
unusual facts about interpreting

Agnès Mellon

Starting in 1985, Mellon also worked under the direction of Philippe Herreweghe, with La Chapelle Royale (1985–1990) and the Collegium Vocale Gent (1990–1996), interpreting Charpentier, Heinrich Schütz, Monteverdi, Jean Gilles, and Johann Sebastian Bach.

Bahya ben Asher

Unlike the latter, Bahya did not devote his attention to Talmudic science, but to Biblical exegesis, taking for his model Rabbi Moses ben Nahman who is known as Nahmanides or Ramban, the teacher of Rabbi Solomon ben Adret, who was the first to make use of the Kabbalah as a means of interpreting the Torah.

Beatriz Balzi

From 1970 to 1976, Beatriz Balzi collaborated as a professor and performer with the Piracicaba School of Music, interpreting several concerts for piano and orchestra under the conduction of composer Ernst Mahle.

Bülach fibula

with only two l runes, translating "you, my lover, embrace me, leek! leek!", interpreting the l runes as abbreviating "leek" (*laukaz), symbolizing fertility or prosperity (leek is strongly associated with nubile women in Old Norse skaldic poetry).


Harrington (1933) gives the most precise transcription, K(w)á’uwar, in interpreting an 1846 translation of a Spanish text.

Cilou Annys

Annys studies interpreting and translation (French and Spanish) at the Hogeschool Gent.

Courts in Austria

The system of courts in Austria interpreting and applying Austrian law is marked by a division between ordinary courts, dealing with criminal and civil cases, and public law tribunals for constitutional law, administrative law and asylum law.

Democracy in the Middle East

Also the forth unchangeable article of constitution states that all other articles of the constitution and all other laws are void if they violate Islamic rules, and the Guardian Council is given the duty of interpreting the constitution and verifying that all laws passed the parliament are not against Islamic laws.

Día Mundial de Ponce

Friday (Aug 31): The “Ednita Nazario Romantic Music Festival”, featuring “Bohemia Caribeña”, a medley of over 30 musical artists interpreting musical selections, with drinks and Hors d'oeuvres, at Plaza del Mercado Isabel II.

ESL Incorporated

The company developed the first software for interpreting renal isograms in the diagnosis of Renovascular hypertension, working in conjunction with physicians practicing in the kidney disease diagnostics field.

General Sherman incident

Also on board was the ship's owner, W. B. Preston, an American trader, and Robert Jermain Thomas, a Protestant missionary acting as an interpreter.

Guhyasamāja tantra

'Gos Lotsawa Khug pa lhas btsas originated a transmission in Tibet, as did Marpa Lotsawa. The Sakya tradition received both transmissions. Tsongkhapa, founder of the Gelug tradition, considered the Esoteric Community to be the most important of the tantras and used the Ārya tradition as a template for interpreting all the other tantric traditions.

Guo Pu

A native of Wenxi County, in what is now southwest Shanxi Province, Guo studied Daoist occultism and prognostication in his youth, and mainly worked as a prognosticator for various local officials and leaders, interpreting omens and portents in order to predict the success or failure of various endeavors.

Guy Denning

Denning held a trio of international exhibitions in 2011/12 showcasing paintings interpreting Dante's Divine Comedy.

Henry Fuseli

His earliest painting represented "Joseph interpreting the Dreams of the Baker and Butler"; the first to excite particular attention was The Nightmare, exhibited in 1782.


They were sharply criticized by the organiser of the musical event, Patricio Manns, for interpreting someone else's composition.


Ivyrise were the sole British act on the album with singer Ben Falinski interpreting the bilingual French / English song co-written by Jean-Jacques Goldman and Michael Jones.

James Covey

Yale professor Josiah Gibbs, seeking anyone who spoke the Mende language to assist him by interpreting for the Amistad captives, went to New York Harbor and loudly counted to ten in Mende until someone who could understand him approached.

Jiva Goswami

In essence, the philosophy of Achintya bheda abheda, or "inconceivable oneness and difference", avoids the extremes of Shankara's monistic Advaita vedanta and Madhva's pure dualism (Dvaita) by interpreting the material and spiritual potencies of the Supreme Person (Bhagavan) as being simultaneously one and different with Him.

Jonathan M. Weiss

In the mid 1960s Weiss worked as an interpreter for the United States State Department during which time he interpreted for, among others, Martin Luther King, Jr. for francophone African dignitaries.

La Revolución de Emiliano Zapata

In the era of psychedelic rock and under the influence of American hippies of the late 1960s, a young band from Guadalajara headed by Javier Martin del Campo, formed with the intention of interpreting contemporary popular songs of the era in their own style.

Lancet surveys of Iraq War casualties

Since interpreting the results of the study would be complicated by the inclusion of an outlier cluster in Fallujah, where heavy fighting caused far more casualties than elsewhere in Iraq, the study focused mainly on the results that excluded the Fallujah cluster.

Leda Atomica

The painting can be conceived as Dalí's way of interpreting the Annunciation.

Leeds Society for Deaf and Blind People

These include a Sign Language Interpreting Service, equipment provision, social workers for profoundly deaf people, services for deafblind people, training courses and qualifications including a Taster Course, Levels 1–3 in British Sign Language, and Sensory Awareness.

Lurianic Kabbalah

In truth, "I, the Eternal, I have not changed" (Malachi 3:6), as interpreting the tzimtzum with any literal tendency would be ascribing false corporeality to God.

Minnesota Attorney General

In addition, the Office issues formal opinions interpreting statutes for the agencies and political subdivisions of the state.

Optical communication

When electronic equipment is not employed the 'receiver' is a person visually observing and interpreting a signal, which may be either simple (such as the presence of a beacon fire) or complex (such as lights using color codes or flashed in a Morse code sequence).

Peppino Mazzotta

Peppino Mazzotta is especially famous for interpreting police detective Giuseppe Fazio, in all episodes of the renowned Italian television series Inspector Montalbano, produced and broadcast by RAI since 1999, and based on the detective novels of Andrea Camilleri.

Purposive approach

As the Court's leading purposivist Justice Stephen Breyer considers determining and interpreting the purpose of a statute paramount.

R. A. W. Rhodes

Mark Bevir and R. A. W. Rhodes are the authors of Interpreting British Governance (2003) and Governance Stories (2006).

Samuel Koranteng-Pipim

Pipim contributed to the Biblical Research Institute's book Interpreting Scripture, published in 2010, a work which attempted to provide answers to questions often raised concerning the Bible.

Sancho Gracia

He became famous in Spain for interpreting the role of Curro Jiménez, in the TV show of the same name, that was broadcast by TVE from 1976 to 1979, being rebroadcast several times since then.


Skrivanek is a company which provides language services in the field of translating and interpreting including localization, DTP services, and language teaching in the Czech Republic.

Supplementary motor area

The locomotion hypothesis is an example of interpreting the motor cortex in terms of the underlying behavioral repertoire from which abstract control functions emerge, an approach emphasized by Graziano and colleagues.

Tagala Talaga

The album was her first all covers album re-interpreting classic OPM songs including compositions from National Artists for Music Awardees Ryan Cayabyab, Lucio D. San Pedro, and Levi Celerio.

The Ultimate Revelations

To support this hypothesis, the author presents several arguments from the historical records describing the advent of Qur'anic revelations (Wahy), its language of communication, its time of arrival, the characteristics of its recipient nation, the information in its contents, and the presence of an interpreting mechanism built into the Qur'an.

Theodor Innitzer

In the 1963 movie The Cardinal, Innitzer was played by Josef Meinrad in scenes interpreting the events of the Anschluss including the statement and the sacking of the residence.

United States congressional conference committee

The late U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist once observed that the joint conference report of both Houses of Congress is considered highly reliable legislative history when interpreting a statute.

William P. Gottlieb

Architect I. M. Pei stated that "Steven Gottlieb transcends traditional architectural photography by interpreting architecture with the vision of a true artist."

see also