
unusual facts about Dense-scale lantern shark

Dense-scale lantern shark

Compagno, Dando, & Fowler, Sharks of the World, Princeton University Press, New Jersey 2005 ISBN 0-691-12072-2

2009 Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister helicopter crash

Begumpet and Shamshabad Air Traffic controllers lost contact with the aircraft at 9:02 am while it was passing through the dense Nallamala forest area.

762 Pulcova

In the year 2000, Merline estimated Pulcova to have a density of 1.8 g/cm³, which would make it more dense than the binary asteroids 45 Eugenia and 90 Antiope.

Acrostichum aureum

It can grow in full sun or in deep shade and it has been found that the mangrove Rhizophora mucronata can regenerate in dense stands of the fern.

Anemone trifolia

The rhizome, found directly below surface is whitish, and tends to form dense clonal colonies.

Arabian Waxbill

It can also be found along the south coast of Yemen east to Wadi al-Jahr and, in the extensively irrigated intensive agricultural areas of Wadi Hadramawt between Shibam and Tarim, usually with a dense cover of trees and bushes.

Belt Woods

The herbaceous layer, which is exceptionally dense in springtime, includes Collinsonia, Dioscorea, and broad beechfern.

Brachyglottis elaeagnifolia

Volcanic debris on Mount Taranaki has been colonized by this species, which occurs in dense stands up to 100 years old.

Bundesstraße 446

The section between the Holzerode and Ebergötzen is known as the Hölle ("hell") by the locals because of the high rock outcrops immediately to the side of the road and dense stands of trees (e.g. "You drive through the Hölle.").


It generally grows under the shade of larger trees in dense forests composed of Sideroxylon, Lysiloma, Swietenia, Bursera, Hypelate, Dipholis, and Nectandra.


Silva Carbonaria, the charcoal forest, the dense old-growth forest of beech and oak that formed a natural boundary during the Late Iron Age through Roman times into the Early Middle Ages across what is now Belgium

Ceiba chodatii

The dry chaco where this tree is found has dense spiny woodlands consisting of low trees and an understorey of Aspidosperma, Astronium, Schinopsis, Ceiba, and Bulnesia.

Chail Sanctuary

There is a dense cover of Oak and Pine, apart from the other major grassland covers in the area.


Cybertron is described in the first issue of the Marvel comic book as being the size of Saturn, which would logically mean it possessed incredibly dense gravity, and yet it did not, possibly as a result of its hollow structure, honeycombed as it is by tunnels.

Des Murs's Wiretail

It inhabits dense thickets of Chusquea bamboo within cool temperate rainforests, occurring from sea-level up to 1,200 metres, but also can occur in early-successional shrublands of highly shade-tolerant Myrtaceae species, chiefly Amomyrtus.


Located in a magnificent natural setting on the south side of the plateau of Myrtou, in dense forests that spread throughout the village and joined by a magical way with the sea of Agia Eirini all the way up to Kormakitis.


Dense plasma focus, a plasma machine that produces, by electromagnetic acceleration and compression, short-lived plasma that is so hot and dense that it becomes a copious multi-radiation source

Dytiscus latissimus

It is an aquatic species and it inhabits in dense vegetation, mainly of Carex and Equisetum, at the edges of lakes or in non-flowing waters and deep ponds.

Floridian highlands freshwater marsh

Approximately meter-deep supports emergent herbaceous perennials, typically in dense, monospecific stands; species include bulrush (Typha latifolia), pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata), American lotus (Nelumbo lutea).

Fort Belvedere, Surrey

The triangular turreted structure was set amidst a dense plantation of trees and overlooked Virginia Water, a man-made body of water constructed by Thomas and Paul Sandby at the behest of the Duke.

Foundation of Melbourne

As the land he travelled through was mostly treeless, and covered in dense swards of Kangaroo grass (Themeda triandra), it was, he wrote, "Land of the best description, equal to any in the world... the most beautiful sheep pasturage I ever saw in my life."

Gas torus

A gas torus is the setting for Larry Niven's novels The Integral Trees and The Smoke Ring, wherein a gas giant orbiting a neutron star generates a gas torus dense enough for (even human) life; this arrangement is implausible in reality.


Most species inhabit dense tropical, subtropical and temperate (Chile) forests, but some occur in open vegetation as the Pampas, the Cerrado, and the Caatinga.

Greenbrier, Arkansas

The town was named for the painfully prickly greenbriar vines which grew along the creek through the town; removing these dense and thorny thickets was apparently a memorable experience for the founders.

Henderson Crake

The species is found in dense to open forest throughout the island plateau, both in forest dominated by Pisonia and Pisonia/Xylosma, and in Timonius thicket, also occurring in Pandanus-Thespesia-Argusia embayment forests and coconut groves on the beaches (Jones et al. 1995).

Juniperus occidentalis

The plants often bear galls caused by the Juniper Tip Midge Oligotrophus betheli (Bibionomorpha: Cecidomyiidae); these are violet-purple fading to brown, 1–2 cm diameter, with dense modified spreading scale-leaves 6–10 mm long and 2–3 mm broad at the base.

Lademoen Station

This includes dense residential areas and large workplaces including DnB NOR, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte and Teekay Petrojarl in addition to Solsiden shopping mall and the Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, part of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Lake Abert

No fish live in the alkaline waters of the lake; however, its dense population of brine shrimp supports a variety of shorebirds.


It is supported by the affluents of the River Varosa, which snake through the municipality of Lamego, forming an accidented relief and dense vegetation of pine, chestnut, heather (Ericaceae), carqueja, tojo, giestas and mimosas trees.


In The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy, the character Pappachi discovers a new species of lymantriid with "unusually dense dorsal tufts".

Lyot filter

Although their mechanisms are different, modelocking lasers and Lyot-filter lasers both produce a comb of multiple wavelengths which can be placed on the ITU grid for Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM) or used to give each suburban home its own return-signal laser wavelength in a passive optical network (PON) used to provide FTTH (Fiber To The Home).

Manali Sanctuary

A path from Manali log huts and Dhungri temple passes through dense Deodar, Kail, Horse chestnut, Walnut and Maple forests.

Marsh Tapaculo

It inhabits areas of tall (60–180 cm), dense vegetation dominated by sedges (such as Eleocharis) and grasses.

Petrified forest of Lesbos

The area enclosed by the villages of Eressos, Antissa and Sigri is very dense in fossilized tree trunks and forms the Petrified Forest of Lesvos, which is managed by the Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest.

Prionium serratum

This species has a disjunct distribution along the southern and south-eastern seaboard from the Western Cape to KwaZulu-Natal on sandstone substrates, growing in dense mats in marshy areas, and in and along streams and rivers.


"The Gates of Delirium" is a dense, 22-minute piece that was inspired by Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace.

Rockets Red Glare

Releasing two full length albums and a two track 7-inch they specialised in playing a dense, meandering and sometimes explosive brand of post punk, taking influences from dirgecore bands such as Cerberus Shoal and Neurosis.

Sandinista Popular Army

Irregular Warfare Battalion (Batallón de Lucha Irregular) Recognizing the need for troops trained for counterinsurgency or anti-guerilla warfare, the Sandinistas began deploying BLIs in 1983, Bli's were special troops that operated in a fastlighting mode or for long period of time, these troops were operating in the deeps of Nicaragua dense jungles, Very well trained to adapt in any climate or terrains and expanded their numbers after instituting the draft.

Solitary Tinamou

But the birds can be plentiful enough to withstand some hunting for example in a mosaic of cabruca smallholder plantings, interspersed with secondary growth with dense caeté Marantaceae and Merostachys bamboo understorey as well as higher Guadua bamboo and full-grown heart-of-palm trees (Euterpe edulis).

Species 8472

A designation given by the Borg (the species' name referred to by Star Trek Online as the Undine, though the Hirogen refer to them as 'Fluidians'), Species 8472 has a dense genetic structure, with each cell containing more than a hundred times the genetic material of a human cell because of their triple-helix DNA structure.

Springbank Island

Ringbarked years ago and neglected as a natural consequence, is now a dense mass of undergrowth of young trees.

SS Empire Bard

She sailed from Hvalfjörður on 8 April and put into Akureyri on 13 April due to heavy pack ice and dense fog.

Swamp antechinus

The habitat for all subspecies is closed heath, wet dense heath, open forest, open heath, swampy draiages and tussock grassland with bracken and sedge growth.

Velarde, New Mexico

Despite the shelter of "dense masses of cedar and large fragments of rock" that were formed into defensive positions, the Tewa warriors and Mexican defenders in the battle were routed by U.S. Col. Sterling Price, military governor, and his Missouri Mounted Volunteers, leading to the U.S. siege of Taos Pueblo less than a week's forced march later.

Ventana Wilderness

Off-trail travel can be extremely difficult due to the steep, unstable terrain, and dense vegetation, like Madrone, manzanita, and Ceanothus.

Verbascum densiflorum

Verbascum densiflorum (dense-flowered mullein) is a plant species in the genus Verbascum.

Wildlife of Israel

Rapid urbanization as well as overforestation (planting many dense Eucalyptus and Pine forests) have caused the destruction of many natural habitats.

Yarra Ranges National Park

As the forest is very dense the area was not particularly favoured by the aboriginal people.

see also