
unusual facts about mythological

10th Aerospace Defense Group

The ten stars placed in a Scorpius constellation formation over a scorpion alludes to a Greek mythological legend and is symbolic of deadly powers.


#An alternative name for the Greek mythological figures called Aglaulus

Albion and Albanius

In terms of production the opera was a restoration spectacular, visuals included much mere mythological display to take advantage of the "machines" at the Dorset Garden Theatre, such as "The clouds divide, and Juno appears in a machine drawn by peacocks: while a symphony is playing, it moves gently forward, and as it descends, it opens and discovers the tail of the peacock, which is so large that it almost fills the opening of the stage between scene and scene" (Act I).


Apep, an Ancient Egyptian mythological demon, in Greek known as Apophis


It depicts the mythological story of Krishna starting from marriage of his parents till the death of Kansa, the evil king.

Book of Veles

Most of the scholars that specialize in the field of mythological studies and Slavic linguistics (such as Boris Rybakov, Andrey Zaliznyak, Leo Klein and all Russian academic historians and linguists) consider it a forgery.

Buddhism in Khotan

Murals found there depicted two important Buddhist mythological figures, Hariti and Avalokitesvara, draped in cloth with Sassanian designs on.


La Calisto, an opera by Francesco Cavalli about the mythological character Callisto.

Casa de la Panadería

Carlos Franco won with a design based on mythological figures such as Cybele, Proserpine, Bacchus, and Cupid, as well as others invented by the artist, interwoven into the history of Madrid and the Plaza Mayor.

Charles Sangster

His poems include an extensive knowledge of classic, historic, and mythological works, as well as British and American authors, including Shakespeare, Milton, Burns, Wordsworth, P.J. Bailey, and Longfellow.

Collective unconscious

Jung also made reference to contents of this category of the unconscious psyche as being similar to Levy-Bruhl's use of collective representations or "représentations collectives," Mythological "motifs," Hubert and Mauss's "categories of the imagination," and Adolf Bastian's "primordial thoughts."

Congo River, Beyond Darkness

All along its 4371 km, we discover places that have seen the turbulent history of this country, while archives remind us of the mythological figures that created its destiny: explorers such as Livingstone and Stanley, the colonial kings Léopold II and Baudouin I and leaders such as Lumumba, Mobutu and Kabila.

Cooley Mountains

Also the mythological home of Hurling game as told in the Táin Bó Cúailnge, when Setanta traveled through these mountains hitting his sliothar (ball) before him on his way to Emain Macha, this feat is re-enacted every year in the All-Ireland Poc Fada Championship which takes place on Annaverna Mountain.

Dean Koontz's Frankenstein

Deucalion is also the Greek mythological equivalent of Noah, and restarted the human race after the flood.


These gods usually reflect mythological figures such as Cernunnos or Pan, and any similarity they may have to the Christian Devil seems to date back only to the 19th century, when a Christian reaction to Pan's growing importance in literature and art resulted in his image being translated to that of the Devil.

Early Irish literature

The kings that are included range from the almost entirely mythological Labraid Loingsech, who allegedly became High King of Ireland around 431 BC, to the entirely historical Brian Boru.


During the year 2003-04, a series based on the mythological stories of Goddess Gayatri was aired on Doordarshan, the national TV channel of India on prime time (10 AM, Sunday).

Hermann Ernst Freund

An early proponent of romantic nationalism, Freund was the first Danish sculptor to work with Nordic mythology, creating 12 statuettes including Loki (1822), Odin (bronze 1827) and Thor (1829), all inspired by ancient Greek and Roman mythological works.

Irresistible force paradox

Another ancient and mythological example illustrating this theme can be found in the story of the Teumessian fox, who can never be caught, and the hound Laelaps, who never misses what it hunts.


The 18th-century French philosopher Voltaire noted the similarities between Jepththa and the Greek mythological general, Idomeneus, speculating whether one story had in fact imitated the other.

Joaquín Sorolla

In 1890, they moved to Madrid, and for the next decade Sorolla's efforts as an artist were focussed mainly on the production of large canvases of orientalist, mythological, historical, and social subjects, for display in salons and international exhibitions in Madrid, Paris, Venice, Munich, Berlin, and Chicago.

Joseph Gandy

His architectural fantasies owe a clear debt to Piranesi and play upon historical, literary and mythological themes with a feeling for the sublime that is the equal of his contemporaries J. M. W. Turner and John Martin.

Kevin Durand

He also recurred on the television show Stargate SG-1 as "Lord Zipacna" (based on the Mayan mythological figure Zipacna) and on Lost during its fourth and sixth seasons, in which he played as the antagonist Martin Keamy for 12 episodes.


The name of the novel hints at the real and mythological locales of Avon, Lyonesse, Avalon and Dis; within the novel Lavondyss is the name of the remote, ice-age heart of Ryhope wood.

Lviv railway station

The main entrance was flanked by a set of Tuscan columns and large mythological sculptures, with the one representing Hypnos being the most notable.

Maganlal Dresswala

This led to historical and mythological films which were the rage in Bollywood (Hindi cinema), working for noted films like Vijay Bhatt's Ram Rajya (1943), K. Asif's Mughal-e-Azam (1960) and Anarkali (1953).

Marie Jules César Savigny

In 1805 he published Natural and Mythological History of the Ibis.


The couple live with their daughter Meeegan, her partner Meeelvyn, and their twins called Jaaason and Meeedea (named after the Greek mythological figures Jason and Medea, who also feature in opera).

Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible

The world in which this game takes place is a borderline-prehistoric world with many towns being named after mythological or ancient cities such as Atlantis and Harappa.

Minor planet

The first asteroid to be given a non-mythological name was 20 Massalia, named after the Greek name for the city of Marseilles.


However, when it saw how Thyestes, a mythological figure, was served his own son for dinner by his brother Atreus, the sun was so horrified that it left its course and moved to the zodiac instead.

Patiya Adarsha High School

He recovered more than two thousand and five hundred Punthi (collection of mythological literature) and published more than six hundred research article.

Paul Valéry

The title was chosen late in the poem's gestation; it refers to the youngest of the three Parcae (the minor Roman deities also called The Fates), though for some readers the connection with that mythological figure is tenuous and problematic.

Peter Nazareth

Nazareth attracted major media attention for teaching that university's popular course "Elvis as Anthology," which explores the deep mythological roots of Elvis Presley's roles in popular culture.


The species Pimoa cthulhu, described by Gustavo Hormiga in 1994, is named for Howard Phillips Lovecraft's mythological deity Cthulhu.


The mythological Phrygian King Midas is said to have ruled from Pessinus and to be buried here.


Quiateot is the name of a rain deity in the mythological traditions of the pre-Columbian and contact-era Nicarao people, an indigenous grouping on the periphery of the Mesoamerican cultural area, located in present-day Nicaragua.

Raphèl maí amèche zabí almi

With other mythological giants, Nimrod forms a ring surrounding the central pit of Hell, a ring that Dante from a distance mistakes as a series of towers which he compares to those of Monteriggioni (40–45).

S. V. Ranga Rao

He was known for his natural acting and for portraying versatile roles of Hindu mythological characters like Ravana, Ghatotkacha, Duryodhana, Kamsa and Kichaka from Indian Mythology.


The village is located next to a natural spring named Nymph, which is a mythological deity that protected the spring.


The Babylonian Talmud Hagigah 13b says Sandalphon's head reaches Heaven, which is also said of Israfil and of the Greek monster Typhon, with whom Sandalphon seems to have similar mythological roots.

Sigal Avin

Her most notable works are the Israeli comedy Irreversible, and Israeli dramas The Game of Life, Michaela, Telenovella Inc, The Mythological Ex and the American drama The Ex List on CBS, starring Elizabeth Reaser and Rachel Boston.


The term thanatosensitive is derived from the ancient Greek mythological personification of death, Thanatos (Greek: Θάνατος (Thánatos), "Death"), which is itself a term associated with the notion of the death drive common to 20th-century post-Freudian thought.


In the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, there is a group of cards called "Spirit Monsters", which are all based on Japanese gods and other mythological creatures.

Venus Anadyomene

Such a highly conventionalized theme, with undertones of eroticism justified by its mythological context, was ripe for modernist deconstruction; in 1870 Arthur Rimbaud evoked the image of a portly Clara Venus ("famous Venus") with all-too-human blemishes (déficits) in a sardonic poem that introduced cellulite to high literature: La graisse sous la peau paraît en feuilles plates (the fat under the skin appears in slabs).

Visvanatha Sastriyar

Notable among them were a Chola-era mythological Mavaikuruvanji and Kurunathar Killividudutu a panegyric on the Hindu god Skanda.

Wauna, Oregon

According to Oregon Geographic Names, it names a Native American mythological being associated with the Columbia River.

Willard Van Orman Quine

:"How can we talk about Pegasus? To what does the word 'Pegasus' refer? If our answer is, 'Something,' then we seem to believe in mystical entities; if our answer is, 'nothing', then we seem to talk about nothing and what sense can be made of this? Certainly when we said that Pegasus was a mythological winged horse we make sense, and moreover we speak the truth! If we speak the truth, this must be truth about something. So we cannot be speaking of nothing."

see also