
unusual facts about Cyclin-dependent kinase

BEN domain

SMAR1 (Scaffold/Matrix attachment region-binding protein 1; also known as BANP), a tumour-suppressor MAR-binding protein that down-regulates Cyclin D1 expression by recruiting HDAC1-mSin3A co-repressor complex at Cyclin D1 promoter locus; SMAR1 is the target of prostaglandin A2 (PGA2) induced growth arrest.

Cyclin A

A single cyclin A gene has been identified in Drosophila while Xenopus, mice and humans contain two distinct types of cyclin A: A1, the embryonic-specific form, and A2, the somatic form.

Cyclin-dependent kinase 5

CDK5 is required for proper development of the brain and to be activated, CDK5 must associate with CDK5R1 or CDK5R2.

Mir-885 microRNA precursor family

Altered expression of multiple genes is observed with miR-885-5p, including the CDK2 and MCM5 genes encoding cyclin-dependent kinase 2 and mini-chromosome maintenance protein MCM5, and also with several p53 target genes.


p18 (protein) a member of the INK4 family of cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors.

Rett syndrome

An atypical form of RTT, characterized by infantile spasms or early onset epilepsy, can also be caused by a mutation to the gene encoding cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5).

Tim Hunt

In 2001 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Leland Hartwell and Sir Paul Nurse for their discoveries regarding cell cycle regulation by cyclin and cyclin-dependent kinases.

see also