
unusual facts about sediments


Amphitrite ornata

The ornate worm is often found in marine environments also inhabited by Notomastus lobatus (Polychaeta) and Saccoglossus kowalewskyi (Hemichordata), which produce and contaminate sediments with bromophenols and bromopyrroles.

The ornate worm, Amphitrite ornata, is often found in marine environments also inhabited by other Polychaete worms which produce and contaminate sediments with bromophenols and bromopyrroles.


These sediments were thought to have formed in a deep area where the lake bottom was anoxic.

Atlantic Plain

The Atlantic Plain is generally gently dipping undeformed Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments, with the sedimentary wedge thickening toward the sea, reaching a maximum thickness of about 3 kilometers (10,000 ft) in the vicinity of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina.

Bjorøy Tunnel

The Jurassic sediments encountered in the tunnel included breccia and conglomerate in contact with the underlying gneisses and a sandstone with coal fragments, some of which was quite unconsolidated.


The ratio of retene to cadalene in sediments can reveal the ratio of the genus Pinaceae in the biosphere.


The fossils were found in sediments of the middle Cambrian aged Exsulans limestone which outcrops on the island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea.


Evidence for abundant Chlorobium populations is provided by chemical fossils found in sediments deposited at the Cretaceous mass extinction.


In North America Clarkoceras is found in early Lower Ordovician, Gasconadian age shallow marine sediments near Smith Basin, State of New York, the Llano Uplift of Central Texas, and the El Paso Group of the eastern Rocky Mountains of Trans-Pecos Texas and Southern New Mexico.

Coyote Creek State Park

70 million years ago the Laramide orogeny uplifted the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, steeply tilting the earlier sediments down to the east.


An eighth, fragmentary specimen of Archaeopteryx was discovered in the late 1980s in the somewhat younger sediments at Daiting.

Deep sea

Marine bacteriophages play an important role in cycling nutrients in deep sea sediments.


Discoceras has been found in Middle and Upper Ordovician sediments in Northern Europe, Baffin Island in Canada, Yunnan and Hubei provinces in China, and in Punjab, India.


nov. isolated by Rodríguez Blanco et al. in 2010 from intertidal sediments of the ria of Corcubión (Galicia, Spain).

Geography of Belize

Belizean geology consists largely of varieties of limestone, with the notable exception of the Maya Mountains, a large uplifted block of intrusive Paleozoic granite and sediments running northeast to southwest across the south-central part of the country.

Graded shoreline

The peninsula of Hel in Poland consists of sediments carried eastwards from the Pomeranian coast, that are deposited in front of the Bay of Danzig.

Gulf of Fonseca

Black Mangrove (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) is the second most pervasive species and is generally found around the rivers where sediments are deposited along the shoreline.


have been found in the lakebottom sediments of the Yixian Formation in China, dating to 125 million years ago.


Geomicrobiologist Felisa Wolfe-Simon with a NASA funded team is researching a particular strain the Halomonadaceae family, named GFAJ-1, isolated and cultured from sediments collected along the shore of Mono Lake, near Yosemite National Park in eastern California.


Intejocerida is the name given to a group of generally straight shelled nautiloid cephalopods originally found in Lower and Middle Ordovician sediments in the Angara River basin in Russia; defined in the Treatise as an order, and combined there with the Endocerida in the Endoceratoidea.

John Baird Simpson

He carried out a lot of the early earliest mapping of the Western Highlands and Islands of Scotland, including the Lewisian of Coll and Tiree, the Mesozoic sediments and Tertiary lavas of Morvern and Ardnamurchan, and the Moine Schists of Ardnamurchan, Sunart and South Morar.


Its isolated location combined with low levels of chlorophyll makes Judarn one of the clearest lakes in Stockholm, and notwithstanding low levels of oxygen nutrient content is low even during winters, with raised levels of PAH and PCB in deep sediments.

Lake Mungo

Two excursions have been recorded in sediments from Skjonghelleren on Valderøy, Norway with the Virtual Geomagnetic Pole (VGP) of one being synchronous with Lake Mungo suggests that the Lake Mungo event was global rather than a local event.

Magnetic memory

Rock magnetism, the study of the magnetic properties of rocks, sediments and soils

Maritime archaeology

Salt water provides for greater organic activity than freshwater, and in particular, the shipworm, terredo navalis, lives only in salt water, so some of the best preservation in the absence of sediments has been found in the cold, dark waters of the Great Lakes in North America and in the (low salinity) Baltic Sea (where the Vasa was preserved).

Mount Cameroon

The massive steep-sided volcano of dominantly basaltic-to-trachybasaltic composition forms a volcanic horst constructed above a basement of Precambrian metamorphic rocks covered with Cretaceous to Quaternary sediments.

Mount Edziza volcanic complex

Chira Endress, a student of Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, United States, focused on a section of glaciogenic sediments immediately beneath the same Ice Peak trachyte lava flow sampled and described by Jeff Hungerford during his 2006 studies.

Nepean River

Near Penrith, since 1971 numerous Aboriginal stone tools were found in Cranebrook Terraces gravel sediments deposited by the Nepean River 40,000 to 50,000 years ago, according to repeated, revised and corroborated radiocarbon and thermoluminescence dating.

Osmunda wehrii

The cherts were recovered from sediments outcropping near the contact of the Roza Basalts and the overlying Priest Rapids Basalts, designated the type locality, near the town of Beverly, Washington by Fred Brinkman of Sunnyside, Washington.


The front right fore-wing was found in sediments of the Latah Formation near Spokane, Washington.


The sediments that have yielded Pelagiarctos have also yielded numerous other species of ocean-going vertebrates, including sharks (Isurus, Sphyrna, Carcharocles), turtles (Psephophorus), seabirds (Osteodontornis, Diomedea, Puffinus), Cetaceans (Prosqualodon, Aulophyseter, Parietobalaena) and other pinnipeds (Allodesmus, Neotherium).

Pinus driftwoodensis

Pinus driftwoodensis has been identified from a single location, the type locality, at the Driftwood Canyon exposure of Ootsa Lake Group sediments near Smithers, British Columbia in the Driftwood Canyon Provincial Park.


recurvirostris is a disputed species possibly synonymous with P. pervetus; it is known from a partial wing (KUVP 10105) found in Colton Formation Eocene sediments of the Wasatch Plateau near Ephraim, Utah.

Rock Springs Uplift

The Rock Springs Uplift is an area of uplifted Cretaceous to Eocene rocks in Wyoming surrounded and once covered by sediments of the Green River Formation which were deposited in the Eocene Lake Gosiute.

Rollover anticlines

Cretaceous aged sediments dominate the surface geology of the Mardin Structure, and its western limits are slightly past the point where Midyat Limestone dominates the surface.

Saxothuringian Zone

The Saxothuringian Zone consists of early Paleozoic marine sediments that were deposited in the so-called Saxothuringian Basin.


A famous locality that yielded numerous excellently preserved fossils of Sclerocephalus is Odernheim am Glan in Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany), where the Permian sediments of the Rotliegend have even been named "Stegocephalenkalke" (= Stegocephalia limestones).


The type species for the genus, Similodonta similis, has been found in Late Ordovician, Ashgill epoch, sediments of the upper Richmond Group exposed near Spring Valley, Minnesota.

Tassajara Formation

The Tassajara Formation consists of sediments ranging from brown to gray mudstone, andesitic sandstone, conglomerate, and minor bentonitic and pumiceous tuff.

Tassili n'Ajjer

The art is no older than 9–10 millennia, according to OSL dating of associated sediments, but may be younger.


The second species of Tuarangia to be described, Tuarangia gravgaerdensis, is from sediments of the middle Cambrian aged Ardrarum Limestone Formation which outcrops on the island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea.


The fossil was recovered by Gus and Christine Halandras of Meeker, Colorado from outcrops of the Green River Formations Parachute Member exposing sediments of Lake Unitah, Rio Blanco County, Colorado, USA.


In fact, the hyperthermophilic archaea Pyrococcus furiosus was described for the first time when it was isolated from sediments of this island by Gerhard Fiala and Karl Stetter.

William R. Dickinson

Dickinson is renowned for his work in plate tectonics, sedimentary geology and Pacific Oceana geology and is considered one of the foremost experts on the geology of the Colorado Plateau.

Wilpena Pound

The area has given its name to the Wilpena Group of sedimentary rocks making up the younger sediments of the geosyncline, and names of further subdivisions also originate from the area: particularly the Pound Subgroup, made up of Rawnsley Quartzite and Bonney Sandstone.

see also