
unusual facts about Molecule

Absolute configuration

Absolute configurations for a chiral molecule (in pure form) are most often obtained by X-ray crystallography.


The protein encoded by this gene is an endothelial cell adhesion molecule that interacts preferentially with the leukocyte beta7 integrin LPAM-1 (alpha4 / beta7), L-selectin, and VLA-4 (alpha4 / beta1) on myeloid cells to direct leukocytes into mucosal and inflamed tissues.

Amide group

Peptide bond, a chemical bond formed between two molecules when the carboxyl group of one molecule reacts with the amine group of the other molecule


It consists of a single molecule of (+) sense RNA, with a 5' genome linked protein (VPg), which is associated to the genome via a phosphodiester bond linked to a tyrosine residue.


Agyrol is synonymous with its chemical mild silver protein, manufactured in the chemical industry to pharmaceutical grade only, using denatured pharmaceutical-grade protein for ophthalmic application and elemental silver to produce the silver protein molecule.

Autocrine signalling

For example, a small-molecule mimetic of Smac/Diablo that counteracts the inhibition of apoptosis has been shown to enhance apoptosis caused by chemotherapeutic drugs through autocrine-secreted tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα).


β–Araneosene is a molecule first isolated in 1975 from the mold Sordaria araneosa by Borschberg.

Cahn–Ingold–Prelog priority rules

The Cahn–Ingold–Prelog priority rules, CIP system or CIP conventions (after Robert Sidney Cahn, Christopher Kelk Ingold and Vladimir Prelog) are a set of rules used in organic chemistry to name the stereoisomers of a molecule.

Cambrex Corporation

In 2007, Cambrex divested their biologics business to Lonza to focus on small molecule APIs.

CCR5 receptor antagonist

Researchers at Ono have discovered a novel series of potent CCR5 small molecule antagonists.


One can specify a molecule in several ways, including searching by Beilstein Registry Number, CAS registry number, chemical name, SMILES structure, or by drawing the molecule diagram itself.

Chemically linked Fab

The molecule is bound to a tumour cell via the tumour antigen CD30 and to a macrophage via an Fc receptor.

Choh Hao Li

In 1970 he succeeded in synthesizing this hormone, the largest protein molecule synthesized up to that time.

Commemorative coins of Poland: 2000

Reverse: A stylized combination of fragments of: figures in the binary notation, printed circuit, DNA molecule, and elementary particles.


While UNIQUAC is a first order approximation, COSMOSPACE gives the exact solution of a lattice model in which pairwise molecule surfaces interact.

DNA mismatch repair

It has weak ATPase activity, and binding of ATP leads to the formation of tertiary structures on the surface of the molecule.


Dithiothreitol, the common name for a small-molecule redox reagent known as Cleland's reagent

Embalming chemicals

Formaldehyde fixes tissue or cells by irreversibly connecting a primary amine group in a protein molecule with a nearby nitrogen in a protein or DNA molecule through a -CH2- linkage called a Schiff base.


Molecular encapsulation, in chemistry, the confinement of an individual molecule within a larger molecule


Ethylic is an adjective for a molecule containing an ethyl group.

Fast protein liquid chromatography

The range of purity required can be from that required for basic analysis (SDS-PAGE or ELISA, for example), with only bulk impurities removed, to pure enough for structural analysis (NMR or X-ray crystallography), approaching >99% target molecule.

Help Fight Childhood Cancer

Treating it as a problem in ligand docking, a computer program called AutoDock will virtually attempt to fit each molecule to each protein in such a way that the protein is disabled.

Hot-filament ionization gauge

During these movements, some electrons collide with a gaseous molecule to form a pair of an ion and an electron (Electron ionization).

Inositol pentakisphosphate

Inositol pentakisphosphate (abbreviated IP5) is a molecule derived from inositol tetrakisphosphate by adding a phosphate group with the help of Inositol-polyphosphate multikinase (IPMK).

Measles virus

Three receptors for the H protein have been identified to date: complement regulatory molecule CD46, the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM) and the cell adhesion molecule Nectin-4.


Monoisotopic mass is a term from mass spectrometry, and usually refers to the atomic weight of a molecule calculated using (for each element) the atomic weight of the most naturally abundant isotope of that element.


The nanocar is a molecule designed in 2005 at Rice University by a group headed by Professor James Tour.

Naturally Obsessed

Shot over three years’ time in the molecular biology laboratory of Dr. Lawrence Shapiro of the Columbia University Medical Center, the film chronicles how the tool of X-ray crystallography enables the discovery of the workings of the AMPK protein molecule, revealing a new path towards the treatment of diabetes and obesity.


If the conversion is carried out in the presence of potassium carbonate, calcium hydroxide, and calcium sulfate (in the form of potash, lime, and gypsum in traditional dye-making methods), the result is litmus, a more complex molecule.

Oxygen radical absorbance capacity

The assay measures the oxidative degradation of the fluorescent molecule (either beta-phycoerythrin or fluorescein) after being mixed with free radical generators such as azo-initiator compounds.

Paul J. Zak

Neuroscientist Molly Crockett also disputes Zak's claims, referring to studies that show oxytocin increases gloating, bias at the expense of other groups, and in some cases decreasing cooperation; suggesting oxytocin is as much an "immoral molecule" as 'the moral molecule' Paul Zak claims.

Photo 51

James Watson was shown the photo by Maurice Wilkins without Rosalind Franklin's approval or knowledge and along with Francis Crick, Watson used characteristics and features of Photo 51 to develop the chemical model of DNA molecule.


Pincer ligand, a terdentate, often planar molecule that tightly binds a variety of metal ions.

Plasmonic lens

Its intended uses are focusing, imaging, light beam shaping, subwavelength optics, subwavelength light wave guiding, novel optical and magneto-optic data storage, light generation, microscopy, biophotonics, biological molecule sensors, and solar cells, as well as other applications.

Protocatechuic aldehyde

This molecule can be used as a precursor in the vanillin synthesis by biotransformation by cell cultures of Capsicum frutescens, a type of Chili pepper.


Small nucleolar RNA R43, a plant non-coding RNA molecule which functions in the modification of other small nuclear RNAs


RIAM (Rap1–GTP-interacting adapter molecule) is a broadly expressed adapter protein that contains an RA (Ras association)-like domain, a PH domain, and several proline-rich sequences.

Release factor

Instead, it was discovered by Mario Capecchi in 1967 that tRNAs do not ordinarily recognize stop codons at all, and that what he named "release factor" was not a tRNA molecule, but a protein.


Afterward, the virus binds to ICAM-1 (Inter-Cellular Adhesion Molecule 1) also known as CD54 (Cluster of Differentiation 54) receptors on respiratory epithelial cells.

Rule of mutual exclusion

This is a powerful application of group theory to vibrational spectroscopy, and allows one to easily detect the presence of this symmetry element by comparison of the IR and Raman spectra generated by the same molecule.

Salvatore DiMauro

His research focuses on genetic errors of energy metabolism and he defines disease entities using both biochemical and molecular approaches.

Single-molecule FRET

Single molecule FRET measurements are typically performed on fluorescence microscopes, either using wide field or confocal geometries.


CD2, a cell adhesion molecule found on the surface of T cells and natural killer (NK) cells

Steven Block

As an independent scientist, Block has pioneered the use of optical tweezers, a technique developed by Arthur Ashkin, to study biological enzymes and polymers at the single-molecule level.


Monomer, a molecule that may bind chemically to other molecules to form a polymer

Protein subunit, a protein molecule that assembles with other protein molecules


It has been suggested that the Oriental hornet uses xanthopterin as a light-harvesting molecule to transform light into electrical energy, which may explain why the insects are more active when light intensity is greater.


Z12 small nucleolar RNA, a non-coding RNA molecule which functions in the modification of other small nuclear RNAs

see also