
unusual facts about inscriptions

Akkadian literature

The Assyrian dialect of Akkadian is particularly rich in royal inscriptions from the end of the 14th century BC onward, for example the epics of Adad-nārārī, Tukulti-Ninurta, and Šulmānu-ašarēdu III and the annals which catalogued the campaigns of the neo-Assyrian monarchs.

Antonio Basoli

His education was motivated by an insatiable and constant interest in Classic art, Classic and contemporary literature, and the works, decorations and inscriptions of Piranesi.

Armenian Church, Chennai

The remaining two bells date to 1837 and were cast by the Whitechapel Bell Foundry, then known as Mears & Stainbank, with inscriptions reading "Thomas Mears, Founder, London".


Traces of prehistoric settlements in the area include a Neolithic era ax, tombs from the Iron Age, a stele with northern Etruscan inscriptions and a domed grave.

Beihai Park

In Beihai Park, one could find Taihu rocks shipped from the Henan province and a variety of art collections ranging from jade jars from the Yuan-era to a collection of 495 steles bearing inscriptions by trees of hundreds of years old.

Bhoja II

One of Singhana's inscriptions speaks of him as having been "a very Garuda in putting to flight the serpent which was the mighty king Bhoja, whose habitation was Panhala (Pannala-nilara-prabala-Bhojabhnpala-vyala-vidravana-Vihatngaraja).


Many of the sites where offerings to Borvo have been found are in Gaul: inscriptions to him have been found in Drôme at Aix-en-Diois, Bouches-du-Rhône at Aix-en-Provence, Gers at Auch, Allier at Bourbon-l'Archambault, Savoie at Aix-les-Bains, Saône-et-Loire at Bourbon-Lancy, in Savoie at Aix-les-Bains, Haute-Marne at Bourbonne-les-Bains and in Nièvre at Entrains-sur-Nohain.

Brahmi script

A date for Tamil-Brahmi inscriptions in Palani as early as the 6th century has also been claimed, but as of its 2011 announcement, Iravatham Mahadevan, "a leading authority on the Tamil-Brahmi and Indus scripts," and Dr. Y. Subbarayalu, Head of the Department of Indology at the French Institute of Pondicherry, cautioned that it was difficult to reach a conclusion on the basis of one single scientific dating.

Chadong language

According to inscriptions from the Ming dynasty, Chadong speakers originally came from Qingyuanfu, Nandan, Guangxi, which is located further to the west.

Charles Daniell

There is a beautiful memorial to him in York Minster created from sculpted stonework with inscriptions around oaken doors in the area leading to the vestry.

Cylinders of Nabonidus

The Cylinders of Nabonidus refers to cuneiform inscriptions of king Nabonidus of Babylonia (556-539 BC).

Eduard Glaser

He collected thousands of inscriptions in Yemen that are today held by Kunsthistorisches Museum.

Egrikapili Mehmed Rasim Efendi

One of his most famous works consist of copying over 60 manuscripts of the Kuran and the inscriptions on the fountain of Saliha Sultan at Azap Kapi in Constantinople.

Emrah Altinok

These inscriptions that look like drawing and handwriting evoked some works of Roland Barthes and Henri Michaux.


Tangible evidence of the existence of the Frisavones includes several inscriptions found in Britain, from Roman Manchester and from Melandra Castle near modern Glossop in Derbyshire.


The garden also has gates on the four cardinal directions, a number of six-sided pavilions, sculptures, bells, several inscriptions painted large on wood and stone, and in one building, a small exhibit of Chinese paintings and of a model of the style of ship that would have journeyed to Fuzhou during the time of the Ryūkyū Kingdom to bring tribute and to engage in trade.


GDRT is first mentioned in South Arabian inscriptions as an ally of `Alhan Nahfan, king of Saba, in an inscription at Maḥram Bilqīs, at Ma'rib in Yemen, the temple of the moon god Almaqah /Ilmuqah.

Gerona Beatus

From inscriptions at the conclusion of the text, it is clear that the manuscript was commissioned by an Abbot Dominicus, and was completed on July 6, 975, most probably at the monastery at Tábara.

Gothic runic inscriptions

Very few Elder Futhark inscriptions in the Gothic language have been found in the territory historically settled by the Goths (Wielbark culture, Chernyakhov culture).


The pottery, hieroglyph inscriptions and hieratic graffiti at the site show that it was in use intermittently from at least as early as the reign of Khufu until the Roman period (c. 2589 BC–AD 300).

James Theodore Bent

After an expedition in 1890 to Cilicia Trachea, where he obtained a valuable collection of inscriptions, Bent spent a year in South Africa, with the object, by investigation of some of the ruins in Mashonaland, of throwing light on the vexed question of their origin and on the early history of East Africa.

Jan van Eyck

This is supported by records of an inscription from Ovid's Ars Amatoria, which was on the now-lost original frame of the Arnolfini Portrait, and by the many Latin inscriptions in van Eyck paintings, using the Roman alphabet, then reserved for educated men.

Jasaw Chan K'awiil

Jasaw Chan K'awiil II (fl. 869 CE), last-known ruler of the Maya city-state of Tikal, identifiable from extant inscriptions

Julius von Mohl

In 1844 he was nominated to the academy of inscriptions, and in 1847 he became professor of Persian at the Collège de France.

Kai Brodersen

His research focuses on Greek and Roman historiography and geography, on ancient inscriptions, oracles and wonder-texts, and on the social and economic history as well as reception studies (incl. Asterix).

Kamarupa – Late to end period

There is two copper-plate inscriptions of Ratna Pala, known as the Bargaon and the Sualkuchi grants.

Katrina refrigerator

Some inscriptions advocated the refrigerator be sent to politicians whose response to the disaster were considered lacking, for example "Sent to the White House" or "Send to Blanco".


Votive inscriptions for Mars Latobius are typically found on mountain tops (e.g., on the highest peak of the Koralpe mountain range, between the Lavant and Mur valleys) and on passes in former Noricum.

Lichfield Gospels

The 'altar of St. Teilo" has in the past been associated with the monastery at Llandaff but, as it has been determined that the third, fourth and sixth marginal inscriptions refer to lands within fifteen miles of Llandeilo Fawr, it is now thought that the book originated there.


Her name is found in inscriptions found at Aignay-le-Duc and Mâlain of the Côte-d'Or, France, where she is invoked along with the Gallo-Roman god Mars Cicolluis in a context which suggests that she might have been his consort.

Mabel Lang

She was the author of several books on Classical Greek law and culture, and was a contributor to the deciphering of the Linear B inscriptions found at Pylos.


The remnants of burned Ancient Roman military posts were discovered by the French army in 1836, when they entered the area; these posts were occupied, according to the inscriptions, by a numerus Syrorum: a unit of Syrian archers.

Mondo and Other Stories

In "Lullaby" a young girl leaves the busy town for the sea, and a meditative experience (compared to passages in Thoreau's Walden and Rousseau's Reveries of a Solitary Walker) lets her realize a transformed way of respiration after which a journey ensues along rocks with mysterious inscriptions, a bunker, a white villa, a Greek temple, and other places of self-discovery.

Mount Qingyuan

There are also the "Four Superlatives" which include the stone statue of Laozi from the Song Dynasty, the Vedic stone statues of Buddha for Three Lives, the holy Islamic tombs and the pray for wind stone inscriptions.


Although Aššur-nāṣir-apli claimed to have conquered the border fortresses Hirimmu and Harutu in his own inscriptions, this may be a restatement of his father, Tukulti-Ninurta II’s campaigns.

Nephi, son of Lehi

In Phoenician and Aramaic inscriptions of Egyptian names containing nfr, the nfr element is rendered npy, and the closely related Hebrew language would presumably transcribe the name the same way.

Old South Arabian

Although the inscriptions from ancient South Arabia were already known by the 18th century, it was Wilhelm Gesenius (1786-1842) and his student Emil Rödiger who finally undertook the deciphering of the script, actually independently of each other, in the years 1841/42.

Olympic winners of the Archaic period

The work is based on records in the surviving historical and literary sources, race inscriptions, the texts of the Oxyrhynchus Papyri, the testimony of Pausanias and the list of Sextus Julius Africanus.

Proto-Sinaitic script

There have been two major discoveries of inscriptions that may be in the Proto-Sinaitic script, the first in the winter of 1904–1905 in Sinai by Hilda and Flinders Petrie, dated to circa 1700-1400 BCE, and more recently in 1999 in Middle Egypt by John and Deborah Darnell, dated to the 18th century BCE.

Radoslav Katičić

Katičić has charted the meanderings in the continuity of Croatian language and literature, from the earliest stone inscriptions and Glagolitic medieval literature in the Croatian recension of Church Slavonic to the works of Renaissance writers such as Marin Držić and Marko Marulić, who wrote in a Croatian vernacular.


It has also been suggested that the name Raeti may be connected with Reitia, a major goddess who was revered in northeast Italy and is attested in a number of inscriptions on votive tablets of the Veneti people.


They left behind many inscriptions in the monumental Musnad (Old South Arabian) alphabet, as well as numerous documents in the cursive Zabūr script.


Boechari tried to reconstruct the early stage of Sailendra based on Sojomerto inscription, while other historians such as Slamet Muljana and Poerbatjaraka tried to reconstruct the list of Sailendran king in middle and later period with their connections to Sanjaya and Srivijaya, based on inscriptions and Carita Parahyangan manuscript.


It is found in a few inscriptions in the cities of Aspendos and Perge as well as on local coins.


As was standard practice, as revealed by inscriptions, the Romans matched their deities with local Silurian ones, and the local deity Ocelus was identified with Mars, the Roman god of war.

Thetford Hoard

Many of the spoons bear pagan inscriptions to Faunus, a minor Roman god who had many characteristics in common with the Greek Pan.

Thomas William Rhys Davids

He then studied for the bar and briefly practised law, though he continued to publish articles about Sri Lankan inscriptions and translations, notably in Max Müller's monumental Sacred Books of the East.


The First Cohort of Varduli are also mentioned in inscriptions at the Antonine Wall, Longovicium in Durham, Bremenium and Corstopitum in Northumberland and on the Dere Street in Cappuck in the Scottish Borders.


One of these inscriptions suggests that ‘Veraudunus’ may have been an epithet of the important Treveran god Lenus Mars.

see also