Friedrich Melchior von Grimm, Correspondance littéraire, philosophique et critique, t.
"The greatest personalities of her age sought her good graces and gave her lively proofs of their affections," including men of letters such as the Baron von Grimm and the Encyclopédiste Louis de Cahusac.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Otto von Bismarck | Friedrich Nietzsche | Brothers Grimm | Baron | Friedrich Schiller | Alexander von Humboldt | Wernher von Braun | Carl Maria von Weber | Herbert von Karajan | Friedrich Engels | Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher | William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley | John von Neumann | Lars von Trier | Ferdinand von Mueller | baron | Paul von Hindenburg | Carl Friedrich Gauss | Alexander von Humboldt Foundation | Sacha Baron Cohen | Karl Friedrich Schinkel | Heinrich von Kleist | Anne Sofie von Otter | Joseph Lister, 1st Baron Lister | Joey Baron | Friedrich Dürrenmatt | Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell | Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux | Erich von Stroheim |