
unusual facts about The Plants

The Plants

James Lawson (baritone), Thuman Thrower (bass), Steve McDowell (first tenor) and George Jackson (lead) constituted the original line-up, who were known as The Equadors.

see also


Because of the often shady places where the plants grow, the genus was named after the Egyptian god Anubis, the god of the afterlife.

Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Park

Some of the plants which may be found in this area are field chickweed (Cerastium arvense), felt-leaved willow (Salix silicicola), Mackenzie hairgrass (Deschampsia mackenzieana), Tyrrell’s willow (Salix planifolia tyrrellii), and floccose tansy (Tanacetum huronense var. floccosum).

Auyuittuq National Park

Little vegetation can be found in Auyuittuq Park, although the plants found there range from flowers such as Mountain Avens, Campion, Papaver, and Saxifrage to shrubs like Dwarf Birch, Arctic Willow, and heather.

Bernard de Jussieu

Singularly modest and retiring, he published very little, but in 1759 he arranged the plants in the royal garden of the Trianon in the Palace of Versailles, according to his own scheme of classification.

CaixaForum Madrid

The red of the top floors contrasts with the plants on the wall, which match the character of the neighbouring Real Jardín Botánico.

Carex lacustris

Pike and muskies use the plants as spawning habitat in the spring.

Cassa per il Mezzogiorno

Italian journalist Luigi Barzini also noted that funds were usually given to major Italian companies to build large scale, highly automated manufacturing plants, requiring huge amounts of money to build and needing minimal staffing due to the automated nature of the plants.


Dilly comes from the Jagera word dili, which refers to both the bag and the plants from which it is made.

Disease resistance in fruit and vegetables

In some cases this can actually make the plants immune to attack, as is the case with the lettuces Avoncrisp and Avondefiance which were bred at the Institute of Horticultural Research, Wellesbourne during the 1960s, which are fully resistant to lettuce root aphid (Pemphigus bursarius).

Dracaena reflexa

It has been widely confused with other species of Dracaena, and many or most of the plants in cultivation under this name may actually be D. cincta or D. concinna (Huxley 1992).

Encyclia fehlingii

The plants of Encyclia fehlingii are eiphytic and grew mostly in the Fresh Creek area on Andros, but the species has also been found on New Providence Island and on Abaco.


Free range livestock browse the plants to various degrees, and along with various other Karooid bushes, this lends the meat a distinctive flavour and a character that some people relish in Karoo lamb for example.

Frans Lanting

A 2005 exhibit in the Field Museum of Natural History entitled Jungles focused on the plants and animals of the rainforest.

George W. Marston House

Some of the plants found in the garden at its prime included Canary Island Pines, Eucalyptus trees, strawberry trees, wild lilacs, forget-me-nots, and Virginia creeper vines.

Giovanni Battista de Toni

As a naturalist/historian, he published a work on Leonardo da Vinci, titled Le piante e gli animali in Leonardo da Vinci (The plants and animals in (the works of) Leonardo da Vinci).


Some of the plants called helleborines are classified in the genus Epipactis, some in genus Cephalanthera.

Henrietta Clive, Countess of Powis

Upon arriving in India, Lady Powis also created a garden and kept a record of the plants in the area of Mysore and the Carnatic region.

Henry Charles Andrews

He lived in Knightsbridge and was married to the daughter of John Kennedy of Hammersmith, a nurseryman who assisted Andrews in the descriptions of the plants he illustrated.


The plants used in the production of herbero include at least four of the following: sage, chamomile, pennyroyal, lemon verbena, the root of the blessed thistle, peppermint, cattail, fennel, anise, melissa, agrimony, savory, felty germander, thyme, and French lavender.

Juniperus occidentalis

The plants often bear galls caused by the Juniper Tip Midge Oligotrophus betheli (Bibionomorpha: Cecidomyiidae); these are violet-purple fading to brown, 1–2 cm diameter, with dense modified spreading scale-leaves 6–10 mm long and 2–3 mm broad at the base.

Katipunan Avenue

In 2002, the Katipunan Greening Project volunteers planted Bougainvillea, Lantana camara, petunias, red creepers, and other flowering shrubs along the avenue, after two years of lobbying the MMDA to ensure that the city would water and otherwise look after the plants.

Klara Prast

She likes to describe this ability as "talking to" the plants, something she says she did back on her family's farm in Bern.

Kudzu in the United States

Of the plants that can successfully compete with kudzu, many are other invasive species such as the Chinese privet and the Japanese honeysuckle.


It is then dyed with the kasuri technique using indigenous plant dyes and a mud mordant to give it its usual black-brown colouring; the plants used are the guru, techika, kurubo or Japanese persimmon, yamamomo, and yuna or cotton tree hibiscus.

Kyllo v. United States

(The assumption is that to grow marijuana indoors, one needs to provide a large amount of light in order for the plants to photosynthesize.)


The plants are of considerable biological and evolutionary interest because of their adaptions to particular pollinators, such as flies in the families Tabanidae, Acroceridae, Bombyliidae, and most spectacularly, Nemestrinidae.


The plants are used as shelter by pond water species such as bullfrogs and bluegills.

Manusela National Park

Among the plants that grow in this park are Avicennia, Dryobalanops and Pandanus species, Alstonia scholaris, Terminalia catappa, Shorea selanica, Octomeles sumatrana, Bruguiera sexangula, Melaleuca leucadendra, Pometia pinnata, Rhizophora acuminata and various species of orchid.

Marie-Anne Libert

She also collaborated for a time with Dr. Lejeune of Verviers, who was preparing a catalogue of the plants of the Department of Ourthe.

Oman Botanic Garden

The plants of Dhofar will be housed in three ‘biomes’, structures of rock and glass, which will cycle the three seasons between them, so at any time of year a visitor may experience the Khareef (or monsoon season) at the garden.

Permanent wilting point

Lyman Briggs and Homer LeRoy Shantz (1912) proposed the wilting coefficient, which is defined as the percentage water content of a soil when the plants growing in that soil are first reduced to a wilted condition from which they cannot recover in approximately saturated atmosphere without the addition of water to the soil (Taiz and Zeiger, 1991).

Peter Schousboe

Among the plants that he was the first to describe was the popular garden flower Salvia interrupta; the bushwillow genus Schousboea (now considered a synonym of Combretum) was named in his honour.

Phillip Hoose

A graduate of the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Hoose was for 37 years a staff member of The Nature Conservancy, dedicated to preserving the plants, animals and natural communities of the Earth.

Pitcairnia feliciana

In 1937, he discovered the plants growing on the steep rocks of Mount Gangan, near Kindia in the former French Guinea.


In all cases, they lay their eggs in the plants of the Boraginaceae family.

Prunus fruticosa

His unfinished Flora Rossica, a description of all the plants in the Russian Empire, dedicates one page to Prunus fruticosa, a shrub found in campis Isetensibus, "in the plains of the Iset;" that is, the Siberian steppe.

Rane Engine Valve Limited

The plants in Alandur (Chennai), Medchal (Hyderabad), Aziz Nagar (Hyderabad) and Trichy are involved in the manufacture of Engine Valves and the plant in Ponneri (Chennai)is involved in the manufacture of Guides and Tappets.

Rotylenchulus reniformis

Wilt disease can follow when opportunistic fungi such as Fusarium and Verticillium infect the plants, a process observed in cotton.

Rummy-nose tetra

A planted aquarium is welcomed by these fishes, particularly if the plants include fine-leaved species such as Cabomba and Myriophyllum.

SRF Airspace monitoring and management system

From 1955 to 1966, a school complex in Dübendorf (the "Radar Doerfli" (Radar Village) on the training site Dürrbach Rüti bei Riggisberg), one on the top of Bütschelegg (above Bern-Belp) and the plants on height locations (mountain peaks) were formed for the first radar aerial surveillance system of Switzerland.

Thamnochortus insignis

Why the plants expend all this energy to produce sterile seeds is not clear, but is particular to this genus as well as to the genus Elegia.

Thysanotus scaber

The Government of Western Australia's Department of Environment and Conservation considers the plants conservation code to be, "not threatened".

Vasili's Garden

Hosted by Vasili Kanidiadis, each episode of the show, which is unscripted and largely unedited, focuses on the plants and produce from the garden of a migrant family from Melbourne, with Kanidiadis emphasising traditional methods of gardening and Greek cuisine.

Volvo Halifax Assembly

This was mainly due to the plants' trademark team system that assembled the entire vehicle at one station, which was extensively used later at Volvo Torslanda Assembly and then Volvo Kalmar Assembly.