
2 unusual facts about Rachel Kolly d'Alba

Brice Catherin

He also wrote a few concertos, including a bassoon concerto and a violin concerto which were premiered in 2010 by the French bassoonist Ludovic Thirvaudey and the Swiss violinist Rachel Kolly d'Alba.

Since its creation le Car de Thon has worked together with more than fifty people, among who one may notice the musicians Anne Gillot, Rachel Kolly d'Alba, Yannick Barman, Tomas Korber, Christophe Schweizer; the dancers Corina Pia and Foofwa d’Imobilité;, the set director Delphine Rosay;, the illustrators and painters Baladi, Blakam, Andréas Kündig, Jean-Christophe Menu, Olivier Texier, Tom Tirabosco,.

2013 in Scottish television

Those restored are BBC Radio Scotland, BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 4 Extra, BBC Radio 5 Live Extra and BBC Asian Network, while BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 2, BBC Radio 3, BBC Radio nan Gàidheal and BBC World Service remain unavailable while BBC Alba is broadcasting.

Alba Bible

From 1492, the year in which the Alhambra Decree issued mandating the expulsion of all Jews from Spain, until 1622, when it resurfaced in the Palace of Liria owned by the House of Alba, the whereabouts of the Alba Bible were unknown.

Alba, Michigan

In the 1900s, it was the site of the Detroit and Charlevoix and Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad junction.

Allegra Byron

Clara Allegra Byron (12 January 1817 – 20 April 1822), initially named Alba, meaning "dawn," or "white," by her mother, was the illegitimate daughter of the poet George Gordon, Lord Byron and Claire Clairmont, the stepsister of Mary Shelley.


The exact location is believed by many archaeologists to be the Dacian fortifications on top of Piatra Craivii, Craiva, Cricău, about 20 km north of Alba-Iulia.

Artemisia herba-alba

Wormwood is mentioned once in the New Testament, as the name of a star, also with implications of bitterness.

Avicennia alba

Avicennia alba is a fast growing species and is sometimes planted, along with Sonneratia and Rhizophora, to help prevent coastal erosion.

Battle of Valea Albă

It took place at Războieni, also known as Valea Albă, on July 26, 1476, between the Moldavian army of Ştefan cel Mare and an invading Ottoman army which was commanded personally by the Sultan Mehmed II.

BBC Alba

The channel began broadcasting on satellite at 9:00pm on 19 September 2008 with a launch video featuring a new rendition of the Runrig song, Alba.

Bible translations into Romanian

Before the publication of the Bucharest Bible (1688), other partial translations were published, like the Slavic-Romanian Gospel (1551), Coresi's Gospel (1561), The Braşov Psalm Book (1570), Palia from Orăştie (1582), The New Testament of Alba Iulia (1648) and others.

Buddleja 'Pink Delight'

Buddleja 'Pink Delight' is a cultivar raised by the Horticultural Research Institute in Boskoop, Netherlands, in 1986 from the hybrid B. davidii 'Fascination' × B. davidii var. nanhoensis 'Alba' × B. 'West Hill'.

Diego Enríquez de Guzmán

Alba de Liste, a.k.a. Alba de Aliste, is a castle, absolutely ruined today, located near some 300 inhabitants, Losacino, 41°41′N, 6°05′W in the province of Zamora, Spain.

Dilobocondyla bangalorica

The ants build their nest in the Frangipani plant species Plumeria alba and Plumeria rubra.

Earl of Albemarle

The word Albemarle is the Latinised form of the French county of Aumale in Normandy (Latin: Alba Marla meaning "White Marl", marl being a type of fertile soil), other forms being Aubemarle and Aumerle.

Eduardo Kac

Notably, since Alba's conception, GFP zebrafish have hit the commercial market under the trademarked name, GloFish.

Eric Knudsen

He is best known for his discovery, along with Masakazu Konishi, of a brain map of sound location in two dimensions in the barn owl, tyto alba.

Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania

13 traditional farms with some 90 buildings collected from several transylvanian ethnographical regions: Ţara Moţilor, Ţara Năsăudului, Bistriţa, Câmpia Transilvaniei, Maramureş, Székely Land, Ţara Zarandului, Podgoria Albă, Oaş Country, Gurghiu, Ţara Călatei, Bran

Fântâna Albă massacre

On November 19, 1940, 40 families (a total of 105 people) from Suceveni village, also carrying 20 guns, tried to cross the frontier at Fântâna Albă.

Flavio Medina

Thus is immersed in a series of theatrical productions such as (Un Rufián en la Escalera), (El pelícano), (El Método Grönholm), Regina, (El Enterrador), (El Zapatero), (Vaselina 2001), (Los Tres Sexos de la Luna), Por Amarte Tanto, (Silencio Pollos Pelones), (Doña Rosita la Soltera), (La casa de Bernarda Alba), (La casa de Hasan), Bagdad, (Las Preciosas Ridículas), (Avenida Q) among others.

Frances Ward

Another regal grandparent is the French countess Félicité Perpétue Catherine de Paul de Lamanon d'Albe, ("Albe" is the French vernacular of Alba, a region in Spain), whose regal ancestry can be traced back to the foundations of Rome; and who descends from the Duke of Alba Fernando Álvarez de Toledo d'Albe.

Gabriel de Mendizábal Iraeta

Gabriel de Mendizábal Iraeta "Primer Conde de Cuadro de Alba de Tormes" (14 May 1765, Vergara, Guipúzcoa) - 1 September 1838, Madrid) was a Spanish general officer who fought in the Peninsular War.

Giovanni Coppa

Born in Alba, Giovanni Coppa attended the seminary there before studying at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, from where he obtain his doctorate in modern letters (with a dissertation entitled: "The iconography of the Most Holy Trinity from the origins to the 14th century").

Giuseppe Pinot-Gallizio

In 1955, he met Asger Jorn, with whom he co-founded the Experimental Laboratory of the Imaginist Bauhaus in Alba, which was part of the International Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus, in opposition to the return to productivism by others in the Bauhaus school, in particular Max Bill.

Ilchester Nunnery

Ilchester Nunnery, in Ilchester, Somerset, England, was founded around 1217-1220 as the "White Hall Hospital of the Holy Trinity", (Latin: Alba Aula, French: Blanche Halle/Blanchesale) after the gift of a house and other property by William "The Dane" of Sock Dennis manor, Ilchester (Norman-French: Le Deneis etc., Latinised to Dacus (the adjectival form of Dacia being mediaeval Latin for Denmark) modernised to "Dennis").

Lake Fork Reservoir

It consists of 27,690 acres (112 km²), situated in Wood and Rains County in Northeast Texas, between the towns of Quitman, Alba, Emory, and Yantis, Texas.

Latin kings

Latin kings of Alba Longa, series of legendary kings of Alba Longa, in Latium


In December 2010, the band won the 'Scottish Folk Band of the Year' award at the MG ALBA Scots Trad Music Awards, led by concertina maestro Simon Thoumire's Hands up for Trad organisation.

March of Ivrea

The initial Eporedian march consisted of Piedmont and most of the Ligurian coast with the counties of Acqui, Alba, Asti, Bredulo, Auriate, Turin, Ivrea, Vercelli, Pombia, Stazzona, Bulgaria, Lomello, Savona, and Ventimiglia.

Margaret of Parma

In 1567 Margaret resigned her post into the hands of the Duke of Alba and retired to L'Aquila in Italy.

Markku Luolajan-Mikkola

His more than 40 solo and chamber music recordings (stand out his solo parts of Marais, Forqueray and Couperin are available on the Alba, Avie, BIS, Linn, Simax, Channel Classics, Decca, GMN and Toccata Classics labels.

Máté Hidvégi

Hidvegi was the editor of the biography of Áron Márton (Roman Catholic bishop of Alba Julia, Transylvania, which has been officially included into the canonization files of Aron Marton by the Vatican) and the book The Lord by Romano Guardini, translated by Aron Marton with an introduction by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (the present Pope).

Matteo Brancaleoni

President for two years of the Rotaract Club "Alba Langhe e Roero" (2009–2010) is a member of the Rotary Club of Alba.

Michaela von Habsburg

She married Eric Alba Teran d'Antin (1920–2004) on 14 January 1984 in Antón, Panama.

Milton Damerel

When William the Conqueror arrived in England in 1066 he gave Milton and Gidcott and thirteen other manors in Devon, to a man named Robert de Alba Marla.

Piero Simondo

In Alba, Piedmont, Italy, with Asger Jorn and Giuseppe Pinot Gallizio he founded the Laboratory of immaginiste experiences as part of the International Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus (IMIB).

Richard Bandler

Bateson taught at UCSC, Kresge College as did Grinder, and had moved to a community on Alba Road near the Santa Cruz mountains community of Ben Lomond.

Ringdown SSSI, Somerset

Amongst the vegetation present are two species which are very restricted in South West Britain, White Beaksedge (Rhynchospora alba) and Dioecious Sedge (Carex dioica).

Rogelio Sinán

Rogelio Sinán (born on Taboga Island in 1902; died in 1994) was the pseudonym Panamanian writer Bernardo Domínguez Alba used for his writing.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Viviers

The "Old Charter", drawn up in 950 by Bishop Thomas, the most complete document concerning the primitive Church of Viviers, mentions five bishops who lived at Alba Augusta (modern Alba-la-Romaine): Saint Januarius, Saint Septimus, Saint Maspicianus, Saint Melanius and Saint Avolus.

SS Alba

Alfred Wallis painted several versions of Wreck of the Alba, one of which is held by Tate St Ives.

Suessa Pometia

Virgil reckons it among the colonies of Alba, and must therefore have considered it as a Latin city (Aen. vi. 776): it is found also in the list of the same colonies given by Diodorus (vii. Fr. 3); but it seems certain that it had at a very early period become a Volscian city.

Suncheon Bay Ecological Park

Summer passage birds of the Suncheon Bay area include Nycticorax nycticorax, Bubulcus ibis, Egretta garzetta, Egretta alba modesta, Ardea cinerea, Charadrius dubius curonicus, Alcedo atthis bengalensis, Motacilla cinerea robusta, Motacilla alba and Acrocephalus arundinaceus.

University of Balamand

Formerly, it was a project at the Koura District, which North Lebanon’s department came to continue as an inter-cultural message in 1988, and to fuse under its administration the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts (ALBA) and Saint John of Damascus Institute of Theology.

Vostok Island

Noteworthy fauna includes several species of seabirds, including the Red-footed Booby (Sula sula), Great Frigatebird (Fregata minor), Lesser Frigatebird (F. ariel), Black Noddy (Anous minutus), White Tern (Gygis alba), Masked Booby (Sula dactylatra), Brown Booby (S. leucogaster) and Brown Noddy (Anous stolidus).

White heron

Eastern Great Egret (Ardea alba modesta), also known as kōtuku in New Zealand

Great Egret, (Ardea alba), also known as the Great White Egret, Common Egret or White heron

see also