
unusual facts about The Invasion

Clifford Earl

He appeared in the TV series Doctor Who twice, as the Station Sergeant in The Daleks' Master Plan in 1965, and as Major Branwell in The Invasion in 1968.

French destroyer Le Hardi

In November 1942, with the invasion of Vichy France by the Germans she was scuttled along with the French fleet at Toulon.

John Levene

He made an uncredited appearance as a Cyberman in the 1967 Doctor Who serial The Moonbase and as a Yeti in The Web of Fear before making his first appearance as then-Corporal Benton in the Doctor Who serial The Invasion in 1968.

Oliver Hirschbiegel

He directed his first Hollywood feature The Invasion, which was partly re-shot by Australian director James McTeigue, at the request of the studio.

see also

29th Weapons Squadron

Prepared for the invasion of France and on D-Day 1944, released paratroops near Picauville; dropped reinforcements over the same area on 7 June 1944.

301st Operations Group

In 1944–1945, supported ground forces in the Anzio and Cassino areas during the invasion of Southern France, knocked out targets to assist the Russian advance in the Balkans, and aided the Allied drive through the Po Valley.

640th Bombardment Squadron

The 640th initially flew sweeps over Occupied France from its base in England, attacking coastal defenses, V-1 flying bomb and V-2 rocket sites, airfields, and other targets in France in preparation for Operation Overlord, the invasion of Normandy.

A. Michael Mennim

He took part in jungle warfare in Burma during the advance on Mandalay and was involved in planning for the invasion

Balti language

Before the invasion of Tibetans in 727, the official language of both the Palola shahis and the clergy was Brahmi, brought into the area after the 4th legendary Buddhist Conference in Jalandhar.

Boyd v. United States

It is not the breaking of his doors and the rummaging of his drawers that constitutes the essence of the offense; but it is the invasion of his indefeasible right of personal security, personal liberty, and private property, where that right has never been forfeited by his conviction of some public offense, it is the invasion of this sacred right which underlies and constitutes the essence of Lord Camden's judgment.

Carro Armato P 40

Finally American forces captured it during the invasion of Germany and sent it to the Aberdeen Proving Ground for testing.

Caspian expeditions of the Rus'

Yevgeni Pakhomov and Vladimir Minorsky thought the invasion was initiated by the ruler of Darbent, Bek-Bars b.

Clan MacAlister

This chief was involved, among the Macleans and Clan Donald South, in the invasion of the Campbell territories of Rosneath, Lennox, and Craignish, in 1529.

Ellery Huntington, Jr.

In World War II, Huntington worked directly for William J. Donovan in the Office of Strategic Services and was instrumental in secret work for the Allies, especially during the invasion of North Africa.

Faiz Mohammad Khan

Her efforts were to be deterred by the invasion Nanasaheb Peshwa and his Maratha brigands who pillaged Malwa and all the territories that Yar Mohammad Khan had recaptured from them.

Geneviève Duboscq

She received the Legion of Honor from the French Government and she and her family received America's Guard of Honor in recognition of the assistance that she and her family gave the US 82nd Airborne Division during the invasion of France in 1944 by the Allies.

Gille Brigte of Galloway

During the invasion, William was caught off-guard, and captured while besieging the castle at Alnwick.

Gun truck

Other British examples from the invasion-scare period were the Armadillo armoured fighting vehicle and the Bison concrete armoured lorries.

Hans Cramer

During his repatriation journey, he was allowed to see Montgomery's 21st Army Group preparing for the invasion of Europe, but was told he was in Kent, where Patton's mythical 1st U.S. Army Group was preparing for its invasion.

Henry Maitland Wilson, 1st Baron Wilson

He strongly advocated the invasion of Germany via the Danube plain, but this did not take place when the armies in Italy were weakened to support other theatres of war.

HMS Royal Scotsman

From January 1942 she took part in extensive exercises for amphibious operations, and on 26 October sailed to Gibraltar as part of military convoy KMF1 for the invasion of North Africa in "Operation Torch".

House of Beaumont

Roger de Beaumont, Lord (seigneur) of Pont-Audemer, of Beaumont-le-Roger, of Brionne and of Vatteville, was too old to fight at the Hastings and stayed in Normandy to govern and protect it while William was away on the invasion.


During the invasion of Hannibal of 218-217 BC, the Insubres rebelled in support of the Carthaginians.

Invasion of Hvaler

The invasion of Hvaler, was a Swedish military invasion of the Norwegian archipelago during the Swedish-Norwegian War of 1814.

Jacob E. Smart

In this position, he was involved with the planning of the invasion of Europe and participated in the meeting between U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in Casablanca, Morocco in 1943.

Jalili dynasty

In 1743 Maslawi forces, raised, organized and led by Hussein Pasha al-Jalili defeated the invasion of the Persian army of Nadir Shah.

Japanese destroyer Asanagi

From January through March 1942, Asanagi provided cover for landings of Japanese forces during "Operation R" (the invasion of Rabaul, New Britain) and "Operation SR", (the invasion of Lae and Salamaua.

Japanese minelayer Okinoshima

On 10 May, Okinoshima departed Rabaul as part of "Operation RY", the invasion of Nauru and Ocean Island.

At the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, Okinoshima was serving as flagship for Admiral Kiyohide Shima in "Operation Gi" (the invasion of the Gilbert Islands) and had deployed from Jaluit with a Special Naval Landing Force (SNLF) embarked.

Khizr Khan

Khizr Khan ibn Malik Sulaiman (reigned 1414–21) was the founder of the Sayyid dynasty, the ruling dynasty of the Delhi sultanate, in northern India soon after the invasion of Timur and the fall of the Tughlaq dynasty.

Kohi Safi District

Prior to the rule of Mohammed Nadir Shah majority of Safi and including high class ruling tribal leaders used to settle in Kohi Safi, during the invasion of the Soviets, Kohi Safi was further depopulated, and many infrastructures were destroyed.

Lament for the Destruction of Hungary by the Tartars

It was written in 1242, shortly after the invasion of Hungary by the Tartars of Batu Khan, by a monk in the retinue of King Béla IV.

Leather Goddesses of Phobos

The Leather Goddesses of Phobos are just finalising their plans for the invasion of Earth.

Ligugé Abbey

The invasion of the Saracens, the wars of the dukes of Aquitaine with the early Carolingians, and lastly the Norman invasion were a series of disasters that almost destroyed the monastery.

Mathuedoï I, Count of Poher

Subsequent to the invasion of the Loire Viking fleet led by Rognvaldr in 919, he exiled himself and his son Alan, to England.

Michele Pantaleone

According to his version published in "Mafia e politica 1943-1962" a US Army airplane had flown over Villalba on the day of the invasion and dropped a yellow silk foulard marked with a black L (indicating Luciano).

Mihail Kogălniceanu International Airport

In 2003, it became one of four Romanian military facilities that have been used by U.S. military forces as a staging area for the invasion of and ongoing counter-insurgency efforts in Iraq, operated by the 458th Air Expeditionary Group, and it is intended to become one of the main operating bases of U.S. Army Europe's Joint Task Force East, a rotating task force initially to be provided by the U.S. 2nd Cavalry Regiment, which will eventually grow to a brigade sized force.

Murray Robson

In July 1945 he led his unit in the invasion of Balikpapan, Borneo, and in September accepted the surrender of Japanese forces under Major General Michio Uno at Bandjermasin in the Dutch East Indies.

Nea Salamis Famagusta

After the invasion and refugees in 1974, Nikis Georgiou in 1975 proposed the creation of volleyball team in Limassol, in order to maintain the entity of the club.

Paul Goma

At the end of August 1968, Paul Goma became a member of the Romanian Communist Party, in an act of solidarity with the Romanian position during the Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia (Romania did not take part, indeed condemning the invasion).

Peace of Szeged

They had several advantages over the Ottomans, allowing them to win the first encounters, such as forcing Kasim Pasha of Rumelia and his co-commander Turakhan Beg to abandon camp and flee to Sofia, Bulgaria to warn Murad of the invasion.

Pope Pius XII and Poland

The invasion of predominantly Catholic Poland by Nazi Germany in 1939 ignited the conflict and was followed soon after by a Soviet invasion of the Eastern half of Poland, in accordance with an agreement reached between the dictators Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler.

Second War of Scottish Independence

Edward Balliol was the eldest son of John Balliol, who had been forced to abdicate the Scottish throne following the invasion of 1296, and Isabella de Warenne, daughter of John de Warenne, 6th Earl of Surrey and Alice of Lusignan.

Serpent Column

The invasion, a combined land and sea expedition, which began in 480 BC, fell under the command of the king himself Xerxes I and his brother-in-law and cousin Mardonius who was a close confidant of Xerxes' father Darius.

Southern Front

Polish Southern Front, one of the Polish fronts during the Invasion of Poland of 1939

Sufi saints of Aurangabad

Saiad Shah Jalal ud din or Ganj Rawan Ganj Baksh (which means "moving treasure'), was born at Khirkan near Bukhara, and established the earliest Islamic mission in the Dakhan about H. 700, or a little before the invasion of 'Alaud din Khilji.

The Bush Soldiers

The invasion of Australia begins on 12 June 1942, with the Japanese landing at Darwin, Cooktown and Cairns.

The Panama Deception

Another allegation made by the film is that the United States tested some form of laser or energy weapon during the invasion.

Thomas Poynings, 1st Baron Poynings

In the 1540s, he served King Henry VIII as Marshal of Calais and keeper of the castle at Guînes, then took an active role in the invasion of France in 1544, in particular at Montreuil and the sieges of Boulogne.

Ukiah Oregon

It is revealed that several centuries ago the invasion force of a hive mind species called the Ontongard arrived in the Solar System with the intention of converting all life on Earth into a copy of itself, via a form of viral infection.


A notable pilot in the squadron was fighter ace Arthur Van Haren, Jr. From November 1943 to January 1944, VF-2 saw action during the invasion of the Gilbert Islands, Makin Atoll and Tarawa Atoll.


In April 1943, with their training complete, a detachment from the squadron was ordered aboard the USS Nassau (CVE-16) to participate in the invasion of Attu in the Aleutian Islands.

Webb Hayes

He fought in Santiago de Cuba Campaign, during which he was wounded during the crossing of the San Juan River and the assault on San Juan Hill, and later in the invasion of Puerto Rico.