
55 unusual facts about Jérusalem

Aaron Antonovsky

For a time he held positions in Jerusalem at the Israeli Institute for Applied Social Research and in the Department of Medical Sociology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem/Hadassah.

Adel Zawati

He later moved to Jerusalem to work as secretary to the British High Commissioner in Jerusalem.


The school was founded in 1986 in Jerusalem by a senior instructor of Doron Navon, the first non Japanese Shihan in Bujinkan Ninjutsu school.

Amir Drori

Between 1961 and 1964 Drori had studied Archaeology at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, participating in several digs, including that of Yigael Yadin at Masada.

Anton Christian Bang

As a Bishop in Oslo and with his close ties to the royal house, he represented several national missions, including at the inauguration of the German Redemption Church in Jerusalem 1898.

Armand Phillip Bartos

Their highest-profile commission, never to be equaled or surpassed by either of them together or separately, was the Shrine of the Book, completed in 1965 in Jerusalem.

Though highly active as a philanthropist, Bartos became primarily known as the co-designer of Shrine of the Book that houses the Dead Sea Scrolls in western Jerusalem.

Asturian architecture

These warriors, together with the rest of the retreating Gothic army, sought refuge in the mountains of Asturias, where they also tried to safeguard some of the sacred relics from Toledo cathedral, the most important of which was the Holy Ark, containing a large number of relics from Jerusalem.

Bernard Avishai

Bernard Avishai, Adjunct Professor of Business, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, splits his time between Jerusalem and Wilmot, New Hampshire.

Bridie O'Flaherty

Her achievements as Mayor included signing the official charter twinning Galway and Seattle, been guest of honor at the Saint Patrick's Day Parade in 1981 in South Boston and in 1986 in Memphis, Tennessee, and representing Galway during visits to L'Orient, Amsterdam, and Jerusalem.

Burton Lazars

The Order of Saint Lazarus established leper hospitals with the first being in Jerusalem in the year 530.

Carl Julian Sanders

He was the Co-Founder of the Jerusalem Center for Biblical Studies for Educational Opportunities, Inc. of Lakeland, Florida, also serving on its Board of Directors (1976-2000).

Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu

The Church of Saint Peter in Gallicantu is a Roman Catholic church located on the eastern slope of Mount Zion, just outside the Old (walled) City of Jerusalem.

Church of the Condemnation and Imposition of the Cross

The Church of the Condemnation and Imposition of the Cross is a Roman Catholic church located within the Franciscan compound that also contains the Church of the Flagellation in the old city of Jerusalem.

Church of the Pater Noster

The crusader era church was heavily damaged during the Siege of Jerusalem in 1187, eventually being abandoned and falling into ruin in 1345.

Church of Zion

Church of Zion, Jerusalem, a presumed 4th Century Jewish congregation in Jerusalem

Dominic Waghorn

He was formerly Sky News' Asia Correspondent, based in Beijing and Middle East Correspondent, based in Jerusalem.

In late 2006, Waghorn became Sky News’ Middle East Correspondent, based in Jerusalem.


By providential provision, the emissaries of the king met with Martin of Pannonia, (later to be canonized and known as Martin of Dume) who was heading from Jerusalem to Gaul, to the tomb of his namesake and compatriot.

Edward Kirk Warren

Warren was the president of the International Sunday School Association of North America and oversaw the World's Sunday School Convention in 1904 in Jerusalem, Israel.

Edwin Atherton

After graduation, he entered the consular service (1916) where during World War I he served in Italy, Bulgaria and Jerusalem.

Emanuel Vigeland

In 1905, Vigeland traveled to Italy under a scholarship to study frescoes, a journey that also took him to Egypt and Jerusalem.

Glasgow Chronology

Thus Hatshepsut, who visited the Divine Land, was equated with the Queen of Sheba, who visited Solomon in Jerusalem, whilst Thutmose III, who followed Hatshepsut, was equated with Shishaq, who plundered the Jerusalem temple after the death of Solomon.

Harriet Livermore

Also contrary to the teachings of the Millerites, Livermore believed that the site of Christ's return would be the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem; and in 1837 she made the first of five journeys there.


St Peter's church was rebuilt during the mid-19th century, but retains its medieval screen, made from Jerusalem olive trees and featuring elaborate carvings, and a font dating back to 1690.

Healers of the Dead Sea

Allegro aimed to increase public interest in the discovery by letting them imagine their way around the various features, showing it's orientation towards Jerusalem where the expected river of life-giving waters were assumed to have come from in some prophesied time in the future.

In paradisum

:May angels lead you into paradise; upon your arrival, may the martyrs receive you and lead you to the holy city of Jerusalem.

International Congress of Human Genetics

Congresses have been held in such diverse venues as Berlin, Brisbane, Chicago, The Hague, Jerusalem, Mexico City, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Vienna and Washington.

Issamar Ginzberg

He is the founder and CEO of Monetized Intellect Consulting, a business and marketing firm with offices in New York City and Jerusalem.

Jerusalem, Arkansas

Public education for elementary and secondary school students is provided by the Wonderview School District, which leads students to graduate from Wonderview High School.

Jon Åker

Following a leave to serve as manager of the refugee hospital Augusta Victoria Hospital in Jerusalem, he was promoted to financial director at Akershus University Hospital.

Józef Piłsudski Institute of America

There are about 3,000 press clippings and articles, from Na Straży (On Guard) published in Jerusalem when Polish troops were stationed in Palestine and Polak w Libanie (The Pole in Lebanon, published in Beirut) to press releases from the Solidarity movement.

Kenana ibn al-Rabi

Kenana is said to have urged Muhammad to give up the custom during prayer of turning his face toward Mecca ("Qiblah") in favor of Jerusalem, as had been the custom in Islam at first.

Lawshall Green

Charles Frederick Tyrwitt Drake died on 23 June 1878 and was buried in Jerusalem.

Live in Israel

The DVD also contains interviews and documentary footage shot in and around Jerusalem.

Lives of the Prophets

Isaiah: said to be of Jerusalem, suffered martyrdom by being sawn in two by Manasseh (in agreement with the Martyrdom of Isaiah), buried near a place usually identified by scholars as the Pool of Siloam.

Haggai: said to come in Jerusalem from Babylonia when he was young, and he saw the reconstruction of the Temple.

Mark Braverman

He has written that his grandfather was “a fifth-generation Palestinian Jew” who “was born in the Old City of Jerusalem” and was “a direct descendant of the Lubavicher Rebbe.”


In the late 1800s, they rebuilt the Crusader church of St. Mary Latina as the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer (Erlöserkirche).

Odo de St Amand

He was Marshal of Jerusalem and later Viscount.

When a Templar knight, Gauthier du Maisnil, was accused of murdering an Islamic dignitary by King Amaury I, St. Amand refused to hand him over.

Oszkár Molnár

Molnár also claimed that the language of instruction in Jerusalem schools was Hungarian and they were "learning the language of their future homeland."

Otto Toeplitz

In 1939 he emigrated to Palestine, where he was scientific advisor to the rector of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


On January 2014, a whole family in Jerusalem was poisoned from phosphine after a section of their apartment was fumigated for pests, and some of the young children died from the poisoning.

Samuel David Mendelssohn

Samuel David Nathaniel Aaron Mendelssohn (May 17, 1942 Jerusalem–September 16, 2006), known as Samuel David Mendelssohn, was a German political scientist, author and independent politician for the Free Democrats.

Saussurea costus

The ketoret was an important component of the Temple service in Jerusalem.

Shariah TV

The series returned on 5 June 2007 (at 00:10) for a four-part special from the city of Jerusalem.

The Shepherd King

Top Fox director J. Gordon Edwards shot the movie, a sumptuous production for sure, with a primarily Italian cast and he filmed in Middle-Eastern countries such as Palestine, Jerusalem and Egypt.

The Unholy Pilgrim

Tancred is a young Norman knight on pilgrimage to Jerusalem; not for the salvation of his soul, but for the recovery of his honor and his inheritance.


King Andrija II goes to the holy war to Jerusalem at the beginning of the 13th century, and makes a vow that in case he comes back he will build a monastery and an abbey in Topusko, in token of gratitude.

Va, pensiero

Known as Verdi's "Jewish" work of art, it recollects the story of Jewish exiles in Babylon after the loss of the First Temple in Jerusalem.

Vilmos Nagy de Nagybaczon

He gained a measure of comfort and fulfillment when he was selected in 1965 as the first Hungarian Righteous among the Nations by the Yad Vashem Institute of Jerusalem.

William Lovell Hull

After working in Winnipeg for some years, and being ordained to the ministry, he moved to Jerusalem, Palestine in 1935 having received a "call from God" during a service at Zion Apostolic Church.

Yadin Dudai

After working as a professional journalist and news editor for a leading Israeli daily, he switched to study biochemistry and genetics, with supplements in modern history, at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem

According to local legend it takes its name from the 12th Century Crusades to the Holy Land: legend has it that knights who answered the calls of Richard I to join the crusades stopped off at this watering hole for a pint on their way to Jerusalem.

2007 Super League Grand Final

Katherine Jenkins was forced to withdraw herself from the pre-match entertainment due to a flu bug, her replacement was Russell Watson, who performed the Grand Final hymn, Jerusalem.

Aharon Shabtai

He studied Greek and philosophy in Jerusalem, at the Sorbonne and at Cambridge, and he teaches literature in Tel Aviv University.

Ariel String Quartet

In addition to performing the traditional quartet repertoire, the Ariel Quartet regularly collaborates with many Israeli and non-Israeli musicians and composers, including pianists Roman Rabinovich, Alexander Gavrylyuk, Stefano Miceli and Yaron Kohlberg; the Jerusalem String Quartet; composers Matan Porat, Matti Kovler, and Menachem Wiesenberg; clarinetist Moran Katz; violist Roger Tapping; and the Zukerman Chamber Players.

Australian rules football in the Middle East

Australian Rules in Israel has been played sporadically since at least 1995, when a group of around 20 players began regular social matches in Tel Aviv, although most of the players were based in Jerusalem.

Avraham Biran

Biran returned to Jerusalem in 1935, serving as a Fellow in the American Schools of Oriental Research until 1937, participating in a number of archaeological digs, including Tel Halifa near Aqaba, digs near the cities of Mosul and Baghdad in Iraq, Irbid in Jordan and Ras El Haruba outside Jerusalem.

Avrohom Yissochor Englard

The Rebbe also established the Radziner Yeshiva Sod Y'sharim in Jerusalem, the Radziner Yeshiva Ateres Shlomo in Bnei Brak, the Radziner Yeshiva Tiferes Yosef in Bnei Brak, with many Kollelim located in Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, and Haifa.


Those members of these movements centred in Jerusalem or one of the Jerusalem-affiliated suburbs such as Beitar Illit, Ramat Beit Shemesh or Modi'in Illit wear these gold coats.

Biblical Hebrew

Paleo-Hebrew text reads שמעון ("Simeon") on front and לחרות ירושלם ("for the freedom of Jerusalem") on back.

Corinthian bronze

The Beautiful Gate (or Nicanor Gate) of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, mentioned in the Book of Acts 3:2–10, was a large, 18 metre (60 feet) wide structure said to be either solid, or covered in plates of, Corinthian brass.

Dov Karmi

He initially studied art at the Bezalel School of Art and Craft, Jerusalem, but was attracted to architecture and went to Belgium to complete his studies in this field at Ghent University.


Earthdance events have supported hundreds of charitable organizations including:Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Sierra Club, Salvation Army, Orphanage in Kijaszkowo, Natural Resources Defense Council, Amnesty International, Aboriginal Health Center, Aqua for All, Circle of Life, Citizens for Peace, Friends of the Mississippi River, Jerusalem Peace Makers, and the Oshkosh Rhythm Institute.

Emergency Bandage

The application allowed Bar-Natan to become a part of a technology incubator program in Jerusalem’s Har Hotzvim, with a government grant covering 3/4 of the expenses connected to the research and development of the bandage.

European Center for Leadership Development

It seeks to contribute, on a global basis, to the creation of a leadership culture rooted in the moral, intellectual and spiritual heritage of Athens, Rome and Jerusalem.


During the crusade he may have reached Jaffa and was probably a witness of the conclusion of the peace treaty with Sultan Al-Kamil on 18 February 1229 at Jerusalem and Frederick's self-coronation as King of Jerusalem.


The beta launch near Jerusalem was attended by Quartet Representative and former UK prime minister Tony Blair.

Great Cities of the Ancient World

The work is a study of the ethnology, history, geography, and everyday life in such famous ancient capital cities as Thebes, Jerusalem, Nineveh, Tyre, Babylon, Memphis, Athens, Syracuse, Alexandria, Anuradhapura, Rome, Pataliputra, and Constantinople.

Henry Hart Milman

In subsequent poetical works he was more successful, notably the Fall of Jerusalem (1820) and The Martyr of Antioch (1822, based on the life of Saint Margaret the Virgin), which was used as the basis for an oratorio by Arthur Sullivan.

If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth

The title is taken from Psalm 137:5—"If I forget thee, O Jerusalem"—which consists of the writer lamenting over the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonian army.

Jerusalem Music Centre

The Jerusalem Music Centre was established in 1973, at the initiative of the violinist and educator Isaac Stern, Jerusalem’s mayor at the time, Teddy Kollek, and British philosopher Isaiah Berlin.

Judaization of Jerusalem

According to Ian Lustick, Dore Gold, as advisor to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 1996, opposed any compromise with Palestinians on their claim to a capital in Jerusalem, and advised a unilateral Judaization of the whole area.

Kfar Uria

In the 1929 Palestine riots Arab rioters from Jerusalem attacked Kfar Uria.


During a promotional concert for the album, the band met Steven Spielberg, who invited them to perform at the “Survivors Reunion” concert in Jerusalem, Israel and during the Polish premier of the film Schindler’s List.

Liat Cohen

Cohen has played at the Palais des beaux-arts (Brussels), Círculo de Bellas Artes (Madrid), Salle Cortot (Paris), the National Theatre of Costa Rica, the Opéra national de Montpellier, the Musée des Invalides (Paris), the Skirball Cultural Center (Los Angeles), The Palais des congrès de Lyon, the Jerusalem Theatre (Tel Aviv), and the Palazzo Barberini in Rome.

Mamilla Cemetery

"The bulldozing of historic cemeteries is the ultimate act of territorial aggrandizement: the erasure of prior residents," said Professor Harvey Weiss of Yale University, adding that "Desecration of Jerusalem's Mamilla cemetery is a continuing cultural and historical tragedy."


Based in Jerusalem and established in 2011, Mekimi is not a sectorial organization yet the majority of families seeking help from Mekimi come from the National Religious segment.


The band started their career in Jerusalem (and Bethlehem) and operated from there between 1993–1998; however, they have resided mainly in Amsterdam since 1998 for several personal, professional and demographic reasons.

Mikhail Turovsky

Mikhail Turovsky's work is represented in permanent collections of the National Art Museum of Ukraine in Kiev, the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, the Yad Vashem Memorial Art Museum in Jerusalem, the Herbert Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University in New York, and the Notre Dame University Art Museum in Indiana, as well as many public and private collections.

Miracle of the Holy Fire

Holy Fire a religious ceremony of the Greek Orthodox church in Jerusalem


Seeking and Pursuing Peace: the Process, the Pain, and the Product, Edited by Salim J. Munayer (Jerusalem: Yanetz Ltd., 1998)
This book is a series of articles by Messianic Jewish and Palestinian Christian leaders, such as Naim Ateek and Arnold Fruchtenbaum, as well as others, on the topic of peace and peacemaking.

Nephi, son of Helaman

In 91 ROJ (1 BC), Nephi turned "the plates of brass, and all the records which had been kept, and all those things which had been kept sacred from the departure of Lehi out of Jerusalem" over to his eldest son, also named Nephi.

Odo de St Amand

It was so effective that Saladin's May assault on Jerusalem in 1179 was defeated.

Pavel Svedomsky

Working in the St Vladimir's Cathedral in Kiev, Svedosmky painted the northern and southern naves of the cathedral, creating six scenes from the life of Jesus: The Resurrection of Lazarus, The Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, The Last Supper, The Agony in the Garden, The Trial of Pilate, The Crucifixion and The Ascension.

Philip Palin

The report criticised all parties: Haj Amin al-Husseini, later Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, for inciting the Arabs to violence; Ze'ev Jabotinsky, organiser of the Jewish paramilitary defence organisation Haganah; the British military command in Jerusalem that had initially withdrawn troops from the streets; and the divided political chain of command from London.

Queen Mary

Maria of Montferrat (1192–1212), queen regnant of Jerusalem, daughter of Isabella I of Jerusalem and Conrad of Montferrat and mother of Isabella II of Jerusalem

Rajadhiraja St. Mary's Jacobite Syrian Cathedral, Piravom

About 2000 years ago, after the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem, Judaea, in the days of king Herod, it is said that "Wise men" from the east (The Magi) reached Bethlehem through Jerusalem.

Rebecca Marshall

And again, with Marshall as Poppea and Boutell as Cyara in Nathaniel Lee's The Tragedy of Nero (1674); as Queen Berenice and Clarona in John Crowne's The Destruction of Jerusalem (1677); and as Roxana and Statira in Lee's The Rival Queens (also 1677).

Renana Peres

After completing her Masters in Physics, Peres worked as a Process engineer at Intel, Jerusalem.

Snow White and The Madness of Truth

Reactions to the piece have been compared to reactions to Steve Earle's song "John Walker's blues", which appeared on his 2002 album "Jerusalem".

Stephen Uroš IV Dušan of Serbia

He was also taking care of few churches and monasteries from Bari to the west, to Jerusalem to the east.


He explains how the falsification of the Torah could have taken place while there existed only one copy of the Torah kept by the Aaronic priesthood of the Temple in Jerusalem.

Testamentum Domini

The Conclusion (book 2:25-27) brings us back to the injunctions of the Lord as to the keeping of these precepts, a special charge to John, Andrew and Peter, and a statement that copies of the Testament were made by John, Peter and Matthew, and sent to Jerusalem by the hands of Dosithaeus, Sillas, Magnus and Aquila.

The Eagle in the Sand

Bannus, a local tribesman, is brewing up rebellion amongst the followers of Jehoshua, who was crucified in Jerusalem some seventeen years earlier.

Virgin and Child with Saint Anne

The mystery of Mary's immaculate conception was also implied in depictions of her parents' chaste embrace meeting at the Golden Gate, the threshold of the Holy city of Jerusalem, a convention that symbolizes close proximity to (and participation with) the celestial Kingdom.

William F. Albright

He was also the Director of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem, 1922–1929, 1933–1936, and did important archaeological work at such sites in Israel as Gibeah (Tell el-Fûl, 1922) and Tell Beit Mirsim (1933–1936).

Willis Page

He was also the associate conductor in Buffalo, New York, where he conducted three quarters of all concerts and has been guest conductor for several orchestras including the Boston Pops Orchestra (seven times), Denver, St Louis, Rochester, Hartford, Muncie, Yomiuri, Toronto and Jerusalem.

Yariv Levin

Levin was born in Jerusalem to Gail and Aryeh Levin, an Israel Prize laureate for general linguistics, His mother's uncle, Eliyahu Lankin, was commander of the Altalena ship and member of the first Knesset representing Herut, whilst Menachem Begin was the Sandek at Levin's circumcision ceremony.

Youssef Boutros Karam

The Karam family trace their origins to a French colonel that came from Le Mont, France and settled in Jerusalem in 1098.