
unusual facts about STEM


The hairpin loop forms in an mRNA strand during transcription and causes the RNA polymerase to become dissociated from the DNA template strand.


Species of Albatrellus are terrestrial, with fleshy fruit bodies that differentiate into caps and stems; the stem is either central or eccentric to lateral.

Catherine Verfaillie

The British biomedical publication New Scientist declared it as the "ultimate stem cell discovery".

Cell therapy

Neural stem cells (NSCs) are the subject of ongoing research for possible therapeutic applications, for example for treating a number of neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease.

Claise Brook

"One mile up the river from the last point is a small creek of fresh water, issuing from an extensive lagoon clothed with arborescent species of Metrosideros of great beauty. The banks are covered with the most interesting plants, amongst which I observed two species of Calytris, a species of Acacia with a scolopendrous-stem, and several Papilionaceous plants. The Angophoras on the flats are gigantic."


It is less probable that it is a toponimic from Como, because there are many similar surnames that maintain the original stem, such as: Giacomino, Giacomelli, Giacomolli, Giacometti, Jacobellis, Jacobacci and so on.

Cord blood

In 2005, University of Toronto researcher Peter Zandstra developed a method to increase the yield of cord blood stem cells to enable their use in treating adults as well as children.


Centre of Science and Technology (COSAT) is the first of three STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) schools in the Western Cape of South Africa.


It was not until 1970 that the specimen was fully described by Dale Russell, who made it the type of a new genus, Daspletosaurus, from the Greek δασπλής (dasples, stem and connective vowel resulting in daspleto~) ("frightful") and σαυρος/sauros ("lizard").

Dendrobium secundum

It's a Pseudobulb epiphyte, that is, a plant which storage organ is derived from the part of a stem between two leaf nodes and that grows upon another plant (generally a tree) in a non-parasitically way.

Éamonn Grimes

Éamonn Cregan scored 2–7 and nearly single-handedly won the game for Limerick, however, it was not enough to stem the tide and Galway went on to win the game by 2–15 to 3–9.

Education Action

Education Action!, a nonprofit organization founded by Jonathan Kozol, was intended to be a US national support structure aiming to help stem the flight of teachers from underfunded and racially segregated schools.

Equisetum giganteum

It is one of the largest horsetails, growing 2–5 m tall, exceeded only by the closely allied E. myriochaetum (which can achieve stem heights of 8 m, although such plants rely on surrounding herbage for support).

Fuzhou dialect

Most of the characters of Fuzhou dialect stem from Ancient Chinese and can therefore be written in Chinese characters.

Gladstone Institutes

Many research areas build upon the stem cell work of Gladstone Senior Investigator Shinya Yamanaka, MD, PhD.

Gustav Krukenberg

It is widely believed that On 1 May, Krukenberg attempted to stem the Soviet advance by ordering sappers to blow up the S-Bahn tunnel under the Landwehr canal causing 25 kilometres of S-Bahn and U-Bahn tunnels to flood, which led to many casualties.

Hierodoris illita

A specimen has also been reared from a gall on a stem of Muehlenbeckia australis.


Higenamine (norcoclaurine) is a chemical compound found in a variety of plants including Nandina domestica (fruit), Aconitum carmichaelii (root), Asarum heterotropioides, Galium divaricatum (stem and vine), Annona squamosa, and Nelumbo nucifera (lotus seeds).

Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland

The 5 Hoogheemraden that form with the Dijkgraaf the Dagelijks Bestuur (Executive Council) thus stem from those 5 groups.


Some also stem from Marinejegerkommandoen and Hærens Jegerkommando, the two special forces units in the Norwegian military.

Jaime Imitola

Jaime Imitola and Evan Y. Snyder to denote the regenerative (micro-enviroments) areas created after CNS damage and the ability to visualize these areas by using stem cells expressing reporter genes (i.e LacZ).


The prototype STEM yo-yo is under construction at Berzano di San Pietro (Italy).

Leland Chapman

The charges stem from an incident in which they were chasing fugitive and serial rapist Andrew Luster, the Max Factor Cosmetics heir.

Louis-Étienne de Thouvenin

He invented the Carabine à tige ("Stem rifle", also "Pillar breech rifle"), based on a method by which muzzle-loading rifles could be easily and effectively loaded.


The surname Luchsinger (sometimes Lucksinger) is assumed to stem from this location.

M1 Tank Platoon

The Campaign would therefore start as defensive with the challenge being to use technologically superior NATO vehicles to stem the "wave" of Warsaw Pact vehicles.

Macleaya cordata

The Chinese name 博落回 (bóluòhúi) is derived from 簸邏迴 (bòluóhúi), the Xianbei name of the instrument 大角 (dà jiǎo, "big horn"), for the tonal similarity between the playable hollow stem and the instrument.

Matt Bartle

Bartle, a Christian conservative, was concerned about the appointee's views on stem-cell research.

Ming-Ming Zhou

The current focuses of his laboratory include the roles of the Trithorax protein complexes and the Polycomb repressive complexes in gene activation and silencing in human biology of health and disease such as stem cell self-renewal and lineage commitment, cancer and inflammation.

Monocacy River

Some farmers in the Monocacy watershed participate in the national Conservation Security Program operated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), designed to help stem pollution due to erosion and pollutant runoff from farming.

National Inventors Hall of Fame

It is now the NIHF STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Learning Center, a middle school for the Akron Public Schools.

Neighbours From Hell in Britain

According to Neighbours From Hell in Britain, the most common forms of neighbour-orientated nuisance stem from issues around Noise, Anti-Social Behaviour, Harassment, Bullying, Boundary Problems and more frequently with Car/Vehicle Parking issues.

Nepenthes micramphora

Nepenthes micramphora is very similar to N. bellii of northern Mindanao in terms of the morphology of its stem, lamina, and inflorescence.

Nestor J. Zaluzec

He developed Lorentz STEM imaging, High Angular Resolution Electron Channeling X-ray Spectroscopy (HARECXS), High Angular Resolution Electron Channeling Electron Spectroscopy (HARECES), Position Resolved Diffraction, as well as his invention of the scanning confocal electron microscope and the π steradian Transmission X-ray Detector, for which he was given the R&D 100 Awards in 2003 and 2010 respectively.

New York Stem Cell Foundation

In 2005, Susan L. Solomon co-founded The New York Stem Cell Foundation to accelerate stem cell research to cure major disease.

North Fork John Day River

It flows generally west to the community of Dale on U.S. Route 395, then southwest through the city of Monument to the unincorporated community of Kimberly, where it meets the main stem of the John Day River.

Panama disease

New banana plants develop through asexual reproduction: after the fruiting stem has matured, fruited, and been cut down, the base of the plant produces suckers, which can be cut off and planted elsewhere.

Pleuropogon hooverianus

The inflorescence bears widely spaced narrowly cylindrical spikelets which hang sideways off the stem, resembling semaphore signals.


Specifically, Quizartinib selectively inhibits class III receptor tyrosine kinases, including FMS-related tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3/STK1), colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R/FMS), stem cell factor receptor (SCFR/KIT), and platelet derived growth factor receptors (PDGFRs).

Septocyta ruborum

It is a plant pathogen and grows on Rubus laciniatus, R. nessensis, R. procerus and wild blackberry (R. fruticosus); it causes purple blotch or stem spot disease, also known as dieback of blackberries.

Spatiotemporal Epidemiological Modeler

The Spatiotemporal Epidemiological Modeler (STEM) is a free software available through the Eclipse Foundation.


Stamina therapy, a controversial alternative medical treatment based on stem cells

StatPro Group

Set up in 1994 by Chief Executive Justin Wheatley, the company's investment products stem from specialisation in financial data and analysis solutions for risk management, fixed income analysis, performance measurement and attribution analysis, GIPS compliance and analytics reporting (SER).

Stem cell laws and policy in the United States

9 March 2009 - President Barack Obama signs an executive order reversing federal opposition to embryonic Stem Cell research.

Tai Sui

In the Chinese zodiac, there are sixty (originally 12 corresponding to the Earthly stems, later popularly believed to be 60, one for each stem-branch combination) heavenly generals (:zh:六十甲子神列表) who assist the Jade Emperor in taking charge of the well-being of the Mortal World.

The Initiative Collective

Founded in New York City in 2009 by "Zero," "Tsaf," "Lucid," and Zimmer Barnes, the group's initial goal was to patrol the streets of Greenwich Village to stem a rising tide of anti-gay violence.

The Short Victorious War

Its title comes from a quotation by Vyacheslav von Plehve in reference to the Russo-Japanese War: "What this country needs is a short, victorious war to stem the tide of revolution." That quotation is one of the novel's two epigraphs; the other is a quotation from Robert Wilson Lynd: "The belief in the possibility of a short decisive war appears to be one of the most ancient and dangerous of human illusions."

Traditional fishing tackle

This circular hole attached with a pipe made from hollow stem of gongum (Cochlospermum religiosum), gopid (Lannea coromandelica) or bamboo (Bambusa arundinacea).

University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust

In September 2006 the Steve Mills Stem Cell Laboratory, which had been established by a charity created by Southampton F.C. footballer Steve Mills, moved from the Royal South Hampshire Hospital to a new location at Southampton General Hospital, and was officially opened on 27 September 2006 by Steve's widow Jo and former Southampton footballer and manager, Alan Ball.

see also