
unusual facts about Spearhead-class joint high speed vessel

Spearhead-class joint high speed vessel

The control system for this class is provided by General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems through an open architecture computing infrastructure (OPEN CI).


On September 15 the company was ordered to form a spearhead of the Polish attack aimed at linking up with the forces of the Poznań Army withdrawing after the Battle of Bzura through the Kampinos forest north of Warsaw.

9 Parachute Squadron RE

9 Independent Airborne Squadron RE accompanied the Division to Germany, returning to the UK in 1950, since when the squadron has served on active service in countries such as Egypt, Cyprus, Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Aden, Radfan, Borneo, Rhodesia as well as six full tours and two spearhead tours of duty in Northern Ireland.

Chris Bunting

Bunting then went on to spearhead the Mr. T comic series, based on the character of that name in the A-Team television series, which was published by AP Comics, a UK small press publisher.

Disciplinska komisija

This group makes up the framework of Fmjam, in which Edo Maajka has a lot of influence as he is the spearhead and creator of the group, the one who released his groundbreaking first album, thus first he was popular in Tuzla, then after his first album he became popular throughout the entire region of the former Yugoslavia.

Flute beatboxing

Most beatbox historians credit RadioActive as the original flute-beatboxer (using a pan flute, and performing with the Spearhead around the world), and Tim Barsky with being the original innovator in the field of flute beatboxing on a classical Boehm system flute.

George S. Mickelson Trail

The trail is named after George S. Mickelson, the South Dakota governor who helped spearhead the project.

II Canadian Corps

During the Battle of Normandy, the Corps was used to spearhead the British-Canadian advance from Caen to Falaise.

J. T. Rutherford

He was awarded the U.S. Department of Interior's Conservation Service Award in 1962 for his efforts to spearhead conservation legislation including laws that created a new national seashore on Padre Island, Cape Cod National Seashore, and Point Reyes in California.

Jacqueline Tong

She also had roles on television in Hard Times, Spearhead and, alongside Lesley-Anne Down who had appeared with her in Upstairs, Downstairs, in The One and Only Phyllis Dixey.

Joe Humeres

Quote: "As a long time skateboarder myself and also having helped spearhead the very first New York City Department of Parks and Recreation skatepark, I'm definitely proud of what happened, just to be making money for skateboarding is a gift."

John Durnford-Slater

In early October he led the detachment in Operation Devon, where they were employed to spearhead the assault on Termoli, on the east coast of Italy, about 120 miles north of Bari.

John O'Donohue

O'Donohue also devoted his energies to environmental activism, and is credited with helping spearhead the Burren Action Group, which opposed government development plans and ultimately preserved the area of Mullaghmore and the Burren, a karst landscape in County Clare.

Kliment Voroshilov tank

On 23–24 June, a single KV-2 effectively pinned down elements of the 6th Panzer Division – the spearhead of Panzergruppe 4 – for a full day at the bridgeheads of the Dubysa river near Raseiniai, Lithuania, playing a prominent role in delaying the German advance on Leningrad and destroying around two dozen German tanks.

Leonard Skierski

His army, though composed of units that have been in front-line service for months, became the spearhead of the Polish counter-offensive from the area of lower Wieprz river.

Mirada Studios

Mirada Studios is a multiplatform storytelling company in Marina del Rey, California, formed by directors Guillermo del Toro and Mathew Cullen, cinematographer Guillermo Navarro, and executive producer Javier Jimenez, to spearhead a new creative production model that integrates classic narrative tradition, and the art of storytelling, with emerging technologies.

No. 50 Commando

By 1943 the Commandos had moved away from small raiding operations and had been formed in Brigades of assault infantry to spearhead future Allied landing operations.

Occupation of Mongolia

In October, Xu led a spearhead group of 4000 that quickly captured Urga without resistance.

Poetry Man

In 1997, Zap Mama, an African-Belgium based group, delivered a version on their album, Seven which included a dialog of sorts with Spearhead's Michael Franti playing the Poetry Man himself.

Ravi Hutheesing

Ravi also partners with the Shanti Bhavan Children's Project in Tamil Nadu India, and is working with The George Foundation to spearhead the creation of more schools for the poorest of the poor ("untouchables" caste).

Redlynch, Somerset

During World War II, the United States Army 3rd Armored Division (spearhead) was based at Redlynch Park.

Shereef Akeel

After reports of abuse began to surface, the US government asked Army major General Antonio Taguba to spearhead a full investigation.

Smaro Kamboureli

In collaboration with Roy Miki, she organized "TransCanada: Literature, Institutions, Citizenship" (Vancouver, June 2005), a conference intended to spearhead a critical look at the institutional structures that inform the making and study of CanLit, as well as collaborative projects to be sponsored by the TransCanada Institute.

Spearhead from Space

Designer Bernard Lodge, who had produced the previous sets of titles used up until Spearhead from Space, originally intended to produce a new set using the same 'howlaround' technique that he had for the previous titles.

Spearhead Land Element

The Spearhead Lead Element (SLE), sometimes referred to as the Spearhead Land Element, is the principal high-readiness component of the British Armed Forces under the operational control of the Permanent Joint Headquarters.


The group helped spearhead the Save The Spindle Campaign to prevent the destruction of Dustin Shuler's seven car work of art called, The Spindle, located in Berwyn's Cermak Plaza.

Susan Golding

In 1995, Golding helped spearhead a deal to expand Jack Murphy Stadium in order to keep the San Diego Chargers in town and attract a second Super Bowl to the city.

Tristen Walker

Forced to play at fullback, due to the absence of Simon Prestigiacomo, he held superstar spearhead Matthew Richardson of Richmond to one goal and six behinds.


The term has been sporadically used to spearhead heresy accusations, especially when employed against Christian sects promoting allegedly anathema conceptions of the Trinity.

Upper Silesian Offensive

Shifting the 4th Tank Army from the northern flank of his Front, he redeployed it near Grottkau in order to spearhead a major attack into Upper Silesia, neutralising the threat to the left flank of his forces and taking the area around Ratibor.


The fear of Iraqi forces from Gesher in the east and Jenin in the south to form a "spearhead" and capture the Baysan and Jezreel valleys convinced the Jews to take Zir'in.

see also