
unusual facts about Transcription

Abel Carlevaro

These pedagogical works, his compositions and his transcriptions are edited by Boosey and Hawkes of New York, Chanterelle Verlag of Heidelberg, Barry Editorial of Buenos Aires and Henry Lemoine of Paris.

Alexa Hepburn

She has become expert in transcription and has developed Gail Jefferson's basic system for transcribing talk to encompass phenomena associated with crying and upset (sobbing, sniffing, tremulous delivery).


Artificial transcription factor, an example of a chimeral protein designed to target and modulate gene transcription.

B-box zinc finger

Proteins containing a B-box zinc finger domain include transcription factors, ribonucleoproteins and proto-oncoproteins; for example, MID1, MID2, TRIM9, TNL, TRIM36, TRIM63, TRIFIC, NCL1 and CONSTANS-like proteins.


TFIIIB150 is a subunit of the TFIIIB transcription initiation complex, which recruits RNA polymerase III to target promoters in order to initiate transcription.

Beta-globin co-transcriptional cleavage ribozyme

Transcription termination of RNA polymerase II transcripts is proposed to occur by a two stage process.


Harrington (1933) gives the most precise transcription, K(w)á’uwar, in interpreting an 1846 translation of a Spanish text.


DAF-16 is the sole ortholog of the FOXO family of transcription factors in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.

EFEO Chinese transcription

The Chinese transcription of the École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) was the most used phonetic transcription of Chinese in the French speaking world until the middle of the 20th century.

Five prime cap

The Capping Enzyme Complex (CEC) required for capping is found bound to the RNA polymerase II before transcription starts.

Focal facial dermal dysplasia

Type II appears to be due to mutations in the transcription factor TWIST2 on chromosome 2.

Force spectroscopy

In this way a great deal has been learned in recent years about the mechanochemical coupling in the enzymes responsible for muscle contraction, transport in the cell, energy generation (F1-ATPase), DNA replication and transcription (polymerases), DNA unknotting and unwinding (topoisomerases and helicases), and so on.

Free Appropriate Public Education

A school might also provide auxiliary aids and services such as computer-aided transcription services, assistive listening devices for auditorium-based lectures, closed captioned decoders, open and closed captioning, TDDs, and videotext displays.

Geirr Tveitt

A reconstruction of the score was undertaken by the American transcription specialist Chris Eric Jensen in 2005 in collaboration with the pianist Håvard Gimse who gave the piece its first performance on Tveitt's 100th birthday on October 19, 2008, the first time it had been played by a pianist other than the composer.

Homeodomain fold

Most vertebrates have six genes from the Dlx family of homeodomain transcription factors, arranged into three clusters: Dlx1/Dlx2, Dlx3/Dlx4 and Dlx5/Dlx6.

Humanist minuscule

Berthold Ullman identifies the watershed moment in the development of the new humanistic hand as the youthful Poggio's transcription of Cicero's Epistles to Atticus.

Hypotrichosis–lymphedema–telangiectasia syndrome

It is associated with a rare mutation of the transcription factor gene SOX18.

Jason Wright Wingate

Notable works include the chamber work Landscapes of Consciousness, and the Symphony No. 2: Kleetüden; Variationen für Orchester nach Paul Klee (Variations for Orchestra after Paul Klee), as well as a transcription of Modest Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition for orchestra, chorus and organ.

John Abelson

He then did a postdoctoral fellowship in biochemistry at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Structural Studies Division, Cambridge, England, where he worked with Sydney Brenner and Francis Crick studying DNA transcription.

Jörg Vogel

Among other achievements he pioneered the application of RNA-Seq for the analysis of the bacterial transcription.

Joseph L. Goldstein

In 1993, their postdoctoral trainees, Wang Xiaodong and Michael Briggs, purified the Sterol Regulatory Element-Binding Proteins (SREBPs), a family of membrane-bound transcription factors.

Jurchen language

For example, in the 1950s a tablet was found in Penglai, Shandong, containing a poem in Jurchen by a poet called (in Chinese transcription) Aotun Liangbi.

Leningrad Codex

In 1935, the Leningrad Codex was lent to the Old Testament Seminar of the University of Leipzig for two years while Paul E. Kahle supervised its transcription for the Hebrew text of the third edition of Biblia Hebraica (BHK), published in Stuttgart, 1937.

Marc Ongley

Ongley's first transcription for solo guitar was published in 1973 by J. Albert and Son, an interpretation of Ludwig van Beethoven's Für Elise.

Mitochondrial biogenesis

The NRFs, in turn, activate the mitochondrial transcription factor A (tfam), which is directly responsible for transcribing nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins.


NMYC interactor (NMI) interacts with NMYC and CMYC (two members of the oncogene Myc family), and other transcription factors containing a Zip, HLH, or HLH-Zip motif.

National Transportation Research Center

For the sigma N-transcription factor activator protein in prokaryotes, see NtrC


Nuocytes have been shown to have a lymphoid origin and a developmental pathway that is dependent upon the transcription factor RORα and Notch signalling.

Oscillating gene

Clock- Clock, also known as Circadian Locomotor Output Cycles Kaput, is a transcription factor in the circadian pacemaker of mammals.

In the mammallian circadian clock, for example, transcription factors CLOCK and BMAL1 are the positive regulators.


p14ARF inhibits mdm2, thus promoting p53, which promotes p21 activation, which then binds and inactivates certain cyclin-CDK complexes, which would otherwise promote transcription of genes that would carry the cell through the Proto-Dené–Caucasian language

To facilitate comparisons with the literature, Starostin's transcription (largely identical to Bengtson's) is used in this section, followed by the IPA equivalents between slashes (for phonemes) or brackets (for actual phones).

RE1-silencing transcription factor

RE1-silencing transcription factor has been shown to interact with RCOR1.

Roksan Xerxes

The Roksan Xerxes transcription turntable (often shortened to Xerxes) is a record player named after the Persian king Xerxes I and produced by London-based Roksan Audio.

Saethre–Chotzen syndrome

Linkage analysis and chromosomal rearrangement revealed the cause of SCS to be mutations in the TWIST gene (twist transcription factor gene) located on chromosome 7p21.


Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 5 refers to two highly related proteins, STAT5A and STAT5B, which are part of the seven-membered STAT family of proteins.

Steroid hormone

Once in the nucleus, the steroid-receptor ligand complex binds to specific DNA sequences and induces transcription of its target genes.

Sterol regulatory element-binding protein

This releases the cytoplasmic portion of SREBP, which then travels to the nucleus where it activates transcription of target genes (e.g. LDL receptor gene)

Stringent response

(p)ppGpp is thought to bind RNA polymerase and alter the transcriptional profile, decreasing the synthesis of translational machinery (such as rRNA and tRNA), and increasing the transcription of biosynthetic genes.


The incoming phage can inject its DNA into the cell, but the DNA is immediately repressed and no transcription of genes or translation of phage proteins initiates.

TAL effector

TAL (transcription activator-like) effectors (often referred to as TALEs but not to be confused with the three amino acid loop extension family of proteins) are proteins secreted by Xanthomonas bacteria via their type III secretion system when they infect various plant species.

The Black Page

In 2001, Terry Bozzio and Chad Wackerman released the video "Solos and Duets" which features "The Black Page" played as a duet between the two ex-Zappa drummers with a transcription of the piece scrolling along the bottom of the screen as it is being played .

The Shoes of the Fisherman's Wife Are Some Jiveass Slippers

Sy Johnson is credited for the orchestration, transcription, arrangement, and conduction of the recording on Let My Children Hear Music.

The Thelonious Monk Orchestra at Town Hall

The concert included Hall Overton’s arrangements on Monk’s tunes (including a transcription of Monk's piano solo on "Little Rootie Tootie").

Thomas Little Heath

His translation of the celebrated Archimedes Palimpsest, however, was based on a transcription that had lacunae, which scholars such as Reviel Netz have been able to fill in to a certain extent, by exploiting modern scientific methods of imagery not available in Heath's time.

Transcriptional regulation

General transcription factors These transcription factors position RNA polymerase at the start of a protein-coding sequence and then release the polymerase to transcribe the mRNA.


An example of transrepression is the ability of the glucocorticoid receptor to inhibit the transcriptional promoting activity of the AP-1 and NF-κB transcription factors.

Vesiculovirus matrix proteins

They starts by shutting off host cell transcription by inhibiting mRNA nuclear export through direct interaction with the host RAE1-NUP98 complex.

William McGinnis

He also studies how Hox transcription functions control morphogenesis, and how changes in the Hox proteins, cofactors, and DNA targets affect morphology.


In 2000, Alexander Vovin reanalyzed Pulleyblank's argument and found further support for it by utilizing the most recent reconstruction of Old Chinese phonology by Starostin and Baxter and a single Chinese transcription of a sentence in the language of the Jie (a member tribe of the Xiongnu confederacy).

see also