Animal Genetics Research Laboratory of the University of Kentucky to perform DNA analysis and maintain a database of registered horses' DNA markers.

All American registries, including the International Drum Horse Association below, employ the Animal Genetics Research Laboratory of the University of Kentucky as the repository of their registered horses' DNA markers.

History of emerging infectious diseases

Pre-existing theories of disease: Before a pathogen is well-recognized, scientists may attribute the symptoms of infection to other causes, such as toxicological, psychological, or genetic causes.

Howard Parshley

Howard Madison Parshley (1884, Hallowell, Maine – 19 May 1953) was an American zoologist, a specialist on the Heteroptera who also wrote more broadly on genetics, reproduction and human sexuality.

Jean-Jacques Cassiman

Jean-Jacques Cassiman has done work in the field of human genetics and DNA research.

John L. Jinks

He was educated at Birmingham University and remained there for the majority of his career, contributing to the development of biometrical genetics, human behavioural genetics, and supervising a number of students who went on to make their own contributions, among them David Fulker.

Jonathan Weiner

Jonathan Weiner (born 1953 in New York) is a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer of non-fiction books on his biology observations, in particular evolution in the Galápagos Islands, genetics, and the environment.

Karen Steel

Together with Professor Christine Petit, Steel won the Royal Society Brain Prize 2012, for their pioneering work on the genetics of hearing and deafness.

Keith Chater

Chater studied for a PhD at Birmingham University working on transduction in Salmonella, after which he joined the John Innes Centre in 1969 and began working with David Hopwood.

Kenneth Weiss

Kenneth M. Weiss, Professor of Anthropology and Genetics at at Penn State University


Bartha Knoppers (born 1951), a Canadian lawyer and an expert on the ethical aspects of genetics

Konstantin Efetov

In 2004, he initiated and hosted the International Symposium "Biology, Phylogeny, Molecular Biology, and Genetics of Zygaenidae" at the Crimean State Medical University.

Language acquisition

In terms of genetics, the gene ROBO1 has been associated with phonological buffer integrity or length.

Manchester High School for Girls

Julia Bodmer, nee Pilkington, Manchester High School pupil: 1945 - 1953, discovered the details of the Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) with genetic differences causing transplant rejection, and was married to Sir Walter Bodmer, who was the first Professor of Genetics at the University of Oxford, Chancellor of the University of Salford from 1995 to 2005 and Principal from 1996 to 2005 of Hertford College, Oxford

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

Well-known scientists currently based at the institute include Svante Pääbo (genetics), Bernard Comrie (linguistics), Michael Tomasello (psychology), Christophe Boesch (primatology), and Jean-Jacques Hublin (evolution).

Maya Biosphere Reserve

Plan objectives include the development of tourist infrastructure, the installation of a small tourist train from the town of Carmelita to El Mirador, and the creation of a new university for the study of regional biodiversity, genetics, and Maya studies.

Muriel Wheldale Onslow

In 1903 she joined William Bateson's genetics lab at Cambridge where she began her study of the inheritance of petal color in Antirrhinum (snapdragons).


p14ARF inhibits mdm2, thus promoting p53, which promotes p21 activation, which then binds and inactivates certain cyclin-CDK complexes, which would otherwise promote transcription of genes that would carry the cell through the Per Manum

Scully investigates a Zeus Genetics clinic, overhearing a pregnant woman, Mary Hendershot (Saxon Trainor), telling her doctor that she does not want to be under his care any more.

Personal Genetics Education Project

pgEd is working with Sandra de Castro Buffington and Hollywood, Health & Society at the Norman Lear Center, University of Southern California (USC) Annenberg School for Communication, to advance awareness about personal genetics through television.

Peter Beighton

In 1966 Beighton began training in internal medicine at St Thomas' Hospital in London and held a Fulbright research fellowship in clinical genetics in 1968-69 with Dr. Victor McKusick at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, USA.

Robert J. Desnick

He completed an internship and a residency in pediatrics at the University of Minnesota Hospitals and joined the faculty at the University of Minnesota, where he rose to the rank of Associate Professor of Cell Biology and Genetics and Pediatrics.

Robert Plomin

Behavioral Genetics in the Postgenomic Era, together with John C. DeFries, Peter McGuffin, Ian W. Craig, American Psychological Association, 2002, ISBN 978-1557989260

Ronald L. Phillips

In 2006/7, he was awarded the Wolf Prize in Agriculture along with Michel A. J. Georges of the University of Liège "for groundbreaking discoveries in genetics and genomics, laying the foundations for improvements in crop and livestock breeding, and sparking important advances in plant and animal sciences".

Two-stage model of free will

The most recent thinker to describe a two-stage model is Martin Heisenberg (son of physicist Werner Heisenberg), chair of the University of Würzburg's BioZentrum genetics and neurobiology section.