
unusual facts about Membrane


It uncouples oxidative phosphorylation by carrying protons across the mitochondrial membrane, leading to a rapid consumption of energy without generation of ATP.

Alternative complement pathway

Factor I requires a C3b-binding protein cofactor such as complement factor H, CR1, or Membrane Cofactor of Proteolysis (MCP or CD46)

Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody

Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody (anti-GBM Ab) is an antibody which is found in Goodpasture's syndrome but not found in microscopic polyangiitis.

Arginine vasopressin receptor 1A

The AVPR1A is endocytosed by binding to beta arrestin, which dissociates rapidly from AVPR1A to allow it to return to the plasma membrane; however, upon activation, AVPR1A can heterodimerize with AVPR2 to increase beta-arrestin-mediated endocytosis (and intracellular accumulation) of AVPR1A, since AVPR2 is far less likely to dissociate from beta-arrestin.

Artificial chemistry

Yasuhiro Suzuki has modeled various systems such as membrane systems, signaling pathways (P53), ecosystems, and enzyme systems by using his method, abstract rewriting system on multisets (ARMS).

Artificial neural membrane

Artificial neural membrane technology development has been funded by the NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts, for application to flapping wing flight.


They encode type II membrane-bound glycoproteins that appear to have exclusive specificity for the donor substrate UDP-galactose; all transfer galactose in a beta1,4 linkage to similar acceptor sugars: GlcNAc, Glc, and Xyl.

Bivalve shell

The mantle, a thin membrane surrounding the body, secretes the shell valves, ligament and hinge teeth.

Bruch's membrane

Bruch's membrane was named after the German anatomist Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Bruch.


After translocation, CagA localises to the inner surface of the cell membrane and undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation by Src family kinases (e.g. Fyn and Lyn).

Casio MT-40

It occurs occasionally in songs by The Magnetic Fields, and is featured prominently on most of Emperor X's album Tectonic Membrane/Thin Strip on an Edgeless Platform.

Chelfham Viaduct

The L&B Project – which owns the nearby station – helped fund the upgrading of the waterproof membrane to one suitable for eventual reinstatement of the railway as part of long-term plans to reopen this part of the line to regular passenger services.

Chimerin 1

When lipid diacylglycerol (DAG) binds to the C1 domain, CHN1 is transferred to the plasma membrane and negatively regulates Rho-family small GTPases RAC1 and CDC42, thus causing the morphological change of axons by pruning the ends of axon dendrites.


CLEC4C is a membrane protein of plasmacytoid dendritic cells, which is used as a marker for this kind of cells and denoted as CD303 in the nomenclature of the Cluster of differentiation.


For the membrane coated vesicle used in transport, see here.

Cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel

By measuring the currents activated in excised inside-out membrane patches upon superfusion with varying ligand concentrations, the ligand sensitivity and selectivity of both endogenously and exogenously expressed CNG channels have been studied.

Delicate Membrane

Delicate Membrane is the debut album of SubArachnoid Space, released on September 9, 1996 through Charnel Music.

Direct methanol fuel cell

Protons (H+) are transported across the proton exchange membrane - often made from Nafion - to the cathode where they react with oxygen to produce water.


alpha-dystroglycan is extracellular and binds to merosin alpha-2 laminin in the basement membrane, while beta-dystroglycan is a transmembrane protein and binds to dystrophin, which is a large rod-like cytoskeletal protein, absent in Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients.


Emerin, together with MAN1, is a LEM domain-containing integral protein of the inner nuclear membrane in vertebrates.

Fas receptor

However, two isoforms, the apoptosis-inducing membrane-bound form and the soluble form, are normal products whose production via alternative splicing is regulated by the cytotoxic protein TIA1.

Gingival recession

Dipping tobacco, which affects the mucus membrane lining in the mouth and will cause receding gums over time

Gopchang jeongol

The outer portion of the intestines is hard and lumpy, with a lot of black membranes and unclean materials attached between the projections, so those should be thoroughly cleaned out before cooking.


The neoplastic cells are S100 protein positive (approximately 80%), and show membrane and vacuole CD31 immunoreactivity.

Immunoglobulin E

Tanox, a biotech company based in Houston, Texas, proposed in 1987 that by targeting membrane-bound IgE (mIgE) on B lymphoblast and memory B cells, those cells can be lysed or down-regulated, thus achieving the inhibition of the production of antigen-specific IgE and hence a shift of immune balance toward non-IgE mechanisms.

Indian whiting

The interspinous membrane of the first dorsal fin, the individual soft rays and the caudal fin are also spotted, with the caudal fin heavily spotted.

Insulin signal transduction pathway and regulation of blood glucose

The closure of the Potassium channels causes Depolarization of the cell membrane causing the cell membrane to stretch which causes the voltage-gated Calcium channel on the membrane to open causing an influx of Ca2+ ions.

Joseph L. Goldstein

In 1993, their postdoctoral trainees, Wang Xiaodong and Michael Briggs, purified the Sterol Regulatory Element-Binding Proteins (SREBPs), a family of membrane-bound transcription factors.


Afterwards, the cells are seeded on a membrane and finally the membrane with the cultured cells is placed into the defect.

Membrane paradigm

In 1986, Kip S. Thorne, Richard H. Price and D. A. Macdonald published an anthology of papers by various authors that examined this idea: "Black Holes: The membrane paradigm".

Michael F. Shlesinger

In 1975, he obtained his PhD from the University of Rochester under Elliott Waters Montroll for a thesis entitled A Stochastic Theory of Anomalous Transient Photocurrents - in Certain Xerographic Films and of the 1/f Noise in Neural Membrane.

Mitochondrial fusion

There is a mitochondrial outer membrane fusion machinery, composed by proteins of the Fzo1 family in yeast or by MFN1, MFN2 in mammals, and a mitochondrial inner membrane fusion machinery, with the Mgm1 protein in yeast or the equivalent OPA1 in mammals.


The metaxin gene, which encodes a protein located on the outer membrane of mitochondria, is a component of the mitochondrial protein translocation apparatus.

Nasolacrimal duct obstruction

Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction is most often due to an imperforate membrane at the valve of Hasner.

P system

Some P system variants allow for a membrane to divide, possess a charge or have varying permeability by changing membrane thickness.


RRBP1 (also known as p180), a human gene that encodes a membrane-bound protein of the endoplasmic reticulum.

Patatin-like phospholipase

Patatin is a storage protein but it also has the enzymatic activity of phospholipase, catalysing the cleavage of fatty acids from membrane lipids.

Peter D. Mitchell

His hypothesis was confirmed by the discovery of ATP synthase, a membrane-bound protein that uses the potential energy of the electrochemical gradient to make ATP.

Pia mater

A network of blood vessels travels to the brain and spinal cord by interlacing through the pia membrane.


It is a type of crépinette, a sausage without skin, that uses caul fat, or omentum, the membrane that surrounds the stomach of pig or lamb, to wrap the ingredients rather than sausage casing.

Shewanella violacea

These categories were created from an evaluation of the 16s rRNA sequences as well as a comparison of membrane lipid compositions.

Signal peptide

It is however known that in yeast post-translational translocation requires the translocon and two additional membrane-bound proteins, Sec62 and Sec63.

Translocase of the outer membrane

The translocase of the outer membrane (TOM) forms a complex made of Tom70, Tom22, and Tom20, along with Tom40, Tom7, Tom6, and Tom5.

Vibrations of a circular membrane

The vibrations of an idealized circular drum head—essentially an elastic membrane of uniform thickness attached to a rigid circular frame—are solutions of the wave equation with zero boundary conditions.

Vibrio regulatory RNA of OmpA

VrrA (Vibrio regulatory RNA of OmpA) is a non-coding RNA that is conserved across all Vibrio species of bacteria and acts as a repressor for the synthesis of the outer membrane protein OmpA.


Chorionic villi, found on the surface of the outermost membrane (the chorion) of the fetus

Zonule of Zinn

The zonule of Zinn (Zinn's membrane, ciliary zonule) (after Johann Gottfried Zinn) is a ring of fibrous strands connecting the ciliary body with the crystalline lens of the eye.

see also