
4 unusual facts about Etrúria


200 BC via the Greek colonies in southern Italy, and from Etruria, Rome's northern neighbour.

Basford, Staffordshire

It lies on high ground between the town centre of Newcastle-under-Lyme to its south-west, and Stoke's Etruria suburb (home to Festival Park commercial and retail development) to its east.

Etruria, Staffordshire

It was named after the Italian district of Etruria, home of the Etruscan people who were renowned for their artistic products.

Titus Geganius Macerinus

Envoys were sent by ship to buy grain from the coastal towns of Etruria, the Volsci and others to the south as far as Cumae.


Etruria | Etrúria |

Andrea Carandini

His research is focused on the topography of ancient Rome, Etruria in the Roman period and the analysis of monumental complexes in various cities in Italy (Volterra, Grumentum, Pompeii, and Veii).

Aulus Cornelius Palma Frontonianus

Aulus Cornelius Palma Frontonianus was a soldier and Roman statesman who came from Volsinii in Etruria.

Battle of Ticinus

Hannibal and his army vanished to the north while Scipio perceiving that he had lost them sent the main force against New Carthage under command of his brother while he returned by ship to Pisa, marched through Etruria, acquired the legions of Manlius and Atilius and camped along the Po to wait for Hannibal.

Carlos Hugo, Duke of Parma

In 1977, his father died, and Carlos Hugo succeeded him claiming the thrones of Parma, Etruria and Spain.

Etruscan origins

He finds Etruscan on one hand genetically related to the Rhaetic language spoken in the Alps north of Etruria, suggesting autochthonous connections, but on the other hand the Lemnian language found on the "Lemnos stele" is closely related to Etruscan, entailing either Etruscan presence in "Tyrsenian" Lemnos, or "Tyrsenian" expansion westward to Etruria.

Fescennine Verses

According to Festus, they were introduced from Fescennia in Etruria, but there is no reason to assume that any particular town was specially devoted to the use of such songs.

Gaius Vettius Sabinianus Julius Hospes

At the beginning of the reigns of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, Vettius Sabinianus was the iuridicus per tractus of three of the Italian regions, Aemilia, Etruria and Liguria.


A recent metallurgical study of two Etruria swords, one in the form of a Greek kopis from 7th century BC Vetulonia, and one in the form of a gladius Hispaniensis from 4th century BC Chiusa, gives some insight concerning the manufacture of Roman swords.


Many companies have head offices or regional offices in the city, including Cargill, Ibratele, Intertech, Agrosthal, Fiorella, Soldatopo, Chocolates Prink, Ferplast, Etrúria and Centrais de Estocagem Frigorificada (CEFRI).


She was often depicted in the Judgement of Paris, called Elcsntre (Alexander, his alternative name in Greek) in Etruscan, one of the most popular Greek myths in Etruria.

Mikhail Nikolayevich Zadornov

He supports the revisionist fringe theory that Russian language descends from the Vedas and Etruria, put forward by philologist Valery Chudinov.

Painter of Nicosia Olpe

Twelve of the forty-five vases where found in different parts of Italy such as Etruria, Capua, Nola, Taranto and South Italy as well.

Roman-Etruscan Wars

According to Livy the leading men of all of Etruria gathered at the sanctuary of Voltumna to form a hostile alliance against Rome.

Staffordshire blue brick

The brick is made from the local red clay, Etruria marl, which when fired at a high temperature in a low-oxygen reducing atmosphere takes on a deep blue colour and attains a very hard, impervious surface with high crushing strength and low water absorption.


John Bryan Ward-Perkins, then Director of the British School at Rome, set into motion the South Etruria Survey (1954–1968), which cataloged all the visible antiquities in the ager Veientanus.

see also