
unusual facts about horizontally-opposed


1939 Taça de Portugal Final

The match was played on 25 June 1939 at the Campo das Salésias in Lisbon, and opposed two Primeira Liga sides: Académica de Coimbra and Benfica.

Additional Member System

For instance in the Italian general election, 2001, one of the two main coalitions (the House of Freedoms, which opposed the MMP system), linked many of their constituency candidates to a decoy list (liste civetta) in the proportional parts, under the name Abolizione Scorporo.

Andreas Gottlob Rudelbach

During this period he edited, in collaboration with N. F. S. Grundtvig, the Theologisk Maanedskrift (13 vols., 1825 sqq.), and in 1829 was called to the pastorate of Glauchau, Saxony, where he powerfully aided religious awakening and revolt against the rationalism of the period, though at the same time he opposed any formal separation from the Lutheran Church.

Anne Hidalgo

She was especially opposed to the Church of Scientology and New Acropolis and participated in a demonstration in front of the Scientology's premises.

Ba'athist Iraq

There were also rumours within the top echelons of power that al-Bakr (with the assistance of Iraqi Ba'athists who opposed Hussein) was planning to designate Hafez al-Assad as his successor.

Begin doctrine

After the attack many foreign powers opposed it and the United Nations Security Council passed United Nations Security Council Resolution 487 condemning the attacks.

Benito Arias Montano

León de Castro, professor of Oriental languages at Salamanca, to whose translation of the Vulgate Arias had opposed the original Hebrew text, denounced Arias to the Roman, and later to the Spanish Inquisition for having altered the Biblical text, making too liberal use of the rabbinical writings, in disregard of the decree of the Council of Trent concerning the authenticity of the Vulgate, and confirming the Jews in their beliefs by his Chaldaic paraphrases.

Clan Calder

This was opposed by her uncles Alexander and Hugh Calder who chased them to Strathnairn but after considerable loss of life she was safely delivered to Inverary.

Cordon sanitaire

In Spain, groups who are perceived as opposed to Catalan or Basque nationalism, such as the People's Party, have been sometimes excluded from any government coalition in Catalonia and the Basque Country.

Daniel Gildenlöw

He was also an official member of the band The Flower Kings but was forced to leave before their 2005 US tour because he was opposed to USA's US-VISIT which requires submitting one's own biometric data first before entering the country.

Faroese language conflict

Jákup Dahl, who later became the Provost, was opposed to the administration's ruling and refused to teach in Danish; from then on he taught in Faroese.

Francis, Duke of Anjou

Most notable councillors, foremost among them Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester, and Sir Francis Walsingham, were strongly opposed, even warning the Queen of the hazards of childbirth at her age.

Gaspard Fauteux

In Parliament, Fauteux opposed conscription and was a delegate to the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Conference that followed World War II.

Geoff Garin

He replaced Mark Penn as the Clinton Campaign's chief strategist in April 2008, after the Wall Street Journal revealed that Penn met with Colombian official regarding a proposed free trade agreement opposed by Clinton and most labor unions.

George Henry Roberts

Roberts stood in 1918 as a Coalition Labour candidate, opposed by the official Labour Party candidate.

Government Broadband Index

The Government Broadband Index (gBBi) is a report compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit that assesses countries on the basis of government planning, as opposed to current broadband capability.


Externally, Fire Shadow Overseer looks almost identical to Boeing Insitu ScanEagle, and the only difference between the two UAVs is in winglets: the winglets of Fire Shadow Overseer point downward, as opposed to that of ScanEagle, whose winglets point upward.

High Commission of Nigeria, London

In 2012 a protest was held outside the High Commission by people opposed to the cut in fuel subsidies introduced by President Goodluck Jonathan.

Interstate '82

The vehicle models have been updated to reflect the change in era, and overall, the game has a New Wave feel, with several hitherto-unreleased Devo songs being on the soundtrack, as opposed to the first game's funk-inspired style.

Inundation, Gibraltar

Colonel Robert Morse of the Royal Engineers, Gibraltar's senior engineer at the time, was vehemently opposed as he feared that it would weaken the northern defences.

Irish Land Commission

This was successfully opposed for social and political reasons by Éamon de Valera, and in Coalition governments by Joseph Blowick, the leader of Clann na Talmhan.

Jack Dash

Dash, who was interested in poetry and would quote Samuel Butler or Robert Browning in his speeches, was often invited to address prestigious bodies: he spoke at 40 student meetings, and opposed the motion 'This House would outlaw unofficial strikes' at the Oxford Union debating society.

James Maury

Maury opposed the colony's passage of the Two Penny Act of 1757, which proposed to pay clergy a set amount in cash rather than in tobacco, as had been the rule.

John Wheeldon

He strongly opposed the Vietnam War and (though no supporter of Communism) visited North Vietnam at the invitation of the North Vietnam peace committee, while Australia was involved in fighting in South Vietnam.

Judaization of Jerusalem

According to Ian Lustick, Dore Gold, as advisor to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 1996, opposed any compromise with Palestinians on their claim to a capital in Jerusalem, and advised a unilateral Judaization of the whole area.

Kō no Moroyasu

Most importantly, Moronao was bitterly opposed to Takauji's younger brother Tadayoshi and his policies.

La Santa

It was precisely on account of these innovations that the new institution was opposed by the more traditionalist bosses, such as Antonio Macrì from the Ionic town of Siderno, the 'Ndrangheta’s charismatic leader of the 1960s, and Domenico Tripodo, who was the dominant figure of the Reggio Calabria clans.

Margaret Heckler

Heckler also lost the support of the National Organization for Women because she opposed federal funding for abortion.

Margaret of Navarre

Her cousin Gilbert, Count of Gravina, already present in the south, was an enemy of Peter's and, according to Hugo Falcandus, strongly opposed to his cousin's government.

Michael Hughes-Young, 1st Baron St Helens

At the 1964 general election, Hughes-Young faced another challenge from Labour, who had selected Dr David Kerr; in his election address he pointed to the fact that Labour had opposed the Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962 and asked how the local housing situation would cope without restrictions on immigration.

Middle-market newspaper

In the United Kingdom, since the demise of Today (1986–95), the only national middle-market papers are the Daily Mail and the Daily Express, distinguishable by their black-top masthead (both use the easy-to-carry tabloid paper size), as opposed to the red-top mastheads of down-market tabloids.

Minister of State for Communities and Local Government

His selection was not without controversy, as some speculated that Tony Blair had wanted to give David Blunkett the position as a Secretary of State, but this was opposed by Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott.

Mohammad Nabi Mohammadi

In 1965, he was elected to the Afghan parliament from his home district of Barak-i-Barak in Logar province representing the traditional religious scholars.As one of only a handful of religious scholars in the parliament, he took it upon himself to be a first line of defense against the Marxist deputies such as Babrak Karmal, Hafizullah Amin, Noor Ahad and Anahita Ratebzad and strongly opposed the Marxist movement in Afghanistan.


Friedrich Nietzsche's concept of the übermensch, translated "overman" (as opposed to, e.g., "superman") by scholars including Walter Kaufmann

People's Action Party–United Malays National Organisation relations

Such issues catalysed the impending secession: On 7 August 1965, Tunku Abdul Rahman announced to the Malaysian Parliament in Kuala Lumpur that the Parliament should vote yes on the resolution to have Singapore to leave the Federation, choosing to "sever all ties with a State Government that showed no measure of loyalty to its Central Government" as opposed to the undesirable method of suppressing the PAP for its actions.

Phyllis Kirk

She vocally opposed death row inmate Caryl Chessman's death sentence and visited Chessman in prison until his execution in 1960.

Prince Clemens Wenceslaus of Saxony

Clemens Wenceslaus enjoyed hunting and established a hunting lodge at Kärlich, though he was opposed to several inhumane ways of hunting.


It has been critical of the policies of all post-communist governments, and is opposed to the monetarist policies that were instituted by Polish economist and finance minister Leszek Balcerowicz.

Republic of South Vietnam

Provisional Revolutionary Government of Republic of South Vietnam, was an underground government opposed to the Republic of Vietnam based in Saigon.

Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools

Los Angeles Unified School District (known as LAUSD) wanted to build a school on the site since the 1980s, but was met with resistance: Donald Trump wanted to build the world's tallest building on the site, and Mayor Tom Bradley, Nate Holden, and LA's business community were strongly opposed to using the location as a school.

Same-sex marriage in Alberta

An October 2011 poll conducted by the Citizen Society Research Lab at Lethbridge College found that 72.1% of Albertans supported same-sex marriage, while 27.9% opposed it.

Shawn Drover

As opposed to many drummers, who cross over their sticks to play the hi-hat with their right hand and snare with their left hand, Shawn instead keeps time with his left hand, keeps a ride cymbal on the left side of his set, and relegates his right hand for snare drum hits (similar to Gene Hoglan and Steven Sweet).

Sheet of stamps

The philatelist counts the single stamps horizontally from left to right, but the post counts them vertically from top to bottom.

Shelley Carroll

Both groups pushed for more funding for education and vigorously opposed the education reforms brought in by then Premier, Mike Harris.

Ulf Adelsohn

He was the chairman of the Confederation of Swedish Conservative and Liberal Students, opposed the occupation of the Student Union Building in Stockholm in 1968 and was a co-founder of Borgerliga Studenter – Opposition '68 later in the same year.

United States Senate election in Iowa, 2002

Harkin was opposed in the general election by United States Congressman Greg Ganske, who fought off a surprisingly difficult challenger in the Republican primary.

Ventral nerve cord

It usually consists of cerebral ganglia anteriorly with the nerve cords running down the ventral ("belly", as opposed to back) plane of the organism.

Washington Naval Treaty

It also contributed to controversy in high ranks of the Imperial Japanese Navy between the Treaty Faction officers and those opposed to it, who were also allied with the ultranationalists of the Japanese army and other parts of the Japanese government.

Yorktown campaign

These forces were first opposed weakly by Virginia militia, but General George Washington sent first the Marquis de Lafayette and then Anthony Wayne with Continental Army troops to oppose the raiding and economic havoc the British were wreaking.

Zhang Junmai

Opposed to the Chinese communists, but also dissatisfied with Chiang Kai-shek's (also spelled Jiang Jieshi) noncompliance with the constitution, Zhang Junmai went to the United States after 1949.

see also

Chevrolet Corvair engine

The flat horizontally opposed ("flat engine") air-cooled engine design, previously used by Volkswagen, Panhard, Citroën and Porsche as well as Lycoming and Continental aircraft engines, offered many advantages.

Hirth Acrostar

The Acrostar is powered by a 220 hp (165 kW) Franklin 6A-350-C1 six cylinder horizontally opposed piston engine.

Verner 133M

The Verner 133M, often called the VM 133M, is a Czech two cylinder, horizontally-opposed, four stroke aircraft engine, designed and built by Verner Motor of Šumperk.