
2 unusual facts about August von Mackensen


Futog Court, today Agricultural school (baroque-classicism), built by grof Andras Hadik in 1777, where few days before Sarajevo Attempt resided Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sofia Chotek, and also a place where German general August von Mackensen was prisoned in 1919.

Vasil Radoslavov

As Prime Minister he oversaw the occupation of Dobruja in 1916 with the aid of German General August von Mackensen, although the move lost him some support from the German government as they wanted some of the territory for themselves.


An earlier monument was erected in 1915 at the location by the German soldiers, on the orders of Field marshal August von Mackensen.

Max Matern

When in June 1922, several thousand members of monarchist warrior associations came together in Eggesin in honour of General Field Marshal August von Mackensen, Max Matern and his brothers also went there to attack those gathered there with fists and clubs, and to chase them off.

Svetozar Boroević

They then proceeded to join the general Austro-Hungarian—German offensive (with the Austro-Hungarian Fourth Army under Joseph Ferdinand and the German Eleventh Army under Mackensen) that pushed back the Russians and eventually retook Przemysl.

World War II German uniform

The color and Totenköpfe (skulls) were chosen due to their similarity to the uniforms of August von Mackensen's Black Hussars, and also for practical reasons: the black color made oil stains less visible and a short jacket was less likely to get caught in the machinery.

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