
unusual facts about Pauci-immune


Pauci-immune (pauci- Latin: few, little) is a general term used to refer to a form of vasculitis that is associated with minimal evidence of hypersensitivity upon immunofluorescence and a lack of Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody.

2012 Football League Cup Final

Captain Mark Hudson had a calf problem, while midfielder Stephen McPhail had missed Cardiff's last four matches as he was suffering from Sjögren's syndrome, an immune system disorder.

Aicardi–Goutières syndrome

Aicardi–Goutières syndrome (AGS) is a congenital immune-mediated neurodevelopmental disorder caused by mutations in the SAMHD1, TREX1, or Ribonuclease H2 (RNASEH2A, RNASEH2B, RNASEH2C) genes.


Imiquimod or Aldara, a prescription medication that acts as an immune response modifier

Alexion Pharmaceuticals

The company is also involved in research regarding the immune system and how it can be stopped from attacking healthy tissue (done by inhibiting terminal complements).


NADPH oxidase is an enzyme that effectively reduces O2 to superoxide (O2–•), which can be used by the immune system to kill bacteria and fungi.


Clonal Anergy theory, proposed by Nossal, in which self-reactive T- or B-cells become inactivated in the normal individual and cannot amplify the immune response.

Barrett v. Rosenthal

In a unanimous decision, the court held that Rosenthal was a "user of interactive computer services" and therefore immune from liability under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

Bubble Boy

David Vetter (1971–1984), a victim of Severe Combined Immune Deficiency Syndrome who was forced to live in a sterile environment

Cash balance plan

The Pension Protection Act of 2006 was signed into law in August 2006 and prospectively made the flat salary credit type plans immune from age discrimination.

Central Bearded Dragon

Captives world wide are threatened by Agamid adenovirus, a virus that compromises the immune system of the dragon, and leads to death from other diseases.


The immune complexes, which consist of DNA and anti-DNA, cause an inflammatory response as well as a disruption of the blood–brain barrier.

Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome Association of America

The Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome Association of America is an association dedicated to ending CFIDS, also known as Chronic fatigue syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis.


CroFab is the commercial name for a Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab (Ovine) snake antivenom, indicated for minimal or moderate North American Crotalid (Rattlesnake, Copperhead and Cottonmouth/Water moccasin) snake envenomation.

Dart v. Craigslist, Inc.

2d 961 (N.D. Ill. Oct. 20, 2009), is a decision by the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois in which the court held that Craigslist, as an Internet service provider, was immune from wrongs committed by their users under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA).

David Oswald Thomas

Immune to fashionable trends in the history of philosophy and of ideas, he was critical of the concept of paradigms of thought associated with the work of J. G. A. Pocock.

Dead Island: Riptide

The immune regain consciousness on the shore of the island of Palanai and are found by Harlow, a WHO researcher, who tells them the zombie infection has spread there as well.

Disease resistance in fruit and vegetables

In some cases this can actually make the plants immune to attack, as is the case with the lettuces Avoncrisp and Avondefiance which were bred at the Institute of Horticultural Research, Wellesbourne during the 1960s, which are fully resistant to lettuce root aphid (Pemphigus bursarius).

Earth immune system

An opposite view is that humankind is Gaia's immune system itself, perhaps evolved to avert future catastrophes such as the Permian and Cretaceous mass extinctions of species.

Eric Foreman

Upon giving orders for a patient to be given immunosuppressing radiation treatment and then learning that it was nothing more than a staph infection (the radiation therapy killed the patient's immune system, essentially dooming her to a painful death), he is visibly agonized and blames himself for killing her.

Georges Mathé

Dr. Brian Bolwell, chief of hematology at the Cleveland Clinic noted that Dr. Mathé had proved an important principle: "You can cure an incurable leukemia patient.", and had developed both a technique and an important term, "adoptive immunotherapy," to describe how a person’s own immune system can be used to combat cancer and other diseases.


Variable surface glycoproteins allow the sleeping sickness Trypanosoma parasite to escape the immune response of the host.


More modern uses of saponins in biotechnology are as adjuvants in vaccines: Quil A and its derivative QS-21, isolated from the bark of Quillaja saponaria Molina, to stimulate both the Th1 immune response and the production of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs) against exogenous antigens make them ideal for use in subunit vaccines and vaccines directed against intracellular pathogens as well as for therapeutic cancer vaccines but with the aforementioned side-effects of hemolysis.

History of HIV/AIDS

Non-human SIVs contain a nef gene that down-regulates CD3, CD4, and MHC class I expression; most non-human SIVs, therefore, do not induce immunodeficiency; the HIV-1 nef gene, however, has lost its ability to down-regulate CD3, which results in the immune activation and apoptosis that is characteristic of chronic HIV infection.

Hubert Schoemaker

ReoPro was to be followed in August 1998 by the approval of Centocor's Remicade, a drug to treat auto-immune disorders like Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

Immunoglobulin E

Tanox, a biotech company based in Houston, Texas, proposed in 1987 that by targeting membrane-bound IgE (mIgE) on B lymphoblast and memory B cells, those cells can be lysed or down-regulated, thus achieving the inhibition of the production of antigen-specific IgE and hence a shift of immune balance toward non-IgE mechanisms.


#Non-specific immunostimulants act irrespective of antigenic specificity to augment immune response of other antigen or stimulate components of the immune system without antigenic specificity, such as adjuvants and non-specific immunostimulators.


IRAK-4 (interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4), in the IRAK family, is a protein kinase involved in signaling innate immune responses from Toll-like receptors.

John Ilhan

During his lifetime, the Charity's that the Ilhan Food Allergy Foundation was able to contribute towards include: the Richmond Football Club, Kids Under Cover, The Alfred Hospital Department of Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, and Murdoch Children's Research Institute Allergy and Immune Disorders Research Group Department of Allergy and Immunology.

John Medley Wood

John Medley Wood (1 December 1827 Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, England - 26 August 1915 Durban) was a South African botanist who contributed greatly to the knowledge of Natal ferns, is generally credited with the establishment of sugarcane mosaic virus immune Uba sugar cane in Natal and for his extensive collection of Natal plants.

Judiciary of Malaysia

Prior to this, a Ruler was immune from any proceedings brought against them in their personal capacity.

Mythology of Lost

Since "the Incident", increased electromagnetic immersion caused women who conceive children on the Island to die of an auto-immune condition during the second trimester of pregnancy.

National security letter

Judge Victor Marrero of the Southern District of New York found on 28 September 2004, that NSLs violate the Fourth Amendment ("it has the effect of authorizing coercive searches effectively immune from any judicial process") and First Amendment.

Natural genetic engineering

Shapiro drew from work as diverse as the adaptivity of the mammalian immune system, ciliate macronuclei and epigenetics.

Non-coding RNA

Mutations within RNase MRP have been shown to cause cartilage-hair hypoplasia, a disease associated with an array of symptoms such as short stature, sparse hair, skeletal abnormalities and a suppressed immune system that is frequent among Amish and Finnish.

Nutritional immunology

Nutritional immunology researchers have discovered novel mechanisms by which naturally occurring compounds such as conjugated linoleic acid, abscisic acid, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, resveratrol, curcumin, limonin, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D modulate immune responses.

Peripheral blood mononuclear cell

Many scientists conducting research in the fields of immunology (including auto-immune disorders), infectious disease, hematological malignancies, vaccine development, Transplant Immunology, and high-throughput screening are frequent users of PBMCs.


Sarcoidosis, a multi-organ immune system disorder characterised by non-necrotising granulomas commonly affecting the lungs and eyes

Tadamitsu Kishimoto

He has developed anti-IL6 receptor therapy for several immune disorders including Castleman's disease, rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

Ted DeVita

While scientists and physicians tried all known treatments for his condition, Ted was isolated in Building 10, in a "laminar airflow room." This specialized room on "13-East" had been created in 1969 to protect leukemia patients whose immune systems had been compromised by chemotherapy.

Tetrabromobisphenol A

TBBPA likely also suppresses immune responses by inhibiting expression of CD25 receptors on T cells, preventing their activation, and by reducing natural killer cell activity.

Texas Children's Hospital

David Vetter (1971–1984) - Severe Combined Immune Deficiency Syndrome (a.k.a. The Bubble Boy)

The Immune

In response to academic interest, a Teacher’s Guide to The Immune by Doc Lucky Meisenheimer is slated to be released later in 2013.

Thomas Platts-Mills

Platts-Mills has researched the immune response to a range of allergens including those from pollens, dust mites, the fungus Trichophyton, and domestic cats.

Trial of Louis XVI

Beginning with a description of why the charges were invalid (under the terms of the Constitution of 1791 Louis, as king, was immune from prosecution), he attacked the right of National Convention to stand as judge and jury.


Unlike traditional anti-HIV medications that seek solely to reduce viral replication, AV-HALTs also target the chronic immune system hyperactivation now known to contribute to the loss of CD4 T helper cells and disease progression to AIDS.

Weismann barrier

A controversial theory of Edward J. Steele's suggests that endogenous retroviruses carry new versions of V genes from soma cells in the immune system to the germ line cells.

see also