
unusual facts about Freshwater, Yarmouth and Newport Railway

A3055 road

The section from Brook to Freshwater Bay is a clearway, so stopping on this section is only permitted at the five car parking areas, of which one is free, and the rest are operated with a charge to those who are not members of the National Trust.

African butterflyfish

Freshwater butterflyfish, Pantodon bulchhozi, a freshwater bonytongue fish

Artyfechinostomum malayanum

The known first intermediate host of Artyfechinostomum malayanum include freshwater snails Indoplanorbis exustus and Gyraulus convexiusculus.

Atlantic stingray

The Atlantic stingray is capable of tolerating varying salinities and can enter freshwater; it has been reported from the Mississippi River, Lake Pontchartrain, and the St. Johns River in Florida.

In freshwater habitats, they may be preyed upon by American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis).

Bembridge Beds

The Bembridge marls, freshwater, estuarine and marine clays and marls (70–120 ft.) rest upon the Bembridge limestone, a freshwater pool deposit (15–25 ft.), with large land snails (Amphidromus and Helix), freshwater snails (Planorbis, Lymnaea), and the fruits of Chara.

Bohart Museum of Entomology

Areas of taxonomic specialization include the worldwide insect order Hymenoptera, freshwater non-insect arthropods, and California insect fauna.

Byers Peninsula

It has diverse and well-developed vegetation, numerous lakes and freshwater pools which support the restricted-range insects Parochlus steinenii and Belgica antarctica, and well-preserved sub-fossil whale bones in raised beaches.

Caiapobrycon tucurui

A tropical freshwater fish, it is the only member of the Caiapobrycon genus, and is named for the town of Tucuruí.

Carcluie Loch

Carcluie Loch (NS 34894 16186) is a small freshwater loch in the South Ayrshire Council Area, lying in a glacial Kettle Hole, Parish of Dalrymple, Scotland.

Catch and release

Catch and release is now widely used to conserve — and indeed is critical in conserving — vulnerable fish species like the large, long lived native freshwater Murray Cod and the prized, slowly growing, heavily fished Australian bass, heavily fished coastal species like Dusky Flathead and prized gamefish like striped marlin.

Chitinimonas taiwanensis

Chitinimonas taiwanensis is a gram-negative, chitinolytic, catalase and oxidase-positiv motile bacterium with a single flagellum from the genus of Chitinimonas and the family of Burkholderiaceae which was isolated from the surface water from a freshwater pond for shrimps (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in Ping-Tung in Southern Taiwan.

Circulatory system of gastropods

In the freshwater Planorbid snails, however, the haemocyanin is replaced by haemoglobin, and thus their haemolymph is red rather than blue.


the plural of the word Citro, designing a freshwater marine spring in Italy, such as those near Taranto

Colares stingray

The range of the Colares stingray appears restricted to the mouth of the Amazon River in northern Brazil, in the estuarine area affected by the river's freshwater discharge; it may also occur in adjacent areas as far as Venezuela.

Common galaxias

Common galaxias are one of the most widely distributed freshwater fish in the world and can be found around throughout New Zealand; in coastal streams in south eastern Australia, Tasmania and some parts of south west Western Australia; in Chile (From 35°S to 55S°), Patagonia, Argentina; in the Falkland Islands; and, in some Pacific Islands such as New Caledonia.

Daniel Berthiaume

He currently lives in Hardy, Virginia, where he owns and operates Captain Bert's Fishin' Charters on Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia, a freshwater striped bass fishery.

Delta National Wildlife Refuge

Catfish, largemouth bass, and various sunfish species are found in the freshwater areas of the refuge.

Drinkwater Park

The reservoir is stocked with freshwater fish and is home to an array of pondlife such as newts, water boatmen, pondskaters and the endangered freshwater pearl mussel.

Ecology of sponges

Sponge flies, also known as spongilla-flies (Neuroptera, Sisyridae), are specialist predators of freshwater sponges.


Small colonies of the freshwater entoproct Urnatella gracilis have been found living on the aquatic larvae of the dobsonfly Corydalus cornutus.

Franz Hermann Troschel

A few of the species that contain his name are Troschel's sea star (Evasterias troschelii), Troschel's parrotfish (Chlorurus troschelii), Troschel's murex (Murex troschelii) and freshwater snail Bithynia troschelii.

Freshwater Bay

Freshwater, Isle of Wight, cove on the south coast of the Isle of Wight, England

Freshwater Redoubt

Freshwater Redoubt is a Palmerston fort, completed in 1856 to defend Freshwater Bay, which was a possible landing beach for enemy troops.

Freshwater West

As a filming location, Freshwater West featured extensively in the 2010 film Robin Hood starring Russell Crowe, which depicted the French invasion of southern England.

Gadsar Lake

The shepherds grazing their folks in the outskirts of Gadsar lake during summers believe that, there lives a Lake Monster, a freshwater Octopus which drags the creatures from shores by its tentackles into the water.

Gammarus katagani

Gammarus katagani is a species of freshwater amphipod, collected from Domaniç in Kütahya Province, Turkey.

Hinoharu Station

A freshwater spring, called the Hino spring, occupied this location, and was a noted local landmark due to an ancient pine tree from which local legend stated that Takeda Shingen once hung his battle standard.

John Coleridge, 1st Baron Coleridge

Lord Coleridge married Jane Fortescue Seymour, daughter of the Reverend George Seymour of Freshwater, Isle of Wight, herself an accomplished artist who notably painted John Henry Newman.

Little Waterhouse Lake

Little Waterhouse Lake is a freshwater coastal lagoon in the Waterhouse Conservation Area of north-eastern Tasmania, Australia.

Loch Gate

Loch Gate (NS 62389 37170), previously known as Loch Gait, was a freshwater loch, partly in the East Ayrshire Council Area and partly in South Lanarkshire, now mainly drained, near Darvel, lying in a glacial kettle hole, Parish of Galston, Scotland.

Marine current power

A 2006 report from United States Department of the Interior estimates that capturing just 1/1,000th of the available energy from the Gulf Stream, which has 21,000 times more energy than Niagara Falls in a flow of water that is 50 times the total flow of all the world’s freshwater rivers, would supply Florida with 35% of its electrical needs.

Maritime archaeology

Salt water provides for greater organic activity than freshwater, and in particular, the shipworm, terredo navalis, lives only in salt water, so some of the best preservation in the absence of sediments has been found in the cold, dark waters of the Great Lakes in North America and in the (low salinity) Baltic Sea (where the Vasa was preserved).

Melchior Neumayr

His more detailed researches related to the Jurassic and Cretaceous Ammonites and to the Tertiary freshwater mollusca; and in these studies he sought to trace the descent of the species.

N. marginatus

Nannostomus marginatus, the dwarf pencilfish, a freshwater fish species found on the South American continent

N. minuta

Neohoratia minuta, a very small freshwater snail species endemic to Switzerland


In the Ayeyarwady and Tanintharyi divisions, the majority of ngapi is produced from freshwater fish.

Oryzias curvinotus

Oryzias curvinotus or the Malabar ricefish are a freshwaterbrackish fish species native to the Gulf of Kutch to Trivandrum, Kerala, India.


Another species that has been mistakenly classified as a Platax is the common freshwater angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare.

Robert James Shuttleworth

Here he collected on the Grimsel and the Oberland, and worked particularly at Red Snow and other freshwater algae, until weakness of the eyes compelled him to abandon the microscope.

S. nitida

Segmentina nitida, the shining ram's-horn snail, a freshwater snail species found in Europe

Spanish missions in Florida

Following shortly after the success of the Mocama missions, the Spanish established missions among the Agua Fresca (Eastern Utina or Freshwater Timucua) along the middle St. Johns River, from roughly present-day Palatka south to Lake George.


Some species of spirochiids are parasites of freshwater snail Indoplanorbis exustus.

Stippled studfish

The Stippled studfish (Fundulus bifax) is a small freshwater fish which is endemic to the Tallapoosa River system in Georgia and Alabama, USA; and Sofkahatchee Creek (lower Coosa River system) in Alabama.

Water resources management in Chile

It is not clear that lower flows in rivers adversely affect populations of aquatic species, but the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has analyzed the status of species in Chile and report that 41 of 44 vertebrate freshwater species are encountering conservation problems.

White Pine Music

Artists and partnerships include The Wheatland Music Organization, Freshwater, the Harlem Quartet, Central Michigan University faculty, and others.

Wu Lihong

It nurtured a bounty of the “three whites,” white shrimp, whitebait and whitefish, and a freshwater crustacean delicacy called the hairy crab.

see also