
unusual facts about Goethe–Schiller Monument

Faust Symphony

The symphony was premiered in Weimar on September 5, 1857, for the inauguration of the Goethe–Schiller Monument there.

Adolph Hansen

Hansen wrote scholarly works on Goethe's Metamorphosis of Plants and had a fierce dipute over this hypothesis with Houston Stewart Chamberlain.

Alexandros Rizos Rangavis

He wrote also the following dramatic pieces: The Marriage of Kutndes (comedy), Dukas (tragedy), the Thirty Tyrants, The Eve (of the Greek revolution); the romances, The Prince of Morea, Leila, and The Notary of Argostoli; and translated portions of Dante, Schiller, Lessing, Goethe and Shakespeare.

Andrea Maffei

Skilled in foreign languages, he translated several works of English and German literature into Italian, particularly the plays of Schiller, Shakespeare's Othello and The Tempest, many works of Goethe (including Faust) and John Milton's Paradise Lost.


Whether due to a mistranslation of "Erlkonig" or not, the word "Erlkönig" (as in Goethe's poem Der Erlkönig) is rendered in French (as in the title of Michel Tournier's eponymous 1970 novel) Le Roi des aulnes i.e., the Alder King.

Blagoveschensk State Pedagogical University

In 1996 with the help of DAAD (German Service of Academic Exchanges) the university established Goethe Center where students acquaint with modern and classical German literature, attend lectures given by German specialists and improve their language skills.


It is also called the "Goethe Plant" since the famous writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe — who also was an amateur naturalist of some repute — was "passionately fond" of this plant and liked to give the baby plantlets as gifts to friends who visited his home.

Carl Johann Steinhauser

Today he is best known for his Bremen memorials to Heinrich Wilhelm Matthäus Olbers and Johann Smidt, his Weimer sculpture of Goethe mit der Psyche, and his Hermann and Dorothea in Karlsruhe.


Although Goethe did not propose any scientific reasoning behind his observations, in the late 1860s Bruecke and Donders first suggested that the chromostereoptic effect was due to accommodative awareness, given that ocular optics are not achromatic and red objects require more accommodation to be focused on the retina.

Color and/or Monochrome

This Exhibition was organized in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut Tokyo and The British Council

Cultural determinism

Romanticism had a large element of cultural determinism, drawn from writers such as Goethe, Fichte, and Schlegel.

Dimitris Liantinis

He also stated that Goethe tried to marry the two and that his failed experiment was recorded in the second part of Faust, appropriately called "The Quest for Helen", where Faust representing the romantic hero lies in bed with Helen of Troy only to produce a still-born child.

Faust: The Second Part of the Tragedy

In Faust II, the legend of Johann Faust (at least in a version of the 18th century, which came to Goethe's attention) already contained Faust's marriage with Helen and an encounter with an Emperor.

Federico Cantú Garza

He was especially fond of 15th-century French poet François Villon, but also read much of the work of Alfonso Reyes, Renato Leduc, Efraín Huerta, Jean Nicolas, Arthur Rimbaud, Paul Valéry, Lord Byron, Goethe, André Malraux, and Paul Éluard .

Friedrich Theodor Vischer

Der Tragödie dritter Teil (under the pseudonym Deutobold Symbolizetti Allegoriowitsch Mystifizinsky), a parody of Goethe's Faust: The Second Part of the Tragedy, 1862

Georg Brandes

The key idea of "aristocratic radicalism" went on to influence most of the later works of Brandes and resulted in voluminous biographies Wolfgang Goethe (1914–15), Francois de Voltaire (1916–17), Gaius Julius Cæsar 1918 and Michelangelo (1921).

Gingo biloba

Goethe sent Marianne von Willemer (1784-1860), the wife of the Frankfurt banker Johann Jakob von Willemer (1760-1838), a Ginkgo leaf as a symbol of friendship and on September 15, 1815 he read his draft of the poem to her and friends.

Goethe Society of North America

The Goethe Society of North America (GSNA) was founded in December 1979 in San Francisco as a non-profit organization dedicated to the encouragement of research on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832) and his age.

Goethe Way

The Thuringian Goethe Way begins in the centre of Weimar, and runs past Blankenhain as a light footpath to Großkochberg.

Hamid Arzulu

He translated and published into our language the works by German classic writer Heinrich Heine ("Die Harzreise"), Goethe's lyric poetry "West-Eastern Divan", Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's dramas "Nathan the Wise", "Emilia Galotti" and "Minna von Barnhelm", Friedrich Schiller's "Ballads", Bertolt Brecht's drama "Chalk cross" and Stefan Zweig's Novels.

Heinrich von Brentano

The Brentano family, of Italian (Lombard) origin, had settled in the Landgraviate of Hesse-Darmstadt in the 17th century and were recognized as Hessian nobles, with close contact to important figures of the German Romanticism, including Goethe, Savigny and Arnim.

Hermann and Dorothea

Goethe's work is set around 1792 at the beginning of the French Revolutionary Wars, when French forces under General Custine invaded and briefly occupied parts of the Palatinate.

Johann Gottfried Schadow

His busts, of which there are more than one hundred, include seventeen colossal heads in the Walhalla, Ratisbon; Goethe, Wieland, and Fichte were modelled from life.

John Gibson Lockhart

A tour on the continent in 1817, when he visited Goethe at Weimar, was made possible by the publisher William Blackwood, who advanced money for a translation of Friedrich Schlegel's Lectures on the History of Literature, which was not published until 1838.

José María Valverde

Of importance are his German translations (Hölderlin, Rilke, Goethe, Novalis, Brecht, Christian Morgenstern, Hans Urs von Balthasar) and English (theater: complete Shakespeare prose, likewise those of Charles Dickens, T. S. Eliot, Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, Saul Bellow, Thomas Merton, Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson, or Joyce's Ulysses (novel), for which he received the Translation Prize Fray Luis de León, 1977).

Josephine Wessely

She gained recognition for playing Gretchen in Goethe's Faust, Klärchen in Egmont and Marie Beaumarchais in Clavigo, as well as for her performance as Lessing's Emilia Galotti.

Julie von Egloffstein

Julie von Egloffstein (1792-1869), countess, canoness of Hildesheim, was a German artist, encouraged in her work by Goethe.

Julius Hübner

Among the works of Hübner's first period are "The Fisherman" (1828), after Goethe's ballad; "Ruth and Naomi" (1833), in the National Gallery, Berlin; "Christ and the Four Evangelists" (1835); "Job and his Friends" (1838), in the Gallery of Frankfurt; "Consider the Lilies" (1839); and the portrait of Frederick III, in Frankfurt's Römer.

Krásný Dvůr Castle

Deeper in the park we find Pan's-Temple, the Obelisk, the Vantage Pavilion, Goethe's Pavilion, a memorial plaque with the engraved names of important people who have visited the park, a hermitage, a grotto with a sarcophagus and other interesting objects.

Lawrence Johnston

In 1922 he went plant-hunting in the alps with Edward Augustus Bowles; and in 1923 sponsored W. T. Goethe on a plant-hunting expedition to the Andes.

Lesson of the Evil

The film contains many references to German culture, such as to Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther and in the film a vinyl record with the German song about Mack the Knife written by Bertolt Brecht is played.

Ludwig Tieck

More ambitious and on a wider canvas are the historical or semi-historical novels, Dichterleben (1826), Der Aufruhr in den Cevennen (1826, unfinished), Der Tod des Dichters (1834); Der junge Tischlermeister (1836; but begun in 1811) is an excellent story written under the influence of Goethe's Wilhelm Meister; Vittoria Accorombona (1840), the story of Vittoria Accoramboni written in the style of the French Romanticists, shows a falling-off.

Mağjan Jumabayev

Living later in Moscow he translated the works of Lermontov, Koltsov, Balmont, Merezhkovsky, Ivanov, Mamin-Sibiriak, Maksim Gorky, Alexander Blok, Goethe, Heine and other poets into Qazaq language.

Moniru Ravanipor

Later she was invited for speeches to 21 countries, and then she was invited by: Khaneh Farhanghaye Jahan, Goethe-Institut, Literary Center of Gumusluk, Bodrum, Gothenburg expo in Sweden, Heinrich Böll Foundation, in Germany, France, U.S.A., and ...

Night on Bröcken

The title of the album is apparently a reference to the Brocken, a mountain in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, that is traditionally connected with witches (Walpurgis Night), most famously in Goethe's Faust.


The continuation of Goethe’s tragic play Die natürliche Tochter was to have played in Oberroßbach, but this never came about.

Paul Bernd Spahn

After retirement in 2005 he served as Macro Fiscal Advisor to the Minister of Finance and Treasury of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and became the founding Executive Director of the House of Finance of Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main.

Philostratus of Lemnos

Goethe, Welcker, Brunn, E. Bertrand and Helbig, among others, have held that the descriptions are of actually existing works of art, while Heyne and Friederichs deny this.

Pietro Citati

He has written critical biographies of Goethe, Alexander the Great, Kafka and Marcel Proust as well as a short memoir on his thirty-year friendship with Italo Calvino.

R. J. Hollingdale

Hollingdale (20 October 1930 – 28 September 2001) was best known as a biographer and a translator of German philosophy and literature, especially the works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Goethe, E. T. A. Hoffmann, G. C. Lichtenberg, and Schopenhauer.

Renee Nele

E. R. Nele was awarded with the Goetheplakette from the hands of the city's governing mayor Petra Roth on 12 September 2008 in the historic “Limpurgsaal”.

Simon Njami

He is currently directing “At Work”, an itinerant and digital project with lettera27 Foundation, in partnership with Moleskine, as well as the Pan African Master Classes in Photography, project that he conceived with the Goethe Institut, and setting up the collection of contemporary art for the future Memorial Acte Museum in Guadeloupe.

T. K. Seung

In a comparative examination of the thematic content of Goethe’s Faust, Nietzsche’s Zarathustra, and Wagner’s Ring, Seung elucidates how the understanding of Spinoza’s pantheistic naturalism, its inspirational background and influences on European philosophy and literature, is indispensable for the understanding of the development and conditions of modern times.

Udo Steinke

In addition to some casual work, he worked as a journalist and advertising manager at the Goethe-Institut in Munich.

Ulrike von Levetzow

The seventeen-year old girl first met Goethe in 1821 at Marienbad and again at Carlsbad in 1822 and 1823.

University Arboretum at California State University, Sacramento

"The name was changed without fanfare to University Arboretum in 2005" because of renewed attention to Goethe's virulently racist views, praise of Nazi Germany, and advocacy of eugenics.

Verse drama and dramatic verse

Greek tragedy and Racine's plays are written in verse, as is almost all of Shakespeare's drama, Ben Jonson, Fletcher and others like Goethe's Faust.

Walter von Molo

In 1934, to avoid the public spotlight, he resigned from all the learned societies (except the Goethe Society) and moved to Murnau am Staffelsee, where he had bought property two years before.

see also